Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

ChemComm Themed Collection Open Call on ‘Emerging Trends in Advanced Functional Porous Materials’

Following the exciting success of our themed collection on Emerging Trends in MOFs, ChemComm is pleased to launch a new themed collection on Emerging Trends in Advanced Functional Porous Materials, by the same Guest Editors Jing Li (Rutgers University, USA), Ilich A. Ibarra (UNAM, Mexico) and Sujit K. Ghosh (IISER Pune, India).

We now welcome submissions to this exciting collection that aims to highlight the convergence of fundamental research and practical innovation, focusing on sustainable solutions, which position advanced functional porous materials as pivotal contributors to a sustainable and technologically advanced future.

About the collection: The development of various innovative functional materials has improved many facets of our everyday lives by driving scientific research and technological progress. Amongst myriad of materials, recent advancements on various functional porous materials emphasize precision engineering of pore structures, enabling tunable properties for specific applications in energy storage, environmental remediation, catalysis, and biomedical systems. The integration of cutting-edge techniques, such as machine learning for material discovery and additive manufacturing for customizable architectures, is revolutionizing the field. Additionally, advanced porous materials including metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), metal-organic polyhedra (MOPs), covalent organic frameworks (COFs), porous organic polymers (POPs), and hybrid nanocomposites are gaining prominence due to their multifunctional capabilities and sustainability potential. The collection would welcome papers from all areas within the scope of this collection.


Open for submissions until 15 Aug 2025

How to submit:

If you would like to contribute to this themed collection, you can submit your article directly through our online submission system. Please mention in the ‘Comments to the Editor’ section that this submission is an Open Call contribution to the Advanced Functional Porous Materials themed collection-CCAFPorM25.’ 

Please also note that all submissions will undergo the normal peer review processes including an initial assessment prior to peer review, and that peer review and acceptance are not guaranteed.

Please visit the journal web page for more information on the scope, standards, article types and author guidelines.

If you have any questions about the collection, then please contact the journal editorial office and we will be happy to answer them.


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Celebrating Latin American Chemistry – Call for papers

The Royal Society of Chemistry is delighted to support #LatinXChem, a virtual forum through which Latin American chemists can share and discuss their research results. As part of the partnership with this event, we’re bringing together a cross-journal collection to highlight and celebrate the quality and breadth of Latin American research from across the chemical sciences. Guest edited by Prof Gabriel Merino (Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados Merida, Mexico), Dr Juliana Vidal (Beyond Benign, USA), Prof Aldo J.G. Zarbin (Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil), Prof Galo J. A. A. Soler-Illia (Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina) and Dr Laura Hinojosa-Reyes, the collection promises to be an exciting celebration of Latin American science and is now welcoming submissions!



Multiple RSC Journals are welcoming articles for this collection. Please find the list of participating journals below. Submissions should fit within the scope of each Royal Society of Chemistry journal. For more information about the scope, standards, and author guidelines of each journal, please click on the journal links below.


Open for submissions until 31 May 2025


If you would like to contribute to this special collection, you can submit your article directly through the online submission system. Please mention that this submission is an open call contribution to the Latin American collection in the “Themed issues” section of the submission form and add a “Note to the Editor” that this is from the Open Call. The Editorial Office reserves the right to check suitability of submissions in relation to the scope of both the journal and the collection, and inclusion of accepted articles in the final themed issue is not guaranteed.


Please also note that all submissions will undergo the normal peer review processes including an initial assessment prior to peer review, and that peer review and acceptance are not guaranteed.


If you have any questions about the collection, then please contact the editorial office and they will be happy to answer them.



Participating Journals: 

Analytical Methods

Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers Organic Chemistry Frontiers
Biomaterials Science Journal of Materials Chemistry A PCCP
Catalysis Science & Technology Journal of Materials Chemistry B Polymer Chemistry
ChemComm Journal of Materials Chemistry C Reaction Chemistry & Engineering
Dalton Transactions Materials Advances RSC Advances
Digital Discovery Materials Chemistry Frontiers RSC Chemical Biology
EES Catalysis Materials Horizons RSC Mechanochemistry
Energy Advances Molecular Omics RSC Medicinal Chemistry
Environmental Science: Atmospheres Molecular Systems Design & Engineering RSC Sustainability
Environmental Science: Nano Nanoscale Sensors & Diagnostics
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts Nanoscale Advances Soft Matter
Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology Nanoscale Horizons Sustainable Energy & Fuels
Food & Function New Journal of Chemistry Sustainable Food Technology
Green Chemistry Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry  


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Chem Comm Publishes Themed Collection on Kaleidoscope Meeting

Chemical Communications is glad to publish a themed collection on Kaleidoscope: A discussion meeting in chemistry.  Guest Edited by Professor G. Naresh Patwari (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay), Professor Jyotishman Dasgupta and Professor Vaibhav Prabhudesai (both from Tata Institute of fundamental Research, Mumbai), this collection highlights the exciting research by the speakers of Kaleidoscope-2023.

