SupraChem 2019 was recently held at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität in Würzburg, Germany and organised by Florian Beuerle and Organic Chemistry Frontiers Associate Editor Frank Würthner. Chemical Science was proud to support and sponsor the meeting, alongside other Royal Society of Chemistry journals Organic Chemistry Frontiers and Materials Chemistry Frontiers.
This free-to-attend meeting brought together supramolecular chemists from Germany and neighbouring countries and covered a range of topics from supramolecular machinery to materials and analytical techniques to host-guest chemistry and sensing. Keynote lectures were given by world-renowned supramolecular chemists Vivian W. W. Yang, J. Fraser Stoddart and, new Chemical Science Editor-in-Chief, Andrew I. Cooper. These speakers helped generate some great discussion alongside the additional 27 presentations and led to a very successful meeting.
Chemical Science Deputy Editor Jeremy Allen was in attendance to meet with the delegates and represent the Royal Society of Chemistry. He also helped present some poster prizes on behalf of Chemical Science and Organic Chemistry Frontiers:
- Chemical Science poster prize winner: Jonas Matern (Universität Münster) for “Insights into the complex self-assembly pathways of a chiral, oligophenyleneethynylene (OPE) based Pd(II) complex”
- Organic Chemistry Frontiers poster prize winner: Julia Bartl (TU Kaiserslautern) for “A cyclopeptide-derived molecular cage for anion encapsulation”

Jeremy Allen presenting poster prizes to Jonas Matern (Left) and Julia Bartl (Right)
There were a further 5 poster prizes awarded from other journals and publishing houses, these went to:
- Meike Sapotta (Universität Würzburg) for “A water-soluble perylene bisimide cyclophane as a molecular probe for the recognition of aromatic alkaloids”
- Irene Regeni (TU Dortmund) for “Self-assembled [Pd2L4] coordination cages based on well-known organic dyes”
- Oleksandr Shyshov (Universität Ulm) for “Supramolecular chemistry of all-cis hexafluorocyclohexane and its derivatives”
- Hendrik V. Schröder (FU Berlin) for “Accordion-like motion in electrochemically switchable crown ether/ammonium oligorotaxanes”
- Sebastian M. Kopp (Universität Würzburg) for “Toward singlet fission: chromophore multiplication in pentacene derivatives with adamantyl bridges”

(Left to right) Markus Albrecht, Jeremy Allen, Irene Regeni, Oleksandr Shyshov, Julia Bartl, Meike Sapotta, Jonas Matern, Diane Smith, Sebastian Kopp, Hendrik Schröder, Frank Würthner, Florian Beuerle
Congratulations to all the poster prize winners!

SupraChem 2019 delegates
The next SupraChem meeting will be held in 2021 in Mainz, Germany