Top 25 ChemComm articles January–March 2015

The 25 most-downloaded ChemComm articles in the first quarter of 2015 were as follows: 

Nanoimaging of localized plasmon-induced charge separation
Emiko Kazuma, Nobuyuki Sakai and Tetsu Tatsuma 
Chem. Commun., 2011,47, 5777-5779
DOI: 10.1039/C1CC10936G, Communication 

Glucose transport machinery reconstituted in cell models
Jesper S. Hansen, Karin Elbing, James R. Thompson, Noah Malmstadt and Karin Lindkvist-Petersson 
Chem. Commun., 2015,51, 2316-2319
DOI: 10.1039/C4CC08838G, Communication 

An engineered lantipeptide synthetase serves as a general leader peptide-dependent kinase
Gabrielle N. Thibodeaux and Wilfred A. van der Donk 
Chem. Commun., 2012,48, 10615-10617
DOI: 10.1039/C2CC34138G, Communication 

A solvent-free Diels–Alder reaction of graphite into functionalized graphene nanosheets
Jeong-Min Seo and Jong-Beom Baek 
Chem. Commun., 2014,50, 14651-14653
DOI: 10.1039/C4CC07173E, Communication 

Nanostructured electrochromic smart windows: traditional materials and NIR-selective plasmonic nanocrystals
Evan L. Runnerstrom, Anna Llordés, Sebastien D. Lounis and Delia J. Milliron 
Chem. Commun., 2014,50, 10555-10572
DOI: 10.1039/C4CC03109A, Feature Article 

Production of few-layer phosphorene by liquid exfoliation of black phosphorus
Jack R. Brent, Nicky Savjani, Edward A. Lewis, Sarah J. Haigh, David J. Lewis and Paul O’Brien 
Chem. Commun., 2014,50, 13338-13341
DOI: 10.1039/C4CC05752J, Communication 

Polydiacetylenes: supramolecular smart materials with a structural hierarchy for sensing, imaging and display applications
Oktay Yarimaga, Justyn Jaworski, Bora Yoon and Jong-Man Kim 
Chem. Commun., 2012,48, 2469-2485
DOI: 10.1039/C2CC17441C, Feature Article 

Hydrogen storage properties and neutron scattering studies of Mg2(dobdc)—a metal–organic framework with open Mg2+ adsorption sites
Kenji Sumida, Craig M. Brown, Zoey R. Herm, Sachin Chavan, Silvia Bordiga and Jeffrey R. Long 
Chem. Commun., 2011,47, 1157-1159
DOI: 10.1039/C0CC03453C, Communication
From themed collection Hydrogen 

A high-throughput screening method for determining the substrate scope of nitrilases
Gary W. Black, Nicola L. Brown, Justin J. B. Perry, P. David Randall, Graeme Turnbull and Meng Zhang 
Chem. Commun., 2015,51, 2660-2662
DOI: 10.1039/C4CC06021K, Communication 

Enhancement of cyclization quantum yields of perfluorodiarylethenes via weak intramolecular interactions
Shouzhi Pu, Chunhong Zheng, Qi Sun, Gang Liu and Congbin Fan 
Chem. Commun., 2013,49, 8036-8038
DOI: 10.1039/C3CC44348E, Communication 

Rapid ultrasonic isothermal amplification of DNA with multiplexed melting analysis – applications in the clinical diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases
Gaolian Xu, Rory N. Gunson, Jonathan M. Cooper and Julien Reboud 
Chem. Commun., 2015,51, 2589-2592
DOI: 10.1039/C4CC08389J, Communication 

A zirconium squarate metal–organic framework with modulator-dependent molecular sieving properties
Bart Bueken, Helge Reinsch, Nele Reimer, Ivo Stassen, Frederik Vermoortele, Rob Ameloot, Norbert Stock, Christine E. A. Kirschhock and Dirk De Vos 
Chem. Commun., 2014,50, 10055-10058
DOI: 10.1039/C4CC03764B, Communication 

Highly sensitive detection of self-aggregated single-walled carbon nanotubes using a DNA-immobilized resonator
Kuewhan Jang, Jinsung Park, Doyeon Bang, Sangmyung Lee, Juneseok You, Seungjoo Haam and Sungsoo Na 
Chem. Commun., 2013,49, 8635-8637
DOI: 10.1039/C3CC42911C, Communication 

