Advancing with Advances (series 2): Perfecting Peer Review (part 3)

Expected reports from external reviewers

Guest post by RSC Advances Associate Editor: Professor N. Mariano Correa Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, Argentina

When an Editor invites potential reviewers for an article, they know that a challenging journey is about to start.

We know that the scientific community is finite and that everybody is extremely busy, however, we also believe that peer review is vital for the publishing process. Thorough peer review upholds the quality and validity of publications and is a trusted process by the scientific community. The reviewers play a unique role in evaluating the scientific merit, originality, and accuracy of submitted articles before they are accepted for publication. This blog aims to shed light on the essential role reviewers play in the review process.

What does an Editor need from the external report?

  1. Impartial Evaluation: The external reports should come from experts in their respective fields who are not affiliated with the authors of the submitted article. This impartiality is crucial as it helps ensure that the review process remains unbiased and free from conflicts of interest. As they are not part of the author’s institution or research project, external reviewers can provide objective and unbiased feedback on the article’s strengths and weaknesses.
  2. Identification of errors and improvements: By carefully examining the submitted article we expect external reviewers to determine whether the research meets the rigorous standards expected within the scientific community. In their evaluation, they should identify potential flaws, inaccuracies, or unsupported conclusions. Highlighting these issues in the reviewer reports maintains the credibility of the journal and the broader scientific discourse.

It is also expected that the reviewers’ valuable insights and constructive criticism enable authors to address weaknesses and make necessary improvements, enhancing the overall quality of the article.

  1. Constructive feedback to the authors: One of the primary roles of external reviewers is to analyse the research methodology, experimental design, data analysis, and interpretation of results. By meticulously examining these aspects of the manuscript, reviewers can highlight any inconsistencies or errors in the research. Reviewer reports where concerns are clearly identified and explained are extremely valuable to the authors, it allows them to improve their manuscript and to potentially further their research. The reviewer reports (especially when the journal works under a single-anonymised scheme) should be constructive and polite.
  2. Reports on time: Last but not least, the time for the reviewer reports take to be submitted is extremely important. Everybody expects to receive a decision on their manuscript as quickly as possible but, this can be dependent on the time taken to receive the reviewers’ response.

Finally, the reviewer reports and the feedback they provide are critical to ensuring an excellent standard of scientific work. So please, next time you are invited to review a manuscript, think about how valuable your time and feedback are, and how potentially someone is also being asked to review your work too. This vital collaborative effort between reviewers and authors ensures the publication process upholds scientific integrity that drives progress and innovation. This is how the scientific world works.


We hope you have found this post useful. Tune in every Wednesday to catch the next instalment of Advancing with Advances: perfecting peer review. Next week, our experienced team of Associate Editors from a broad range of subject areas will provide insights into how they use your reviewer reports, and what aspects they find the most useful in making a decision on a manuscript.

Don’t miss out on our additional posts on perfecting peer review below:

  • Why should I write a report? Our in-house editors will provide guidance on the importance of peer review, why you may consider being a reviewer for a peer reviewed journal, and how to approach you reviewer report.
  • Interviews with Associate Editors: Our experienced team of Associate Editors from a broad range of subject areas will provide insights into how they use your reviewer reports, and what aspects they find the most useful in making a decision on a manuscript.
    • Part 4 – Featuring Dr Donna Arnold (University of Kent), Professor Brenno Neto (Universidade de Brasilia), Professor Beatriz Jurado Sánchez (University of Alcalá) and Professor Rodrigo Octavio de Souza (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
    • Part 5 – Featuring Dr Giacomo Saielli (University of Padova), Professor Shivani Bhardwaj Mishra (University of South Africa) and Professor Leyong Wang (Nanjing University)
    • Part 6 – Featuring 10 Associate Editors

You are welcome to send in any questions you have about peer review or publishing with RSC Advances to or post them on X @RSCAdvances #AdvancingWithAdvances.

Check out more publishing tips and tricks from our Advancing with Advances: how to publish and not perish series!

RSC Advances looks forward to advancing the chemical sciences with you.

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Advancing with Advances (series 2): Perfecting Peer Review (part 4)

Interviews with Associate Editors

Our Associate Editors offer some Advice

At RSC Advances we have a team of around sixty-five hard working Associate Editors, who handle your manuscript, from initial assessment to their final decision. They are active researchers and experts in their respective fields, and therefore have an in-depth understanding of what it takes to get work published.

To gain more insight into the world of peer-review, we have asked our Associate Editors two questions:

  1. What are the most important points for a reviewer to include and discuss to help guide your decision?
  2. When you act as a reviewer, how do you approach this task and what are the initial steps that you take when assessing a manuscript?

