Robotic ribosome-mimicking rotaxanes featured on Chemistry World

Congratulations to our Chemical Science Associate Editor, Professor David A Leigh, for recently being featured on Chemistry World for his latest work in using artificial molecular machines to mimic ribosomes in assembling peptides.  These exciting new ‘robot ribosomes’ designed and studied by Dave’s research group have been gaining more and more attention, also having been highlighted in Chemistry and Engineering News (C&EN).

You can also read Dave’s latest Chem Soc Rev Tutorial Review on template synthesis of molecular knots, and his 2012 Chem Comm paper on half-rotation in a kinetically locked [2]catenane.

Dave is an expert in supramolecular chemistry, focussing on the development of new methods for the synthesis of catenanes and rotaxanes, and on experimental synthetic molecular machine design.

Are you working in supramolecular chemistry, experimental molecular machines, or related fields?  Submit your top-notch, high-impact articles to Dave’s Chemical Science editorial office today!

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Harnessing thermal fluctuations for purposeful activities: the manipulation of single micro-swimmers by adaptive photon nudging

US scientists have found a way to control the direction of microscopic swimming robots using lasers. This is the first time that anyone has used a method like this to control a microscale particle in solution, they say.

Haw Yang at Princeton University and his colleagues used a polystyrene particle, with one half of its sphere coated in gold, as the swimmer. This type of particle is known as a Janus particle as it has two ‘faces’ that show different physical properties. The team used these properties to manipulate its direction. The Janus particle moves randomly in a liquid via Brownian motion, and when the particle is facing the right direction, the team uses a laser to give it a nudge forward.


The microswimmer is nudged towards a target by laser when it's facing the right direction

The researchers found that the laser propels the Janus particle by heating up the gold half of the sphere, which propels it forward. The polystyrene half doesn’t react to the laser as the laser essentially passes through it. The team used short bursts of the laser, and if the particle went off target, they stopped nudging it until it came back round to the right position.

Read the full article in Chemistry World

Read the original journal article:
Harnessing thermal fluctuations for purposeful activities: the manipulation of single micro-swimmers by adaptive photon nudging
Bian Qian, Daniel Montiel, Andreas Bregulla, Frank Cichos and Haw Yang
Chem. Sci., 2013, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C2SC21263C

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New insights into f-element bonding trends

Scientists in the US have reported a new insight into the understanding of the bonding trends within, and the differences between, the 4f and 5f element series with soft donor atom ligands.

The coordination chemistry and differing bond lengths explain the covalency of different 4f and 5f elements, they say. The team studied a series of actinide versus lanthanide complexes.

This work is useful for the design and optimisation of actinide separation schemes (for nuclear fuel).

Read the Chemical Science article for free today:

Uncovering f-Element Bonding Differences and Electronic Structure in a Series of 1:3 and 1:4 Complexes with a Diselenophosphinate Ligand
M B Jones et al, Chem. Sci., 2012, DOI: 10.1039/c2sc21806b

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A possible new TB vaccine: Total Synthesis of Ac2SGL

Tuberculosis (TB), caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is responsible for the deaths of millions of people every year, while one third of the world’s population is infected with a dormant form of the bacteria. Researchers propose that better understanding of how the immune system copes with M. tuberculosis infection could aid the design of new vaccines to limit bacteria growth, and to eradicate any latent forms. Ac2SGL (1) is a sulfoglycolipid found in the outer membrane of M. tuberculosis which has been implicated in the modulation of TB growth and development, and as such, has potential for use in a new vaccine.

Structure of Ac2SGL with confirmed stereochemistry at C17 of the hydroxyphthioceranic acid residue

The first asymmetric total synthesis of Ac2SGL has been reported by Prof. Minnaard at the Stratingh Institute for Chemistry, University of Groningen. This elegant work resulted from a large international collaboration between researchers from the Stratingh Institute and the University of Toulouse, as well as a number of experimental immunologists from University Hospital Basel and the Singapore Immunology Network at the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR).

To synthesise the hydroxyphthioceranic acid side chain, the researchers utilised an efficient and highly stereoselective iterative process for the construction of the 1,3-syn substituted fatty acid. The sequence was comprised of reduction, Horner–Wadsworth–Emmons olefination, and copper-catalysed asymmetric 1,4-addition (shown below).

Iterative sequence for the total synthesis of Ac2SGL

The side chain was completed using copper-catalysed asymmetric allylic substitution and platinum-catalysed diboration/oxidation to install the requisite functionality with excellent diastereoselectivity. This hydroxyphthioceranic acid residue was appended to the disaccharide trehalose. Finally, a regioselective sulfonation at the 2′-position completed the total synthesis.

The biological activity of the synthesised Ac2SGL was investigated, and found to be comparable with naturally isolated material. The researchers undertook modelling studies which shed light on Ac2SGL’s binding interactions and 3D conformation. This information, and the efficient total synthesis, facilitates further investigation into the use of Ac2SGL as a TB vaccine.

Read this ‘HOT’ Chemical Science article today:

Total synthesis, stereochemical elucidation and biological evaluation of Ac2SGL; a 1,3-methyl branched sulfoglycolipid from Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Danny Geerdink, Bjorn ter Horst, Marco Lepore, Lucia Mori, Germain Puzo, Anna K. H. Hirsch, Martine Gilleron, Gennaro de Libero and Adriaan J. Minnaard.