Kaleidoscope is an annual gathering of Indian investigators working in various fields of in chemistry and allied areas. Started in 2014, this meeting is a platform for young investigators to discuss, identify and seek suggestions and collaborations among the peer group on contemporary research trends in chemistry and allied areas, particularly biochemistry, chemical biology, and material science. The primary aim of this meeting is to provide a platform for the exchange of new ideas and fresh perspectives among chemists of all different fields of research.

This invitation-only meeting brings young investigators from diverse areas of chemistry together to share their ideas, encouraging productive collaborations in interdisciplinary sciences. Over the years, this meeting became very popular and became an annual affair with different research groups across India took turns to organize and is typically organized in the first weekend of July. The Kaleidoscope-2023 edition of this meeting (July 6–9, 2023), was the 9th in the series  and was organized in the serene confines of YAAN Wellness Retreat, Udaipur.

The meeting consisted of 10-minute presentations followed by 20-minute Q&A session. A post-dinner round-table session was held to discuss various aspects of presentations made during the day which included suggestions, possibility of diversification and collaborations. The unique aspect of the meeting is the absence of preassigned speaking slots and a lottery is used to pick the first slot each speaker at the end of his talk will pick the speaker for the next slot by lottery. Kaleidoscope is a highly interactive and focused meeting where the delegates stay for the entire duration of the meeting and are refrained from using laptops/mobile phones and other communication devices during the course of presentations.

Kaleidoscope-2023 had 36 participants (see photograph), including representatives from Royal Society of Chemistry and American Chemical Society. The list of topics ranged from anti-biotic resistance, biomolecular simulations, dynamics in complex chemical systems, exciton dynamics, intermolecular interactions, photochemistry, sensing in biology, and several others. All the participants of the meeting were invited to contribute to the themed collection.

The Themed Collection can be accessed here:

Group picture of all the participants in the Kaleidoscope 2024 meeting held at the Yaan Wellness Retreat, Udaipur.

From left to right (Standing): Sajesh Thomas, Ankona Dutta, Vamsee Voora, Sarit Agasti, Jagannath Mondal, Pratap Vishnoi, Nabanita Deb, Amartya Bose, Sanjog Nagarkar, Vishal Govind Rao, Subhabrata Maity, Veerabhadrarao Kaliginedi, Debashree Ghosh, Palas Roy, Suman Chakrabarty, Kalaivanan Nagarajan, Asha Liza James (ACS Representative), Hema Chandra Kotamarthi, Pranav Shirhatti, Amrita Hazra.

From left to right (Sitting): Ravindra Venkatramani, Jayashree Nagesh, Shankar Singh (Event Manager), Sabuj Kundu, Vaibhav Prabhudesai, Anindya Datta, Jyotishman Dasgupta, G. Naresh Patwari, Sameer Sapra, Jayanta Haldar, Sayan Bagchi, Arnab Mukherjee, Chandan Jana, Harinath Chakrapani.


We acknowledge the partial funding provided by the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, the Royal Society of Chemistry and the American Chemical Society for enabling us to host the meeting.

Full List of Participants

Name Institute
Amartya Bose Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
Amrita Hazra Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune
Anindya Datta Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Ankona Datta, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
Aparna Ganguly RSC India, Bengaluru
Arnab Mukherjee Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune
Asha Liza James ACS India, Delhi
Chandan Jana Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Debashree Ghosh Indian Association for Cultivation of Science, Kolkata
Durga Prasad Hari Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
G Naresh Patwari Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Harinath Chakrapani Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune
Hema Chandra  Kotamarthi Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Jagannath Mondal Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Hyderabad
Jayanta Haldar Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bengaluru
Jayashree Nagesh Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology, Bengaluru
Jyotishman Dasgupta Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
Kalaivanan Nagarajan Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
Nabanita Deb Indian Association for Cultivation of Science, Kolkata
Palas Roy Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar
Pratap Vishnoi Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bengaluru
Pranav Shirhatti Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Hyderabad
Ravindra Venkatramani Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
Subhabrata Maiti Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali
Sabuj Kundu Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Sajesh Thomas Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Sameer Sapra Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Sanjog Nagarkar Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Sarit Agasti Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bengaluru
Sayan Bagchi CSIR – National Chemical Laboratory, Pune
Suman Chakrabarty S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata
Vaibhav Prabhudesai Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
Vamsee Voora Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
Veerabhadrarao Kaliginedi Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
Vishal Govind Rao Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Vivek Tiwari Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru



