Archive for the ‘ChemComm Anniversary’ Category

ChemComm’s 60th Anniversary – Karthikeyan Sekar

ChemComm is publishing its 60th volume in 2024. Over the past 60 years, ChemComm has been the RSC’s most cited journal, and one of the most trusted venues for rapid publication of short communications. In our anniversary year, we recognise the important contributions ChemComm has made, and continues to make, in advancing the chemical sciences.

As part of our anniversary celebrations, we’ve brought together a collection featuring the latest research from some of our most loyal and dedicated authors. From those marking the beginning of their independent academic career by publishing their first article with us, to the rising stars and established leaders publishing in our yearly ‘Emerging Investigators’ and ‘Pioneering Investigators’ collections, this collection champions the contributions of our worldwide author community. We are proud many authors choose to support our journal by regularly publishing their best work with us. This collection also features papers from our ChemComm Emerging Investigator Lectureship winners, and our Outstanding Reviewer awardees, whose invaluable feedback has shaped our published content through the years.

To accompany the collection, we’ll be publishing interviews with contributing authors where they provide further insight into their research and reflect on their journey with ChemComm.

Check out our interview with Dr Karthikeyan Sekar (SRM Institute of Science and Technology) below!


Dr. Karthikeyan Sekar currently working as a Research Assistant Professor, at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, India. Visiting Faculty at the University of Edinburg, Scotland, UK and JSPS Invitational Fellow at Kyushu University, Japan. Before joining SRMIST, he worked as Special Researcher at the University of Tokyo. He has received prestigious the Royal Society Newton International alumni grant in this September 2021, and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Japan (2018 to 2020), and the Royal Society Newton International Fellowship at Aston University (2016 to 2018), UK. He has awarded the Fellow of Higher Education Academy, United Kingdom (2018). He has many memberships few namely Member of International Water Association, Member of Royal Society of Chemistry, UK; Member of Member of American Chemical Society, USA; International Academic Partner of Africa Centers of Excellence Project.  His research interest towards development of biomass derived carbon-based materials used as a catalyst for energy and environmental remediation. He has published 129 research articles (Advanced Energy Materials, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Chemical communications, ChemSusChem, ACS applied Materials & Interfaces, Green Chemistry, PCCP, Langmuir etc., Citation 5360, h-index 36), including four patents (one international), which has transferred many industries in India and abroad.


How have you seen ChemComm evolve over the years, and what aspects do you find most noteworthy?

ChemComm has been evolving with the publications dealing with interesting explorations, new findings, and novel research outputs.

What is your favourite thing about ChemComm?

One of the favourite things about ChemComm is, easy submission process, ability to track the status of the submitted manuscript and swift final decision. The ‘communication’ option given for immediate publication of new emergent output is highly appreciative.

In what ways do you think ChemComm stands out among other journals in your field?

The standard of ChemComm lies in the quality of the research that gets published every year irrespective of the different branches in chemistry.

How would you describe the peer review process and interaction with the editorial team at ChemComm?

The peer review process is seemingly transparent where the quality of the manuscript is highlighted and modified during the same. The cooperative results from the editorial team along with the reviewers’ opinion is non-negotiable in compliance with the journal standards.

Could you provide a brief summary of your recent ChemComm publication?

In the recent communication, we reported the creation of an interface between the crystalline and amorphous phases of nickel sulfide configuring the electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction rate in an alkaline medium with an enhancement in the intrinsic activity. The intriguing interplay of different phases enabled to achieve an ultra-low overpotential of 15mV to deliver 10 mAcm-2 current density.


Be sure to read the article, “Crystalline/amorphous nickel sulfide interface for high current density in alkaline HER: surface and volume confinement matters!” to learn more!

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ChemComm’s 60th Anniversary – Nobuhiro Yanai

ChemComm is publishing its 60th volume in 2024. Over the past 60 years, ChemComm has been the RSC’s most cited journal, and one of the most trusted venues for rapid publication of short communications. In our anniversary year, we recognise the important contributions ChemComm has made, and continues to make, in advancing the chemical sciences.