Chem. Sci., 2013, DOI: 10.1039/C2SC21620E

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Catalysis: The first tetra-anionic pincer-type ligand

Polyacetylene and its derivatives are a group of novel π-conjugating polymers. They have unique electronic and conductive properties and have potential use as future important functional materials. 

Scientists in the US have synthesised a new catalyst to polymerise both mono and di-substituted acetylenes, and the first tetra-anionic pincer-type ligand. This ‘HOT’ paper also presents evidence for a new reaction: a reductive alkylidyne migratory insertion into a metal-arene bond (the terminal carbene disappears upon addition of alkyne).

Read this ‘HOT’ Chemical Science article today:

Compelling mechanistic data and identification of the active species in tungsten-catalyzed alkyne polymerizations: conversion of a trianionic pincer into a new tetraanionic pincer-type ligand
Kevin P McGowan, Matthew E O’Reilly, Ion Ghiviriga, Khalil A Abboud and Adam Steven Veige
Chem. Sci., 2012, DOI: 10.1039/C2SC21750C

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New strategy for peptide engineering

Scientists in Germany have engineered peptide domains with altered substrate specificities, which leads the way for designer templates to make new bioactive products.

The group have studied hormaomycin, a structurally unusual antibiotic peptide, which is biosynthesized by a bacterial nonribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS). Analysing amino acid residues of hormaomycin had previously revealed that the NRPS adenylation (A) domains naturally recombine during evolution. This inspired the team to create A domains with altered substrates, which in turn has uncovered new information about the NRPS pathway and suggests new strategies in peptide engineering.

Biosynthetic megaenzymes, such as NRPS, are currently of biomedical interest, as they produce a large number of bioactive metabolites via an assembly mechanism, which shows potential for artificial engineering. Nonribosomal peptides have many clinical applications, including antibiotics, antitumour agents and antifungals.

A significant advantage of this evolution-based engineering is that it requires no insight into protein structures, so while not effective for all NRPS systems, the experimental ease of this method makes it a useful addition to engineering techniques.

Read this ‘HOT’ article today:

Evolution-guided engineering of nonribosomal peptide synthetase adenylation domains
Max Crüsemann, Christoph Kohlhaas and Jörn Piel
Chem. Sci., 2012, DOI: 10.1039/C2SC21722H

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MOF-polymer composite membranes to enhance proton conductivity in fuel cells

Nafion (a perfluorosulfonic acid membrane) is widely used in fuel cells to conduct protons, but Nafion membranes are prone to rapid dehydration at low humidity, which results in a loss of conductivity.

To overcome this problem, scientists in China have made a metal-organic framework (MOF) containing protonated tertiary amines as intrinsic proton carriers and hydrogen-bonding chains as proton-conducting pathways.

A series of composite membranes with different contents of MOF crystals were prepared by blending MOF submicrorods with a polymer for the exploration of further applications of MOFs in fuel cells under low humidity. The MOFs displayed low-humidity proton conductivity.

Read this interesting article hot off the press:

From Metal-Organic Framework (MOF) to MOF/Polymer Composite Membrane: Enhancement of Low-Humidity Proton Conductivity
Xiao Qiang Liang , Feng Zhang , Wei Feng , Xiaoqin Zou , Chengji Zhao , Hui Na , Cong Liu , Guangshan Zhu and Fuxing Sun
Chem. Sci., 2012, DOI: 10.1039/C2SC21927A

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Zeolites for efficient oil-water separation

Scientists in China have used zeolite-coated mesh films for gravity-driven oil-water separation.

The superhydrophilicity and underwater superoleophobicity of the zeolite’s surface allow the highly efficient separation of various oils.

Unlike other oil-water separation membranes based on superhydrophilic and superoleophobic organic layers, the zeolite inorganic films are corrosion-resistant, which makes them ideal candidates for a range of applications such as an oil retention barrier in industrial outlet sewer pipes, oil fences for oil spill accidents and separation of domestic waste oil.

 Read the ‘HOT’ Chemical Science article:

Zeolite-coated mesh film for efficient oil-water separation
Qiang Wen , Jiancheng Di , Lei Jiang , Jihong Yu and Ruren Xu
Chem. Sci., 2012, DOI: 10.1039/C2SC21772D

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RSC Prizes and Awards – Nominate before 15 January 2013

RSC Prizes and Awards – Nominate before 15 January 2013

You still have time to make your nomination for an RSC Prize or Award…

With over 80 to choose from covering all areas of the chemical sciences – industry, research, business or education – recognition is open to everyone. As well as this professional recognition, winners could receive up to £5,000 prize money.

Nominate before 15 January to reward excellence in the chemical sciences

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C-H activation: an article collection

A collection of high impact articles focusing on C-H activation, from the RSC’s Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry (OBC), Green Chemistry, ChemComm, RSC Advances, Chemical Science, Chem. Soc. Rev and Catalysis Science & Technology.

C-H ActivationOne of the simplest and most utilised chemical reactions is the burning of hydrocarbons and while combustion is an excellent way to exploit the energy content of this naturally occurring resource, there is a lot more we can do with the ‘inert’ C-H bond.

C-H activation allows us to convert cheaper hydrocarbon starting materials into more valuable and versatile products; leading to the development of a wide range of reagents and catalysts that activate C-H bonds. To keep you up to date with the latest developments in the field we have created this article collection, where all articles are free to download until 15th December.

Click here for the full list of free articles

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