Here are what our Associate Editors Dr Donna Arnold, Professor Brenno Neto, Professor Beatriz Jurado Sánchez and Professor Rodrigo Octavio de Souza had to say:


Dr Donna Arnold, University of Kent, UK

What are the most important points for a reviewer to include and discuss to help guide your decision?

One of the most important things is to provide evidence for the recommendations you are making. This is crucial to be able to make an effective decision. It is not particularly useful if the decision of the reviewer, for example, is reject but there is no information to qualify why this is the case. Another important consideration is that the review is based on the science presented in the manuscript. I have seen some reviews which are limited to ” not well written”. I know sometimes this does make it hard to read or to interpret the science, but it is better to state something like “the conclusions are not particularly clear” as this is more useful to both the editors and the authors.

When you act as a reviewer, how do you approach this task and what are the initial steps that you take when assessing a manuscript?

I first read through the manuscript and make myself some notes on queries I have. I then develop this into a report with a reread of the manuscript. I think it is really important to remember that there are often early career researchers at the end of this process, I then go through my comments to make sure that the tone of the review is correct. I have seen firsthand the damage a flippant or aggressive review can do to someone early in their career. This is not useful for anyone. I think it is easy as a reviewer to sometimes become frustrated when we receive something which we perceive to not be of high enough quality. Peer review is an important part of the process and as such we should continually remind ourselves of this and act accordingly. If I have a particularly tough review, I will sometimes sit on it for a couple of days and come back and make sure that my review is fair and that I have not poured frustrations from something else into my review. Lastly, I always try to ensure that my criticisms are constructive and that I provide clear guidelines for how the manuscript might be improved even if my decision is reject.

Other comments

Some final comments on a good review. We have all been invited to review because we have expertise in the field. This is an honour and reflection of our own standing. It is not an opportunity to push up our own metrics and citations. Sometimes it is necessary to point authors to some work that they may have missed. In this case we should make sure as reviewers that we provide a balanced list of potential papers and not just our own. Also just providing a long list of our own references to be included in a manuscript compromises the anonymity of the review process!


Professor Brenno Neto, Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil

What are the most important points for a reviewer to include and discuss to help guide your decision?

A well-written report must be concise, precise, balanced, and fair. It should address critical aspects, such as the scientific quality, advancements in the subject matter of the submitted work, and its potential impact. This may seem simple to do, but in reality, it can be a truly challenging task sometimes. Politeness is paramount, even when evaluating what might be considered the worst submitted manuscript. It is essential to assess the quality of conducted experiments, ensure that all necessary analyses have been performed, verify the accuracy of characterizations, and the purity of molecules/materials used in the study. Lastly, state whether the work is poised to make a significant contribution to the field and if the scientific content has been presented in the best possible way. By providing constructive criticism and highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the submission, the reviewer can help authors improve their work and significantly contribute to the editor’s decision.

When you act as a reviewer, how do you approach this task and what are the initial steps that you take when assessing a manuscript?

In the role of a reviewer, I first check the experimental procedure in detail and the provided characterizations. If the manuscript checks these two essential items, I will know that the science it contains is trustworthy. Otherwise, why should I go further?

I always try to provide a balanced and fair report by treating the manuscript submitted as I wish all of my own were. A well-written manuscript, with well-constructed figures and schemes, always makes a good impression. If it has a piece of well-built supporting information, it adds positively to my overall impression of the work. You may wish to check some important tips . If some experiment, reference, or discussion is missing, I will indicate it. I try to remember that my role as a reviewer, at first instance, is to help authors, but not to be their harsh critic, like “reviewer #2” is seen in many scientific jokes and memes.

Considering that the submitted work has checked for these important aspects and assuming it has been submitted to the correct forum, I will be glad to recommend your manuscript for publication, regardless of whether major or minor revisions are suggested.


Professor Beatriz Jurado Sánchez, University of Alcalá, Spain

What are the most important points for a reviewer to include and discuss to help guide your decision?

A balance and detailed report discussing the novelty and key points that justify publication, as well as any experimental issues. My preferred structure is: 1. A main paragraph describing the novelty and key points that justify (or not) publication and fit for the journal, as well as the clear recommendation to accept, reject, major revision, etc. As an editor, we are an expert in the field but not the best expert on a very specific topic not close to our research line. 2. Major comments, in bullet points (for example missing experiments, missing citations, novelty issues) and 3. Minor comments (normally, spelling mistakes, figure display, etc). Another key point is that your report is in line with the default options to select when you send the template (if you recommend minor revision, please select minor revision). And last, but not least, be professional and constructive, especially in rejection or when requesting extensive additional experiments, justifying it with appropriate references.

When you act as a reviewer, how do you approach this task and what are the initial steps that you take when assessing a manuscript?