Selective glucose recognition by boronic acid azoprobe/γ-cyclodextrin complexes in water
Chie Shimpuku, Rimiko Ozawa, Akira Sasaki, Fuyuki Sato, Takeshi Hashimoto, Akiyo Yamauchi, Iwao Suzuki and Takashi Hayashita 
Chem. Commun., 2009, 1709-1711
DOI: 10.1039/B819938H, Communication 

Nickel-catalyzed borylation of arenes and indoles via C–H bond cleavage
Takayuki Furukawa, Mamoru Tobisu and Naoto Chatani 
Chem. Commun., 2015,51, 6508-6511
DOI: 10.1039/C5CC01378J, Communication 

Graphene quantum dots: emergent nanolights for bioimaging, sensors, catalysis and photovoltaic devices
Jianhua Shen, Yihua Zhu, Xiaoling Yang and Chunzhong Li 
Chem. Commun., 2012,48, 3686-3699
DOI: 10.1039/C2CC00110A, Feature Article 

Enhanced stability and activity of Pt–Y alloy catalysts for electrocatalytic oxygen reduction
Sung Jong Yoo, Soo-Kil Kim, Tae-Yeol Jeon, Seung Jun Hwang, June-Gunn Lee, Seung-Cheol Lee, Kug-Seung Lee, Yong-Hun Cho, Yung-Eun Sung and Tae-Hoon Lim 
Chem. Commun., 2011,47, 11414-11416
DOI: 10.1039/C1CC12448J, Communication 

Synthesis and characterization of dithienylbenzobis(thiadiazole)-based low band-gap polymers for organic electronics
Heong Sub Oh, Tae-Dong Kim, Yun-Hyuk Koh, Kwang-Sup Lee, Shinuk Cho, Alex Cartwright and Paras N. Prasad 
Chem. Commun., 2011,47, 8931-8933
DOI: 10.1039/C1CC11899D, Communication 

Aggregation-induced emission: phenomenon, mechanism and applications
Yuning Hong, Jacky W. Y. Lam and Ben Zhong Tang 
Chem. Commun., 2009, 4332-4353
DOI: 10.1039/B904665H, Feature Article 

Construction of a supported Ru complex on bifunctional MOF-253 for photocatalytic CO2 reduction under visible light
Dengrong Sun, Yanhong Gao, Jinlong Fu, Xianchong Zeng, Zhongning Chen and Zhaohui Li 
Chem. Commun., 2015,51, 2645-2648
DOI: 10.1039/C4CC09797A, Communication 

Chemical synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles
Taeghwan Hyeon 
Chem. Commun., 2003, 927-934
DOI: 10.1039/B207789B, Feature Article 

Multifunctional catalysis by Pd-polyoxometalate: one-step conversion of acetone to methyl isobutyl ketone
Robert D. Hetterley, Elena F. Kozhevnikova and Ivan V. Kozhevnikov 
Chem. Commun., 2006, 782-784
DOI: 10.1039/B515325E, Communication 

Reduction of graphene oxide viaL-ascorbic acid
Jiali Zhang, Haijun Yang, Guangxia Shen, Ping Cheng, Jingyan Zhang and Shouwu Guo 
Chem. Commun., 2010,46, 1112-1114
DOI: 10.1039/B917705A, Communication 

Naphthalene and perylene diimides for organic transistors
Frank Würthner and Matthias Stolte 
Chem. Commun., 2011,47, 5109-5115
DOI: 10.1039/C1CC10321K, Highlight
From themed collection Highlights in Chemistry 

Wet chemical synthesis of silver nanorods and nanowires of controllable aspect ratio
Nikhil R. Jana, Latha Gearheart and Catherine J. Murphy 
Chem. Commun., 2001, 617-618
DOI: 10.1039/B100521I, Communication 

These articles are all free to download until 6th July. Access is free through a registered RSC account – click here to register 


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Meet our authors: an interview with Kamil Godula

Welcome to a new entry on our series of interviews in the ChemComm blog! We want you to know more about some of the early career investigators who choose to publish their exciting work with us.

Next in this series is Dr Kamil Godula, from the University of California San Diego. Read the full interview below.


What inspired you to become a scientist?Kamil Godura

For me, it was my curiosity in finding out how the world around me works. My science teachers seemed to be the ones that had the answers to many of my questions and that had inspired me to pursue a scientific path.

I’ve always been intrigued by the ability of biologists, physicists and mathematicians to describe our world and try to pinpoint its fundamental principles. But ultimately, it was chemistry that captured my imagination for being a transformative science rather than a descriptive one. Becoming a chemist has allowed me to unleash my creativity and imagination.

Follow us on Twitter!How did you find out about ChemComm?

