Emerging Investigator Series – Zi-Hao Guo

Zi-Hao Guo received his B.Sc. degree in 2008 from Nankai University. In 2013, he earned his Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry under the supervision of Prof. Jian Pei at Peking University. He worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher at Texas A&M University in 2014–2016 and Yale University in 2016-2018. From 2018, he started his independent career as Assistant Professor at School of Emergent Soft Matter, South China University of Technology (SCUT). Currently, his research interests are conjugated semiconducting polymers for organic electronics and solid-state electrolytes for lithium batteries.

Read Zi-Hao’s Emerging Investigator article, An N-oxide containing conjugated semiconducting polymer with enhanced electron mobility via direct (hetero)arylation polymerization, DOI: D3PY00207A.


Check out our interview with Zi-Hao below:


How do you feel about Polymer Chemistry as a place to publish research on this topic?

Polymer Chemistry is a reputable journal with broad readership cover from synthesis to applications of polymers. Due to special optical and electrical properties of conjugated polymers, they have a wide range of applications in organic electronics with increasing interest from both industry and academia. I am very excited that I can share our group’s recent research results on N-type semiconducting conjugated polymers.


What aspect of your work are you most excited about at the moment and what do you find most challenging about your research?

I think the most exciting aspect of this work is that small changes in chemical structure of polymers give us completely different carrier transport properties. This aspect drives me to design and synthesize new conjugated polymers and explore their properties. The most challenging thing in my research is exploring green, non-toxic and environmentally friendly polymerization reactions for the synthesis of conjugated polymers


In your opinion, what are the most important questions to be asked/answered in this field of research?

Insulated alkyl chains are usually introduced to conjugated polymers in order to achieve good solubility for solution processing. In my opinion, the most important question to be asked is how to minimize the use of insulating alkyl chains but still get a high-performance material that can be dissolved and processed.


Can you share one piece of career-related advice or wisdom with other early career scientists?


When you start your own research as a principle investigator, be sure to carefully consider where you are going for the next 5 to 10 years. Once you’ve made a deliberate decision, believe in yourself and keep doing it, you’ll succeed.



Keep up with all of Zi-Hao’s research on the Guo lab website.

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Emerging Investigator Series – Takuya Isono

Takuya Isono is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Engineering at Hokkaido University in Japan. He earned his Ph.D. degree in polymer chemistry from the Graduate School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering at Hokkaido University in 2014. During his Ph.D. studies from 2012 to 2014, he was a JSPS research fellow (DC1). After completing his Ph.D., he began his research career as an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Engineering at Hokkaido University in 2014. Since April 2021, he has held his current position at Hokkaido University. His expertise is in precise polymer synthesis, and his research interests are currently centred on organocatalytic polymerization, bio-based polymers, block copolymers, and topological polymers. He has received scientific awards for his research, including the Inoue Research Award for Young Scientists from the Inoue Foundation for Science in 2016, the Polymer Research Encouraging Award from the Society of Polymer Science, Japan in 2020, and the Research Encourage Award from the Chemical Society of Japan in 2021.

Read Takuya’s Emerging Investigator Paper, Installation of the adamantyl group in polystyrene-block-poly(methyl mathacrylate) via Friedel–Crafts alkylation to modulate the microphase-separated morphology and dimensions, DOI: D3PY00113J.


Check out our interview with Takuya below:


How do you feel about Polymer Chemistry as a place to publish research on this topic?

Our group is working on a diverse range of research, such as the search for novel polymerization catalysts, development of new living polymerization systems, investigation of the structure and physical properties of architecturally complex polymers, and creation of functional polymer materials. In my opinion, Polymer Chemistry is an invaluable publication media that offer an excellent platform for sharing such a broad range of polymer science research findings with the interdisciplinary research community.

What aspect of your work are you most excited about at the moment and what do you find most challenging about your research?

