Call for Papers: Advanced Functional Materials and Manufacturing Processes

Guest Editors: Jessica O. Winter (The Ohio State University), Jawwad Darr (University College London), John Wang (National University Singapore)

Advanced Functional Materials (AFMs): especially nanomaterials, play an important role in catalysis, optoelectronic and quantum materials, biomaterials, and energy harvesting, storage, and conversion materials. AFMs can be designed, synthesized, (or modelled) to possess different (nano)particle/cluster attributes, such as bulk and/or defect structures and surface properties. AFMs can be further consolidated into larger hierarchical arrangements, using additive manufacturing or electrospinning for example, with nano-/micro-structure or surface characteristics that impart new functionality.

Materials Processes: Research involving discovering and translating AFMs from the bench to commercial products can be challenging. Discovery synthesis approaches for new AFMs require materials to be made faster and consistently, so that properties can be compared within compositional space. Thereafter, during scale up, replicating properties can pose a number of challenges. Scale-up can result in inhomogeneous mixing and uneven mass and heat gradients that influence material function. Structure-property relationships can strongly depend on manufacturing method (e.g., thermodynamic vs. kinetic limitations). Consequently, there is a need to better understand the relationship between materials synthesis and consolidation parameters at different scales in order to maintain desired functional properties.

This themed issue aims to explore the latest developments in advanced inorganic functional materials (synthesis, modelling and simulation), novel manufacturing processes including scale up approaches, and property evaluation and optimization. Suggested contributions that address, but are not restricted to, the following topics are welcome:

Advanced Materials

  • Ceramics, metal oxides, nanoparticles, metal organic frameworks, zeolites
  • Combinatorial, structure-property relationships, theory and simulation
  • Catalysts, quantum materials, biomaterials, and energy materials

Materials Processes

  • Batch vs. flow, green synthesis/manufacturing, process control and optimization
  • Hydrothermal/solvothermal, flame, plasma, electrospinning, precipitation methods, etc.
  • Process intensification / scale up
  • Controlled heat treatments/sintering
  • Additive manufacturing/3D printing

If you are interested in contributing to this collection please get in touch with the Editorial Office by email.

Please add a “note to the editor” in the submission form when you submit your manuscript to say that this is a submission for the themed collection. The Editorial Office and Guest Editors reserve the right to check suitability of submissions in relation to the scope of the collection and inclusion of accepted articles in the collection is not guaranteed. All manuscripts will be subject to the journal’s usual peer review process. Accepted manuscripts will be added to the collection as soon as they are online, and they will be published in a regular issue of Materials Advances.

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Journal of Materials Chemistry C and Materials Advances welcome Professor Erin Ratcliff to our Editorial Boards

Journal of Materials Chemistry C and Materials Advances are delighted to welcome Professor Erin Ratcliff from the University of Arizona, USA to the Editorial Boards as a new Associate Editor.


Prof. Erin Ratcliff in an Associate Professor of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at the University of Arizona, with courtesy appointments in Materials Science and Engineering and Chemistry and Biochemistry. She also holds a joint appointment at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. At the University of Arizona, Prof. Ratcliff is the Director of the Laboratory for Interface Science of Printable Electronic Materials and co-Director of the Institute for Energy Solutions.  She received a PhD in Physical Chemistry at Iowa State University in 2007, where she established her love of electrochemical methods and interface science. Her research focuses on mechanisms of electron transfer and transport across interfaces, including semiconductor/electrolyte interfaces and durability of printable electronic materials, including organic semiconductors and metal halide perovskites.


‘I have been reading and publishing in Journal of Materials Chemistry since 2009 and have been involved with JMCC as an advisory board member. I’m very excited to be joining the team with an Associate Editorial role and I look forward to getting to know everyone!’


Check out some of Erin’s recent publications in Royal Society of Chemistry journals:

Ion diffusion coefficients in poly(3-alkylthiophenes) for energy conversion and biosensing: role of side-chain length and microstructure
Jonathan K. Harrisa and  Erin L. Ratcliff
J. Mater. Chem. C, 2020, 8, 13319-13327, DOI: 10.1039/D0TC03690K


Rationalizing energy level alignment by characterizing Lewis acid/base and ionic interactions at printable semiconductor/ionic liquid interfaces
Linze Du Hill, Michel De Keersmaecker, Adam E. Colbert, Joshua W. Hill, Diogenes Placencia, Janice E. Boercker, Neal R. Armstrong and Erin L. Ratcliff
Mater. Horiz., 2022, 9, 471-481, DOI: 10.1039/D1MH01306H


Stability of push–pull small molecule donors for organic photovoltaics: spectroscopic degradation of acceptor endcaps on benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b′]dithiophene cores
Kristen E. Watts, Trung Nguyen, Bertrand J. Tremolet de Villers, Bharati Neelamraju, Michael A. Anderson, Wade A. Braunecker, Andrew J. Ferguson, Ross E. Larsen, Bryon W. Larson, Zbyslaw R. Owczarczyk, Jason R. Pfeilsticker, Jeanne E. Pemberton and  Erin L. Ratcliff
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2019, 7, 19984-19995, DOI: 10.1039/C9TA06310B


Join us in welcoming Erin to our Editorial Boards!