As part of our anniversary celebrations, we’ve brought together a collection featuring the latest research from some of our most loyal and dedicated authors. From those marking the beginning of their independent academic career by publishing their first article with us, to the rising stars and established leaders publishing in our yearly ‘Emerging Investigators’ and ‘Pioneering Investigators’ collections, this collection champions the contributions of our worldwide author community. We are proud many authors choose to support our journal by regularly publishing their best work with us. This collection also features papers from our ChemComm Emerging Investigator Lectureship winners, and our Outstanding Reviewer awardees, whose invaluable feedback has shaped our published content through the years.

To accompany the collection, we’ll be publishing interviews with contributing authors where they provide further insight into their research and reflect on their journey with ChemComm.

Check out our interview with Professor Nobuhiro Yanai (Kyushu University) below!

Nobuhiro Yanai is an Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Chemistry at Kyushu University, Japan. He earned his Ph.D. from Kyoto University in 2011 under Prof. Susumu Kitagawa and Prof. Takashi Uemura on guest properties in metal-organic frameworks. He was a postdoctoral fellow with Prof. Steve Granick at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, experiencing colloid and soft matter sciences. He joined Kyushu University in 2012. He is currently leading a lab that creates photo-functional materials for photon upconversion, dynamic nuclear polarization, and quantum sensing. He received several awards including The Wiley Young Researcher Award, The Asian and Oceanian Photochemistry Association Prize for Young Scientists, RIGAKU-ACCC Rising Star Award, Award for Young Chemists from Chemical Society of Japan, and Award for Encouragement of Research in Coordination Chemistry from Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry.


What is your favourite thing about ChemComm?

Fast, high-quality review process and solid trust from the chemical community.

How would you describe the peer review process and interaction with the editorial team at ChemComm?

The constructive and precise remarks we received during the peer review helped us to further improve the quality of our paper. In addition, the review period was short, so that the first author, Miku, was able to include this paper as an accomplishment in her fellowship application. We are grateful to the excellent reviewers and the editorial team.

Are there ways in which the journal can further support and engage with future generations of scientists?

It is great that the journal is highlighting future generations of researchers as Emerging Investigators. It is a great encouragement to the young scientists to be given presentation awards bearing the journal’s name at conferences. It would be interesting to interview the first author, including video clips, when a particularly excellent paper is published.

Could you provide a brief summary of your recent ChemComm publication?

In our group, we are working on quantum sensing based on metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). In our Chem. Commun. paper, we generated radicals in the ligands of MOFs and found that the quantum coherence of the radicals responds to the guest molecules.

In your opinion, what are the next steps or potential areas of research that could build upon the findings in this paper?

In the future, we aim to construct a library of quantum sensors by combining more diverse MOFs and molecular qubits to realize chemical quantum sensing.


Be sure to read the article, “Guest-responsive coherence time of radical qubits in a metal–organic framework” to learn more!

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ChemComm’s 60th Anniversary Celebrations

ChemComm is publishing its 60th volume in 2024. Over the past 60 years, ChemComm has been the RSC’s most cited journal, and one of the most trusted venues for rapid publication of short communications. In our anniversary year, we recognise the important contributions ChemComm has made, and continues to make, in advancing the chemical sciences.

As part of these celebrations, we’ve brought together a number of special collections highlighting both historical and new work in the journal. Check out all of these collections below, with many more to come as the year develops!


ChemComm Emerging Investigators and Pioneering Investigators These annual collections highlight high quality research being carried out by researchers in the early and mid stages of their independent careers, respectively.
ChemComm 60th Anniversary Board Member Collection This special collection highlights the latest work from the pioneering researchers who by serving ChemComm’s Editorial and Advisory boards in the last two decades have together supported the journal in reaching this anniversary milestone.

Throughout the year, we’ll be catching up with these current and former Board Members to discuss their work and reflect on the anniversary. Read the first of these interviews here .

ChemComm 60th Anniversary Authors Collection This collection brings together the latest research from some of our most loyal and dedicated authors. From those marking the beginning of their independent academic career by publishing their first article with us, to the rising stars and established leaders publishing in our yearly ‘Emerging Investigators’ and ‘Pioneering Investigators’ collections, this collection champions the contributions of our worldwide author community.