My research interests in polymer science involve synthesizing functional polymer materials, investigating their physical and functional properties, and using these insights to design further refined materials. Within those research topics, the synthesis of materials itself is challenging, and the subsequent study of their properties and functions is even more so. As my expertise lies in polymer synthesis, I feel a great sense of achievement when a synthesis goes smoothly as expected. I am thrilled when I observe beautiful structures or patterns under a microscope or through scattering measurements. I am also excited to discuss interesting experimental results or the potential for new research themes with colleagues and students.

In your opinion, what are the most important questions to be asked/answered in this field of research?

I believe that proposing a range of innovative ideas to facilitate the sustainable use of polymer materials will be a crucial challenge in the field of polymer chemistry for the next decade.

Can you share one piece of career-related advice or wisdom with other early career scientists?

Having good mentors and collaborators is extremely important not only for successfully completing your research projects, but also for advancing your career. Without their guidance and support, I would not have been able to continue pursuing my research and academic career.



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Emerging Investigator Series – James Eagan

James M. Eagan is an assistant professor at the University of Akron School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering. His research focuses on improving the performance of recycled polymer blends and in the development of new polymers derived from sustainable feedstocks, such as olefins and carbon dioxide. In the community, he and his group promote sustainable polymer solutions through the Akron Polymer Industry Cluster, and sponsor research experiences for young scientists through the ACS Seed program, and Ohio Department of Education. He received his Ph.D. from Columbia University in 2014 under the guidance of Scott A. Snyder and completed postdoctoral studies at Cornell University under Geoffrey W. Coates. He is the recipient of the AAAS Newcomb Cleveland Prize, NSF Faculty Early Career Development award, and the ACS Petroleum Research Foundation (PRF) New Investigator Grant.

Read James’s Emerging Investigator Paper, Ethylene polymerization using heterogeneous multinuclear nickel catalysts supported by a crosslinked alpha diimine ligand network, DOI: D3PY00118K.


Check out our interview with James below:


What aspect of your work are you most excited about at the moment and what do you find most challenging about your research?

We investigate new polymerization catalysts and methods, and the most exciting aspect in this area is the discovery of new materials from old feedstocks.  It is incredible that after more than a century of research into simple monomers like ethylene, propene, and butadiene, novel macromolecules and material properties can still be discovered.  The most challenging part of our research is connecting the performance of new polymers to sustainable applications and ensuring that renewable alternatives meet, or surpass, existing material properties.


Find out more about James’s research on the Eagan Lab Group Page.


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Paper of the Month: Aqueous seeded RAFT polymerization for the preparation of self-assemblies containing nucleobase analogues

Abad et al. develop formulations of self-assemblies containing nucleobase analogues via seeded RAFT in water.



Polymer chemists have long exploited the specific hydrogen bonding interactions between nucleobase pairs to control polymer structure or sequence, to template polymerizations or drive self-assembly. Although several approaches have been employed for the synthesis of nucleobase containing polymers, the poor solubility of nucleobase-containing monomers has hampered their polymerization in water.

To address this, Blasco, Piñol and collaborators synthesized a diblock copolymer containing poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and 2,6-diacylaminopyridine (DAP)  polymethacrylate via RAFT. Upon dispersing in water this macro-CTA agent was used for the aqueous seeded RAFT polymerization of 2-hydroxypropyl methacrylate (HPMA). Furthermore, a phase diagram that correlates the degree of polymerization and solid concentration with the morphologies of the resulting self-assemblies was constructed. Through this systematic study, low to high order morphologies (from spherical micelles to worms and to vesicles) could be observed. Interestingly all morphologies proved to be stable for extended periods of time with the exception of worms found to turn into spherical micelles after few weeks. To exploit the ability to functionalize the DAP moieties through H-bonding during aqueous seeded RAFT polymerization, a cross-linker bearing four thymine terminal groups was used. Finally, the higher stability of the assemblies produced via supramolecular cross-linking was studied via encapsulation and subsequent release of the hydrophobic probe Nile Red.

