Archive for May, 2013

Releasing reactive oxygen

Scientists in Canada have made nanoparticles that release singlet oxygen when a laser beam is shone on them. The nanoparticles could improve the effectiveness of photodynamic therapy. 

Under the right conditions, oxygen, light and photosensitiser molecules combine to generate a short-lived poisonous oxygen species called singlet oxygen. This is the basis of photodynamic therapy, a treatment for some cancers. Normally, photodynamic therapy requires oxygen to be present in the target cells; however, tumours often contain much lower oxygen levels than healthy tissues.

Release of singlet oxygen from nanoparticles

Now, Neil Branda and colleagues at Simon Fraser University have developed a system that does not rely on oxygen being present. The team anchored anthracene endoperoxide ligands onto…

Continue reading the full article in Chemistry World »

Read the original journal article in ChemComm:
Photothermal release of singlet oxygen from gold nanoparticles
Amir Mahmoud Asadirad, Zach Erno and Neil R. Branda  
Chem. Commun., 2013, 49, 5639-5641
DOI: 10.1039/C3CC42217H

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Superpowers ahoy! Electric field causes DNA mutations

What can cause a mutation in DNA?  Well, if you were to ask the Incredible Hulk (nicely), he would probably say– well not a lot, he’s more of a doer, but Bruce Banner might tell you gamma rays.  But that is so 20th century.

In a Communication recently published in ChemComm, José Pedro Pedro Cerón-Carrasco (Université de Nantes) and Denis Jacquemin (Institut Universitaire de France) have shown that DNA can mutate permanently if an appropriate external electric field is applied.

Application of the right level of electric field can lead to proton transfer, which can cause the formation of tautomers, i.e. isomers of the DNA bases.  By interfering with the bases and their interaction, a mismatch or mutation can be induced.

Turn the power up a little more and soon I will become Science Girl!: The DNA tautomers form under the influence of an external electric field. Circles indicate the protons that have been shifted compared to the canonical structure: H1 in blue and H2 in red.

Cerón-Carrasco and Jacquemin used a computational model to assess the effects of both positive and negative external electric fields on a DNA model to achieve an in vivo-like outcome.  When applying an increasing strength of negative electric fields, they saw the more acidic H1 proton shift to the other base; intense positive fields activated the H2 proton.

The authors conclude that intense electric fields might damage DNA in a partially controlled way.  This could have exciting applications for biochemistry or medicine– for example, selectively mutating a disease-causing cell.  Or maybe, bestowing me with superpowers…

Interested in more?  Read this HOT ChemComm article in full!

Electric field induced DNA damage: an open door for selective mutations
José Pedro Pedro Cerón-Carrasco and Denis Jacquemin
Chem. Commun., 2013, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/C3CC42593B

Sarah Brown is a guest web-writer for Chemical Communications.  Sarah hung up her lab coat after finishing her PhD and post-doctorate in nanotechnology for diagnostics and therapeutics to become an assistant editor at the BMJ Publishing Group.  When not trying to explain science through ridiculous analogies, you can often find her crocheting, baking and climbing, but not all at once.

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Simple synthesis of heavy oxygen-labelled alcohols

Rozen and co-workers report a novel and extremely simple method for synthesising 18O-labelled alcohols using commercial boronic acids and a reagent prepared from elemental fluorine.

Alcohols labelled with 18O are very valuable as biological probes for a variety of studies which are often limited by the availability of labelled precursors for use in the synthesis of the compounds of interest.

Scientists in Israel prepared an 18O-labelled acetonitrile complex of hypofluorous acid by simply bubbling dilute F2 through acetonitrile and 18O-labelled water. They performed a series of reactions of this complex with a variety of aliphatic and aromatic boronic acids at room temperature to produce a series of 18O-labelled alcohols within just a few minutes and in excellent yields – generally upwards of 90 per cent.

Read this ‘HOT’ ChemComm Communication for free:

The first general route for efficient synthesis of 18O labelled alcohols using the HOF⋅CH3CN complex
Shlomo Rozen, Julia Luria and Inna Vints
Chem. Commun., 2013, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/C3CC42337A

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It’s getting hot in here…

Stimuli-responsive nanoparticles are the focus of much current research, and what could be better than a nanoparticle that responds to one stimulus?  A nanoparticle which responds to two or three.

Xianmao Lu and his team have coupled plasmonic silver nanoparticles to magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles and wrapped both in a thermoresponsive polymer – poly(n-isopropylacrylamide).

When illuminated by sunlight the silver nanoparticles absorb the light and convert it to heat.  The increase in temperature causes the polymer wrapping to collapse and reduces steric repulsion between the nanoparticle dimers leading to clustering.

Sunlight induced clustering of Magnetic-Plasmonic Heterodimers.

This clustering enhances the magnetic separation of the very small dimers from the solution (the nanoparticles are less than 9 nm each).  When you’ve caught the nanoparticles and are done with them, you can turn the lights off and they will re-disperse.

Don’t worry if you live in a cloudy part of the world, you can use a solar simulator to induce the clustering.  It would probably be easier to turn off than the sun, too.