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Congratulations to the 2023 Cram Lehn Pedersen Prize Winner: Niveen Khashab

We are delighted to announce that Professor Niveen M. Khashab, at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, is the recipient of this year’s Cram Lehn Pedersen Prize in Supramolecular Chemistry. This prize, sponsored by ChemComm, is named in honour of the winners of the 1987 Nobel Prize in Chemistry and recognises significant original and independent work in supramolecular chemistry. Please join us in celebrating Niveen’s achievement.


Niveen M. Khashab is a Professor of Chemistry at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). After her doctoral studies at the University of Florida, she joined Sir Fraser Stoddart’s Lab at the University of California, Los Angeles, and then at Northwestern University working on supramolecular chemistry, programmable nanomaterials with emphasis on the encapsulation, controlled release and self-assembly of the systems. Inspired by the model of evolutionary biological systems, the Khashab research group is engaged in the design and synthesis of supramolecular assemblies at the nanoscale, employing non-covalent and coordination interactions. These systems are designed with an emphasis on hierarchical-assembly (evolution), porosity (ordered self-assembly) and stimuli-responsiveness (smart materials). As to applications: they are utilized for biomedical (encapsulation, delivery and sensing), industrial (nanocomposites and coatings) and environmental (sustainable agriculture) platforms. She is the recipient of the Crow Award in Organic Chemistry in 2004, AlMaraai Award for  Nanotechnology in 2013 and the L’Oréal-Unesco Women in Science International Award in 2017. In 2021, she was named a fellow of the Royal Chemical Society. She is on the editorial board of 10 scientific journal (ACS, RSC, Wiley) and currently serving as an associate editor at Chemistry of Materials (ACS). Follow Niveen’s lab on Twitter: @ShmsLab

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ChemComm Milestones – Simon Sieber

We are excited to share the success of Simon Sieber’s first-time independent research article in ChemComm; ‘Catch-enrich-release approach for amine-containing natural productsincluded in the full milestones collection. 

Read our interview with Simon

What are the main areas of research in your lab and what motivated you to take this direction?

The variety and complexity of natural product structures and their potential to treat diseases fascinate me. The research in my group focuses on the discovery of natural products and the development of new strategies to isolate them. The recent progression of current bacterial, viral, and fungi infections is the main driving force of our research.

Can you set this article in a wider context?

Natural products in drug discovery suffer from the high isolation costs and the re-discovery of known compounds. Several approaches have been developed to mitigate those issues by identifying active compounds at an early stage. One of those strategies consists of chemoselective methods that can be applied to a minimum amount of sample to extract compounds of interest. In this study, we are focusing on targeting amine, since this functional group has been present in many bioactive natural products. The development of our novel chemoselective approach led to the catch, enrichment, and release of amine-containing natural products. This represents the first chemoselective approach yielding underivatized amine-containing compounds.

What do you hope your lab can achieve in the coming year?

In the future, we will apply our advanced technology to identify bioactive natural products. Our protocol improves the identification of known compounds at an early stage and uses a minimal amount of biological resources. We are aiming to find novel antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal compounds.

Describe your journey to becoming an independent researcher.

The idea of becoming a researcher started through my fascination for natural products during my master’s thesis with Professor Deniz Tasdemir. This passion was emphasized during my Ph.D. with Professor Karl Gademann, where natural product isolation and structure elucidation were used as tools to understand communication between organisms. The decision to continue in academic research was further cemented by conducting challenging projects during my postdoctoral position with Professor Shana Sturla and for my following career as a senior scientist. Recently, I started a new chapter in my career becoming an independent researcher with the trust of the Swiss National Science Foundation with the Spark grant award, which led to the development of this study.

What is the best piece of advice you have ever been give?

The best advice I have ever received is to follow my passion and interest. This advice has always been central in all my decisions throughout my studies and career.

Why did you choose to publish in ChemComm?

ChemComm was our first choice journal due to its high impact, its broad audience and the compact format that makes it ideal for short communication.