We are proud many authors choose to support our journal by regularly publishing their best work with us. This collection also features papers from our ChemComm Emerging Investigator Lectureship winners, and our Outstanding Reviewer awardees, whose invaluable feedback has shaped our published content through the years.

ChemComm contributions to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Over the past 60 years, ChemComm has published many important papers with the potential to contribute to a sustainable future.

This collection brings together historic work and more recent reviews published in ChemComm which demonstrate how chemistry can contribute to the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals with the aim of ending poverty, improving health and education, all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our natural environment.

ChemComm 60th Anniversary Historic Papers from North America We’ve brought together 60 significant historic papers published in ChemComm from each region. This special collection highlights 60 pioneering papers that were most cited from the researchers in United States and Canada.
ChemComm 60th Anniversary Historic Papers from China This special collection highlights 60 pioneering papers that were among the most cited from researchers based in China. We hope you enjoy revisiting some of the papers that made ChemComm one of your most trusted venues for publication.
ChemComm 60th Anniversary Historic Papers from Japan & South Korea A special collection highlighting 60 pioneering papers that were among the most cited from researchers based in Japan & South Korea. We hope you enjoy this historic collection of the papers that made ChemComm one of your most trusted venues for publication.

ChemComm 60th Anniversary Historic Papers from the United Kingdom


This special collection highlights 60 pioneering papers that were most cited from the researchers in the United Kingdom.


Be sure to follow our LinkedIn page and X(Twitter) feed for further news on upcoming anniversary celebrations, including further regional collections of historic papers, and some personal reflections from authors and Board Members on what the ChemComm’s anniversary means to them!



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ChemComm’s 60th Anniversary – Chaohua Cui

ChemComm is publishing its 60th volume in 2024. Over the past 60 years, ChemComm has been the RSC’s most cited journal, and one of the most trusted venues for rapid publication of short communications. In our anniversary year, we recognise the important contributions ChemComm has made, and continues to make, in advancing the chemical sciences.

As part of our anniversary celebrations, we’ve brought together a collection featuring the latest research from some of our most loyal and dedicated authors. From those marking the beginning of their independent academic career by publishing their first article with us, to the rising stars and established leaders publishing in our yearly ‘Emerging Investigators’ and ‘Pioneering Investigators’ collections, this collection champions the contributions of our worldwide author community. We are proud many authors choose to support our journal by regularly publishing their best work with us. This collection also features papers from our ChemComm Emerging Investigator Lectureship winners, and our Outstanding Reviewer awardees, whose invaluable feedback has shaped our published content through the years.

To accompany the collection, we’ll be publishing interviews with contributing authors where they provide further insight into their research and reflect on their journey with ChemComm.

Check out our interview with Dr Chaohua Cui (Soochow University) below!

Dr. Chaohua Cui is currently a professor at Soochow University. He received his Ph.D. degree in chemistry in 2014 from Hong Kong Baptist University under the supervision of Prof. Wai-Yeung Wong. His research focus is on organic photovoltaic materials and devices. His research accomplishments are summarized in over 90 peer-review journal articles in Adv. Mater., Energy Environ. Sci., Angew. Chem., etc., which have received over 6000 citations.

He serves as an Associate Editor for Royal Society Open Science and a Young Advisory Board Member for InfoMat and InfoScience. He was selected as “Emerging Investigator” by Journal of Materials Chemistry A in 2020, Chemical Communications in 2021, and Science China Chemistry in 2021, respectively.


How have you seen ChemComm evolve over the years, and what aspects do you find most noteworthy?

I have seen ChemComm constantly adheres to the purpose of publishing urgent results with outstanding significance from across the chemical sciences over the years. The papers published in ChemComm represent the high impact research achievements in chemical sciences. It is noteworthy that the authors could receive many helpful revision suggestions to improve the manuscript and the publication times are very fast. My first research paper (first author) was published in ChemComm. I really enjoy the publication experience offered by the journal.

What is your favourite thing about ChemComm?

My favourite thing about ChemComm is the requirement of communication format which is ideally suited to short and urgent studies, prompting the authors and readers to focus on the outstanding significance of the work.

