A new metal-organic framework (MOF) with the highest hydrogen uptake at 298K of all the MOFs that have been examined to date has been made by US scientists. The MOF exhibits exceptionally high hydrogen (58mg/g-1 and 39g/L-1 at 52 bar and 77K) and methane (276mg/g-1 and 189g/L-1 at 80 bar and 298K) uptake capacities, they say.
The team attributes the exceptionally high gas uptake capacity to the highly branched, aromatic-rich nature of the bridging ligand, optimal pore size and the open metal sites in the trizinc secondary building units.
The work highlights the potential of designing MOFs with even higher gas uptake capacities by further optimising their structural, chemical and topological characteristics.
Link to journal article
A High Connectivity Metal-Organic Framework with Exceptional Hydrogen and Methane Uptake Capacities
D Liu et al
Chem. Sci., 2012, DOI: 10.1039/c2sc20601c