Archive for the ‘Awards’ Category

Emerging Investigator Lectureship open for nominations

a trophyWe are delighted to invite nominations for the very first ChemComm Emerging Investigator Lectureship. The lectureship, which will be awarded annually, will recognise an emerging scientist in the early stages of their independent academic career.


To qualify
To be eligible for the ChemComm Emerging Investigator Lectureship, the candidate should be within the first eight years of completing their PhD.

Award details
The recipient of the award will be invited to present a lecture at three different locations over a 12 month period. It is expected that at least one of the locations will be a conference. The recipient will receive a contribution of £1500 towards travel and accommodation costs. S/he will also be presented with a certificate and be asked to contribute a ChemComm Feature Article.

Those wishing to make a nomination should send the following details to the ChemComm Editorial Office by 28th February 2011:

  • Name, contact details and website URL of the nominee
  • A one page CV for the nominee, including their date of birth, summary of education and career, list of up to five independent publications, total numbers of publications and patents and other indicators of esteem and evidence of independence
  • A copy of the candidate’s best publication to date (as judged by the nominator)
  •  The names and contact details of two independent referees who may be contacted for a reference. These should not be someone from the same institution or the candidate’s post doc or PhD supervisor.

Please note that self nomination is not permitted.

Selection procedure
Following the close of nominations, referees will be contacted for their comments. They will be asked to state their relationship to the nominee.

The ChemComm Editorial Board will draw up a short-list of candidates based on the information provided by the referees and nominator. Short-listed candidates will be asked to provide a supporting statement justifying why they deserve the award. The recipient of the award will then be selected and endorsed by the ChemComm Editorial Board.



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Latest news: Cram Lehn Pedersen Prize announced

The International Committee of the International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry (ISMSC) is pleased to announce the inauguration of a new annual international prize for young supramolecular chemists.

The Cram Lehn Pedersen prize, sponsored by ChemComm and named in honour of the winners of the 1987 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, will recognise significant, original and independent work in supramolecular chemistry.

Those who are within 10 years of receiving their PhD on 31st December 2010 are eligible for the 2011 award. The winner will receive £2,000 and free registration for the ISMSC meeting in Brighton. In addition to giving a lecture at ISMSC, the winner will be expected to give two additional research presentations in the country in which the ISMSC meeting is held during the same visit. These will be arranged in consultation with the Editor of Chemical Communications, the sponsor of the award.

Nomination Details

Please send your CV and list of publications (divided into publications from your PhD and post-doc and those from your independent work) or those of someone you wish to nominate to Prof. Roger Harrison (ISMSC Secretary) by 31st December 2010.

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Congratulations to our poster prize winners!

This year’s Southampton Supramolecular Chemistry Symposium (SSCS-7) was held on the 16th July 2010 at the School of Chemistry, University of Southampton. It was a very successful event that saw an excellent line up of speakers who presented their latest research during this symposium.


The SSCS-7 speakers and poster prize winners, from left to right: Stephen Moore (Southampton, RSC CSR prize); Markus Albrecht (speaker, Aachen); Mike Ward (speaker, Sheffield); James Tucker (speaker, Birmingham); Jennifer Hiscock (Southampton, Nature Chemistry prize); Chris Hunter (speaker, Sheffield); Salvador Thomas (University of London, Nature Chemistry prize); Giorgio Mirri (Birmingham, RSC CC prize); Philippe Barthélemy (speaker, Bordeaux); Kajally Jobe (Queen Mary London, Nature Chemistry prize); Eugen Stulz (Southampton, conference organiser).

Dr Eugen Stulz (SSCS-7 organiser) awarded a number of poster prize winners at the symposium. For the RSC, Giorgio Mirri (ChemComm poster prize) and Stephen Moore (ChemSocRev poster prize), each won a book from the RSC’s supramolecular series and was presented with a glossy certificate.

Many congratulations from the ChemComm and ChemSocRev editorial office to the poster prize winners, Giorgio and Stephen, and to Eugen for organising another fantastic event for the supramolecular community.

Why not submit your next communication to ChemComm today!

Or if you are interested in writing a review for ChemSocRev contact the editorial office for further information.

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