Archive for the ‘Awards’ Category

Congratulations to the 2017 Cram Lehn Pedersen Prize winner: Tom de Greef

ChemComm is pleased to announce Tom de Greef, of the Biomedical Engineering department of Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, as the recipient of this year’s Cram Lehn Pedersen award in Supramolecular Chemistry, a prestigious prize awarded annually by the ISMSC International Committee to young researchers. Our warm congratulations to Tom! Tom de Greef

The prize, sponsored by ChemComm and named in honour of the winners of the 1987 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, recognises significant, original and independent work in supramolecular chemistry by emerging investigators. Scientists who gained their PhD less than ten years previous are eligible for the prize.

Tom is an associate professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology and FMS member, and will receive the award during the 2017 International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry (ISMSC) which will take place in Cambridge (U.K.).

We are also delighted to announce that the 2017 International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry (ISMSC) will be held in conjuction with ISACS: Challenges in Organic Materials & Supramolecular Chemistry.

Our plenary speakers will be:

Full details of all the confirmed speakers may be found on the event website.

We hope you can join us in Cambridge, UK – save the dates 2–6 July 2017!

Tom will also be speaking at the first biannual International Conference on Molecular Systems Engineering (ICMSE) in Basel 27 to 29 August 2017, in Basel, Switzerland.

ICMSE is a unique event in the emerging field of molecular systems engineering, and has the potential of leading to a long-term paradigm shift in molecular sciences. The three-day conference will be held at the University of Basel (Kollegienhaus, Petersplatz 1).

Download the conference flyer (pdf) for more details and book your place now!

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ChemComm poster prize winner at UCCS 2017

The 2017 University of California Symposium for the Chemical Sciences (UCSCS) was held on March 27-29, 2017 at the UCLA Lake Arrowhead Conference Center and was attended by over 100 University of California graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.

The UCCS is a symposium for current graduate students and postdoctoral researchers in all fields of chemistry from all campuses of the University of California. The whole conference is organised by graduate students and postdocs from the UC campuses. The first UCCS meeting was held in March 2016, at the Lake Arrowhead conference center in Lake Arrowhead.

ChemComm is proud to announce that the ChemComm Poster Prize was awarded to Dr Emilia Pecora de Barros from the University of California San Diego (Chemical Biology/Biochemistry division). Dr Jennifer Griffiths awarded the prize on behalf of the journal.

Dr Pecora de Barros’ poster title was Electrostatic interactions as mediators in the allosteric activation of PKA RI alpha.
Well done Emilia!

Dr Jennifer Griffiths (left) awarding the ChemComm prize to Dr Emilia Pecora de Barros (right)

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Journal lectureships 2017 – nominations open!

We are pleased to welcome nominations for the 2017 Emerging Investigator Lectureships for ChemComm and Chem Soc Rev.

All nominations must be received by Monday, 30 January 2017.

Nominations are open for these journal lectureships – only one entry needed per nominee, as each nomination will be considered for both competitions as appropriate.

ChemComm Emerging Investigator Lectureship
• Recognises emerging scientists in the early stages of their independent academic career
• Eligible nominees should have completed their PhD on or after the 15th September 2008, and should also have published as least one article in ChemComm during the course of their independent career

Chem Soc Rev Emerging Investigator Lectureship
• Recognises emerging scientists who have made significant contributions to their research field
• Eligible nominees should have completed their PhD on or after the 15th September 2008

Lectureship details
• Recipients of these lectureships will each be invited to present a lecture at three different locations over a 12-month period, with at least one of these events taking place at an international conference.
• Each recipient will receive a contribution of £1500 towards travel and accommodation costs for their lectures, as well as a certificate.
• Recipients will be asked to contribute a review article for the specific journal awarding their lectureship.

How to nominate
Self-nomination is not permitted. Nominators must send the following to the editorial team via OR by Monday, 30 January 2017. Each nomination will be considered for both lectureships.
• Recommendation letter, including the name, contact details and website URL of the nominee.
• A one-page CV for the nominee, including their date of birth, summary of education, career and key achievements, a list of up to five of their top independent publications, total numbers of publications and patents, and other indicators of esteem, together with evidence of career independence.
• A copy of the candidate’s best publication to date (as judged by the nominator).
• Two supporting letters of recommendation from two independent referees. These should not be someone from the same institution or the candidate’s post doc or PhD supervisor.