Simon Sieber completed his undergraduate studies at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. His Ph.D. work, under the guidance of Professor Karl Gademann at the University of Basel, Switzerland, was on natural product isolation and synthesis. Simon then moved to the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ), Switzerland as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the group of Professor Shana Sturla. Since 2017, Simon is a Senior Scientist at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, focusing his research on the discovery of novel natural products and the development of novel analytic strategies.

You can reach out to Simon on Twitter (@Simon__Sieber), LinkedIn ( and ResearchGate (

Explore more ChemComm Milestones news and updates on our Twitter: @ChemCommun

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ChemComm Milestones – Claudia Contini

We are excited to share the success of Claudia Contini’s first article as an independent researcher in ChemComm; ‘ Manufacturing polymeric porous capsules included in the full milestones collection. 

Read our interview with Claudia below.

What are the main areas of research in your lab and what motivated you to take this direction?

Our research harnesses the power of bottom-up synthetic biology to engineer motile artificial cells that can move, squeeze, climb and synergistically organise each other in collective behaviours.
We use a bottom-up approach to create minimal cell-like model systems from scratch that can help us to investigate biological properties and re-create biological functions. Our model systems are 100% controllable, made of different molecular tools and used as models to gain insights into biological processes.

Can you set this article in a wider context?

We use a bottom-up approach to create minimal cell-like model systems from scratch that can help us to investigate biological properties and re-create biological functions. Our model systems are 100% controllable and made of different molecular tools, in the case of this article, they are fully polymeric.
This review article illustrates how different methods can be employed to generate polymeric porous capsules. Thanks to a controlled permeability, micro or nano capsules have applications in the fields of drug delivery, biosensing and bottom-up synthetic biology, for the engineering of a more sensitive through-shell communication, applied for gene expression, protein exchange and artificial quorum sensing.
Polymeric capsules represent a versatile alternative to more conventional lipid-based structures, which are the basis of biological membranes and many therapeutic delivery systems. Controlling their permeability through the introduction of pores is a powerful strategy that allows enhanced control of their molecular exchange capabilities with the surrounding environment. Indeed, low permeability is a common shortcoming of existing lipid and polymeric self-assembled capsules, which often impedes their applicability in biotechnological and therapeutic areas. Porous structures have the potential to alleviate this limitation.

What do you hope your lab can achieve in the coming year?

By using molecular building blocks, my research group will create compartmentalised structures that resemble the compartmentalisation observable in biology at the nano and microscale level and impart to them life-like behaviours such as motility. Engineering well-defined bespoke synthetic protocells from scratch that exhibit autonomous and directional motion in response to their environment will pave the way for applications of artificial motile protocells in clinical and industrial settings. For example, synthetic motile systems will allow an intelligent and active delivery of therapeutics directly to a specific target site or the swimming to specific sites that require bioremediation or also the generation of artificial tissues and dynamic materials, adaptive to their environment.

Describe your journey to becoming an independent researcher.

After completing an MRes in pharmaceutical chemistry sciences (University of Padua, Italy and the University of Sheffield, UK), I pursued a PhD in physical chemistry applied in devices for drug delivery (UCL, UK), followed by a postdoctoral position focused on investigating the interaction of nanomaterials with model membranes at the bio-nano interface (ICL, UK). This has been followed by an ISSF Fellowship on understanding cellular processes through the use of innovative protocells (ICL, UK) and a second postdoctoral position focused on fusing natural and artificial cells to design hybrid systems. This has been followed by the award of two prestigious fellowships: the L’Oréal-UNESCO UK Engineering Fellowship and a 3-years BBSRC Fellowship. Particularly the latter marks the beginning of my career as independent researcher.

What is the best piece of advice you have ever been give?

“Concentrate in what you can control”. A career in academia can be very competitive and comparing yourself to other extremely successful academics is sometimes demoralising. A career in academia is also full of ups and downs and uncertain for an early career researcher. Everyone should focus instead in focusing in what they can control and be motivated on achieving personal and career goals.

Why did you choose to publish in ChemComm?

ChemComm is one of the most respected journals that offer a rapid publication process of short communications. It has also the open access option which helps in sharing novel findings that will benefit the entire research community.