How would you describe the peer review process and interaction with the editorial team at ChemComm?

I would describe the peer review process and interaction with the editorial team at ChemComm is efficient and professional.

Could you provide a brief summary of your recent ChemComm publication?

In addition to efficiency, device stability is a critical issue that should be addressed during the development of organic solar cells. Designing all-fused-ring acceptors is a feasible strategy to tackle the inherent instability issue of organic photovoltaic materials. In our recent ChemComm publication, we developed three all-fused-ring acceptor molecules with different conjugated expansion directions to investigate their photovoltaic performance. Our results reveal the structure–performance–stability relationship of all-fused-ring acceptors, which provides important guidelines for the further design of high-performance and stable OSCs.


Be sure to read the article, “Conjugated backbone optimization of an all-fused-ring acceptor for efficient and stable organic solar cells” to learn more!

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ChemComm’s 60th Anniversary – Yong Ding

ChemComm is publishing its 60th volume in 2024. Over the past 60 years, ChemComm has been the RSC’s most cited journal, and one of the most trusted venues for rapid publication of short communications. In our anniversary year, we recognise the important contributions ChemComm has made, and continues to make, in advancing the chemical sciences.

As part of our anniversary celebrations, we’ve brought together a collection featuring the latest research from some of our most loyal and dedicated authors. From those marking the beginning of their independent academic career by publishing their first article with us, to the rising stars and established leaders publishing in our yearly ‘Emerging Investigators’ and ‘Pioneering Investigators’ collections, this collection champions the contributions of our worldwide author community. We are proud many authors choose to support our journal by regularly publishing their best work with us. This collection also features papers from our ChemComm Emerging Investigator Lectureship winners, and our Outstanding Reviewer awardees, whose invaluable feedback has shaped our published content through the years.

To accompany the collection, we’ll be publishing interviews with contributing authors where they provide further insight into their research and reflect on their journey with ChemComm.

Check out our interview with Professor Yong Ding (Lanzhou University) below!

Yong Ding received his Ph.D. degree from Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2005. Then, he joined Lanzhou University. In 2009, he went to Emory University as a visiting scholar. He is now the director of the institute of physical chemistry of Lanzhou University and is Feitian scholar distinguished professor. He is the editorial board of Chin. J. Catal., Chin. Chem. Lett. and Polyoxometalates. As the corresponding author, he published more than 160 research papers. Ding’s main research interests are as follows: 1) Water splitting; 2) CO2 reduction reaction; 3) Synthesis, characterization and catalytic applications of polyoxometalates.


How would you describe the peer review process and interaction with the editorial team at ChemComm?

The review speed is very fast, and there is timely interaction with the editorial team

Could you provide a brief summary of your recent ChemComm publication?

My recent ChemComm publication title is Recent development of photocatalytic production of hydrogen peroxide” (10.1039/D4CC01577K), the summary is as follows: This highlight article summarizes the recent developments in the photocatalytic production of hydrogen peroxide. This review first briefly introduces the reaction pathway, detection techniques and evaluation metrics. Then, the recent advances in photocatalysts are highlighted. Furthermore, the existing challenges and possible solutions in this field are presented. At last, we look forward to the future development direction of this field. This review provides valuable insights and guidance for efficient photocatalytic hydrogen peroxide production.


Be sure to read the Highlight article, “Recent developments in photocatalytic production of hydrogen peroxide” to learn more!

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ChemComm’s 60th Anniversary – Shenyou Nie

ChemComm is publishing its 60th volume in 2024. Over the past 60 years, ChemComm has been the RSC’s most cited journal, and one of the most trusted venues for rapid publication of short communications. In our anniversary year, we recognise the important contributions ChemComm has made, and continues to make, in advancing the chemical sciences.

As part of our anniversary celebrations, we’ve brought together a collection featuring the latest research from some of our most loyal and dedicated authors. From those marking the beginning of their independent academic career by publishing their first article with us, to the rising stars and established leaders publishing in our yearly ‘Emerging Investigators’ and ‘Pioneering Investigators’ collections, this collection champions the contributions of our worldwide author community. We are proud many authors choose to support our journal by regularly publishing their best work with us. This collection also features papers from our ChemComm Emerging Investigator Lectureship winners, and our Outstanding Reviewer awardees, whose invaluable feedback has shaped our published content through the years.