The nominator and independent referees should comment on the candidate’s presenting skills.

Incomplete nominations or those not adhering to the above requirements will not be considered, and nominees will not be contacted regarding any missing or incorrect documents.

Selection procedure
• The editorial team will screen each nomination for eligibility and draw up a shortlist of candidates based on the nomination documents provided.
• Shortlisted candidates will be asked to provide a brief supporting statement summarising their key achievements, highlighting the impact of their work and justifying why they deserve the specific lectureship for which they have been entered.
• Recipients of each lectureship will then be selected and endorsed by a selection panel composed of members of each journal’s Editorial Board. Winners of the lectureships will be announced in the first half of 2017.

NB: Please note that members of the selection panel from the ChemComm and Chem Soc Rev Editorial Boards are not eligible to nominate, or provide references, for these lectureships.

For any queries, please contact the editorial team at or

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Ang Li: Winner of the 2016 ChemComm Emerging Investigator Lectureship

On behalf of the ChemComm Editorial Board, we are delighted to announce Ang Li (organic synthesis and natural products), Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, China, as the winner of the 2016 ChemComm Emerging Investigator Lectureship. Congratulations, Ang!

Ang Li

Ang Li

Ang will commence his Lectureship tour at the upcoming International Conference on New Challenges in Organic Synthesis to be held in Guangzhou, China from 27-28 November 2016. This will be followed by a presentation at the 21st International Conference on Organic Synthesis (ICOS 21) at the IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India on 11-16 December 2016. His tour will culminate at the Royal Society of Chemistry’s 25th International Symposium: Synthesis in Organic Chemistry to be held at the University of Oxford, UK from 17-20 July 2017, during which he will be awarded with his official Lectureship certificate.

This annual lectureship recognises an emerging scientist in the early stages of their independent academic career. For information on previous winners see our website.

We are pleased to welcome nominations for the 2017 Emerging Investigator Lectureships for ChemComm and for Chem Soc Revnominate now!

Also of interest: You can now read the 2016 ChemComm Emerging Investigators Issue which highlights research from outstanding up-and-coming scientists. This year’s issue includes a selection of Feature articles and Communications, as well as a Profile of this year’s contributors, with interesting photos to spotlight our authors at work or at play – look out for a cool plasma ball, white-water rafting, a cute canine friend, and loads of lovely shots in the great outdoors!

You can also take a look at our previous Emerging Investigator issues in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015.

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Cram Lehn Pedersen Prize 2017 – call for nominations

ISMSC-ISACS 2017, 2-6 July 2017, Cambridge, UK

The International Committee of the International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry is pleased to invite nominations for the Cram Lehn Pedersen Prize for young supramolecular chemists.

The Cram Lehn Pedersen Prize, named in honour of the winners of the 1987 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, recognises significant original and independent work in supramolecular chemistry.

Previous winners include Ivan Aprahamian, Feihe Huang, Oren Schermann, Tomoki Ogoshi, Jonathan Nitschke, and Amar Flood.

Those who are within 10 years of receiving their PhD on 31st December 2016 are eligible for the 2017 award. The winner will receive a prize of £2000 and free registration for the ISMSC-ISACS meeting in Cambridge, UK. In addition to giving a lecture at ISMSC-ISACS, a short lecture tour will be organised after the meeting in consultation with the Editor of Chemical Communications, the sponsor of the award.

Nomination Details:

You may nominate yourself or someone else. Please send your CV, list of publications (divided into publications from your PhD and post-doc, and those from your independent work), and if desired, a letter of support, or these materials for someone you wish to nominate, to Prof. Roger Harrison (ISMSC Secretary) at by 31st December 2016.

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Congratulations to the Poster Prize winners at The 20th Symposium of the Society of Silicon Chemistry

The Royal Society of Chemistry were delighted to sponsor Chemical Communications Poster Prizes at The 20th Symposium of the Society of Silicon Chemistry. This event was held from 7th – 8th October 2016 in Hiroshima, Japan and hosted by The Society of Silicon Chemistry Japan.

We would like to take the time to congratulate our prize winners!

