Archive for the ‘Conferences’ Category

9th Barrande-Vltava French-Czech Chemistry Meeting

Chemical Science, Dalton Transactions, Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry and Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics are proud to sponsor the 9th Barrande-Vltava French-Czech Chemistry Meeting taking place on 27-28 August 2018 in Strasbourg, France. The organizing committee is led by Stéphane Bellemin-Lapponez and the meeting aims to provide French and Czech researchers with an informal setting to exchange ideas and initiate collaborations.

This meeting will focus on all aspects of molecular and supramolecular chemistry, as well as applications in medicinal chemistry and imagery. The program includes plenary lectures from experts such as Didier Bourissou (University Paul Sabatier), Jean-Marie Lehn (Institute of Supramolecular Science and Engineering) and Irena G. Stara (Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry). A full list of speakers can be found here.

Don’t miss out on your chance to attend this meeting – Register now!


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CURO-Pi III: a conference on the chemistry & physics of curved pi-conjugated molecules

Chemical Science is proud to sponsor CURO-Pi III, taking place at the University of Oxford in the UK on 5-7 September 2018. This international symposium, chaired by Professor Harry Anderson, is on the synthesis and application of curved organic pi-molecules and materials.

With an exciting list of international speakers, including the keynote speaker Kenichiro Itami (Nagoya University), this conference will cover the synthesis and properties of non-planar aromatics and curved pi-systems, and extend the application of these compounds in fields such as electronics and biology.

Don’t miss out on your chance to attend this symposium – last few places remaining! Register by 31st July.


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Congratulations to Pablo Martinez-Bulit!

Pablo Martinez-Bulit next to his poster presented at ISMSC/ISACS

Congratulations to the Poster Prize winner at this year’s ISMSC/ISACS meeting.

The winner is Pablo Martinez-Bulit from the University of Windsor, Canada who is currently working as a graduate student in the group of Professor Stephen Loeb. His Ph.D. research focuses on the synthesis of [n]rotaxanes suitable for their incorporation into solid-state materials so we can use the dynamics inherent to these systems. He is especially interested in the rotation, translation, and conformational changes of the macrocyclic ring. Finally, the use of porphyrins provides an excellent scaffold to obtain robust materials.

The International Symposium on Macrocylic and Supramolecular Chemistry (ISMSC) which was run in 2017 in conjunction with ISACS: Challenges in Organic Materials & Supramolecular Chemistry took place in Cambridge, UK. The conference themes spread the breadth of macrocyclic and supramolecular chemistry from inorganic to organic chemistry and chemical biology, and the symposium provided an excellent opportunity for graduate students and postdocs to present their work in a multidisciplinary environment.

We wish Pablo all the best for his ongoing research and look forward to reading about his first results very soon.

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15th Host Guest Supramolecular Chemistry Annual Symposium RSC award winners

The Host Guest Supramolecular Chemistry Annual Symposium (website in Japanese) is an annual event that is organized by the Association of Research for Host-Guest and Supramolecular Chemistry. This year, the 15th occurrence of this symposium took place at the Ritsumeikan University on 3-4 June 2017. The event was attended by 230 people and counted 39 talks and 128 poster presentations.

The Chemical Science, ChemComm and Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry poster prizes were delivered to the 3 most outstanding poster presentations, along with 7 other poster prizes.


Nobuhiko Nishitani from Kyoto University was awarded the Chemical Science award for their poster titled: STM Observation of Cooperative Self-Assembly at the Liquid/Graphite Interface: Influence of Intercolumnar Interactions on Domain Size and Shape

Tsuyoshi Mashima from Osaka University was awarded the ChemComm award for their poster titled: Construction of Zn-substituted Hexameric Hemoprotein with Multiple Photosensitizers and Evaluation of its Light Harvesting Function

Tomokuni Kai from Tokyo Institute of Technology was awarded the Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry award for their poster titled: Polyaromatic Micelles: Emission Enhancement of Eu(III)-complexes in Water upon Encapsulation

From right to left: Prof. Tatsuya Nabeshima (University of Tsukuba), Nobuhiko Nishitani, Tsuyoshi Mashima, Tomokuni Kai, and the poster prize winners, along with Prof. Hiromitsu Maeda (Ritsumeikan University, left) (Click to enlarge)

Dr Hiromitsu Urakami, from the Royal Society Chemistry, gave a lauded presentation on Publishing on 3rd June.

Dr Hiromitsu Urakami

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Chemical Science lighting talk prize winner at UCCS 2017

The 2017 University of California Symposium for the Chemical Sciences (UCSCS) was held on March 27-29, 2017 at the UCLA Lake Arrowhead Conference Center and was attended by over 100 University of California graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.

The UCCS is a symposium for current graduate students and postdoctoral researchers in all fields of chemistry from all campuses of the University of California. The whole conference is organised by graduate students and postdocs from the UC campuses. The first UCCS meeting was held in March 2016, at the Lake Arrowhead conference center in Lake Arrowhead.

Chemical Science is proud to announce that the Chemical Science lighting tak prize was awarded to Dr Noelle Catarineu from University of California Berkeley. The prize was awarded by Dr Jennifer Griffiths.