Submit your best work to Erin Ratcliff and our team of Associate Editors on Journal of Materials Chemistry C and Materials Advances now! Check out our author guidelines for information on our article types or find out more about the advantages of publishing in a Royal Society of Chemistry journal.

Keep up to date with our latest articles, reviews, collections & more by following us on Twitter, Facebook or by signing up to our E-Alerts.


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Editor’s choice web collection: luminescent metal halides, selected by Associate Editor Zhiguo Xia

We are delighted to announce a new Editor’s choice web collection on luminescent metal halides, selected by Journal of Materials Chemistry C and Materials Advances Associate Editor Zhiguo Xia.

Read the collection
“By carefully selecting the published articles from Journal of Materials Chemistry C and Materials Advances into a themed collection, I hope that the charming and the rich performances of luminescent metal halides can be witnessed by chemists, physicists, and material scientists.” Associate Editor Zhiguo Xia (South China University of Technology, China) Zhiguo Xia photo

A few examples of the articles in this collection are shown below. You can read the full collection online. All articles in the collection are free to access until the 22nd July 2022.



Editor’s choice collection on luminescent metal halides: here come halide perovskites and their derivatives

Zhiguo Xia

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022, Advance Article DOI: 10.1039/D2TC90122F


A selection of articles in Journal of Materials Chemistry C


2D layered metal-halide perovskite/oxide semiconductor-based broadband optoelectronic synaptic transistors with long-term visual memory

Youngjun Park, Min-Kyu Kim and Jang-Sik Lee

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2021, 9, 1429-1436 (DOI: 10.1039/D0TC04250A)


Molecularly imprinted nanocomposites of CsPbBr3 nanocrystals: an approach towards fast and selective gas sensing of explosive taggants

Eduardo Aznar-Gadea, Ivan Sanchez-Alarcon, Ananthakumar Soosaimanickam, Pedro J. Rodriguez-Canto, F. Perez-Pla, Juan P. Martínez-Pastor and Rafael Abargues

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022, 10, 1754-1766 (DOI: 10.1039/D1TC05169E)


Stable down-conversion white light-emitting devices based on highly luminescent copper halides synthesized at room temperature

Lin-Tao Wang, Zhuang-Zhuang Ma, Fei Zhang, Meng Wang, Xu Chen, Di Wu, Yong-Tao Tian, Xin-Jian Li and Zhi-Feng Shi

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2021, 9, 6151-6159 (DOI: 10.1039/D1TC01037A)


Lanthanide-doped inorganic halide perovskites (CsPbX3): novel properties and emerging applications

Santosh Kachhap, Sachin Singh, Akhilesh Kumar Singh and Sunil Kumar Singh

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022, 10, 3647-3676 (DOI: 10.1039/D1TC05506B)


A selection of articles in Materials Advances


Inkjet printed mesoscopic perovskite solar cells with custom design capability

Anand Verma, David Martineau, Sina Abdolhosseinzadeh, Jakob Heier and Frank Nüesch

Mater. Adv., 2020, 1, 153-160 (DOI: 10.1039/D0MA00077A)


Ruddlesden Popper 2D perovskites as Li-ion battery electrodes

Angus Mathieson, Mohammad Rahil, Youcheng Zhang, Wesley M. Dose, Jung Tae Lee, Felix Deschler, Shahab Ahmad and Michael De Volder

Mater. Adv., 2021,2, 3370-3377 (DOI: 10.1039/D1MA00020A)


The properties, photovoltaic performance and stability of visible to near-IR all inorganic perovskites

Adva Shpatz Dayan, Xinjue Zhong, Małgorzata Wierzbowska, C. E. M. de Oliveira, Antoine Kahn and Lioz Etgar

Mater. Adv., 2020,1, 1920-1929 (DOI: 10.1039/D0MA00452A)


Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 by halide perovskites: recent advances and future perspectives

Muhammad Ali Raza, Feng Li, Meidan Que, Liangliang Zhu and Xi Chen

Mater. Adv., 2021,2, 7187-7209 (DOI: 10.1039/D1MA00703C)


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Journal of Materials Chemistry B and Materials Advances welcome Professor Yoshiko Miura to the Editorial Boards

Journal of Materials Chemistry B and Materials Advances are delighted to welcome Professor Yoshiko Miura from Kyushu University in Japan to the Editorial Boards as a new Associate Editor.



Yoshiko Miura is currently a Professor in Chemical Engineering and Polymer Chemistry at Kyushu University, Japan. She studied polymer chemistry and biopolymer chemistry at Kyoto University under the supervision of Prof. Yukio Imanishi and Prof. Shiro Kobayashi, and received her PhD in 2000.  From 2000 to 2001, she spent her postdoctoral period at the University of Pennsylvania in Professor Virgil Percec’s group.  In 2001, she then returned to Japan and was appointed as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biotechnology at Nagoya University. Then in 2005, she was appointed as an Associate Professor at the School of Materials Science in the Japan Advanced Institute of Technology.  From 2010 to the present, she is a Professor at Kyushu University. Her current research interests include the development of bio-based polymers of glycopolymers, biofunctional nanogels, porous polymers, and biomimetic materials.