I became familiar with ChemComm as a new graduate student. Ever since, I’ve enjoyed the high quality of the research papers and the broad scope of topics that appear in the journal. Reading ChemComm is always a great way to gain a fresh perspective on and a new inspiration for my research.

What was the motivation behind the work described in your article? What interested you in this area?

My research team is interested in studying the role of carbohydrates in modulating biological events at the boundary between cells and their surrounding environment. The structures of these glycans, as they are called, can be recognized by protein receptors and many pathogens have evolved to target glycans to gain entry into their hosts.

What is interesting is the fact that the interactions of individual glycans and proteins are typically rather weak to be specific in a biological setting. To compensate for that, multiple copies of glycans are typically displayed by lipids and proteins found on cell membranes. My lab is interested in understanding how the three dimensional presentation of glycans on our cells affects the ability of influenza viruses to bind and initiate infection.

Once we gain a better understanding of these higher-order binding interactions between the virus and our cells, we may be able to design better drugs to fight influenza.

Reading ChemComm is always a great way to gain a fresh perspective on and a new inspiration for my research.

Dr Kamil Godula, University of California San Diego

Why did you choose ChemComm to publish your work?

Our research is very interdisciplinary and involves carbohydrate and polymer synthesis, microarray platform development, as well as virus production and biological assays. At the same time, chemistry is always the central enabling science in all of our research. Therefore, ChemComm was a natural choice to publish our study.

Where do you see your research heading next?


Our microarray platform has begun to reveal very interesting effects of glycan organization on their recognition by intact influenza viruses. We are currently investigating how the initial binding of the viruses to the “sugar landing pad” on epithelial cells correlates with their ability to enter the cells and initiate infection. We are also expanding this platform to enable the discovery of more effective antiviral drugs.

If you could not be a scientist, but could be anything else, what would you be?

Definitely a jazz musician. Benny Goodman has always been my great inspiration; I’m fascinated by the complexity and beauty of his improvisations and wonder what it’d feel like to master the clarinet the way he did.


Did you enjoy Kamil’s story, or do you have your own memorable story about your first ChemComm paper? Tweet us @ChemCommun (#meetCCauthors) or reply in the comments below!

ChemComm fully supports researchers in the early stage of their careers, and remains the leading journal for urgent high-quality communications from across the chemical sciences.

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Terpene analogues bear safer pesticides

Image of ants crawling over a plantTweaking the natural substrates of terpene synthase enzymes could lead to less toxic pesticides and swathes of other important biologically-active compounds, according to UK researchers.

Terpene synthases generate a huge variety of natural compounds with important functions in all forms of life. Many plants emit volatile terpenes to repel predators, including insects, so there is considerable interest in creating new terpene analogues for pesticides. Insects, however, have a very sophisticated ‘nose’ for these compounds and may ignore even closely-related analogues.

Read the full article in Chemistry World»

Read the original journal article ChemComm – it’s free to access until 22nd June:
Novel olfactory ligands via terpene synthases
Sabrina Touchet, Keith Chamberlain, Christine M. Woodcock, David J. Miller, Michael A. Birkett, John A. Pickett and Rudolf K. Allemann 
Chem. Commun., 2015,51, 7550-7553
DOI: 10.1039/C5CC01814E, Communication

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Hierarchical 3D immunoassays – higher loading, lower fouling

Iain Larmour is a guest web writer for ChemSci. He has researched a wide variety of topics during his years in the lab including nanostructured surfaces for water repellency and developing nanoparticle systems for bioanalysis by surface enhanced optical spectroscopies. He currently works in science management. In his spare time he enjoys reading, photography, art and inventing.

If you are producing an immunoassay there are two key parameters you need to understand and optimise: surface structure and surface chemistry. Get these two parameters right and you will optimise the sensitivity of your immunoassay. 

Although there have been a multitude of 3D surface generation routes reported, they are generally complicated and require a lot of additional steps. Although these 3D surfaces lead to high probe loading levels they also often lead to high levels of non-specific protein absorption, undoing any good the surface structure would have led to. 

Jinghua Yin and team from the State Key Laboratory of Polymer Physics and Chemistry at the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry have focussed on both properties to generate a much improved immunoassay. 

 Firstly they generated a 3D surface using UV irradiation of polystyrene spheres onto a substrate; they then grafted polymer brushes to the sphere surface. The polymer brushes not only further increased the surface area (more than doubling it from the bare sphere surface) but also acted as an anti-fouling agent, reducing the amount of non-specific binding observed by up to 90%. 