In summary, this study provides a metal-free methodology to produce self-assemblies containing nucleobase analogues in high concentrations via aqueous seeded RAFT polymerization.  The ability to control assembly, functionalize via exploiting supramolecular interactions and load with cargo, enhances their potential use as nanocarriers.


Tips/comments directly from the authors:

  • This new strategy integrating non-water soluble groups, such as DAP units, into a BC enabled the preparation of highly concentrated aqueous self-assembly dispersions using the PISA methodology.
  • The DAP units were further exploited for supramolecular H-bonding functionalization with cross-linker containing complementary thymine groups.
  • Previous work on amphiphilic block copolymers having DAP units has proved their potential to prepare stimuli-responsive self-assemblies of interest in nanomedicine by nanoprecipitation or microfluidic. This article takes an important step forward since the potential of the polymers is upgraded with the processing of highly concentrated dispersions by this new straightforward strategy.
  • This paper is the result of a collaborative effort between the groups at University of Zaragoza (Spain) and Heidelberg University (Germany)


Citation of the paper: Aqueous seeded RAFT polymerization for the preparation of self-assemblies containing nucleobase analogues, Polym. Chem., 2023,14, 71-80.

Link to the paper: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2023/py/d2py01250b

Link to authors website (or social media)

https://liquidcrystals.unizar.es/  @clip_group_lab (Twitter)

https://www.imseam.uni-heidelberg.de/blasco @EvaBlascoPo (Twitter)


Dr. Kelly Velonia is an Advisory Board Member and a Web Writer for Polymer Chemistry. She joined the Department of Materials Science and Technology at the University of Crete in 2007. Research in her group focuses on the synthesis and applications of bioconjugates and biopolymers. You can follow Kelly on twitter @KellyVelonia.

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Emerging Investigator Series – Ignazio Roppolo

Ignazio Roppolo is actually assistant professor in Experimental Physics of Matter at Department of Applied Science and Technology- Politecnico di Torino (Turin, Italy). Since his bachelor degree (in 2006), he was involved in photopolymerization field and in photoactivated chemistry. After achieving his PhD in Materials Science and Technology (2012), he moved to Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) as a post-doc researcher, where he started to work on the development of photocurable organic electronics. In 2015, still in IIT, he moved his interests towards new photocurable materials for 3D printing. In 2017 he moved to Politecnico di Torino, establishing a laboratory dedicated to 3D printing, specifically focused on light activated technologies, which goals spans over different application fields: from biomedical to energy, from sensors to microreactors. The underlying idea carried out in his laboratory is to control chemical and physical properties of the materials and to play with design properties, to achieve synergistic effects in functional devices, thanks to 3D printing. He is also research fellow at University of Warwick (Coventry, UK) and Italian Institute of Technology (IIT).

Read Ignazio’s Emerging Investigator article, “Colorimetric 3D printable base-detectors exploiting halocromic core-substituted naphthalenediimides“, DOI 10.1039/D2PY01593E.


Check out our interview with Ignazio interview below:

How do you feel about Polymer Chemistry as a place to publish research on this topic?

Polymer Chemistry is an amazing forum for the publication of advancements in polymer science, since it merges a rigorous approach to the field with the interest towards cutting-edges applications and innovations. In this case, I’m delighted to have the chance to show novel uses for 3D printable polymers.


What aspect of your work are you most excited about at the moment and what do you find most challenging about your research?

Light-induced 3D printing is really exploding now. When I started to work on this topic (2015), there were few groups that were trying to add material and chemical knowledges in 3D printing, while now there are hundreds of papers every year. Nonetheless, there are still many rooms for research, aiming at fulfilling the premises that 3D printing is promising. This is contemporarily the most exciting and the most challenging aspect of the investigations: on the one hand there are the endless new findings that can be discovered, on the other hand the necessity to translate those in something that can be applied in everyday life, beyond scientific curiosity.


In your opinion, what are the most important questions to be asked/answered in this field of research?

I believe that the most important question that has to be done when approaching this type of 3D printing technologies is “ How can I integrate design and materials’ properties? What should I do to achieve some synergistic effect?”. In my opinion, in forefront research in this topic, devices’ architecture and characteristics should be designed together. Conversely, we will keep on missing the real potentialities of 3D printing.


