Archive for the ‘Conference’ Category

JMC C prize winner at International Workshop on Advanced Materials and Processes for Energy Applications

Journal of Materials Chemistry C would like to congratulate Dr. Görkem Günbas on his Flash Talk prize win at the International Workshop on Advanced Materials and Processes for Energy Applications which took place in Istanbul on the 20th – 24th April, 2016 and was sponsored by JMC C. His prize included a certificate and one year’s free access to JMC C.

The workshop was organised by Imperial College London (UK) and Meliksah University (Turkey) with the aim of bringing together leading academics, experienced researchers, early stage research scholars and industrial partners in sustainable energy together to discuss and share their experiences and research about all aspects of Advanced Materials and Processes for Energy Applications. Speakers from both institutions attended and included workshop coordinator, Professor Iain McCulloch (Imperial College London).

Further information about the workshop can be found on their website.

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UK-India Symposium on Functional Materials

The UK-India Symposium on Functional Materials will take place on the 21st June 2016 in Edinburgh.

The event is co-organised by the Royal Society of Chemistry, the University of Edinburgh and the Chemical Research Society of India. Journal of Materials Chemistry C and our sister journal, Materials Horizons will be providing respective poster prizes for the event and our Associate Editor for JMC C Neil Robertson (University of Edinburgh) will be on the committee.

This event will be the third RSC-CRSI meeting in the UK, and its purpose is to bring together ​researchers from both countries and to share knowledge, facilitate discussion and encourage research collaborations.

As there will only be 150 registration slots available, registration will be on a first come, first serve basis. Speakers will include Andrew Mount and Cait MacPhee (University of Edinburgh, UK) amongst others.

Further information can be found on the website along with a call for abstracts and the registration deadline.

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ISRERU-4 & ISFM-7 conference

Journal of Materials Chemistry A & C and our sister journal, Materials Horizons will be providing poster prizes at the upcoming 4th International Symposium on Rare Earth Resource Utilization (ISRERU-4) and the 7th International Symposium on Functional Materials (ISFM-7) which will take place from the 16th – 19th August, 2016 in Changchun, China.

The symposiums are a continuation of previous workshops and meetings and the upcoming symposiums are intended to be beneficial to the worldwide functional materials community and aim to assess the current status and identify future priority and directions in research, design and applications of catalytic materials and other related advanced functional materials.

It is also hoped that the symposiums will provide a platform and opportunity to promote mutual interaction and exchange of ideas among researchers within the scientific community. Further information regarding the symposiums can be found on the website.

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Winners at the 26th IUPAC International Symposium on Photochemistry

Congratulations to all the poster prize winners at the 26th IUPAC International Symposium on Photochemistry which took place in Osaka, Japan from the 3rd – 8th April 2016. The symposium was well attended with more than 600 worldwide delegates attending. Journal of Materials Chemistry A and Journal of Materials Chemistry C were two of the RSC journals providing awards for the best Young Researcher Oral Presentation, Student Oral Presentation and Student Poster.

The scientific program for the conference set out to cover all of the major disciplines of contemporary photochemistry-related science including physics, biology, medicine, materials science, engineering, and technology. A range of scientific events composed by plenary lectures, invited talks, oral presentations, and poster sessions. One of the main aims was to generate new research ideas, by providing a unique opportunity for scientific interaction and exchange of ideas among participants.

The conference chairperson Professor Tetsuro Majima was on hand to present the prizes to the winners pictured below. Further information can be found on the website along with a full list of all the winners.

Professor Tetsuro Majima with the poster prize winners

Professor Tetsuro Majima with the poster prize winners

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Molecular Imaging 2016

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The Molecular Imaging: From Design to Clinical Practicalities one day symposium will take place on the 15th July 2016 at the University Hospital of Coventry and Warwickshire.

The symposium will be in association with the University of Warwick and aims to bring together researchers with clinical/medical associations and clinicians to present their latest work in the design and application of imaging probes and the visual arts for medicine.

The symposium will directly follow and be independent of the Warwick Polymer Conference 2016 and 75-100 academic and clinical delegates are expected to attend.