Antibody loading on different surface types showing increasing loading levels


The commonality of the functional groups on the polymer brushes mean that any antibody can be attached to the prepared surface. To find out the details of how to make these surfaces and try them out on your own immunoassays, read the paper today!

To read the details, check out the ChemComm article in full:
Facile fabrication of microsphere-polymer brush hierarchically three-dimensional (3D) substrates for immunoassays
Jiao Ma, Shifang Luan, Lingjie Song, Shuaishuai Yuan, Shunjie Yan, Jing Jin and Jinghua Yin
Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 6749-6752
DOI: 10.1039/C5CC01250C

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Sweating the small stuff – paper-based cystic fibrosis screening

Iain Larmour is a guest web writer for ChemSci. He has researched a wide variety of topics during his years in the lab including nanostructured surfaces for water repellency and developing nanoparticle systems for bioanalysis by surface enhanced optical spectroscopies. He currently works in science management. In his spare time he enjoys reading, photography, art and inventing.

Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is one of the most common inherited diseases, with 1 in 3000 Caucasians a carrier of the single gene mutation. One feature of CF is abnormally elevated sweat anions, and this feature is exploited in the gold standard diagnostic tests.
However, gold standard in this case does not stand for inexpensive nor ease of use. This leads to limited availability and the requirement for large volumes of sweat; not the easiest of things to get from newborn babies who need to be screened for CF.
In a recent ChemComm article, Xuan Mu, Zhi Zheng and team from the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences at Peking Union Medical College have reported the development of a paper-based analytical device that can detect sweat on the skin using much smaller volumes than current tests.
The team use a colorimetric detection approach with stacked functional papers (paper discs produced with a hole punch). The key element is the anion exchange layer which converts sweat anions into hydroxide ions, leading to a local alkalization and subsequent change in the colour of another pH paper layer. 

The stacked paper based diagnostic device developed by the authors

The authors have applied their diagnostic device to real patients and can clearly discriminate between CF and non-CF patients with a clinical reference point. With the cost of these tests being less than a dollar and being wearable, the authors have opened up a new opportunity for the screening of CF.
To read the details, check out the ChemComm article in full:
A paper-based skin patch for the diagnostic screening of cystic fibrosis
Xuan Mu, Xiaolei Xin, Chengyan Fan, Xue Li, Xinlun Tian, Kai-Feng Xu and Zhi Zheng
Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 6365-6368
DOI: 10.1039/C5CC000717H

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Ionic liquids come up smelling of roses

Carolyn Devlin writes about a hot ChemComm article for Chemistry World

A new perfume delivery system has been developed by chemists in the UK as a way of keeping sweet smells around for longer. This cleverly designed system tags fragrance alcohols – such as 2-phenylethanol, which has a rose-like scent – onto odourless ionic liquids. In the tagged form, the material has no smell. However, when it comes into contact with water, the link is broken and the fragrance is released – along with its sweet scent.

Fragrance alcohols are typically volatile, so their scent can be lost soon after a perfumed product is applied. A lot of research has been dedicated to finding ways to keep scents around for longer.

Read the full article in Chemistry World»

Read the original journal article in ChemComm:
Pro-fragrant ionic liquids with stable hemiacetal motifs: water-triggered release of fragrances
H. Q. Nimal Gunaratne, Peter Nockemann and Kenneth R. Seddon 
Chem. Commun., 2015,51, 4455-4457
DOI: 10.1039/C5CC00099H, Communication

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Hydrogel with a basic instinct for drug delivery

Christopher Barnard writes about a hot ChemComm article for Chemistry World

A self-assembling hydrogel with nanofibres that specifically capture and release anti-inflammatory compounds has been created for applications in targeted drug delivery. The drug naproxen is only unleashed from the gel in basic solvents, a trait that could be exploited to avoid naproxen’s undesirable side effects.

Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, such as naproxen and ibuprofen, are ubiquitous in the management of many diseases and injuries. However, even these well-established medications can cause stomach ulcers and other gastrointestinal disorders. Side effects most commonly arise when the drugs are taken for an extended period of time, as in the long-term treatment of arthritis with naproxen. One way of preventing these painful consequences is to encapsulate drugs to restrict their availability in certain parts of the body and target their release to others.

Read the full article in Chemistry World»

Read the original journal article in ChemComm – it’s free to access until 27th May:
Self-assembled sorbitol-derived supramolecular hydrogels for the controlled encapsulation and release of active pharmaceutical ingredients
Edward J. Howe, Babatunde O. Okesola and David K. Smith 
Chem. Commun., 2015,51, 7451-7454
DOI: 10.1039/C5CC01868D, Communication

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Hot ChemComm articles for April

Here are some of the latest referee-recommended articles published in ChemComm – all free to access until 15th May!

