Archive for the ‘Conference’ Category

ELECMOL16 poster prize winners

Name Affiliation Poster title
Makoto Yamamoto Meiji University, Japan Analysis of Single-Molecular Charging Effect in Molecular-Floating-Gate Single-Electron Transistor
Yu-Pu Lin CEA-Saclay, France Hardware Neuromorphic Learning System Built with Organic Memristive synapses
Ryoma Hayakawa National Institute for Materials Science, Japan Large Magnetoresistance in Single Oligo(p-phenylene ethynylene)-Based Radical Molecule Junctions
Daniel Buelz Technische Universitat Chemnitz, Germany Photoelectrical Characterization of Lateral Four-Terminal Organic Devices
Margot Jacquet Departement de chimie moléculaire (DCM), France Efficient visible-light-activated molecular switch with metal to ligand charge transfer excitation
Kiran Vankayala Weizmann Institute of Science, USA Spin Specific Electron Conduction through Chiral Molecules – Manifestation of the Chiral Induced Spin Selectivity Effect
Sander Blok Leiden University, The Netherlands Enhancing the on-off ratio of molecular switches using cotunneling in nanoparticle networks
Ainhoa Atxabal CIC NANOGUNE, Spain Energy level alignment at spin-coated polymer/metal interfaces

Congratulations to the above Journal of Materials Chemistry B & C poster prize winners who were awarded for their posters at the 8th International Conference on Molecular Electronics which took place last month from the 22nd – 26th August in Paris, France.

The conference was an up-to-date scientific exchange on recent advances in the field of molecular electronics, gathering researchers from all over the world around top-level plenary and keynote speakers. It was also an opportunity for the development of national and international collaborations between academic and private partners at the highest level.

Poster prize winners at ELECMOL16

Further information can be found on the website.

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Presentation & Poster Prize Winners at 28th Annual Meeting on Photochemistry of Coordination Compounds

Journal of Materials Chemistry A congratulates the prize winners at the 28th Annual Meeting on Photochemistry of Coordination Compounds which was organised by the Photofunctional Complexes Research Association Japan. The event took place from the 8th – 10th August and is the second year in a row that JMC A has supported the event.

Best JMC A presentation prize was awarded to Dr. Takumi Kinoshita (The University of Tokyo) for his entry titled: Development of Wideband Photosensitization employing Spin-inversion Transition of Ru(II) complexes and best poster prize was awarded to Mr. Satoshi Sugimoto (University of Toyama) for his entry titled: Synthesis of mixed-ligand luminescent silver(I) coordination polymers [Ag2I2(PPh3)2(L)x(L′)1-x] and surface modification of luminescent crystals of [Ag2I2(PPh3)2(L)] (L, L′: 4,4′-bipyridine, 4,4′-bipiperidine).

From Left: Professor Noriaki Ikeda (Kyoto Institute of Technology), Dr. Takumi Kinoshita, Prof. Kiyoshi Tsuge (University of Toyama) and Mr. Satoshi Sugimoto

Further information about the meeting can be found here.

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POLYMAT SPOTLIGHT poster prize winners

Journal of Materials Chemistry A congratulates the following poster prize winners:  Miguel Martín-Arroyo, Ines García-Benito and Andreas Kreuzer who were awarded their certificates at the Polymat Spotlight which took place in San Sebastian (Spain) from the 21 – 24th June this year.

The objective of the conference was to increase visibility of emerging and technologically-relevant macromolecular materials. Plenary lecture speakers included Materials Horizons Editorial board member Markus Antonietti and Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B & C Editor-in-Chief Nazario Martín.

Further information about the conference can be found on the website.