To accompany the collection, we’ll be publishing interviews with contributing authors where they provide further insight into their research and reflect on their journey with ChemComm.

Check out our interview with Professor Shenyou Nie (Chongqing Medical University) below!

Shenyou Nie was born in 1986 and received his BS degree (2009) from Wuhan University. He completed his PhD (2014) at Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry(SIOC, P. R.of China) under the supervision of Prof. Biao Yu. He then worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the labs of Prof. Arun K Ghosh(Purdue University, 2015-2016) and Prof. Yongcheng Song(Baylor College of Medicine, 2016-2020), respectively. He started his independent research at Chongqing Medical University in 2020. His research interests focus on the development of small molecule inhibitors and degraders targeting ferroptosis and cancer, and construction of diverse compound libraries based on employing Ugi reaction, photoredox catalysis and C-H activation/domino strategies.


How have you seen ChemComm evolve over the years, and what aspects do you find most noteworthy?

ChemComm has drawn my great attention since I started my research in organic chemistry in 2009 as a first-year doctoral student. I was impressed by its consistent publishing the outstanding and significant research work across the chemical sciences worldwide. Thus, I feel excited to submit my first research work to ChemComm when I became an independent academic principal investigator.

What is your favourite thing about ChemComm?

The layout of the research article in ChemComm is my favorite. It is concise, clear, and straightforward, which could quickly draw the interest of the general reader.

In what ways do you think ChemComm stands out among other journals in your field?

In my opinion, I would like to say that ChemComm features a timely and efficient peer-review process with high-quality control.

How would you describe the peer review process and interaction with the editorial team at ChemComm?

During the peer-review process, the most impressive thing was the professional and thoughtful scientific questions raised by the editor and the reviewers, which significantly improved the quality of our paper. Moreover, the editorial team deals with the article rigorously and efficiently. In addition, the proofing of the article is very convenient.

Could you provide a brief summary of your recent ChemComm publication?

In 2023, our group published our first research work on ChemComm, which is a one-pot base-promoted post-Ugi 5-exo-dig “Conia-ene” type cyclization, enabling metal-free access to diverse 2,2-disubstituted 3-methyleneindoline derivatives under room temperature (Chem. Commun., 2023, 59, 3099-3102). We found that an intramolecular hydrogen bond plays a vital role for the Conia-ene type cyclization. Inspired by this key finding, we further developed a DBU-catalyzed post-Ugi amide-ester exchange and Conia-ene double cyclization reaction, facilitating the construction of bioactive benzo-fused spiroindolines in a “Green” fashion with significant anticancer activity (Chem. Commun., 2024, 60, 5455-5458).


Be sure to read the Communication, “Green synthesis for diverse bioactive benzo-fused spiroindolines through DBU-catalysed post-Ugi double cyclization” to learn more!

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ChemComm 60th Anniversary Board Member Collection – Hiromitsu Maeda


Chemical Communications will be publishing its 60th volume in 2024. Over the past 60 years, ChemComm has been the RSC’s most cited journal, and one of the most trusted venues for rapid publication of short communications. In our anniversary year, we recognise the important contributions ChemComm has made, and continues to make, in advancing the chemical sciences.

As part of these celebrations, we’ve brought together a special collection highlighting the latest work from the pioneering researchers who have supported the journal in reaching this milestone by serving on ChemComm’s Editorial and Advisory boards in the last two decades. Throughout the year, we’ll be catching up with these current and former Board Members to discuss their work and reflect on ChemComm’s 60th anniversary.

Check out our interview with current Advisory Board Member, Professor Hiromitsu Maeda below!