Lewis acid-assisted detection of nerve agents in water
Rahul R. Butala, William R. Creasy, Roderick A. Fry, Michael L. McKee and David A. Atwood 
Chem. Commun., 2015, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C5CC00466G, Communication

C5CC00466G GA

From slow to fast – the user controls the rate of the release of molecules from masked forms using a photoswitch and different types of light
C. Chad Warford, Carl-Johan Carling and Neil R. Branda   
Chem. Commun., 2015,51, 7039-7042
DOI: 10.1039/C5CC00218D, Communication

C5CC00218D GA

The long-sought seventeen-electron radical [(C6Me6)Cr(CO)3]+: isolation, crystal structure and substitution reaction
Wenqing Wang, Xingyong Wang, Zaichao Zhang, Ningning Yuan and Xinping Wang 
Chem. Commun., 2015, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C5CC01941A, Communication

 C5CC01941A GA

A bioelectronic system for insulin release triggered by ketone body mimicking diabetic ketoacidosis in vitro
Maria Gamella, Nataliia Guz, José M. Pingarrón, Roshanak Aslebagh, Costel C. Darie and Evgeny Katz 
Chem. Commun., 2015, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C5CC01498K, Communication

 C5CC01498K GA

A membraneless air-breathing hydrogen biofuel cell based on direct wiring of thermostable enzymes on carbon nanotube electrodes
Noémie Lalaoui, Anne de Poulpiquet, Raoudha Haddad, Alan Le Goff, Michael Holzinger, Sébastien Gounel, Michel Mermoux, Pascale Infossi, Nicolas Mano, Elisabeth Lojou and Serge Cosnier 
Chem. Commun., 2015,51, 7447-7450
DOI: 10.1039/C5CC02166A, Communication

 C5CC02166A GA

Body temperature sensitive micelles for MRI enhancement
Xiaolei Zhu, Shizhen Chen, Qing Luo, Chaohui Ye, Maili Liu and Xin Zhou 
Chem. Commun., 2015, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C5CC02587G, Communication

C5CC02587G GA

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ChemComm Emerging Investigator Lectureship: Tomislav Friščić

Tomislav Friščić (McGill University), one of the winners of the 2014 ChemComm Emerging Investigator Lectureship, delivered the first of his three lectures, entitled “Mechanochemistry: from environmentally-friendly synthesis to the discovery of new materials and reactivity,” at the University of Ottawa on 25 February 2015.

Tomislav will next be speaking at University College London on Friday, 17 April 2015, and will deliver his final Lectureship talk at the 22nd International Conference on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State (ICCOSS XXII) in Niigata, Japan on 12-17 July 2015, where he will be formally awarded with his Lectureship certificate.

Xinliang Feng (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany) was the third recipient of the 2014 Lectureship, and he will be delivering his lecture at ECME 2015 – the 13th European Conference on Molecular Electronics – to be held in Strasbourg from 1-5 September 2015. More details on this and Xinliang’s other forthcoming lectures will be posted soon.

Our annual lectureship recognises emerging scientists in the early stages of their independent academic career.  We will soon be announcing our winners for 2015.

ChemComm Emerging Investigator Lectureship 2014 recipient Tomislav Friscic delivering his lecture at the University of Ottawa

Tomislav Friscic with his host at the University of Ottawa, David Bryce

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ChemComm Emerging Investigator Lectureship: Simon M. Humphrey

Dr Simon Humphrey (University of Texas at Austin), one of the winners of the 2014 ChemComm Emerging Investigator Lectureship, is currently on his Lectureship tour in three locations in California:

Simon delivered the first of his three lectures, entitled “Noble metal nanoparticles and phosphine coordination materials for heterogeneous catalysis, sequestration and sensing,” last Friday at the University of California in San Diego, where he was awarded with his Lectureship certificate by ChemComm Advisory Board member Professor Seth Cohen. Congratulations, Simon!

ChemComm Emerging Investigator Lectureship 2014 recipient Simon Humphrey receives his certificate from Professor Seth Cohen after delivering his lecture at the University of California in San Diego

Simon Humphrey with ChemComm Advisory Board members Josh Figueroa (left) and Seth Cohen (right)

Our annual lectureship recognises an emerging scientist in the early stages of their independent academic career.

We will be announcing our 2015 winners soon – watch this space!

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