To read the details, check out this HOT Chem Comm article in full:
Thermoresponsive Nanoparticles + Plasmonic Nanoparticles = Photoresponsive Heterodimers: Facile Synthesis and Sunlight-Induced Reversible Clustering
Hui Han, Jim Yang Lee and Xianmao Lu
Chem. Commun., 2013, 49, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/C3CC42273A

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Super Glue for cells

Red blood cells

Scientists in Canada have made a super-strong cell membrane adhesive and used it to stick red blood cells together. The polymer, based on the phospholipid head group phosphatidyl choline, could be used to secure cells in particular positions for tissue engineering and wound closure.

Don Brooks, from the Centre for Blood Research at the University of British Columbia, who led the study, says inspiration for the work came after trying to understand the chemistry of cell membranes. ‘Phosphatidyl choline [PC] is found in every cell membrane, except for some primitive bacteria, so we wondered what would happen if we were to turn the molecule around to choline phosphate [CP]? Would you get an adhesive effect because the positive and negative charges are now inverted?’ This proved to be the case, and the team demonstrated that branched polyglycerols containing CP bound to a variety of cell membranes

Read the full article in Chemistry World

Read the original journal article in ChemComm:
ATRP synthesis of poly(2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl choline phosphate): a multivalent universal biomembrane adhesive
Xifei Yu, Xiaoqiang Yang, Sonja Horte, Jayachandran N. Kizhakkedathu and Donald E. Brooks 
Chem. Commun., 2013, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C3CC41895B, Communication

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Photocatalysis in a nanocup

Written by Geoff Nelson, web writer.

Nanocups of anatase TiO2 coated with Au nanoparticles are efficient photocatalysts, as reported in a recent ChemComm article by Chemical Science and Chem Soc Rev Advisory Board member Jinlong Gong and  his group at Tianjin University, China.

This new shape promises to increase reactive surface area by exposing the normally inaccessible surface of hollow spheres.  Compared to TiO2 hollow spheres, TiO2 nanocup particles increase the rate of the photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue in the visible light region by 46%.

This performance and the ease of nanocup synthesis are reasons to promote further research.  Thus, we may expect nanocups made from other metal oxides and inorganic materials to be incorporated into solar, photochemical, and catalytic applications in the future.

In addition, the ability of nanocups to confine small amounts of reactants may find utility in nanofluidic devices.

Gong et al.‘s work has recently been highlighted as part of a C&EN article on novel nanostructures.

Read this ChemComm article in full:

Mesoporous anatase TiO2 nanocups with plasmonic metal decoration for highly active visible-light photocatalysis

Jianwei Lu, Peng Zhang, Ang Li, Fengli Su, Tuo Wang, Yuan Liu and Jinlong Gong
Chem. Commun., 2013, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C3CC42029A

Geoff Nelson is a guest web-writer for ChemComm.  He currently works as a post-doctoral research associate in Dr David Payne’s research group in the Department of Materials at Imperial College, London.  Geoff’s current research concerns the synthesis and characterization of post-transition metal oxides for use in the energy sector.  His other research interests include carbon-based materials, biophysical chemistry, and surface science.

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HOT ChemComm articles for May

Glucose-triggered release using enzyme-gated mesoporous silica nanoparticles
Elena Aznar, Reynaldo Villalonga, Cristina Giménez, Felix Sancenón, María Dolores Marcos, Ramon Martinez-Manez, Paula Díez, Jose M Pingarron and Pedro Amoros del Torro
Chem. Commun., 2013, Accepted Manuscript

Free to access until 23rd June 2013

Cover and uncover: chiral switching exploiting templating and layer by layer grafting
Mahadeo Halhalli and Börje Sellergren
Chem. Commun., 2013, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/C3CC41989D

Free to access until 23rd June 2013

Target-selective photo-degradation of verotoxin-1 and reduction of its cytotoxicity to Vero cells using porphyrin-globotriose hybrids
Atsushi Okochi, Shuho Tanimoto, Daisuke Takahashi and Kazunobu Toshima
Chem. Commun., 2013, Accepted Manuscript

Free to access until 23rd June 2013

1,1,n,n-tetramethyl[n](2,11)teropyrenophanes (n=7–9): a series of armchair SWCNT segments
Graham J. Bodwell, Kiran Sagar Unikela, Louise Nicole Dawe, David W Thompson and Bradley Lawrence Merner
Chem. Commun., 2013, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/C3CC43268H

Free to access until 23rd June 2013

Click here for more free HOT ChemComm articles for May!

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Jonathan Steed on why he likes ChemComm (video)

Watch as our Associate Editor Jonathan Steed explains what he likes most about ChemComm.

Jonathan Steed accepts submissions to ChemComm in the area of supramolecular chemistry.  His research interests are in anion sensing, soft materials chemistry, particularly supramolecular gels, crystal growth, structural chemistry and crystal engineering.

Submit your best new, urgent, original research to Jonathan Steed’s Editorial Office.

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