  Hiromitsu Maeda received his Ph.D. degree in 2004 from Kyoto University, under the guidance of Prof. Hiroyuki Furuta (Kyushu University) and Prof. Atsuhiro Osuka, after spending three months in the Sessler group, the University of Texas at Austin, in 2001.  In 2004, he started an academic career in Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University.  In 2008, he was transferred to College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, wherein he was promoted to a professor in 2014.  In 2016, he moved to Department of Applied Chemistry, College of Life Sciences.  He has been awarded several prizes, including ChemComm Emerging Investigator Lectureship (2012) and Fellow of the RSC (2015).

What attracted you to the role as Advisory Board Member for ChemComm?

I have reported my several important works in ChemComm and I was selected as a winner of ChemComm emerging investigator lectureship award in 2012. As a ChemComm advisory board member, I can contribute to the journal by peer-reviewing submitted reports and recommending emerging young scientists for the special issues.

How have you seen ChemComm evolve over the years, and what aspects do you find most noteworthy?

ChemComm publishes fascinating results in a wide range of fields of chemistry.

What is your favourite thing about ChemComm?

The reports in ChemComm show cutting-edge and attractive results in just four pages.

In what ways do you think ChemComm stands out among other journals in your field?

Many high-quality reports as communications are published in ChemComm, which scientists including me think of as a high impact journal.

Are there ways in which the journal can further support and engage with future generations of scientists?

Efforts by the authors and referees in ChemComm to publish high-quality reports would provide young scientists with an appropriate forum for publication of their significant research results. ChemComm symposia for young scientists would also support their research activity via publicizing their research findings and also communicating with participants.

Could you provide a brief summary of your recent ChemComm publication?

In my recent ChemComm publication (DOI: 10.1039/d4cc00806e), new aspects of core-modified porphyrins as building blocks of ion-pairing materials are reported. Metal complexation and peripheral modifications of thiaporphyrins have been investigated for preparing polarized π-electronic cations with anion-dependent ion-pairing assembling modes, including charge-segregated structures exhibiting electric conductive property.

In your opinion, what are the next steps or potential areas of research that could build upon the findings in this paper?

The results of this paper, including the arrangement of charged π-electronic systems via iπ–iπ interactions, would facilitate the development of new supramolecular assemblies and functional materials.


Be sure to read Professor Maeda’s recent communication – “Substitution-pattern- and counteranion-dependent ion-pairing assemblies of heteroporphyrin-based π-electronic cations” by Masaki Fujita, Yohei Haketa, Shu Seki and Hiromitsu Maeda

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ChemComm’s 60th Anniversary – Qian Miao

ChemComm is publishing its 60th volume in 2024. Over the past 60 years, ChemComm has been the RSC’s most cited journal, and one of the most trusted venues for rapid publication of short communications. In our anniversary year, we recognise the important contributions ChemComm has made, and continues to make, in advancing the chemical sciences.

As part of our anniversary celebrations, we’ve brought together a collection featuring the latest research from some of our most loyal and dedicated authors. From those marking the beginning of their independent academic career by publishing their first article with us, to the rising stars and established leaders publishing in our yearly ‘Emerging Investigators’ and ‘Pioneering Investigators’ collections, this collection champions the contributions of our worldwide author community. We are proud many authors choose to support our journal by regularly publishing their best work with us. This collection also features papers from our ChemComm Emerging Investigator Lectureship winners, and our Outstanding Reviewer awardees, whose invaluable feedback has shaped our published content through the years.

To accompany the collection, we’ll be publishing biographies and interviews with contributing authors where they provide further insight into their research and reflect on their journey with ChemComm.

Check out Prof Qian Miao’s biography below and be sure to read his communication, “A new armchair carbon nanobelt synthesized by tuning the regioselectivity of the Scholl reaction of quinquephenyl”, now published in ChemComm!

Prof. Qian MIAO graduated from the University of Science and Technology of China with a B.S. in 2000. He received his Ph.D. from Columbia University in 2005 under the direction of Prof. Colin Nuckolls and was a postdoctoral scholar with Prof. Fred Wudl at University of California, Los Angeles. He joined the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) as an Assistant Professor in 2006, was promoted to Associate Professor in 2012, and became a Full Professor in 2016. His research interests include the design and synthesis of novel polycyclic aromatic molecules with interesting structures and useful applications, exploring novel molecular nanocarbons and developing high-performance organic semiconductor materials and devices using tools from organic synthesis, and supramolecular and surface chemistry. He is an Outstanding Fellow of the Faculty of Science, CUHK, and the recipient of the Chemical Society of Japan Lectureship Award 2020 and the Croucher Senior Research Fellowship 2019.