Can you share one piece of career-related advice or wisdom with other early career scientists?

I see in my young collaborators and students a lot of stress, which is related to the pressure that they feel, especially for what regards “scientific metrics” (impact factors, number of publications, citations,…). I believe that the only stress that, as scientists, we should feel, especially in the early-stages of a career, is to produce “good science”, rigorous but at the same time with creativity. When good science is achieved, benefits will arrive: for the self-esteem, for the career, for the scientific community and finally for the society.

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Paper of the Month: Geared photochemistry: an interdependent heterogeneous near-infrared catalytic system using up-conversion glass and g-CN for CuAAC chemistry

Kocaarslan et al. employ a heterogeneous near-infrared catalytic system using up-conversion glass (UCG) and g-CN to synthesize (macro)molecules via click chemistry.



The efficiency and accessibility of “click” chemistry, and more specifically the copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition reaction (CuAAC), have been valorized in synthetic macromolecular chemistry via a plethora of approaches. In this synthetic arena, photochemical process have been shown to efficiently achieve the in situ reduction of air-stable copper(II) species to the active copper(I) species catalyzing CuAAC.

Expanding the scope of current CuAAC photocatalysis, Yagci and coworkers developed a “geared photochemistry” approach for NIR induced CuAAC click chemistry using a dual-heterogeneous photocatalyst that generates light emission in upconversion materials combined with graphitic carbon nitride (g-CN). To achieve this, it is shown that Tm3+ and Yb3+ ion-doped zinc-tellurite glass that absorbs laser irradiation at 975 nm and is capable of emitting blue light at 475 nm, can photocatalytically activate g-CN via an internal light emitting process. For the CuAAC process, this visible light excitation of g-CN in the presence of CuCl2/PMDETA was proven to generate active copper(Ι) species able to catalyze a CuAAC click reaction between various azide and alkyne compounds. This system was proven efficient in click reactions between macromolecular chains such as azide functional polystyrene (PS-N3) and alkyne functional poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL-alkyne) yielding block copolymers with structurally different segments. In the same vein, photoinduced crosslinking could also be achieved upon irradiation of multifunctional click components (such as bisphenol A di(3-azido-2-hydroxy propan-1-ol) ether and 1-(prop-2-yn-1-yloxy)-2,2-bis((prop-2-yn-1yloxy)methyl) butane) with a 875 nm laser in the presence of mesoporous graphitic carbon nitride (mpg-CN) and CuCl2/PMDETA under open air conditions within 2 hours. Importantly, the heterogeneous catalyst prepared via the combination of graphitic carbon and UCG could be successfully used several times enhancing the applicability of the system.

The interdependent heterogeneous system using UCG in conjunction with g-CN under NIR light presented in this study, offers a highly efficient click methodology for (macro)molecules in synthetic (polymer) chemistry.


Tips/comments directly from the authors:

  • Our group’s research activities focus on the development of new photoinitiating systems for macromolecular synthesis. In this line, many photoinitiators acting at wide wavelength range of the electromagnetic spectrum were developed. “Geared photochemistry”, introduced for the first time in this paper, reflects the light-triggered reaction sequence that interdependently proceeds .  In this approach, up-conversion glass absorbs light at NIR region and convert it to visible light. Upon absorption of the emitted visible light graphitic carbon nitride (mpg-CN) in the reaction media creates electron and hole pairs. The copper (II) complex, which has no absorbance at these two wavelengths, is reduced from copper II to copper I by the released electrons. After all this gear-like system, copper I ions catalyze the click reaction between azide and alkyne compounds to form a triazole ring. We are happy to publish this work in an important journal in polymer science, Polymer Chemistry.
  • This approach will open new horizons not only for click chemistry, but also for many synthesis procedures involving electron transfer reactions. It should be considered that the change of absorbance with upconversion glasses is important for many light-activated photocatalysts.


