We want our authors’ research to get the recognition it deserves: Publishing in Chemical Science means your article will have excellent visibility and impact.
Graph 1 below shows the number of citations to articles published so far in 2013 in Chemical Science and other similar general chemistry journals – showing that articles in Chemical Science are read and cited quickly.
This is also reflected in Chemical Science‘s high Impact Factor (8.3) and Immediacy Index (2.7) – see how this compares to JACS and Angewandte Chemie in graph 2 below.*

Graph 1: Citations to articles published in January to June 2013 (Data downloaded from ISI Web of Science on 16 August 2013)
*Figures from the 2012 Journal Citation Report © 2013 Thomson Reuters. The Immediacy Index is the average number of times an article is cited in the year it is published and indicates how quickly articles in a journal are cited.
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