How would you describe the peer review process and interaction with the editorial team at ChemComm?

As an author, I appreciate the swift review process, which consistently provided feedback within a couple of weeks for my previous submissions. As a reviewer, I appreciate the proactive communication from the editorial team regarding the decision on the submission reviewed by myself. This is in fact not commonly seen in other journals.

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ChemComm’s 60th Anniversary – Koji Hirano

ChemComm is publishing its 60th volume in 2024. Over the past 60 years, ChemComm has been the RSC’s most cited journal, and one of the most trusted venues for rapid publication of short communications. In our anniversary year, we recognise the important contributions ChemComm has made, and continues to make, in advancing the chemical sciences.

As part of our anniversary celebrations, we’ve brought together a collection featuring the latest research from some of our most loyal and dedicated authors. From those marking the beginning of their independent academic career by publishing their first article with us, to the rising stars and established leaders publishing in our yearly ‘Emerging Investigators’ and ‘Pioneering Investigators’ collections, this collection champions the contributions of our worldwide author community. We are proud many authors choose to support our journal by regularly publishing their best work with us. This collection also features papers from our ChemComm Emerging Investigator Lectureship winners, and our Outstanding Reviewer awardees, whose invaluable feedback has shaped our published content through the years.

To accompany the collection, we’ll be publishing interviews with contributing authors where they provide further insight into their research and reflect on their journey with ChemComm.

Check out our interview with Professor Koji Hirano (Osaka University) below!


Koji Hirano studied chemistry at Kyoto University where he obtained his B. Eng. (2003), M. Eng. (2005), and Dr. Eng. (2008) degrees under the supervision of Professor Koichiro Oshima.  He subsequently worked as a postdoctoral fellow with Professor Tamio Hayashi at Kyoto University from April to September 2008.  He then joined the research group of Professor Masahiro Miura at Osaka University as an assistant professor in October 2008, and was promoted to an associate professor in April 2015 and a full professor in May 2022.


What is your favourite thing about ChemComm?

Rapid but reliable review process and good circulation.

In what ways do you think ChemComm stands out among other journals in your field?

The rapid publication of newly obtained results is possible in the 4-page communication format.

How would you describe the peer review process and interaction with the editorial team at ChemComm?

All are very professional and highly valuable.  Interaction with the editorial team is also barrierless.

Are there ways in which the journal can further support and engage with future generations of scientists?

To encourage the next generation, the journal should promote and highlight young first authors, involving PhD course students.

Could you provide a brief summary of your recent ChemComm publication?

We focused on C-H activation of a phosphole nucleus, which is one of key heterocyclic cores in design and synthesis of functional molecules.
In this publication, the Pd-catalyzed regioselective C2-H alkynylation has been developed.  The obtained C2-alkynylated phospholes have unique alkyne-phosphole conjugations.  In addition, the alkyne can be a versatile synthetic handle for synthesis of more pi-conjugated phosphole derivatives.

In your opinion, what are the next steps or potential areas of research that could build upon the findings in this paper?

Synthesis and discovery of new organic functional materials based on phosphole nuclei.


Be sure to read Koji’s Open Access Communication, “Pd-catalysed C–H alkynylation of benzophospholes” to learn more!

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ChemComm 60th Anniversary Board Member Collection – Jyotirmayee Dash


Chemical Communications will be publishing its 60th volume in 2024. Over the past 60 years, ChemComm has been the RSC’s most cited journal, and one of the most trusted venues for rapid publication of short communications. In our anniversary year, we recognise the important contributions ChemComm has made, and continues to make, in advancing the chemical sciences.

As part of these celebrations, we’ve brought together a special collection highlighting the latest work from the pioneering researchers who have supported the journal in reaching this milestone by serving on ChemComm’s Editorial and Advisory boards in the last two decades. Throughout the year, we’ll be catching up with these current and former Board Members to discuss their work and reflect on ChemComm’s 60th anniversary.