Check out some of Yoshiko Miura’s recent publications in RSC journals:


A QCM study of strong carbohydrate–carbohydrate interactions of glycopolymers carrying mannosides on substrates
Takahiro Oh, Takeshi Uemura, Masanori Nagao, Yu Hoshino and Yoshiko Miura
J. Mater. Chem. B, 2022, 10, 2597-2601, DOI: 10.1039/D1TB02344F

Controlled polymerization for the development of bioconjugate polymers and materials
Yoshiko Miura
J. Mater. Chem. B, 2020, 8, 2010-2019, DOI: 10.1039/C9TB02418B

Controlling the block sequence of multi-block oligomer ligands for neutralization of a target peptide
Hinata Takimoto, Sho Katakami, Yoshiko Miura and Yu Hoshino
Mater. Adv., 2020, 1, 604-608, DOI: 10.1039/D0MA00149J

Screening of a glycopolymer library for GM1 mimetics synthesized by the “carbohydrate module method”
Masanori Nagao,  Takeshi Uemura, Tasuku Horiuchi, Yu Hoshino and Yoshiko Miura
Chem. Commun., 2021, 57, 10871-10874, DOI: 10.1039/D1CC04394C


Read our interview below to find out more about Yoshiko:


1. What attracted you to pursue a career in materials science and how did you get to where you are now?

I chose a career in materials chemistry because of using chemistry to contribute to industry, human resource development, and biotechnology. Since polymer chemistry was my original major, I built my career by conducting functional materials research that incorporated cutting-edge polymer chemistry. I belonged not only to the Department of Chemistry but also to Biotechnology, Materials Science, and Chemical Engineering to learn not only the peripheral materials chemistry but also the peripheral research areas, which helped me in my career development.


2. Why did you choose to specialize in your specific research field?

 I specialized in polymeric materials because of the many contributions that can be made by materials chemistry, especially polymer functional materials. In particular, I am interested in glycopolymers because they make use of natural substances. Glycopolymers are attractive to me because they are a fusion of synthetic chemistry, polymer chemistry, and biotechnology, and are interesting materials.


3. What excites you most about your area of research and what has been the most exciting moment of your career so far?

 It is very exciting to see advances in materials chemistry as new research methods are invented that one might not have thought of. Also, in my own research, it is very exciting to see a molecule that I have designed function as it should.


4. What has been the most challenging moment of your career so far?

 After I became independent as a PI shortly, I could not get scientific research grants, which made it difficult for my own research to survive.


5. What is your favourite reaction or material, and why?

 That is RAFT living radical polymerization. It is a relatively easy chemical reaction to achieve, and at the same time, the reaction is highly versatile.


 6. Why do you feel that researchers should choose to publish their work in Journal of Materials Chemistry B and Materials Advances?

The two journals, Journal of Materials Chemistry B and Materials Advances, have a wide range of expertise editors in materials chemistry, which ensures that the journals are properly reviewed. The journals are properly managed, and their impact factors are stable.


7. What attracted you to join the Editorial Boards of Journal of Materials Chemistry B and Materials Advances?

 These two journals are among the top journals in materials chemistry and are journals to which I make my own submissions. It is an honour and at the same time a very rewarding job to be able to personally contribute to the management of a journal that is at the center of materials chemistry, with a focus on bio-applications.


 8. The JMC and Materials Advances teams are delighted to welcome you to the Editorial Board. What are you most looking forward to when acting as Associate Editor for the journals?

 As Associate Editor, I am most looking forward to learning about the latest developments in materials chemistry and to working on activities that will enhance the importance of materials chemistry.


9. Why should young people study chemistry or related subjects?

 Chemistry and materials are involved in environmental issues, health care, and all matters. By studying chemistry, students can develop the ability to understand and solve the various problems of today’s world based on chemistry.


10. What impact do you feel that your area of research can make over the next 10 years?

 Many biofunctional materials have been published and some research is superior to the current technologies. Practical application of some excellent studies will contribute to the development of basic science and medicine as a result of biotechnology.


Submit your best work to Yoshiko and our team of Associate Editors on Journal of Materials Chemistry B and Materials Advances now! Check out our author guidelines for information on our article types or find out more about the advantages of publishing in a Royal Society of Chemistry journal.

Keep up to date with our latest articles, reviews, collections & more by following us on Twitter, Facebook or by signing up to our E-Alerts.

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In memoriam of Alasdair James Campbell


We are honoured to introduce a special cross-journal collection of Journal of Materials Chemistry C and Sustainable Energy & Fuels in memoriam of Prof. Alasdair James Campbell.


Alasdair, or ‘Al’ as he was known to his colleagues, students and friends, was an exceptional scientist who made considerable impact in the fundamental research of state-of-the-art display technologies, printed photodetectors and transistors, neuromorphic computing and organic biomedical sensors. His work influenced the fields of materials chemistry, bioelectronics and materials science by providing the mechanistic understanding and methods to exploit underlying solid-state physics phenomena.