(From left to right) JMC A poster prize winners: Miguel Martín-Arroyo, Ines García-Benito and Andreas Kreuzer

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‘Molecular Imaging: From Design to Clinical Practicalities’, University Hospital of Coventry and Warwickshire

Journal of Materials Chemistry B was proud to sponsor the one-day molecular imaging meeting Molecular Imaging 2016, held at the University Hospital of Coventry and Warwickshire in conjunction with the University of Warwick on Friday 15th July 2016. This meeting brought together researchers with clinical/medical associations and clinicians to present their latest work in the design and application of imaging probes, and also explored the role of the visual arts in medicine.  Invited speakers included:

Prof Andrew Whittaker (University of Queensland)

Dr Angus Johnston (Monash University)

Dr Nicola Rogers (Durham University)

Dr Kristofer Thurecht (University of Queensland)

Dr Charles Hutchinson (University of Warwick/University Hospital of Coventry and Warwickshire)

Prof John Marshall (Queen Mary University/Barts Cancer Institute)

One of the talks, held by Dr Angus Johnston and Dr John McGhee, proved to be real show stopper. Together they presented a narrative entitled ‘Journey to the centre of the cell’ which combined the work of imaging scientists with the visual arts, specifically computer game technology. As part of the ARC Centre of Excellence in Bionano Convergent Science and Technology, a virtual reality (VR) platform has been developed from data compiled from a range of imaging modalities to construct the cell surface, internalisation processes and cell contents. They even brought a VR headset and allowed delegates to take the ‘journey’ throughout the day.

The Journal of Materials Chemistry B poster prize was awarded to Alice Harden, a PhD student at Durham University and the Materials Horizons poster prize was awarded to James Everett, a PDRA from the University of Warwick.

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Thermoelectrics Summer School 2016

The 1st International Summer School On Thermoelectrics was held July 25th – 27th in Golden Colorado USA. The conference was organized by Prof. Eric Toberer (Colorado School of Mines) and Prof. Alexandra Zevalkink (Michigan State University).

The 75 attendees discussed the fundamental properties of thermoelectric materials with speakers from National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Georgia Tech, Duke University, University of California Santa Barbara, University of California Davis, Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, and Northwestern University.

The three day school covered topics ranging from the physics of thermoelectric materials to materials synthesis to practical module design. Brenden Ortiz (Colorado School of Mines) received the Journal of Materials Chemistry A poster award for best overall presentation.

(From left to right: JMC A's Associate Editor, Michael Chanbinyc with Brenden Ortiz (Colorado School of Mines, USA)

(From left to right: JMC A's Associate Editor, Michael Chanbinyc with Brenden Ortiz (Colorado School of Mines, USA))

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6th Interdisciplinary Symposium on Materials Chemistry

conference logoJournal of Materials Chemistry A will be supporting the 6th Interdisciplinary Symposium on Materials Chemistry (ISMC–2016) which will take place from the 6th – 10th December, 2016 in Mumbai, India.

ISMC–2016, is being jointly organized by the Society for Materials Chemistry (SMC) and Chemistry Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Trombay, Mumbai, India and is sponsored by the Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS), Department of Atomic Energy (DAE). It will focus on contemporary research in the field of materials chemistry. The deliberations of the symposium will cover the following topics:

  • Nuclear materials
  • High purity materials
  • Nanomaterials and clusters
  • Carbon based materials
  • Fuel cell materials and other electro‐ceramics
  • Biomaterials
  • Polymers and Soft condensed matter
  • Materials for energy conversion
  • Thin film and surface chemistry
  • Magnetic materials
  • Catalysis
  • Chemical sensors
  • Organic and organometallic compounds
  • Computational materials chemistry
  • Hybrid material and composites

Deadline for submissions: 10th August 2016

Further information can be found on the website.

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NGSC 2016

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The International Symposium on Next-Generation Solar Cells and Solar Energy Conversion will be taking place from the 21st – 24th November 2016 at the National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) in Hsinchu, Taiwan.

The event is jointly organised by the National Chiao Tung University (Taiwan) and the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK) and coincides with the 120th anniversary of NCTU and the 175th anniversary of the Royal Society of Chemistry. The objectives are to allow researchers to explore new technologies for the next-generation of solar cells and to share research ideas and results on the latest advances in solar energy conversion. It is hoped that this will lead to new collaborations and partnerships between the scientists involved. Our Programme Manager for International Engagement, Kathleen Too, will be in attendance as conference co-organiser.

