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Interview: Great expectations

Zhenan BaoZhenan Bao is associate professor at Stanford University, US, where she uses chemical and chemical engineering approaches to make functional nano- and microstructures with novel electronic and photonic properties. Her work has gained her international recognition, including the RSC Beilby Medal and Prize in 2009. 








What inspired you to become a scientist?
I always had a very inquisitive nature and liked to ask ‘why?’ a lot. My parents were both scientists – one a chemist, one a physicist – and I was inspired by their careers. My father in particular instilled in me a curiosity for why things happened. He once bought me a popsicle ice lolly and asked if I thought it would sink or float in water. I said it would sink because it was solid so he threw it in the lake and said he would buy me another if we lost it. I was very surprised when it floated and, of course, wanted to learn why.

Your work focuses on organic electronics. Why did you decide to specialise in this area?
Around the time of my graduate studies at the University of Chicago, Francis Garnier reported the first printed transistor, which really inspired me. After my PhD, I joined Bell Labs (Lucent Technologies). They had already started some work in printed electronics and with my background in synthesis I thought I could immediately contribute. Following the tradition of Bell labs I was then given a lab and told to think about what I wanted to do. Organic electronics is an area with many useful applications and one where I felt I could make a real difference with my materials background.

Your work is multidisciplinary, combining chemistry, materials science, physics and various types of engineering. How do you coordinate such a diverse research group and stay on top of all the literature?
I find it very stimulating to have a group of students and post docs coming from very different backgrounds. My lab currently has nine chemists, ten chemical engineers, four electrical engineers, three physicists and several materials scientists. They all bring different expertise to the group. They learn from me and I learn from them – we are learning together. It is hard to keep on top of all the literature but if the students see some exciting work somewhere, they will let me and the whole group know so that helps a lot. I find the journal highlights very useful. They give me an idea of the current exciting work going on without having to read every issue of the journal.

What are you working on at the moment?
Lots of things! One of the areas I am most excited about is our electronic skin, where we are trying to mimic the chemical, biological and pressure sensing abilities of real skin. We also have really exciting results on transparent electrodes with carbon nanotubes, where we can achieve really good performance. We are establishing a start-up company from that work, which recently won the MIT Clean Energy Entrepreneurship prize and the Rice University business plan competition. I am very proud of the students who presented the work. In the solar cell area, we have developed new material design concepts which have started to show promising results.

How does a scientist without a business background go about setting up their own company?
I am still learning! There are other professors who have started companies so there is a lot of help and there are very helpful people who are willing to give advice. It is like doing research – when one gets stuck, one goes to the experts in the area.

Energy conversion and storage is one of the key challenges facing the modern world and something that the RSC is promoting as part of its Chemistry for Tomorrow’s World initiatives. What do you think are the main opportunities for chemists in this area?
A major part of energy research is about new materials for producing energy and also new and more energy efficient ways of making materials and chemicals. We must also take into consideration the environment – chemists can develop greener syntheses of materials and come up with materials that are more environmentally friendly. We can also develop sensors that can be used to monitor the environment. Chemistry is at the centre of all these very important global issues.

What is the best part of your job?
It is hard to rank the parts I enjoy the most. I love the interaction with students, meeting people from all over the world, being able to pursue an idea and see it become reality and also the freedom of being able to decide what to work on, who to work with. There are so many exciting possibilities and rewards for being a scientist.

You have been selected as both an outstanding young woman scientist who is expected to make a substantial impact in chemistry and one of the top 100 young innovators for this century. What is the secret to your success?
Being curious and asking lots of questions. Also being driven and willing to work hard. Being a scientist is a demanding job but there is no easy job in the world if one wants to be successful.

What is your advice to other young women thinking of embarking on a scientific career?
Women often underestimate their own ability but they must be confident and believe they can do it just as well as anybody else.

What do you do in your spare time?
I don’t have much spare time so any that I do have I spend with my two children. I try to inspire them to ask questions and think about everything they do and not take things for granted. I don’t know what they will choose to do in the future but I believe that if they develop good problem solving skills they will be successful.

If you weren’t a scientist, what would you be?
There is no other job I would like to do. Being a professor is simply the best job for me.

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Battling against the elements at the ACS Boston

There are around 12000 people registered to attend the ACS meeting but it seems strangely quiet in the sessions. Maybe it’s the gale force winds and horizontal rain that are keeping people away but for me the draw of cutting edge chemistry is worth battling against the elements (and I don’t mean the chemical kind).
My lecture of the day came from Mo Movassaghi, who described his groups very elegant work on alkaloid synthesis. He has recently published an Edge article in Chemical Science and seemed delighted with the publication process at the RSC, so I look forward to receiving more top articles from him in the future.