Guest Edited by Natalie Stingelin and Garry Rumbles, it is a great honour to highlight contributions from a number of Al’s friends, students and colleagues that were at the core of Al’s scientific activity, covering the fields where he had such impact: organic electronics (OLEDs, OFETs and photodetectors), charge transport in organic semiconductors, chiral optoelectronic materials, neuromorphic computing, and biomedical sensors based on organic materials, to celebrate Al’s life and science. His friends, students and colleagues will forever remember Al’s science, his kindness and his humour.

We hope you enjoy reading this collection of papers in Journal of Materials Chemistry C and Sustainable Energy & Fuels in honour of Prof. Al Campbell. All of the articles in the collection are free to access until 20 July 2022.

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Journal of Materials Chemistry C and Materials Advances welcome Professor Hao-Li Zhang to our Editorial Boards

Journal of Materials Chemistry C and Materials Advances are delighted to welcome Professor Hao-Li Zhang from the University of Lanzhou to the Editorial Boards as a new Associate Editor.



Professor Hao-Li Zhang received his BSc and PhD from Lanzhou University in 1994 and 1999, respectively. After his postdoctoral work at University of Leeds in 1999 with Professor Stephen D. Evans, he worked at the University of Oxford in 2002 as a research associate with Professors Andrew Briggs and David Bucknall. In 2004, he joined the State Key Laboratory of Applied Organic Chemistry (SKLAOC) at Lanzhou University as a professor of chemistry. His research mainly focuses on the development of new organic functional materials for electronic and optoelectronic applications, including transistors, single-molecule devices and nonlinear optics. He was the recipient of several prizes and awards, including Asian Rising Stars by Asian Chemical Congress and Distinguished Young Scholar by NSFC. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry.

I am really delighted to have been appointed as a new Associate Editor of Journal of Materials Chemistry C and Materials Advances. Since my early career, I have witnessed the rapid development of materials chemistry as a highly interdisciplinary science that provides materials foundation to various new technologies. In my research, I am devoted to combine expertise in synthetic organic chemistry and physical chemistry to produce novel functional organic materials and to realize new applications in electronic, optical and nanoscale devices. I endeavor to work with the editorial team to promote creative and interdisciplinary researches in materials chemistry.’


Check out some of Hao-Li’s recent publications in RSC journals:


Solid additives in organic solar cells: progress and perspectives
Yi-Fan Ma, Yamin Zhang and Hao-Li Zhang
J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022, 10, 2364-2374, DOI: 10.1039/D1TC04224F

Nonvolatile organic field-effect transistor memory from pyrene-fused azaindacene regioisomers
Duan-Wu Liu, Yamin Zhang, Xiang-Yang Li, Qi Xiao, Wen-Jing Sun, Xiangfeng Shao and Hao-Li Zhang
J. Mater. Chem. C, 2021, 9, 6560-6567, DOI: 10.1039/D1TC00560J

Carbon nano-onion encapsulated cobalt nanoparticles for oxygen reduction and lithium-ion batteries
Ming-Jun Xiao, Ze-Qi Zhang, Qi Xiao, Xiang-Yang Li, Zheng-Tao Zhang,  Qiang Wang, Yong Peng and Hao-Li Zhang
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2021, 9, 7227-7237, DOI: 10.1039/D0TA12504K

Unveiling the dimension-dependence of femtosecond nonlinear optical properties of tellurium nanostructures
Qi Xiao, Bo Ma, Xian Fei, Duan-Wu Liu, Xin-Ping Zhai, Xiang-Yang Li, Ming-Jun Xiao, Yong Peng, Qiang Wang and  Hao-Li Zhang
Nanoscale Horiz., 2021, 6, 918-927, DOI: 10.1039/D1NH00253H


Read our interview with Hao-Li below:


1. What attracted you to pursue a career in materials science and how did you get to where you are now?


It is interesting to look back to see how my interest in physics and organic chemistry eventually led me to a career in materials science. I was very much fond of both physics and chemistry in high school, and have ever won several prizes in a few tournaments, which got me admitted by Lanzhou University without taking the national college entrance examination. I happily selected the Department of Chemistry to study organic chemistry, which is one of the best major in Lanzhou University. When I entered PhD period, my project was about fabrication of “intelligent interface” based on Self-assembled Monolayers. This project seemed to be a perfect venue to fulfil my desires in both organic chemistry and physics, where I synthesized various photochromic organic molecules, and then employed different physical measurement technologies to study their optical and electronic properties on surface. I soon realized that my knowledge in physics is insufficient to support advance research in such highly interdisciplinary field. I then went to Department of Physics and Astronomy at Leeds University for my first postdoc, and had a very enjoyable experience working along with a group of physicists led by Prof. Stephen D. Evans. Later, I joined the Department of Materials at Oxford University as a research associate, working with Prof. Andrew Briggs and Prof. David Bucknall. In Oxford, I collaborated with many excellent material scientists and I learned that materials science is a rapid developing, exciting and highly interdisciplinary science that provides materials foundation to various new technologies. In 2004, I moved back to China to start my independent career in the State Key Laboratory of Applied Organic Chemistry at Lanzhou University. My research group is trying to combine expertise in synthetic organic chemistry and physical chemistry to produce novel functional organic materials and to realize new applications in electronic, optical and nanoscale devices.