Journal of Materials Chemistry A and Journal of Materials Chemistry C will be sponsoring the event by providing a total of 6 poster prizes with certificates and one year free online access to the respective journal for the winners and the Royal Society of Chemistry is also supporting several of the UK speakers to participate in this symposium.

Further details including early bird registration which runs out on the 31st July and abstract submission can be found on the conference website.

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Organic & Perovskite Solar Cells Conference

Journal of Materials Chemistry A and Materials Horizons will be supporting this year’s Organic & Perovskite Solar Cells Conference which takes place in Herakion, Greece from the 19th – 20th October. Both journals will be providing poster prizes and awarding certificates and free online journal access to the winners.

‘The conference aims to centralize the participants’ interest by presenting the most recent attainments, highlights, current challenges and perspectives, conclusions and suggested future works in Organic and Hybrid Solar Cells Technologies.’

Topics included for discussion are:

  • Organic solar cells (OSCs)
  • Perovskite solar cells (PeSCs)
  • Dye sensitized solar cells (DSSCs)
  • Material synthesis of organic and perovskite absorbers
  • Interfacial engineering of solar cells
  • Fundamental physics and photophysics
  • Theoretical modelling of materials and devices
  • Characterization and measurement techniques
  • Lifetime and device stability
  • Scale up and commercial development

Speakers include Materials Horizons’ Scientific Editor, Professor Thuc-Quyen Nguyen (University of California Santa Barbara, USA) and Professor Mohammad Khaja Nazeeruddin (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland).

Further details such as abstract deadline and early bird registration can be found on the RSC events website and on the official conference website.

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UKSB 2016

The UK Society for Biomaterials will be holding their 15th annual conference from the 30th June – 1st July at the University of Westminster, London.

Journal of Materials Chemistry B and Biomaterials Science will be providing sponsorship in the form of a poster prize certificate and a year’s free access to the journal.

Professor Ipsita Roy from the University of Westminster is organising the conference and has included some special features for this year which are below:

  • A dedicated Larry Hench session;
  • ReBiostent session (an EU FP7 project); (on biodegradable drug eluting stents)
  • KTN session dedicated to the industry/clinicians and
  • A dedicated cell oriented session for TCES/ECPS members.

Professor Roy intends to promote a ‘varied experience of both excellent research in the area of biomaterials including state of art, innovative work with synthetic and natural polymers, complemented with their application in the production of near to market products including medical devices, tissue engineering scaffolds and controlled delivery constructs’. Further details about the conference and Professor Roy’s full statement can be found here.

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8th International Conference on Molecular Electronics

Journal of Materials Chemistry B & Journal of Materials Chemistry C will be providing sponsorship in support of the the upcoming 8th International Conference on Molecular Electronics (ElecMol) which will be held in Paris, France from the 22nd – 26th August, 2016. The sponsorship comes in the form of poster prizes with the winner being awarded a certificate and one year’s free online access to the journal.

The conference intends to allow for researchers from all over the world and top-level plenary and keynote speakers to interact and discuss recent advances in the field of molecular electronics. It will also present an opportunity for collaboration between academics and private partners at the highest level. The conference will focus on recent advances in molecular and organic electronics in the fields of:

T1 – Single Molecules & Quantum Dots: Junctions/Memories & Switches
T2 – Organic Electronics and Spintronics: Materials & Devices
T3 – Organic Optoelectronics & Photonics: Materials & Devices
T4 – 2D materials, Nanotubes & Nanowires
T5 – Self-Assembly & Supramolecular Architectures
T6 – Scanning Probe Microscopies & Near Field Approaches
T7 – Molecular Theoretical Modelling
T8 – Bioinspired Approaches & Biomimetic Devices

Further such as registration and abstract submission can be found on the website.

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