Tonight I joined the Young Academic Investigators from the organic division for dinner. These ‘rising stars’ of organic chemistry were a very friendly and down to earth bunch and bearing in mind their session’s 8 am start tomorrow they sensibly headed off to bed at a very reasonable hour. Top tips from these leading minds:

1) Bad weather: you just need to wrap up and think of it as invigorating

2) Don’t trust a New Zealander’s sense of humour – you’ll never think of strawberries in the same way again…

Fancy reading Mo Movassaghi’s latest Edge Article on ‘Total synthesis of all (−)-agelastatin alkaloids’? Why not download it and read it here first – all Chemical Science articles are free to access until the end of 2011.

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ACS Boston – very big, very wet and very geeky

It’s very early here on my second day in Boston at the ACS meeting. And it’s raining. Again. Thankfully the famed American hospitality extends to a complimentary umbrella in my room so with that and my trusty but hectic schedule I’m ready to go. Except that nothing starts for another hour and a half. Must try to adjust to the time zone tomorrow.

Day one for me started with the symposium in memory of Keith Fagnou. It was really touching to hear the speakers – Hartwig, Sanford, Yu, Jacobsen – talk with great warmth and affection both about Professor Fagnou as a person and his amazing contribution to C-H functionalisation chemistry. And of course they brought us up-to-date with their own chemistry, which, in the case of Jin-Quan Yu, involved quite a lot of table salt, which seems to very useful for promoting C-H activation by weak coordination.
My highlight for the afternoon was Laura Kiessling’s talk on carbohydrate polymer assembly. Carbohydrate polymers are the most abundant organic compounds on the planet and, amongst many other functions, are responsible for making the cell walls of tuberculosis mycobacteria really strong. So by understanding the polymerization process, we could be a step closer to working out how to eradicate the disease, which has infected a staggering one third of the world’s population.
It was also the first talk I’ve been to where the speaker has called her audience science geeks.
A geek – moi?

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Imaging ions

Understanding the way ions behave in the gas phase is important for solving atmospheric, astrochemical and biological problems. In Chemical Science’s latest Mini review, Arthur Suits, at Wayne State University, Detroit, US, and colleagues illustrate how high-resolution ion and electron imaging techniques can be used to study photofragmentation and photoionisation dynamics in ions. Examples discussed include the use of cation photodissociation to explore the upper atmosphere of Titan, Saturn’s largest moon.

Ion imageInterested? Find out more


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Biogenetically inspired approach to alkaloid family

US chemists have synthesised an entire family of marine alkaloids that show potent anticancer activity and potential for treating Alzheimer’s disease.

Mohammad Movassaghi and colleagues at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, were intrigued by the molecular architecture of agelastatin alkaloids, in particular the cyclopentane C-ring, which others had proposed is formed at an early stage in the alkaloid’s biosynthesis. Conversely, Movassaghi envisaged a biosynthetic sequence where the C-ring forms at an advanced stage of the synthesis and so he designed a total synthesis plan inspired by his biogenetic hypothesis.

Bioinspired cyclisation to form agelastatin A

This unique approach gave Movassaghi access to all known members of this alkaloid family. Although 10 different research groups had made agelastatin A before, Movassaghi’s route was the shortest, most efficient and largest scale synthesis to date, generating over 1.4 g of the highly potent antitumour agent.

To find out more about the new transformations developed, including an imidazolone-forming annulation reaction and a carbohydroxylative trapping of imidazolones, read the Chemical Science Edge Article.

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Visualising DNA sequences

A new, fast way to analyse DNA has been developed by European scientists that could be used to sequence the genomes of viruses and in the future help tackle genetic disorders such as schizophrenia and congenital heart defects. 

Current DNA sequencing methods are able to sequence short regions of the genome (302 to 15002 bases in length). Regions that are either duplicated or deleted relative to a reference genome are an important cause of structural variation in the human genome with links to a variety of genetic disorders. Using current sequencing methods, studying these repeats is time consuming and labour intensive. 

Now, Robert Neely and colleagues, at Catholic University Leuven, Belgium, have used a DNA methyltransferase enzyme to label the 5′-GCGC-3′ DNA sequences with a fluorescent marker. Immobilising and stretching the DNA on a surface then produces a unique and reproducible pattern when combined with the fluorescent markers. The result is a ‘fluorocode’ – a simple description of the DNA sequence, which can be read and analyzed like a barcode. 


Sequences of DNA are tagged with a fluorescent marker

DNA barcodes using fluorescent tagging can be read quickly as labelled samples pass a detector, but Neely’s fluorocode gives significantly enhanced resolution and uses a much smaller number of DNA molecules. ‘The method from unlabelled DNA to fluorocode can be achieved in less than 8 hours for a DNA molecule that is around 50000 bases in length,’ says Neely. Current single molecule mapping methods have a timeframe of around one week for analysing individual genomes. 

Kalim Mir, an expert in DNA sequencing and genomics at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, University of Oxford, comments, ‘the advantage the system has over conventional optical mapping is that it can provide ultra-high density mapping of genomic DNA and could easily be extended to much longer fragments from larger genomes, from bacteria to humans. The most significant challenge the authors face is to scale the technique up to the human genome.’ 