Dr Claudia Contini is a BBSRC Fellow at Imperial College London, working in bottom-up synthetic biology. Her multidisciplinary training comprises a Master’s degree in medical chemistry at the University of Padua, Italy and a PhD in Physical Chemistry at the University College London, UK. This has been followed by a postdoctoral position focused on investigating the interactions at the bio-nano interface at Imperial College London (ICL). She then obtained an ISSF Fellowship (ICL, UK) to create innovative protocells. This has been followed by the award of a L’Oréal-UNESCO UK Engineering Fellowship and a 3-years BBSRC Fellowship. Multiple awards have recognised her research, including the ‘Italy Made Me’ award from the Italian Ambassador in London to recognise her innovative research carried out in the UK.

Explore more ChemComm Milestones news and updates on our Twitter: @ChemCommun

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Keary Engle and Thomas Bennett: Winners of the ChemComm Emerging Investigator Lectureship 2021!

Keary and Thomas join recent past winners Raffaella Buonsanti (2019), Corinna Schindler (2019), and Bill Morandi (2020). Learn more about Keary and Thomas below.

Image of Keary Engle

Keary Engle received his PhD in chemistry from Scripps Research and his DPhil in biochemistry from Oxford University in the unique, five-year Skaggs-Oxford Scholarship program that he completed in 2013. Within the program, he trained with renowned chemists Jin-Quan Yu at Scripps Research and Véronique Gouverneur and John M. Brown at Oxford. Among his many honours, Keary has been awarded a 2019 Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award, the 2019 Novartis Early Career Award in Chemistry, a 2020 Cottrell Scholar Award, a 2020 Eli Lilly Organic Chemistry Award, the 2020 Amgen Young Investigator Award, and most recently, a 2021 NSF CAREER Award.

He is currently a Professor in the Department of Chemistry at Scripps Research. His group harnesses the power of catalysis to advance the efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of chemical synthesis. You can learn more about Keary’s group and his research on Twitter @englelab.

Learn more about Keary’s research by reading his recent Feature Article in ChemComm:

Recent advances in palladium-catalyzed (hetero)annulation of C=C bonds with ambiphilic organo(pseudo)halides

Keary M. Engle et al.

Chem. Commun., 2021, 57, 7610-7624

This article will be free to read from 1st December 2021 – 1st January 2022.


Thomas Bennett

Tom was awarded his PhD in 2012 at the University of Cambridge, where he worked with Professor Anthony Cheetham FRS on the physical properties of hybrid frameworks. He has received several fellowships and awards, including a Royal Society Research Fellowship (2016), the Woldemar A. Weyl award for glass science (2019), the Philip Leverhulme Prize in Chemistry (2019) and the Royal Society of Chemistry Harrison Meldola Memorial Prize (2020). He has held visiting positions at the University of Kyoto, the Wuhan University of Technology, and the University of Canterbury New Zealand | Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha, and is vice-chair of the international MOF advisory committee, and outgoing chair of the Royal Society of Chemistry Porous Materials Group.

He is currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Cambridge, where his research group are best known for the discovery of hybrid melt-quenched glasses, and seminal works exploring the interface of the coordination polymer, MOF and glass domains. Find out more about Tom and his group on Twitter @thomasdbennett.

Learn more about Thomas’ research by reading his recent Open Access Communication in ChemComm:

Glassy behaviour of mechanically amorphised ZIF-62 isomorphs

Thomas D. Bennett et al.

Chem. Commun., 2021, 57, 9272-9275            

As part of the Lectureship award, Keary and Thomas will each be presenting lectures over the coming 12 months. Details of the lectures will be announced in due course but keep an eye on Twitter @ChemCommun for details!

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ChemComm Milestones – Dong-Dong Zhou

Congratulations to Dong-Dong Zhou for publishing his first independent research article in ChemComm. Be sure to read Dong-Dong’s #ChemComm1st article ‘Single-crystal superprotonic conductivity in an interpenetrated hydrogen-bonded quadruplex framework‘ in our collection, ChemComm Milestones – First Independent Articles.

Find out about his experience as a first-time author in our recent interview.




What are the main areas of research in your lab and what motivated you to take this direction?

The design and syntheses of new crystalline porous materials, such as porous coordination polymers (PCPs) or metal–organic frameworks (MOFs), and we pay more attention to the influence of their dynamic behaviours on their properties of adsorptive separation, catalysis, conduction and so on. MOF materials possess the advantages of designable and modifiable structures, more importantly, the structure-activity relationship between their structures and properties can be revealed at the atomic or molecular level, which is helpful to guide the design new materials with specific performance. Moreover, MOF materials are expected to have unique properties that traditional materials cannot, such as the “intermediate-sized molecular sieves” we reported earlier in Nat. Mater.

Can you set this article in a wider context?