Citation to the paper: Geared photochemistry: an interdependent heterogeneous near-infrared catalytic system using up-conversion glass and g-CN for CuAAC chemistry, Polym. Chem., 2022,13, 6393-6399, DOI: 10.1039/D2PY01075E


Link to the paper:



Kelly Velonia is saddened to hear about the passing of Prof. Yusuf Yagci, an exceptional scientist and person. Condolences to his family and loved ones. The polymer community will certainly miss him.



Dr. Kelly Velonia is an Advisory Board Member and a Web Writer for Polymer Chemistry. She joined the Department of Materials Science and Technology at the University of Crete in 2007. Research in her group focuses on the synthesis and applications of bioconjugates and biopolymers. You can follow Kelly on twitter @KellyVelonia



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Polymer Chemistry are delighted to welcome Prof. Dominik Konkolewicz to the Editorial Board

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Dominik Konkolewicz (Miami University, USA) has joined the Editorial Board of Polymer Chemistry as an Associate Editor


Dominik Konkolewicz is currently a Professor of Chemistry at Miami University in Oxford Ohio (USA). He earned a PhD from the University of Sydney in 2011, advised by Prof. Sébastien Perrier, and completed postdoctoral work at Carnegie Mellon University, in the group of Prof. Krzysztof Matyjaszewski. Dr. Konkolewicz has led a team of 10-15 polymer chemists and materials scientists at Miami University since 2014. His research interests lie at the intersection of polymerization kinetics, macromolecular engineering, biohybrids, and responsive materials. The Konkolewicz group designs polymer materials from a mechanistic perspective, with research efforts across dynamic covalent and non-covalent chemistry, biomaterials and bioconjugates, and light driven polymerization and degradation reactions. Particular focus areas are at the intersection of polymer science and sustainability, and polymers interacting with biomolecules.

Check out our interview with Dominik below:


What are you most looking forward to about your role as a Board member for Polymer Chemistry?

Overall I am excited to work with the team of editors, authors and reviewers to discover the newest developments in polymer science. I am especially excited to work with the multidisciplinary team at Polymer Chemistry to highlight the best and most exciting work in new macromolecules and applications of polymer materials.


What are your thoughts on the future of the polymer chemistry field and the role of Polymer Chemistry?

Certainly there are many important directions for the field of polymer chemistry. One that is important societally is sustainable use of polymers and plastics. I am looking forward to excellent papers in Polymer Chemistry that will develop practical solutions towards this substantial challenge.

Also we are already seeing the emergence of polymers in healthcare, and with milder polymerization methods and better controlled polymer synthesis, I anticipate that polymers impact on health science will continue to grow.


Would you be able to select a few of your favourite recent articles in Polymer Chemistry that you find particularly interesting or insightful?

It is hard to identify just a few papers, but I am excited about several different areas in Polymer Chemistry. There has been a lot of interest in recovering monomers post polymerization, which could have substantial impacts on sustainability. There are some great papers from the Anastasaki group on light driven depolymerization and bulk polymerization and depolymerization of caprolactone (DOI: 10.1039/D2PY01383E) which can be bio sourced from the Wang group (DOI: 10.1039/D2PY00953F)

Harrisson wrote a thought provoking paper on control, variability and dispersity in polymers, focusing on standard deviation as an important metric of precision (DOI: 10.1039/C8PY00138C)

I am also very excited to see design of polymers impacting the material’s final properties, the the impact of composition, blending and architecture on thermal properties from the Lawrence group (DOI: 10.1039/D2PY00819J), using new chemistry to stabilize nano-objects from the Blasco group (DOI: 10.1039/D1PY00032B), and the complex networks made by combining cationic and radical polymerization from the Satoh and Takeoka groups (DOI: 10.1039/D2PY00554A)