2. Why did you choose to specialize in your specific research field?


In my graduate study time, I was very much interested in organic synthesis. I felt that the creation of organic molecules with predesigned physical properties is like a work of art. In 2000, when I just finished my PhD, three researchers were awarded Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their research in conducting polymer, which draw my attention to the research in organic semiconductor. I found organic semiconductor is a very promising field to work on, as it offers great application potentials in a broad field. I also like the challenge of design organic molecules with desirable electronic or optical properties and then go to laboratory and synthesize them. It is fascinating that installing or removing a tiny functional group might dramatically change the electronic properties of an organic molecule, even converting an insulator into a good semiconductor. In my group, we have been able to create many series of new organic semiconductors for different applications, like transistors, solar cells and lasers. Though it is very challenging, I found the research in creating new and advanced organic semiconductor is very exciting and rewarding.  


3. What do you see as the biggest challenges facing researchers who work in your field?


There are many challenges in organic semiconductor research, but I think the biggest one is how to bridge the gap between molecules and materials. Now days, chemists can readily design various organic molecules and predict their properties, like absorption, emission and electronic affinity etc. However, these predictions are reliable only at molecular level. For optoelectronic devices, we need to know the properties of molecules in solid state, there are still a lack of suitable tools to deal with this problem. This is mainly because organic molecules are packed together using weak intermolecular interactions, and there are vast possibilities that these molecules may pack together in solid state, which is known as polymorphism. At the moment, we still cannot confidently predict the crystal structure from a molecular formula, so that it is difficult tell from a molecular structure that whether it can become a good material. I believe that with the rapid growing of organic semiconductor library, and the fast development of artificial intelligent (AI), AI-assisted material design or screening may offer a new and efficient way to overcome this challenge.    


4. What excites you most about your area of research and what has been the most exciting moment of your career so far?


As a material chemist specializing in organic synthesis, I am particularly excited each time when we made discovery on new organic framework that exhibiting good semiconducting properties. A few years ago, our group discovered a new family of n-type organic semiconductor based on pyrene diimide (PyDI) framework. We demonstrated that PyDI offer many attractive features, including excellent electron mobility, stability and two photon excited fluorescence. We have constructed a series of organic devices based on PyDI derivatives, ranging from OFET, OPV to memory devices, and achieved excellent device performance.  I can still recall the excitement when we made this molecule from a design on paper.  


5. Which of your JMC publications are you most proud of and why?


I am proud of every paper I published in JMC. I’d like to just pick two as examples. I am interested in the fundamental issues related to organic devices, and one of such issue is how to control the carrier transport properties in organic field effect transistors (OFETs). In our publication “Tuning the ambipolar charge transport properties of N-heteropentacenes by their frontier molecular orbital energy levels” (J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015, 3, 4188–4196), we revealed how to control the ratio of electron and hole mobilities in ambipolar OFETs. Besides, in our latest publication (J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022, 10, 8666–8673), we provides a strategy to precisely tune the crystalline structures between 1D lamellar and 2D crossed motifs, which helps to improve the hole mobility and device stability. These results provide useful guidelines to the design of organic semiconductors for stable and high performance OFETs.


6. Why do you feel that researchers should choose to publish their work in Journal of Materials Chemistry C and Materials Advances?


When I discuss with my students about which journal to publish our research, I always emphasize two most important factors: scope and recognition. The Journal of Materials Chemistry family has a history of more than thirty years for publishing high quality research work on materials chemistry. They are well recognized by the materials research community, and have attracted a broad range of readers from interdisciplinary communities. With the rapid growing of submission, the Journal of Materials Chemistry family has been divided into several sister journals, in which Journal of Materials Chemistry C mainly covers the materials for optical, magnetic and electronic devices, while Materials Advances publishes interdisciplinary researches through open access. Therefore, if one’s research meets the above scopes, and would like to share the results in one of the most recognized materials chemistry journals, I would definitely recommend Journal of Materials Chemistry C and Materials Advances.


7. What attracted you to join the Editorial Boards of Journal of Materials Chemistry C and Materials Advances?


I have been reading Journal of Materials Chemistry since I was studying chemistry in the university. I have long been a fan of this journal as it was one of the few early leading journals focusing on materials chemistry. I can still recall the excitement when my articles were highlighted by the editor or published as cover articles. With more publications on the JMC family journals and serving as advisory board member of other RSC journals, I started to have more interaction with the editorial team and found them professional and friendly. Therefore, I had no hesitation to accept the invitation to join the Editorial Boards of Journal of Materials Chemistry C and Materials Advances.


8. What career would you have chosen if you had not taken this career path?


I think a role in higher education management could be another career path I’d like to take. Besides Professor in Chemistry, I am also serving as the executive direction of Graduate School of our University. I enjoy teaching very much because it gives me chance to interact with many young, curious and talent students. I also realize that our graduate education system needs constant update and reform in response to the impact of the Knowledge Explosion and to meet the ever growing new requirements from the society.