New crystalline porous materials based on supramolecular interactions such as coordination bonds and/or hydrogen bonds show good prospects in many application fields. However, this kind of materials is easy to dynamically change under external stimuli, which may help us to discover some new things/mechanisms, or to further understand some certain processes in nature. For example, proton dynamic behaviour’s in fuel cells and beings are closely related with their performances and life processes. In this work, we designed and synthesized a porous hydrogen-boned quadruplex framework (like G-quadruplex in the chromosome), in which there exists one-dimensional spiral water chains in the channels. We prepared their large-size single crystals and measured the anisotropic proton conductivity, which demonstrated that it showed a super protonic conductivity along the water chains. Computation simulations showed that the protons of water transfer between oxygen atoms accompanied with water molecules moving, that is proton vehicle mechanism.

What do you hope your lab can achieve in the coming year?

I hope that students in the our lab will discover “the beauty of crystals”, “the secret of dynamics” and “the rigor of science”, and quickly grow into the relevant researchers with independent thinking and judgment through scientific research training in the next year, so that they can start their own favourite and skilled scientific research fields in one day.

Describe your journey to becoming an independent researcher

During my undergraduate period, I joined Prof. Chunlin Ni group in South China Agricultural University, where I deeply felt in the power of single crystal X-ray diffraction technology and began to study the growth of single crystals. In 2011, I went to Sun Yat-Sen University for further study, and mainly carried out the researches on the design and synthesis of crystalline porous materials under the guidance of Prof. Jie-Peng Zhang, and obtained my Ph.D. degree in 2016. Then as an associate researcher, I assisted to guide graduate students and Ph.D. candidates to carry out their researches on porous materials for adsorptive separation and catalysis in the group of Prof. Xiao-Ming Chen and Jie-Peng Zhang. In 2019, I became an associate professor in Sun Yat-sen University, and began to independently guide graduate students to carry out scientific research. My research interests mainly focus on the dynamic behaviours of crystalline porous materials playing roles in the related properties.

What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given?

Maybe it is from the Zhouyi “天行健,君子以自强不息;地势坤,君子以厚德载物”, which means “As heaven maintains vigor through movements, a gentle man should constantly strive for self-perfection. As earth’s condition is receptive devotion, a gentle man should hold the outer world with broad mind”.

Why did you choose to publish in ChemComm?

Coincidentally, my first academic paper was also published in ChemComm as outside front cover, and all three papers during my Ph.D. candidate stage were published in ChemComm, which caused I was teased as “the king of ChemComm” by my friends at that time. Actually, as a chemistry researcher, we all know ChemComm is a very good chemistry journal for quick reporting of significant results with scientific value. And I’ve been focus on the papers published on ChemComm, in which a lot of good ideas also inspires me. In the future, I also hope we have more opportunities to publish my works in ChemComm.


Dr. Dong-Dong Zhou was born in China in June 1990. He received his B.Sc. degree (2011) from South China Agricultural University, and his Ph.D. degree (2016) in inorganic chemistry under the supervision of Professor Jie-Peng Zhang from Sun Yat-Sen University. Then, he became an associate researcher in Xiao-Ming Chen Group at Sun Yat-Sen University. Since 2019, he has been an associate professor in School of Chemistry at Sun Yat-Sen University. His current research interest focuses on the design and syntheses of porous coordination polymers or metal–organic frameworks, especially for their dynamic structural changes playing a role in the applications of adsorptive separation, catalysis, proton conduction etc.



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ChemComm Milestones – Thanthapatra (Valentine) Bunchuay

Exciting news – Thanthapatra (Valentine) Bunchuay recently published his #ChemComm1st article:
Pertosylated pillar[5]arene: self-template assisted synthesis and supramolecular polymer formation. We wanted to find out about Thanthapatra’s experiences reaching a ChemComm Milestone. Find out more in our interview below.

Read about Thanthapatra and the SupraValentine group here:

What are the main areas of research in your lab and what motivated you to take this direction?
Our research in the ‘SupraValentine’ Lab at Mahidol University focuses on supramolecular and macrocyclic chemistry, which covers a broad area of interests. Learning from molecular recognition processes in nature, our lab has employed various forms of intermolecular non-covalent interactions as tools to construct supramolecular architectures. Our prime interest is the synthesis of novel macrocyclic host molecules decorated with specific functional groups to facilitate binding or encapsulation of target guest species including cations, anions, ion-pairs, and neutral molecules. These systems have been designed to self-assemble into complex nanostructures for tailored applications such as; stimuli responsive materials, smart sensors, and recovery and extraction agents. The most effective and elegant supramolecular chemistry is performed by nature and so taking inspiration from biological systems, complemented by one’s own imagination are key to my research in supramolecular chemistry. I am motivated by the idea of inspiring others to actively contribute to the exciting field of supramolecular chemistry, which is still a relatively small society in Thailand.