Read Dominik’s Editor’s Choice articles here

Light-accelerated depolymerization catalyzed by Eosin Y
Valentina Bellotti, Kostas Parkatzidis, Hyun Suk Wang, Nethmi De Alwis Watuthanthrige, Matteo Orfano, Angelo Monguzzi, Nghia P. Truong, Roberto Simonuttia and Athina Anastasaki
Polym. Chem., 2023, 14, 253-258, DOI: 10.1039/D2PY01383E


Closed-loop chemical recycling of poly(ε-caprolactone) by tuning reaction parameters
Jiafeng Su, Guangqiang Xu, Bingzhe Dong, Rulin Yang, Hongguang Sun and Qinggang Wang
Polym. Chem., 2022, 13, 5897-5904, DOI: 10.1039/D2PY00953F


Versatile strategies to tailor the glass transition temperatures of bottlebrush polymers
Michael Dearman, Nduka D. Ogbonna, Chamberlain A. Amofa, Andrew J. Peters and Jimmy Lawrence
Polym. Chem., 2022, 13, 4901-4907, DOI: 10.1039/D2PY00819J (Featured in our ‘Tailoring dispersity and shape of molecular weight contributions’ themed collection)


One-pot synthesis of structure-controlled temperature-responsive polymer gels
Tomoki Sakai, Nagisa Ito, Mitsuo Hara, Takahiro Seki, Mineto Uchiyama, Masami Kamigaito, Kotaro Satoh, Taiki Hoshino and Yukikazu Takeoka
Polym. Chem., 2022,13, 4230-4240, DOI: 10.1039/D2PY00554A (Featured in our ‘Polymer Networks’ themed collection)


Stabilizing self-assembled nano-objects using light-driven tetrazole chemistry
Martina Nardi, Torsten Scherer, Liang Yang, Christian Kübel, Christopher Barner-Kowollik and Eva Blasco
Polym. Chem., 2021,12, 1627-1634, DOI: 10.1039/D1PY00032B


The downside of dispersity: why the standard deviation is a better measure of dispersion in precision polymerization
Simon Harrisson
Polym. Chem., 2018, 9, 1366-1370, DOI: 10.1039/C8PY00138C



These articles are FREE to access until 28 February 2023


We were delighted to announce Dominik as the recipient of the 2022 Polymer Chemistry Lectureship. Check out some of his recent work in our Lectureship winners collection

If you know someone as deserving as Dominik for the 2023 Polymer Chemistry Lectureship, nominate them before 28 February. More details here


Please join us in welcoming Dominik to the Editorial Board of Polymer Chemistry!


Submit your best work to Dominik and our team of fantastic Associate Editors on Polymer Chemistry now! Check out our author guidelines for information on our article types or find out more about the advantages of publishing in a Royal Society of Chemistry journal.

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Polymer Chemistry Overview of 2022

Now that 2022 has come to an end, join us as we look back at some of the highlights of last year and forward to our upcoming activities in 2023!


Polymer Chemistry Top Picks of 2022

We have selected some of the most cited, most downloaded and most shared articles published in Polymer Chemistry from the last year for our Most Popular 2022 collection.

All articles in this collection are FREE to read until 28 February 2023.

Congratulations to all featured authors!


Editorial Board

We would like to thank Professor Wei You for his support of Polymer Chemistry as he stepped down from his role on the Editorial Board at the end of 2022.


Polymer Chemistry Lectureship

The Polymer Chemistry Lectureship 2022 was awarded to Professor Dominik Konkolewicz (Miami University, USA). This annual award was established in 2015 to honour an early-stage career scientist who has made a significant contribution to the polymer field. The Konkolewicz group explores a range of topics in polymer chemistry, including radical polymerisation mechanisms, dynamically bonded polymer materials, light driven reactions, bioconjugates and polymer based self-assembly. Find out more about Dominik and his research on our Lectureship winner blog post. You can check out articles from Dominik and our previous winners in the Lectureship winners collection.

Profile picture of Dominik Konkolewicz

Did you know that nominations for the Polymer Chemistry Lectureship 2023 are now open? If you know an outstanding early career researcher in polymers, nominate them before the 28 February 2023.