Dr Catarineu’s talk was on Reticular Chemistry of Asymmetric Organic Linkers and One-Dimensional Secondary Building Units in Metal-Organic Frameworks.
Congratulations Noelle!

Dr Jennifer Griffiths (left) awarding the Chemical Science prize to Dr Noelle Catarineu (right)

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Bürgenstock Conference 2017

30 April – 4 May 2017, Brunnen, Switzerland

Apply now!

Started in 1965, The ‘SCS Conference on Stereochemistry’, better known as ‘Bürgenstock Conference’, is an outstanding international chemistry meeting of high scientific quality, with a focus on inter-disciplinary discussion.

According to the conference’s tradition, the 52nd Bürgenstock Conference 2017 will be interdisciplinary, covering many areas of chemistry, and will be welcoming relevant highlights from neighbouring disciplines, with a strong focus on structural and mechanistic aspects.

Organizing Committee:

Our Executive Editor Philippa Hughes will be attending the conference. Meet her there!

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Frontiers in Chemical Sciences (FICS-2016)

Frontiers in Chemical Science 2016

8 – 10 December 2016, IIT Guwahati, India

The FICS-2016 conference is a national biennial conference hosted by the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati on 8-10 December 2016 in Guwahati, India.

The conference is mainly aimed at motivating and promoting aspiring young scientists in the field of chemistry and allied sciences, by giving them an opportunity to present their work alongside the stalwarts in the field.

All branches of chemistry and sister sciences will be covered, from theoretical to experimental and applied chemistry, as well as modern science and technology. The scientific program includes plenary sessions, invited talks, and poster presentations.

Chemical Science, ChemComm and Chem Soc Rev proudly sponsor this event: 3 poster prizes will be awarded at the conference on behalf of each journal.

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Chemical Science Symposium 2017

We are delighted to announce that the Chemical Science Symposium 2017 will take place in Kolkata, India on 11 January 2017.

This event will be chaired by Chemical Science Editor-in-Chief Dan Nocera (Harvard University) and it will bring together exceptional researchers – all leading names in their field – to share scientific developments covering broad research areas of renewable energy, environment, materials and inorganic and organometallic catalysis.

The Chemical Science symposium will be a part of the Symposium on Advanced Biological Inorganic Chemistry (SABIC) organised by the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS) and the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), bringing together more than 600 scientists working in inorganic and bio-inorganic chemistry.

The venue will be The Stadel, Vivekananda Yuba Bharati Krirangan, Kolkata, India.

Find out more about this event.

Mark your calendar today and register now!

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EMBO Chemical Biology meeting

The EMBO Chemical Biology meeting is one of the leading conferences in Chemical Biology in Germany and not only attracts national but also many international speakers and attendees on a biannual basis.

Taking place 31 August – 3 September 2016 at the new Advanced Training Centre at EMBL Heidelberg, the conference provides a great platform for researchers working in the field of Chemical Biology, from tool development to biological applications, and from computational drug design to synthetic chemistry.

Chemical Science and Chemical Communications are delighted to support this meeting, and there’s lots to look forward to again on this 6th edition of the symposium:

  • Frances H. Arnol – Keynote lecture on ‘Innovation by Evolution: Expanding the Enzyme Universe’
  • Edward Tate – Lecture on ‘Probing and Drugging Protein Lipidation’
  • Christopher Schofield – Lecture on ‘The Chemistry of Oxygen Sensing in Humans and Other Organisms’
  • Giulio Superti-Furga – Keynote lecture on ‘Solute Carriers, Metabolism and Drug Response: a Magic Triangle’
  • Jennifer Prescher – Lecture on ‘Expanding the imaging toolbox’

… and many more excellent speakers. Access the full scientific programme here.

Meet the team:

Dr May Copsey (Executive Editor of Chemical Science and Chemical Communications) will be attending the event. She looks forward to meeting many of you in Heidleberg, and would love to hear about your research and meet with our readers, authors and referees. Please do get in touch with May if you would like to arrange a meeting in advance.

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MOF 2016 Conference

The 5th International Conference on Metal-Organic Frameworks & Open Framework Compounds (MOF 2016) is the premier conference on open framework materials, which represent a fast-growing new field of chemistry.

Held 11th-15th September 2016 in beautiful Long Beach, California, this year’s conference will provide a comprehensive overview of the latest research encompassing Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs), Covalent Organic Frameworks (COFs), and recent additions to the field of nanoporous materials, such as molecular cage compounds.

Chemical Science and CrystEngComm proudly sponsor this conference, which will feature a number of lectures by both established researchers from across the globe and early-career scientists who are making recent, novel contributions. Contributed oral and poster presentations and a commercial exhibition will also add to the mix.

Mark your calendar today and register now!

Photograph of Dr Jeanne Andres

Meet the team:

Dr Jeanne Andres (Deputy Editor of Chemical Science) will be attending the event. She would love to hear about your research and meet with our readers, authors and referees. Please do get in touch with Jeanne if you would like to arrange a meeting in advance.

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