ChemComm’s 60th Anniversary – Thimmaiah Govindaraju

ChemComm is publishing its 60th volume in 2024. Over the past 60 years, ChemComm has been the RSC’s most cited journal, and one of the most trusted venues for rapid publication of short communications. In our anniversary year, we recognise the important contributions ChemComm has made, and continues to make, in advancing the chemical sciences.

As part of our anniversary celebrations, we’ve brought together a collection featuring the latest research from some of our most loyal and dedicated authors. From those marking the beginning of their independent academic career by publishing their first article with us, to the rising stars and established leaders publishing in our yearly ‘Emerging Investigators’ and ‘Pioneering Investigators’ collections, this collection champions the contributions of our worldwide author community. We are proud many authors choose to support our journal by regularly publishing their best work with us. This collection also features papers from our ChemComm Emerging Investigator Lectureship winners, and our Outstanding Reviewer awardees, whose invaluable feedback has shaped our published content through the years.

To accompany the collection, we’ll be publishing interviews with contributing authors where they provide further insight into their research and reflect on their journey with ChemComm.

Check out our interview with Professor Thimmaiah Govindaraju (Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research) below!


Thimmaiah Govindaraju is a Professor at the Bioorganic Chemistry Laboratory, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. He received his M.Sc. from Bangalore University and PhD in Chemistry from the National Chemical Laboratory and University of Pune, India. He carried out postdoctoral research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA and the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology, Dortmund, Germany as an Alexander von Humboldt postdoctoral fellow. His research interests are at the interface of chemistry, biology, and biomaterials science, including Alzheimer’s disease, peptide chemistry, molecular probes, theranostics, molecular architectonics, and silk and cyclic dipeptide derived biomimetics.


How have you seen ChemComm evolve over the years, and what aspects do you find most noteworthy?

Over the past 60 years, ChemComm has evolved into a premier journal for publishing pioneering research in chemistry and related fields, in the form of short communications. Its transformation is highlighted by the inclusion of feature articles, two to four page communication format and inclusivity. ChemComm is aptly celebrating its 60th anniversary as a milestone of excellence.

What is your favourite thing about ChemComm?

ChemComm’s broad appeal across multiple disciplines at the chemistry interface is particularly noteworthy. Since my initial publication in 2004, I have consistently contributed to the journal, valuing its wide-reaching impact.

In what ways do you think ChemComm stands out among other journals in your field?

ChemComm stands out as a leading journal for the expedited publication of urgent and innovative studies. It has cemented its position as a top-tier journal for original, high-quality research communications.

How would you describe the peer review process and interaction with the editorial team at ChemComm?

The peer review process at ChemComm is notably smooth, swift, and author-centric. The journal’s commitment to a transparent and double-anonymized review system, along with the unique option for authors to choose between associate editor or editorial office manuscript handling, is commendable.

Are there ways in which the journal can further support and engage with future generations of scientists?

ChemComm actively supports both emerging and established authors through special issues and awards. However, there is a continuous need to engage with and inspire future generations of chemists, emphasizing the excitement of chemical research and its societal relevance.

Could you provide a brief summary of your recent ChemComm publication?

Our recent ChemComm publication as part of ChemComm 60th Anniversary collection, explores the modulation of tau protein liquid-liquid phase transition (LLPS), which is crucial for both normal physiological functions and pathological aggregations such as Alzheimer’s disease and other tauopathies. Our findings suggest that small polyphenolic compounds can modulate tau phase transitions, potentially offering a new therapeutic approach for neurodegenerative diseases.

In your opinion, what are the next steps or potential areas of research that could build upon the findings in this paper?

Building upon our findings, future research should delve deeper into the role of phase transitions of proteins in normal and pathological processes, with a focus on developing treatments for neurodegenerative diseases using small phenolic or polyphenolic compounds. The potential of targeting phase transition pathways in disease treatment is an exciting and underexplored area.


Be sure to read the Communication, “Biphasic modulation of tau liquid–liquid phase separation by polyphenols” to learn more!

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