Ms Mirei Motomatsu from Gakushuin University‘s poster was titled “Reaction of a cationic metallogermylene with nitrogen containing compounds“.

Mr Tomohiro Sugahara from Kyoto University‘s poster was titled “Synthesis and structure of cyclic compounds containing germanium atoms utilizing a digermacyclobutene derivative“.

Dr Hiromitsu Urakami, RSC Manager for Japan, awarded the winners with their certificates.

Ms Mirei Motomatsu with Dr Hiromitsu Urakami

Mr Tomohiro Sugahara with Dr Hiromitsu Urakami

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Ivan Aprahamian wins Cram Lehn Pedersen Prize

Photograph of Professor Ivan AprahamianThe International Committee of the International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry is delighted to announce that the 2016 Cram Lehn Pedersen Prize, given annually to an outstanding early-career supramolecular chemist, has been awarded to Professor Ivan Aprahamian, Dartmouth College, USA for his exciting research on molecular switches – congratulations!

As part of the Prize, Prof. Aprahamian will give a lecture at the 11th International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry meeting in Seoul, Korea which takes place from 10–14 July 2016.

Photograph of Dr Jeanne AndresDr Jeanne Andres (Deputy Editor of ChemComm) will be attending the event and will present the award in person. She would love to hear about your research and meet with our readers, authors and referees. Please do get in touch with Jeanne if you would like to arrange a meeting in advance.

We are also delighted to announce that the International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry in 2017 will be held in conjuction with ISACS: Challenges in Organic Materials & Supramolecular Chemistry.

Our keynote speakers will be:

  • François Diederich (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
  • David Leigh (The University of Manchester, UK)
  • Jeffrey Long (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
  • Vivian Yam (University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
  • Xi Zhang (Tsinghua University, China)

Full details of all the confirmed speakers may be found on the event website.

We hope you can join us in Cambridge, UK – save the dates 2–6 July 2017!

While you are waiting you might like to check out some of our recent themed collections of articles in the area of supramolecular chemistry – Enjoy!

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Journal lectureships 2016 – nominations open!

We are pleased to welcome nominations for the 2016 lectureships for ChemComm, Chem Soc Rev, and Chemical Science – the Royal Society of Chemistry’s flagship general chemistry journals.

All nominations must be received by Friday, 15 January 2016.

Nominations are open for the following journal lectureships – only one entry needed per nominee, as each nomination will be considered for all three competitions as appropriate.

ChemComm Emerging Investigator Lectureship
• Recognises emerging scientists in the early stages of their independent academic career
• Eligible nominees should have completed their PhD on or after the 15th September 2007, and should also have published as least one article in ChemComm during the course of their independent career

Chem Soc Rev Emerging Investigator Lectureship
• Recognises emerging scientists who have made significant contributions to their research field
• Eligible nominees should have completed their PhD on or after the 15th September 2007

Chemical Science Lectureship
• Recognises sustained excellence in research by a mid-career scientist within the chemical sciences.
Previous recipients of this lectureship include Kevan Shokat (UC San Francisco; 2013), Gregory Fu (Caltech; 2014) and Yamuna Krishnan (University of Chicago; 2015).

Lectureship details
• Recipients of these lectureships will each be invited to present a lecture at three different locations over a 12-month period, with at least one of these events taking place at an international conference. Note: As part of this series of winners’ lectures, the Chemical Science Lectureship recipient will be invited to give a plenary lecture at a relevant ISACS (International Symposia on Advancing the Chemical Sciences) meeting.
• Each recipient will receive a contribution of £1500 towards travel and accommodation costs for their lectures, as well as a certificate.
• Recipients will be asked to contribute a review article for the specific journal awarding their lectureship.

How to nominate
Self-nomination is not permitted. Nominators must send the following to the editorial team via by Friday, 15 January 2016. Each nomination will be considered for all appropriate lectureships.
• Recommendation letter, including the name, contact details and website URL of the nominee.
• A one-page CV for the nominee, including their date of birth, summary of education, career and key achievements, a list of up to five of their top independent publications, total numbers of publications and patents, and other indicators of esteem (and evidence of independence for nominees eligible for the emerging investigator lectureships).
• A copy of the candidate’s best publication to date (as judged by the nominator).
• Two supporting letters of recommendation from two independent referees. These should not be someone from the same institution or the candidate’s post doc or PhD supervisor.