Can you set this article in a wider context?
Pillar[5]arenes are a class of macrocycles having a five-fold symmetric structure constructed from electron-rich aromatic surfaces. These macrocycles can encapsulate a range of guest molecules and especially electron deficient linear alkyl moieties. Usually, these are obtained by Lewis acid catalyzed macrocyclization reactions of dialkoxy benzene monomers. However, to date the synthesis of highly decorated Pillar[5]arenes has been hindered by low yields and/or tedious synthesis. In this work, we incorporated tosylate functional groups into the monomeric unit to synthesize a pertosylated pillar[5]arene structure. The discovery of a serendipitous self-templation effect facilitated the high yielding synthesis (70%) of a perfunctionalised pillar[5]arene derivative, in contrast to the previous paradigm for decafunctionalised pillararenes of this kind. The presence of ten tosylate units not only facilitates the formation of a supramolecular polymer and nanofiber in both the solid-state and solution phase, through concerted weak hydrogen bond formation, but serves as an excellent synthetic handle in the rapid construction of highly derivatisable and multivalent nano-scafffolds. We believe that these results provide great promise for the versatility of subtle, yet powerful, unorthodox non-covalent interactions in the synthesis and functionality of supramolecular systems. Considering the rich host-guest chemistry of pillararenes we hope that our contribution to the rapid and facile access of diversifiable platforms will help further propel the inherent ‘stardom’ of pillararene based materials.

What do you hope your lab can achieve in the coming year?
My lab has been set up since August 2019. Thanks to the unfailing kindness and generosity of my previous M.Sc. supervisor, Assoc. Prof. Jonggol Tantirungrotechai I have been able to kick-start my research career. Jonggol’s sharing of space and facilities were crucial to my first independent publication. In this coming year, we hope that we will discover many secrets of nature through our systems and aim to communicate our work to the chemist community (publish more articles!). Again, thanks my students and my great colleagues especially, Prof. David Harding for your effort.

Describe your journey to becoming an independent researcher.
It’s been a long journey I would say. Since grade 10 in high school, I have received a Development and Promotion of Science and Technology Talent Project (DPST) scholarship from the Thai government to study any ‘pure science’ until Ph.D. and without hesitation chose a chemistry major. I received my B.Sc. (2011) and M.Sc.(2014) from the Faculty of Science in Mahidol University, Thailand. During that time, I was allowed to explore a broad range of chemistry from iodine mediated synthetic methodology to the post-functionalisation of MOFs for catalysis. In 2014, I had a great opportunity to join the research group of Prof. Paul D. Beer at the University of Oxford. During this time, it is no exaggeration to say my life was totally changed. It was truly an honour to be under the supervision of Paul leading with uninhibited imagination, enthusiasm and encouragement, undoubtedly influencing how I pursue science in my own research group. Apart from synthetic chemistry skills, I also learnt to be patient and deal with the dynamics of a large research group. In particular, recalling the valuable discussions with Paul and other group members helping to stimulate my own research interests. Sometimes my ideas were useful and of course some were useless, but all were useful learning experiences nonetheless. In January 2019, I secured the position of inorganic lecturer at Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, Thailand. Starting my own research group in August 2019 with one graduate student and two undergraduate students, 10 months later we were lucky enough to publish our first work in ChemComm.

What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given?
During my time as a D.Phil student, it was certainly the most transformative and important journey of my life. I started in the Beer group with little synthetic organic experience, so my first year was a steep (but fun) learning curve. Sometimes we succeeded, many times we failed. As Paul always says “Learn to walk before you can run”, you have to keep learning, doing chemistry, and developing yourself gradually. The day that you are strong enough, you can run and jump into whatever areas that you are not familiar with. Another invaluable piece of advice from him that I really like is “Good work can be published everywhere”, however he said this when our first paper together was rejected!

Why did you choose to publish in ChemComm?
ChemComm consistently publishes many excellent works. The journal’s universally respected reputation presented the best platform to initiate my independent scientific career. The clear paper format and straightforward submission processes were also important in my decision to submit our very first publication from the ‘SupraValentine Lab’. Many thanks to the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) and ChemComm again for this great opportunity to support early career researchers from wherever they are in the world. This experience has encouraged me and I hope it will inspire others to continue producing good science.