9. Why should young people study chemistry or related subjects?


I could not emphasize too much about the importance of chemistry. As one of the oldest and most fundamental subject of science, Chemistry is often referred to as the central science because it joins together physics and mathematics, biology and material sciences. Studying chemistry provides an excellent basis for understanding the world we live in. Meanwhile, Chemistry provides nearly everything we need for our daily life, from food, clothing, and energy to materials. Therefore, I believe Chemistry knowledge is essential for young people who want a career in science, engineering or education.


10. What impact do you feel that your area of research can make over the next 10 years?


I believe that optoelectronic based on organic materials is at the very edge of booming. Commercialization of OLED alone has made novel devices, like large area, high brightness, low energy consumption and flexible display, into reality. Market research companies have forecasted that the share of organic optoelectronics will increase dramatically in the coming decade. It is reasonable to believe that other organic devices, for instance, organic photovoltaic and organic transistors will enter the commercialization tracks within the next 10 years. If all these forecasts come to true, we shall be a very fortunate generation to enjoy a wave of new organic optoelectronic devices coming to our daily life.



Submit your best work to Hao-Li and our team of Associate Editors on Journal of Materials Chemistry C and Materials Advances now! Check out our author guidelines for information on our article types or find out more about the advantages of publishing in a Royal Society of Chemistry journal.

Keep up to date with our latest articles, reviews, collections & more by following us on Twitter, Facebook or by signing up to our E-Alerts.





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Low processing temperature for phosphate glass composites

An infographic highlighting a new hydrated phosphate glass composite

Novel optical amorphous phosphate materials with a low melting temperature
Simon Kaser, Théo Guérineau, Clément Strutynski, Reda Zaki, Marc Dussauze, Etienne Durand, Sandra H. Messaddeq, Sylvain Danto, Younès Messaddeq and Thierry Cardinal
Mater. Adv., 2022, 3, 4600-4607, DOI: 10.1039/D1MA00995H

Meet the authors

Simon Kaser obtained a Materials Engineer degree in 2018 from INP-ENSIACET (Toulouse, France). He has been a PhD student since 2018, between Université de Bordeaux (Bordeaux, France) & Université Laval (Québec, Canada), with research focusing on 3D printing of phosphate glasses by Fused Deposition Modeling and the development of low-Tg phosphate glasses for this purpose.

(a) What aspect of your work are you most excited about at the moment and what do you find most challenging about your research?

I like the fact that my research focuses on relatively unexplored but rapidly expanding fields, such as glass 3D-printing. Not having much information on the subject from the literature and not knowing what is worth pursuing or not can be frustrating, but the satisfaction that comes from finally finding results makes all these efforts worthwhile.


b. Why did you choose Materials Advances as a place to publish research on this topic?

It feels important to me that any research work is available to the broadest audience, which is possible thanks to Open Access journals such as Materials Advances.


c. Can you share one piece of career-related advice or wisdom with other early career scientists?

Do not be afraid to ask for help from senior researchers, their expertise and experience can only be beneficial to your own work.

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Journal of Materials Chemistry A and Materials Advances welcome Professor Dan Li to our Editorial Boards

Journal of Materials Chemistry A and Materials Advances are delighted to welcome Professor Dan Li from Jinan University in China to the Editorial Boards as a new Associate Editor.



Dan Li is currently a Professor and the Dean of College of Chemistry and Materials Science, Jinan University, and the Director of Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Functional Supramolecular Coordination Materials and Applications. He received his BSc. from Sun Yat-Sen University in 1984 and then worked at Shantou University. He pursued his PhD at The University of Hong Kong with Professor Chi-Ming Che during 1988–1993. Then he returned to Shantou University and became Professor in 2001. He moved to Jinan University in Guangzhou in 2016.

His research interests focus on the design and fabrication of supramolecular coordination assemblies and their functions based on photoluminescence, porosity and chirality. He has co-authored more than 260 papers in peer-reviewed journals, including Nature, J. Am. Chem. Soc, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. and Chem. Sci. He was a recipient of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China in 2008, Fellow of The Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) in 2014, Ding Ying Science & Technology Award in 2019 and Guohua Outstanding Scholar of Jinan University in 2022.


Check out some of Dan Li’s publications in Royal Society of Chemistry journals:

Strong visible light-absorbing BODIPY-based Cu(i) cyclic trinuclear sensitizer for photocatalysis
Ri-Qin Xia, Ji Zheng, Rong-Jia Wei, Jiaxing He, Dong-Qin Ye, Ming-De Li, Guo-Hong Ning and Dan Li
Inorg. Chem. Front., 2022, Advance Article

Cr2O72− inside Zr/Hf-based metal–organic frameworks: highly sensitive and selective detection and crystallographic evidence 
Kun Wu, Ji Zheng, Yong-Liang Huang, Dong Luo, Yan Yan Li, Weigang Lu and Dan Li
J. Mater. Chem. C, 2020, 8, 16974-16983

Fine-tuning metal–organic framework performances by spatially-differentiated postsynthetic modification
Hai-Feng Zhang, Mian Li, Xue-Zhi Wang, Dong Luo, Yi-Fang Zhao, Xiao-Ping Zhou and Dan Li
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018, 6, 4260-4265


Read our interview to find out more about Dan:

1. What attracted you to pursue a career in materials science and how did you get to where you are now?

Our society needs new materials. I have been studying Chemistry for many years. One of the most challenging tasks for Chemists is to create new molecules as candidates for materials application. I enjoy the discovery of new materials from understanding, designing and manipulating molecules. I am still somewhere in my career in materials science and I do not feel like I’ve “arrived”. Maybe the forever challenging is the forever driving force to where I get to now.