The group now plan to scale the fluorocode up from viral genomes to bacterial and on to eukaryotic genomes with the immediate aim of producing multi-coloured fluorocodes with even more detail. 

Carl Saxton

Find out more in the Chemical Science Edge article.

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Versatile solvent-free method for functionalising carbon nanotubes

Carbon nanotubes can now be functionalised on a large scale more cleanly and efficiently than before, improving their commercial viability for engineering, catalysis and bionanotechnology.

Milo Shaffer, at Imperial College London, and colleagues, have exploited existing surface oxide defects present in most carbon nanotubes to attach a variety of organic molecules to their surfaces. Surface functionalisation can improve a nanotube’s compatibility with particular environments, such as electrolytes, or can provide a direct function, such as catalytic activity. Conventional functionalisation methods are time-consuming and inconvenient. They also generate a lot of liquid waste, commonly toxic or corrosive. Although some solvent-free methods are known, they are poorly reproducible and often degrade the graphite framework and affect the nanotube’s intrinsic properties.

Carbon nanotubes before and after functionalisation

Shaffer heated the nanotubes to 1000 ºC under an inert atmosphere, which caused the defect groups to desorb, leaving reactive surface radicals. When he added functional monomers, such as vinyl compounds, to the activated nanotubes, the monomers polymerised, forming oligomers grafted to the nanotube surface.

This thermochemical method can be applied entirely in the gas phase, which simplifies work-up, improves scalability and makes it compatible with existing gas phase processes for commercially producing nanotubes.

Read the full Chemical Science Edge Article to find out more.

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Chemical Science Issue 3 now online!

Read issue 3 for free online and catch up with the latest exceptional research from leading scientists including Michel Orrit, Linda Hsieh-Wilson, Kendall Houk, Kyoko Nozaki and David Leigh.

The outside front cover supplied by Cynthia Friend represents her work on the oxygen-assisted cross-coupling of methanol with alkyl alcohols on metallic gold. On the inside front cover, Susumu Kitagawa and colleagues illustrate their discovery of a temperature-responsive porous compound that can selectively separate molecules.

Issue 3 outside and inside covers

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New insights into dendron gene delivery

Gene therapy has the potential to revolutionise personal medicine but delivering the genes into cells is a major challenge. Dendrons offer a potential solution as their many ligands bind strongly to DNA but now scientists are reporting that smaller dendrons with fewer ligands can actually be better at gene delivery than larger ones. 

Previous studies show that larger dendrons bind DNA more strongly than smaller ones because they have a higher positive charge and form more contacts with the DNA. But as large dendrons are more difficult to synthesise, David Smith, at the University of York, UK, and colleagues have been investigating other ways to improve dendron–DNA interactions.

self-assembling dendrons for DNA binding and gene delivery

The team designed spermine-functionalised dendrons capable of self-assembling then used multiscale modelling to understand the impact of the self-assembly process on their ability to bind and deliver DNA. Surprisingly, the smaller dendrons were better at binding DNA because they self-assembled more effectively to form an aggregate with a higher charge density. Also, two hydrophobic cholesterol units (rather than one) at the dendron focal point resulted in enhanced gene delivery in vitro. These dendrons assemble into a different shape and pack DNA more effectively, says Smith.

To find out more, read the Edge article.

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2011 ISACS conference details just announced

Following the great success of the first 3 ISACS meetings held July 2010, ISACS 4-6 have now been confirmed. Find out why 97% of delegates said they’d attend another ISACS meeting, by joining one of next year’s events.

Jason Chin discusses reprogramming the code of life (ISACS1)

Jason Chin discusses reprogramming the code of life (ISACS1)

Almost 500 delegates attended the first three ISACS meetings (International Symposia on Advancing the Chemical Sciences), held in San Francisco, Budapest, and Hong Kong, this July. The events, held in support of the launch of the new RSC journal Chemical Science, received critical acclaim from the delegates: survey results from over 100 attendees, suggest an incredible 97% would seek to attend future ISACS meetings! Why not find out why these events were so well received, by planning to attend one of the 2011 meetings?

ISACS2 Speakers with RSC staff

ISACS2 Speakers with RSC staff

The next three ISACS meetings are now confirmed as:

ISACS4 – Challenges in Renewable Energy
5-8 July 2011, Boston, USA

ISACS5 – Challenges in Chemical Biology
26-29 July 2011, Manchester, UK

ISACS6 – Challenges in Organic Materials & Supramolecular Chemistry
2-5 September 2011, Beijing, China

Further information will be available in due course, but hold these dates in your diary to be part of the next suite of three ISACS meetings.

ISACS1 Speakers

ISACS1 Speakers

Read more about the success of the 2010 ISACS events. And please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about these events.

Robert Eagling
Managing Editor, Chemical Science

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