The nominator and independent referees should comment on the candidate’s presenting skills.

Incomplete nominations or those not adhering to the above requirements will not be considered, and nominees will not be contacted regarding any missing or incorrect documents.

Selection procedure
• The editorial team will screen each nomination for eligibility and draw up a shortlist of candidates based on the nomination documents provided.
• Shortlisted candidates will be asked to provide a brief supporting statement summarising their key achievements, highlighting the impact of their work and justifying why they deserve the specific lectureship for which they have been entered.
• Recipients of each lectureship will then be selected and endorsed by a joint selection panel composed of members of each journal’s Editorial Board. Winners of the lectureships will be announced in spring 2016.

NB: Please note that members of the selection panel from the ChemComm, Chem Soc Rev and Chemical Science Editorial Boards are not eligible to nominate, provide references for or be nominated for these lectureships.

For any queries, please contact the editorial team at

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Nominate now for the 2016 Cram Lehn Pedersen Prize in Supramolecular Chemistry

The International Committee of the International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry is pleased to invite nominations for the Cram Lehn Pedersen Prize for young supramolecular chemists.

The Cram Lehn Pedersen Prize, named in honour of the winners of the 1987 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, recognises significant original and independent work in supramolecular chemistry.

Previous winners include Feihe Huang, Oren Schermann, Tomoki Ogoshi, Jonathan Nitschke, and Amar Flood.

Those who are within 10 years of receiving their PhD on 31st December 2015 are eligible for the 2016 award. The winner will receive a prize of £2000 and free registration for the ISMSC meeting in Seoul, Korea. In addition to giving a lecture at ISMSC, a short lecture tour will be organised after the meeting in consultation with the Editor of Chemical Communications, the sponsor of the award.

Nomination Details:

You may nominate yourself or someone else. Please send your CV, list of publications (divided into publications from your PhD and post-doc, and those from your independent work), and if desired, a letter of support, or these materials for someone you wish to nominate, to Prof. Roger Harrison (ISMSC Secretary) at by 31st January 2016.

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Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for Chemical Sciences awarded

Professor Pradyut Ghosh, IACS, India

The Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for chemical sciences is awarded annually by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) to two Indian scientists, recognizing outstanding research in the applied and fundamental chemical sciences. This year, one of the winners of this prestigious award was Professor Pradyut Ghosh (Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata), who received the prize for his notable work in the fields of inorganic and supramolecular chemistry. A frequent contributor to ChemComm, Professor Ghosh’s work spans many key areas including anion recognition chemistry, molecular encapsulation, chemical sensing of ions, extraction of inorganic salts and supramolecular aggregates. To celebrate Professor Ghosh’s remarkable achievements, we are delighted to present a collection of his recent ChemComm articles below.


In relation to the broad themes of Professor Ghosh’s work, we would like to highlight the upcoming ISACS18: Challenges in Organic Materials and Supramolecular Chemistry conference which will be held in India for the very first time on 19-21 November 2015 in Bangalore. On behalf of the ISACS18 Chair and ChemComm Associate Editor Professor S Ramakrishnan (Indian Institute of Science) and Dr May Copsey (Executive Editor), we warmly invite you to come to this historic and significant event, which will also be attended by our India representatives, Dr Aparna Ganguly and Dr Deeksha Gupta.

Read Professor Ghosh’s latest ChemComm articles below:

Artificial receptors for nitrate: a comprehensive overview
Ranjan Dutta and Pradyut Ghosh
Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 9070-9084
DOI: 10.1039/C5CC01266J, Feature Article

Selective recognition and extraction of KBr via cooperative interactions with a urea functionalized crown ether dual-host
Bidyut Akhuli and Pradyut Ghosh
Chem. Commun., 2015, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C5CC07291C, Communication

Halogen bonding assisted selective removal of bromide
Sourav Chakraborty, Ranjan Dutta and Pradyut Ghosh
Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 14793-14796
DOI: 10.1039/C5CC05495H, Communication

Recent developments in anion induced capsular self-assemblies
Ranjan Dutta and Pradyut Ghosh
Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 10538-10554
DOI: 10.1039/C4CC02957G, Feature Article

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