2. Why did you choose to specialize in your specific research field?

I began my research on the design and synthesis of photoluminescent metal complexes when I did my Ph. D. with Professor Chi-Ming Che at The University of Hong Kong, when Supramolecular Chemistry was growing tremendously. I was amazed by the beautiful infinite structures of aggregates of metal complexes and coordination polymers (CPs) or metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) which contain numerous types of chemical bonds and supramolecular interactions and possess diverse functions. As a synthetic chemist, I focus my research on the fabrication and preparation of new supramolecular coordination entities for developing new functional materials to solve energy and environmental related problems.


3. What excites you most about your area of research and what has been the most exciting moment of your career so far?

I am happy to see that the prominent growth of the research of MOF materials that has risen to the forefront of materials science, and a mass of researchers from different fields are involved to help drive the research forward. The most exciting moment of my career was when I receive my first paper published in Chem. Commun. when I was a PhD student.


4. What has been the most challenging moment of your career so far?

 The most difficult challenge was the lack of research facilities in my early career. I was lucky that I was supported by the President of Shantou University, when I worked there, to acquire an X-ray single crystal diffractometer.


 5. What is your favourite reaction or material, and why?

My favourite material is supramolecular coordination assemblies based on coinage-metal cyclic trinuclear units (CTUs). Each CTU is constructed by the coordination between linear two-coordinated metal ions and bridging pyrazolate ligands to form a near-planar nine-membered ring. Research of the CTU-based assemblies or cyclic trinuclear complexes (CTCs) has involved several fundamental areas, including noncovalent and metallophilic interaction, excimer/exciplex, acid−base chemistry, metalloaromaticity, supramolecular assemblies, and host/guest chemistry. These allow CTU-based assemblies to be embraced in structural complexity including supramolecular aggregates, coordination cages and coordination polymers/metal-organic frameworks, and functional diversity for a wide range of innovative potential applications that include chemical sensing, semiconducting, gas and liquid adsorption/separation, catalysis, full-colour display, solid-state lighting, and soft materials. My first publication in this field is the design and synthesis of a luminescent CTU-based MOF (Chem. Commun., 2006, 2845–2847). Based on our research in CTCs spanning near two decades, we recently published a perspective article in Chem. Commun. (2019, 7134–7146) and a review article in Chem. Rev. (2020, 9675−9742), providing a historic and comprehensive summary on CTCs from the perspectives of synthesis, structure, theoretical insight, and potential applications.


 6. Which of your JMC publications are you most proud of and why?

We discovered a dual-emitting Eu-MOF with 2,6-naphthalenedicarboxylic acid as ligand that exhibits a luminescence switching between red and blue triggered by pH over a short-range of 3 to 4. A single crystal to single-crystal (SC–SC) transformation process is involved with the displacement of the DMF coordinated by water molecules and the slight elongation of the Eu–O bond to the ligand, confirmed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. With the specific pH-modulated luminescence switching property, the MOF could be used as an excellent sensor for the rapid detection of aspartic and glutamic acids amongst other amino acids. The work was published in JMCA (2019, 11127–11133).


7. Why do you feel that researchers should choose to publish their work in Journal of Materials Chemistry A and Materials Advances?

Journal of Materials Chemistry A and Materials Advances provide interdisciplinary platforms for researchers who work to design, create, and understand new forms of matter and their innovative applications. Both journals publish high quality and influential research in a very short publication period with average time to first decision of 29 days (for JMCA) and 22 days (for Materials Advances) respectively. Materials Advances is available to all through open access.


8. What attracted you to join the Editorial Boards of Journal of Materials Chemistry A and Materials Advances?

I have published many papers in RSC journals since I was a PhD. student. I also reviewed a great number of manuscripts invited by the Editors of RSC journals. Working as an Associate Editor of both journals, I can interact with researchers in the materials science community more directly and frequently.


9. The JMC and Materials Advances teams are delighted to welcome you to the Editorial Board. What are you most looking forward to when acting as Associate Editor for the journals?

Thank you. I am delighted to join the Editorial Board and look forward to working together with others Board members and Editorial staff.


10. What is your biggest passion outside of science?

I like running. The passion of running not only is a consistent reward for health, but also creates a more fulfilling existence for my research.


11. What career would you have chosen if you had not taken this career path?

When I was a boy, I dreamed of being a soldier. In middle school, I had an obsession with Mathematics and liked to be a Mathematician. Finally, I changed my mind to choose Chemistry as my major in the University, maybe due to the highest score of Chemistry in all subjects of the University Entrance Exam. Honestly, I loved Chemistry also. I am fortunate that I made the change.