Check out our interview with current Advisory Board Member, Professor Jyotirmayee Dash below!

  Professor Jyotirmayee Dash earned her Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from IIT Kanpur. Subsequently, she was awarded an Alexander von Humboldt fellowship at the Freie University of Berlin. She also held postdoctoral positions at ESPCI, Paris, and at the University of Cambridge, where she received a Marie Curie fellowship. She commenced her academic journey as an Assistant Professor at IISER Kolkata. Currently, she serves as a Professor at IACS Kolkata. Professor Dash has been recognized with DST-SwarnaJayanti, DBT/Wellcome Trust India Alliance Fellowships, as well as the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize. She leads a research group primarily focusing on synthetic organic chemistry tools for studying the structure and function of nucleic acids for therapeutic applications.


Twitter/X: @DashLab1

What attracted you to the role as Advisory Board Member for ChemComm?

I was attracted to the role of Advisory Board Member for ChemComm because it’s known as a top journal for quickly publishing important scientific findings. Contributing my knowledge and experience to support this esteemed journal has been a long-standing interest of mine. Being in this role could also encourage more people in my community to read and submit their work to ChemComm.

How have you seen ChemComm evolve over the years, and what aspects do you find most noteworthy?

I have observed ChemComm evolve over the years, particularly in its publishing procedure. What stands out to me the most is its rapid yet thorough peer-review process, resulting in the publication of highly significant works presented in a concise and straightforward format. This approach is particularly beneficial for new researchers, as it allows them to access important knowledge and plan their projects effectively.

What is your favourite thing about ChemComm?

My favorite aspect of ChemComm, beyond its capability for rapid publication, is the diversity of chemical science topics it includes. Interdisciplinary research articles published in ChemComm serve as a valuable platform for researchers from various backgrounds to explore new avenues by bridging diverse fields within the chemical sciences. This diversity makes the journal highly appealing to individuals within different disciplines of the chemical science community, making it one of the most trusted and highly cited journals, publishing communications of significant scientific values.

In what ways do you think ChemComm stands out among other journals in your field?

The short format and rapid publication of urgent and impactful work make ChemComm a standout journal in Chemical Science, appealing not only to new researchers but to all researchers to share their significant findings efficiently. ChemComm’s feature articles highlight cutting-edge research across various disciplines within the chemical sciences. These articles often showcase significant advancements and impactful discoveries, making them valuable contributions to the scientific community.

Are there ways in which the journal can further support and engage with future generations of scientists?

ChemComm has already proven to be a wonderful platform, supporting the future generation of scientists. Moreover, fostering interactions between upcoming scientists and the editors through conferences or workshops will attract more researchers. This engagement may increase the likelihood of these researchers considering ChemComm as a preferred venue for publishing their research findings in the future.

Could you provide a brief summary of your recent ChemComm publication?

Our recent ChemComm publication highlights the use of a G-quartet-like supramolecular assembly within guanosine phenyl boronic acid hydrogel to facilitate macrocyclization between bis-azide and bis-alkyne fragments. This process enhances hydrogel properties and offers potential for in situ drug synthesis and delivery. We’ve shown that a nucleic acid-based hydrogel can enable in situ synthesis of macrocyclic ligands via click reactions, demonstrating the hydrogel’s versatility for challenging reactions and its potential for drug synthesis and delivery.

In your opinion, what are the next steps or potential areas of research that could build upon the findings in this paper?

Next steps or potential areas of research could involve design and development of bio-inspired pH responsive and thixotropic hydrogels, similar to the nucleoside derived hydrogel, as a platform for the direct synthesis of drugs from reactive fragments. These investigations could lead to simultaneous in situ synthesis and delivery of drugs at specific locations, offering promising prospects for targeted and efficient drug delivery systems.


Be sure to read Professor Dash’s recent communication – Guanosine-based hydrogel as a supramolecular scaffold for template-assisted macrocyclization by Binayak Lala, Ritapa Chaudhuri, Thumpati Prasanth, Ines Burkhart, Harald Schwalbe and Jyotirmayee Dash

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