Journal of Materials B and Materials Horizons will be providing poster prize awards with the remaining funding being provided by the Institute of Advanced Study (University of Warwick) and Australian Research Council’s Centre of Excellence in Convergent Bio-Nano Science and Technology.

Further information can be found on the website.

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International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics

The International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (HOPV16) will be held in Swansea, UK from the 28th June – 1st July 2016.

HOPV is a unique forum for the presentation and discussion of the advances in hybrid and organic photovoltaics. Professors James Durrant, Henry Snaith and David Worsley, will be chairs of this 8th HOPV conference. The format will follow previous HOPV meetings and last three days, with plenary sessions for keynote and invited talks, as well as contributed talks by participant scientists and unlimited poster presentation. There will also be a satellite workshop on the 28th June.

Journal of Materials Chemistry A is a proud supporter and will be providing a poster prize which will be presented by Professor Neil Robertson (Associate Editor, Journal of Materials Chemistry C).

Topics covered by the conference will be:

  • Material synthesis and processing
  • Device architecture and optimisation
  • Functional and structural characterisation
  • Material and device modelling
  • Material and device stability
  • Scale up and commercial development
  • Related applications, including carrier multiplication, tandem devices and solar to fuels

Further information can be found on the website.

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Organic Semiconductors conference

The first Zing conference based around Organic Semiconductors will be taking place this year from the 22nd – 25th September. Journal of Materials Chemistry C is proud to sponsor and will be awarding a poster prize.

The conference will be chaired by Journal of Materials Chemistry C Associate Editor Natalie Stingelin (Imperial College London, UK) and Guillermo Bazan (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA) and will aim to identify future opportunities, emerging challenges and a discussion of the intellectual frontiers and technological vision for this class of materials.

Topics include structure/property guidelines for relevant applications, including organic photovoltaics, spintronics, biological interfaces, light-emitting diodes, field effect transistors and biosensors.

Further information regarding the conference including abstract information and submission details can be found here.

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Journal of Materials Chemistry A and Materials Horizons are proud to support the upcoming Materials Challenges In Alternative and Renewable Energy symposium which is taking place in Clearwater, Florida, USA from the 17th – 21st April 2016.

The symposium seeks to bring together different yet complimentary approaches for the development and application of spectral conversion materials for the energy sector. Topics will focus on spectral conversion materials, with emphasis on materials design, characterization, hybrid structures, mechanisms, device fabrication, and innovative approaches and applications.

Further information about MCARE2016 can be found here.

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World Biomaterials Congress 2016 conference

Journal of Materials Chemistry B is proud to announce itself as a supporting partner of the 10th World Biomaterials Congress which will take place in Montréal, Canada from the 17th – 22nd May 2016. The conference will be attended by the Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B & C Managing Editor, Ruth Norris and JMC B Deputy Editor-in-Chief Christine Schmidt.

conference logo

The conference is the largest gathering of Biomaterial Researchers and has had over 3500 abstracts submitted already. It is on track to be the largest scientific gathering of biomaterials scientists ever, and the largest World Biomaterials Congress to-date.

International plenary speakers will be David Mooney (Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, USA), Fiona Watt (King’s College, London) and JMC B Associate Editor Jiang Chang (Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, China).

Further information about the conference including a last minute call for ‘late breaker’ abstract submissions can be found here.

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UK-Korea Symposium on Lithium and Sodium Batteries


We are excited to announce the upcoming UK-Korea Symposium on Lithium and Sodium Batteries which will take place in London from the 18th – 19th January 2016.

The symposium will be a joint meeting organised by the Royal Society of Chemistry and Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) and will be focussed upon covering all aspects of lithium-ion, sodium-ion and metal-air batteries (for e.g. Li, Na and Zn).

There will be talks showcasing some of the best research from Korea and the UK with opportunities to highlight recent developments and identify emerging and future areas of growth. There will also be a poster session with prizes and certificates awarded for the best poster presentations.

Further details about the symposium can be found here along with information on registration and abstract submission.

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