The ChemSci2023: Leaders in the Field symposium took place at JNCASR, Bangalore, in January and showcased the rapidly growing chemistry community in India, focusing particularly on young and early career researchers. The symposium was organised by the RSC India team, along with the input of Chemical Science, Associate Editor George Subi.
Our Executive Editor, May Copsey, and Associate Editors, Serena DeBeer and Steve Goldup, were in attendance at this exciting event which acted as a forum for sharing developments within the Indian chemistry community.

May Copsey, Executive Editor
“I was delighted to attend this Symposium again in person after a couple of years of online, and it really lived up to all expectations. My greatest impression from the meeting was of the enthusiasm for research and discussion coming from the younger researchers who were attending the meeting. The science presented throughout the Symposium was so exciting. It really emphasized to me the world-class chemical science research that is being done in India, and I’m excited about what we can expect to see from this next generation of leaders in the future.”

Steve Goldup, Associate Editor
“The ChemSci Leaders in the Field symposium was my first trip to India and I was incredibly impressed by the quality of science I saw. Of course, at Chemical Science we regularly receive excellent manuscripts from groups based in India, but seeing talk after talk from outstanding Indian scientists during the symposium really hammered home the quality of research being carried out in the country. I was also extremely impressed by the calibre of the students and postdocs during the poster sessions, all of whom explained their results enthusiastically and clearly, and were able to discuss both the details of their experiments and the wider context of their work.”

Serena DeBeer, Associate Editor
“The opportunity to participate in the ChemSci Leaders in the Field symposium in India was a truly wonderful experience. I was really impressed by all the exciting science, the great talks and the lively discussions. The opportunity to get to know many of India’s rising stars in the chemical sciences, and also to meet so many talented students, was a real highlight. And last but certainly not least, the extremely kind hospitality of our hosts made me feel very welcome and is very much appreciated. I very much look forward to returning to India again soon!”
Many students took part in the ChemSci2023: Leaders in the Field symposium, including Anju A K, who received a “Best Poster” prize for her research. We wish Anju the best with developing and continuing her research in this exciting area!

Anju A K, JNCASR, India
“I had a great time enjoying all wonderful and exciting scientific sessions. The symposium had an excellent line-up of the speakers who talked about their amazing scientific contributions to the cutting-edge research.
The poster session was also engaging where I could interact with students from different institutes explaining their unique research works. I was also so fortunate to take part in the poster session and discuss about my research problem with eminent scientists. The work I explained in my poster was on ‘a through-space donor-acceptor charge-transfer approach to control between different triplet harvesting pathways’. The fruitful discussions also helped me to get some insights to carry out my project forward.
I consider myself blessed and honoured to participate in the symposium and thank Chemical Science and Royal Society of Chemistry for giving me this wonderful opportunity.”
The team is already looking forward to the 2024 ChemSci: Leaders in the Field meeting which will continue to showcase the excellence of research across the chemical sciences from India.