Thanthapatra (Valentine) Bunchuay, a recipient of the Royal Thai Scholarship (2004 – 2018), graduated from Mahidol University (Thailand) with a first class honour B.Sc. degree in 2011. After that, he carried on the research with Associate Professor Jonggol Tantirungrotechai in the functionalisation of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) for heterogeneous catalysis applications, graduating with an M.Sc. degree in chemistry in 2014. In the same year, he moved to the United Kingdom to join the group of Professor Paul Beer at the University of Oxford, where he developed sigma-hole donor host molecules for anion and ion-pair recognition in aqueous media. Having finished his D.Phil. degree in 2018, he is now working as an inorganic chemistry lecturer at Mahidol University where he has started The SupraValentine Research Lab. His research focuses on applications of supramolecular host-guest chemistry in functional materials and nanostructures.

Our collection of #ChemComm1st articles, including Thanthapatra’s, are available here. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter for the latest #ChemCommMilestones news.

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Finding early warnings in chemical systems

Our world runs on systems of ever-increasing complexity, be they natural or human created. Their behavior can generally be modeled and operates within a normal range… until it hits a tipping point at a border between two behavioral regimes. Once that threshold is reached the system acts in dramatically different, and often destructive, ways. However, there are often warning signs right around the tipping point that can serve to alert careful observers that the danger zone is near. By finding ways to identify and monitor this behavior either contingency plans can be put in place or the problem corrected before it becomes catastrophic. While much of this has been studied for large systems like the stock market or ecosystems, researchers recently applied this to chemical systems.

The utility of identifying early warning signals isn’t limited to preventing massive changes; it can also help bound regions of different functionality in chemical systems. To explore this, researchers used a trypsin oscillator system they previously developed that has two modes of flow (Figure 1), either sustained oscillations in trypsin concentration or dampened oscillations that eventually lead to a steady concentration of trypsin. By changing flow rate, temperature, or reagent concentration the researchers could tune the behavior of the system to test either active or passive monitoring schemes to find early warning signs. Since they knew what conditions produced each mode, they could operate the system right at the boundary and watch its behavior.

Figure 1. Schematic of trypsin system with examples of oscillation patterns.

In the “active” experiments the researchers intervened in the system’s normal functioning and watched how its response, the “critical slow down phenomena,” changed as the conditions were brought closer to the boundary. In “passive” experiments, the researchers simply brought the system close to the boundary and monitored the shape of the oscillation waves focusing on their full-width half maxima (FWHM). In the series of active sensing experiments, the researchers waited to see how long it took the system to re-establish sustained oscillations after a change in temperature. They expected to see this recovery time increase as the system was brought closer to the edge, aka the “critical slow down phenomena.” In their experiment they elevated the temperature of the system to 49.0 oC and observed how long it took to recover to either 24.3 oC (well within the sustained regime) or 20.9 oC (near the behavioral boundary). They saw the expected dramatic increase in time to return to sustained oscillation, with the system recovering in 10.7 hrs at 24.3 oC, but taking three times as long, 32.8 hrs, when the final temperature was 20.9 oC (Figure 2). The experimental results were further validated by theoretical modeling, where experimentally challenging positions at the very edge of the boundary could be explored and showed the same general behavior.

Figure 2. Top: active monitoring experiments at two different temperatures showing the differences in time needed to recover sustained oscillations. Bottom: comparison of modeled and experimental recovery times.

The theoretical modeling was further used to create a map of passive monitoring space, looking at the variations in FWHM. They saw that as the system moves away from the center of the oscillation regime the FWHM increases as the peaks broaden. This becomes more pronounced as the conditions approach the behavioral boundary. This provides a baseline knowledge with multiple types of measurements to compare the stability of the simple system over a range of conditions. Additionally, this system and others like it can serve as the base for modeling more complex systems of which they are a part.

To find out more, please read:

Early warning signals in chemical reaction networks

Chem. Commun., 2020, Advance Article

Oliver R. Maguire, Albert S. Y. Wong, Jan Harm Westerdiep and Wilhelm T. S. Huck

About the blogger:

Dr. Beth Mundy recently received her PhD in chemistry from the Cossairt lab at the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington. Her research focused on developing new and better ways to synthesize nanomaterials for energy applications. She is often spotted knitting in seminars or with her nose in a good book. You can find her on Twitter at @BethMundySci.

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