Full details about eligibility and the nominations process can be found here

Polymer Chemistry Emerging Investigators

Polymer Chemistry is proud to spotlight our ongoing Emerging Investigators Series. Our Emerging Investigators are at the early stages of their independent careers and invited for this collection in recognition of their potential to influence future directions in the field. Congratulations to all the featured researchers on their important work so far!

Read the collection

Meet the Scientists


Themed collections

Polymer Chemistry is delighted to have featured some of your best work in our themed collections in 2022.

We promoted themed collections on ‘Molecularly defined polymers: synthesis and function’ Guest Edited by Jeremiah Johnson, Filip Du Prez and Elizabeth Elacqua, ‘Sustainable Polymers’ Guest Edited by Antoine Buchard and Tanja Junkers,  ‘Photopolymer science’ dedicated to Prof. Ewa Andrzejewska and ‘Synthetic Methodologies for Complex Macromolecular Structures in honour of Prof. Yusuf Yagci’s 70th birthday

Check out some of these ongoing collections:


Browse all past collections on our platform and see our upcoming collections on our calls for submissions page. We will be announcing more collections during the year, so keep a look out!


HOT articles

Remember to check out our ongoing Polymer Chemistry HOT articles collection featuring articles highlighted by our Editors and referees. All articles in the collection are FREE to read until 28 February 2023.



Paper of the Month blogs

Our Web Writer and Advisory Board member Dr Kelly Velonia publishes a blog highlighting an interesting publication of her choice each month. She summarises the work and interviews the authors for tips and comments about their work.

Check out the ‘Paper of the Month’ blogs for 2022 here


Open Access

The Royal Society of Chemistry has announced that all 31 fully-owned hybrid journals, including Polymer Chemistry, have been approved as “Transformative Journals” with cOAlition S, an international consortium of research funding and performing organisations. Find out more about our strive towards 100% Open Access here.


#RSCPoster: Save the date

#RSCPoster is a global Twitter Poster Conference, held entirely online over the course of 24 hours. The event brings together the global chemistry community to network with colleagues across the world and at every career stage, share their research and engage in scientific debate.

The 2023 #RSCPoster Twitter Conference will be held from 12:00 (UTC) 28 February 2023 to 12:00 (UTC) 1 March 2023.

How you can help…

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you in addition to our authors, reviewers and readers for their support throughout 2022. Here are some of the ways in which you can continue to make a positive contribution to Polymer Chemistry:

Submit to one of our open themed collections and encourage your colleagues to submit.

If you are organising a conference or virtual event, please do let us know if you would like to arrange mutual promotion between the conference and Polymer Chemistry. We can offer poster prizes, social media and blog promotion, and adverts in the journal and on the journal web page.

Read our recent articles and follow the latest news on the Polymer Chemistry blog and on our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Send your best research to Polymer Chemistry.

Sign up to be a reviewer for Polymer Chemistry.


Thank you for your continued interest in and support of Polymer Chemistry. We look forward to seeing what 2023 brings!

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Polymer Chemistry Emerging Investigator- Guoming Liu

Guoming Liu received his Ph.D. from the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICCAS) (2011). Since then, he has been working at ICCAS, where he is currently Professor. From 2016 to 2018, he was a postdoctoral researcher at Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, as a Newton International Fellow of the Royal Society. His research interests include structure-property relationships of polymers, polymer crystallization and relaxation in confined space, and structure characterization by X-ray and neutron scattering.


Read Guoming’s Emerging Investigator article, ‘Achieving High Elasticity of Trans-1, 4-Polyisoprene with a Combination of Radiation Crosslinking and Thiol-ene Grafting’, DOI: 10.1039/D2PY01218A


Check out our interview with Guoming below:

1. How do you feel about Polymer Chemistry as a place to publish research on this topic?

Polymer Chemistry is one of the top journals in polymer science with a focus on polymer synthesis and applications of polymers. It has established high criteria for paper quality and a good reputation among authors and readers. I definitely would like to publish my next research paper in Polymer Chemistry.