12. Why should young people study chemistry or related subjects?

Chemistry is a discipline to understand nature and to create new matter. It becomes increasingly essential to the development of innovative materials and cutting-edge technologies. Studying chemistry can open wide-ranging and stimulating career options to develop solutions to society challenges and explore a world of possibilities.


Submit your best work to Dan Li and our team of Associate Editors on Journal of Materials Chemistry A and Materials Advances now! Check out our author guidelines for information on our article types or find out more about the advantages of publishing in a Royal Society of Chemistry journal.

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Themed collection on Stability of Optoelectronic Materials and Devices

Journal of Materials Chemistry C is delighted to announce a call for papers for its latest themed collection on “Stability of Optoelectronic Materials and Devices” Guest Edited by: Yana Vaynzof (Technical University of Dresden), Zhuoying Chen (ESPCI Paris/CNRS/Sorbonne Université/Université PSL) and Dinesh Kabra (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay).

Emerging optoelectronic materials are under intense scrutiny both in terms of their fundamental properties and application in a range of electronic devices. These include, among others, organic materials, quantum dots, metal halide perovskites, metal oxides, 2D materials. These materials have already found application in solar cells, light-emitting diodes, field-effect transistors, photodetectors, lasers and many more. While the function and performance of these devices are highly important, their stability also needs to be addressed if these technologies are to find their way to industrial applications. In this themed collection, we focus on the latest insights regarding the fundamental mechanisms of material degradation, the study of active-material/device stability and the development of mitigation strategies both in terms of chemical design and device architecture engineering.

This call for papers is open for the following article types:

  • Communications
  • Full papers

Submission Deadline: 30th September 2022

If you would like to contribute to this themed collection, you can submit your article directly through the journal’s online submission service at Please add a “note to the editor” in the submission form when uploading your files to say that this is a contribution to the themed collection. The Editorial Office reserves the right to check suitability of submissions in relation to the scope of the collection, and inclusion of accepted articles in the final themed collection is not guaranteed.

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2D C2h group III monochalcogenides with direct bandgaps and highly anisotropic carrier mobilities

An infographic highlighting the prediction of 2D group III monochalcogenides  for future high efficiency solar cells and optoelectronics

Prediction of new phase 2D C2h group III monochalcogenides with direct bandgaps and highly anisotropic carrier mobilities
Tuo Hu, Congsheng Xu, Ao Zhang and Peiyuan Yu
Mater. Adv., 2022, 3, 2213-2221, DOI: 10.1039/D1MA01068A

Meet the authors

Tuo Hu was a visiting student in Prof. Peiyuan Yu’s group at the Department of Chemistry at Southern University of Science and Technology from 2020 to 2021 where he worked on polymorphism of 2D semiconductors via DFT computation. He is currently a fourth-year undergraduate at University of California, Los Angeles majoring in Chemistry and Materials Science.
Congsheng Xu received his master’s degree from Xiangtan University where his research focused on electronic properties of multilayer GeSe and its heterojunctions. Currently, he is a doctoral student in Prof. Peiyuan Yu’s research group at Southern University of Science and Technology. His main research direction is prediction of molecular structures and calculation of electronic properties of two-dimensional materials by machine learning.
Ao Zhang received his Ph.D. in physics from Hunan Normal University in 2021. He is currently a postdoctoral at the Department of Physics in Southern University of Science and Technology. His research interests are on novel physical properties induced by spin-orbit coupling, topological semimetals, and multiferroic materials.
Peiyuan Yu obtained his Ph.D. in chemistry from University of California, Los Angeles in 2017 and was a postdoctoral fellow at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory from 2017 to 2019. He began his independent career as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) in 2019. Peiyuan’s research program uses computational chemistry to study a wide range of phenomena in chemistry and materials science, with a focus in understanding the reaction mechanisms and origins of selectivity of organic reactions.

(a) What aspect of your work are you most excited about at the moment and what do you find most challenging about your research?

In this work, we are most excited to discover that some novel polymorphs of two-dimensional materials give rise to very interesting and exotic electronic properties. For example, the new C2h polymorph of 2D group III monochalcogenides features a direct bandgap which has not been found in other known single-layer phases. However, conventional computational methods to predict or design novel polymorphs are often limited by large computational costs. Therefore, we investigated the use of deep learning methods based on generative adversarial neural networks to quickly and comprehensively discover different phases of two-dimensional materials. This project requires knowledge and specialties from diverse disciplines such as computational chemistry, materials science, and physics. Besides, the rapid development of new computational techniques constantly motivates us to try to apply new technologies, which is quite challenging and intriguing.


(b) How do you feel about Materials Advances as a place to publish research on this topic?

Materials Advances is designated for interdisciplinary research and insights in the field of materials research, and our work is a combination of computer science and materials science, so I think it is a perfect match for this work to be published on Materials Advances. The professional editorial team and expert reviewers made the publishing process highly efficient.


(c) Can you share one piece of career-related advice or wisdom with other early career scientists?

For undergraduate students who are interested in scientific research, I would like to encourage them to actively participate and collaborate with graduate students and postdocs in research projects as early as possible and don’t be shy to share their hypotheses or insights.

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