2. In your opinion, what are the most important questions to be asked/answered in this field of research?

One of the most important questions is how to develop sustainable polymer materials economically. This may require new monomers from renewable resources, new chemistry for polymerization/depolymerization, and new processing technologies.

3. Can you share one piece of career-related advice or wisdom with other early career scientists?

It is important to establish unique expertise in the field, either by setting up new tools or developing new methods or technologies.

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Paper of the month: Using precision polymer chemistry for plastics traceability and governance

Johnson et al. propose that a synergy between chemical sciences and law research needs to be deployed to address the plastic pollution challenge through tracing technologies.

Among the major challenges faced by societies worldwide is the reduction of plastic pollution which has risen to be one of the largest environmental issues of the planet. A key barrier to improving plastic management is the inability to trace plastics along supply and value chains.

Addressing this issue, Johnson, Barner-Kowollik and colleagues with equal first authors Chambers and Holloway highlight how valorization of state-of-the-art chemistry could help eradicate plastic anonymity and propose that plastic management can become efficient once production of traceable plastics is implemented and incorporated into the legal frameworks for plastics governance.

To embed information into plastics and access it throughout its lifetime, both the inherent chemical composition of the macromolecules and chemical labelling can be exploited. Spectroscopic identification can fingerprint polymer chemistry but tracing a specific polymer to the producer would require introducing unique labels in the plastic material, with little information depth. Alternatively, information can be introduced through physically labelling the surface of a material. Both approaches carry information that can be readily affected by degradation over time. Chemical labeling with sequence-defined polymers on the other hand can be used to embed all necessary information within the material without being compromised by degradation. Barner-Kowollik and coworkers highlight state-of-the-art synthetic routes toward sequence-defined polymers, review the approaches to decode them and provide a set of criteria to be fulfilled by advanced read-out methodologies in order to successfully integrate such advanced plastics into recycling facilities.

Critical improvements to regulation policies need to be implemented to leverage on advanced plastics and especially sequence-defined polymers traceability. The authors propose that five key areas need to be addressed in law and policy: design or eco-design standards to reduce the environmental impacts of products and services along their entire lifecycle, consumer behavior to reduce consumption and encourage eco-friendlier choices, recycling systems to compensate the high cost of collecting, sorting and recycling materials, extended-producer responsibility schemes to respond to plastic waste, and combatting illegal waste streams that breache domestic or international laws.

This perspective is a critical overview on how chemistry, law and social sciences should advance, coordinate and collaborate in order to address the issue of plastic pollution in the most efficient manner.


Tips/comments directly from the authors:

  1. It’s been an amazing journey for our team of chemists to work with colleagues from the faculty of law. It took many conversations, lots of explanations and the willingness on both sides to learn about law and chemistry, respectively. The process was enormously rewarding for the entire team, who continues to work together on developing plastic tracers in a joint effort between law and chemistry.
  2. We highly recommend to all chemistry colleagues to research out into the humanities and social sciences for collaboration opportunities. These research fields have equal importance to the natural sciences and engineering, deliver enormous value and help chemists to put an entirely different perspective onto their own research. We believe the chemistry community should be at the absolute forefront of engaging with the social sciences and humanities.
  3. We are very proud of Polymer Chemistry (RSC) for opening the journal to law research that speaks to chemical problems and being a trailblazer for true transdisciplinary research.


Citation to the paper: Using precision polymer chemistry for plastics traceability and governance, Polym. Chem., 2022, 13, 6082-6090.

Link to the paper: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2022/py/d2py01180h


Follow Christopher Barner-Kowollik on Twitter @BarnerKowollik and the QUT Centre for Materials Science @QUTmaterials to keep up to date with their latest research


Dr. Kelly Velonia is an Advisory Board Member and a Web Writer for Polymer Chemistry. She joined the Department of Materials Science and Technology at the University of Crete in 2007. Research in her group focuses on the synthesis and applications of bioconjugates and biopolymersYou can follow Kelly on twitter @KellyVelonia


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