As a reviewer, I like to provide my report as specified in the previous points. When I review an article, I read the title, the aims at the end of the introduction (to see the match) and the figures. In the figures I check appropriate material characterization, error bars, adequate captions, etc. Then, I read the full article and annotate on a separate sheet of paper potential doubts, errors, etc. Next, I check for similar literature to detect novelty issues, etc. After this, I elaborate my report and read it carefully. I always try to be supportive, even in the event of rejection, so the authors can improve the manuscript.

Tips and tricks

  1. Do not accept the reviewer invitation if you are very busy.
  2. Make sure that the topic fits in line with your research or at least is familiar to you.
  3. Be constructive and support the authors, even in the event of rejection. We are all authors of scientific articles!
  4. Structure your report: Main general comments (novelty!), major comments, minor comments.
  5. Provide appropriate references and evidence.
  6. Enjoy! Reviewing is a (unpaid) job, but you are learning new scientific discoveries and progress. Most importantly, you are supporting the scientific community!


Professor Rodrigo Octavio de Souza, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

What are the most important points for a reviewer to include and discuss to help guide your decision?

When searching for reviewers, I typically seek individuals who possess greater familiarity with the specific topic to which the article belongs. Therefore, a reviewer should initially provide a concise summary of the proposal presented by the authors and subsequently demonstrate to the Editor how that work fits within the existing literature, highlighting the major contributions made by the research group. Identifying whether the work builds upon previously published manuscripts is a crucial factor as it aids in the interpretation and determination of the expected impact of that contribution. Additionally, it is of great importance to the editors that the reviewers can interpret the data presented by the authors and, whenever possible, offer an alternative perspective to what is being presented, either through direct questions or comments.

When you act as a reviewer, how do you approach this task and what are the initial steps that you take when assessing a manuscript?

Particularly, I endeavour to divide the reading of a manuscript under review into three parts. The initial reading aims to comprehend the contributions offered by the team of researchers and the potential impact they may have on the literature. Subsequently, a more thorough examination is conducted, seeking a deeper understanding of the results and the necessary information to fully grasp the work. After these two readings, I usually feel sufficiently informed to make a decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript. The choice between minor and major revisions, in my case, only occurs once the evaluation is completely elaborated.

The conclusion of the evaluation generally takes place after a third reading, which I employ as a revision. To format the evaluation and deliver it to the responsible editor, I initially provide a concise summary of the main discoveries presented by the author and attempt, to the best of my ability, to establish connections with the existing literature on that specific topic. In a second phase, I present my considerations regarding the significance of the article, assess whether the employed methods are appropriate, and subsequently determine if the conclusions are supported by the obtained results. Lastly, I incorporate questions that should be included in the manuscript to enhance the presented outcome and highlight necessary corrections.

The central point that I consistently emphasize is that we must judge a work based on what has been presented to us, rather than our personal preferences for its content.


We hope you have found this post useful. Tune in next Wednesday to catch the next instalment of Advancing with Advances: perfecting peer review. Next week, more of our Associate Editors  will provide their insight into reviewer reports.

Don’t miss out on our additional posts on perfecting peer review below:

  • Why should I write a report? Our in-house editors will provide guidance on the importance of peer review, why you may consider being a reviewer for a peer reviewed journal, and how to approach you reviewer report.
  • Expected reports from external reviewers: An introduction by Professor N. Mariano Correa, who will use his experiences to highlight what a reviewer report should cover.
  • Interviews with Associate Editors: Our experienced team of Associate Editors from a broad range of subject areas will provide insights into how they use your reviewer reports, and what aspects they find the most useful in making a decision on a manuscript.
    • Part 4 – Featuring Dr Donna Arnold (University of Kent), Professor Brenno Neto (Universidade de Brasilia), Professor Beatriz Jurado Sánchez (University of Alcalá) and Professor Rodrigo Octavio de Souza (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
    • Part 5 – Featuring Dr Giacomo Saielli (University of Padova), Professor Shivani Bhardwaj Mishra (University of South Africa) and Professor Leyong Wang (Nanjing University)
    • Part 6 – Featuring 10 Associate Editors

You are welcome to send in any questions you have about peer review or publishing with RSC Advances to or post them on X @RSCAdvances #AdvancingWithAdvances.

Check out more publishing tips and tricks from our Advancing with Advances: how to publish and not perish series!

RSC Advances looks forward to advancing the chemical sciences with you.


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Advancing with Advances (series 2): Perfecting Peer Review (part 5)

Interviews with Associate Editors

Our Associate Editors offer some Advice

At RSC Advances we have a team of around sixty-five hard working Associate Editors, who handle your manuscript, from initial assessment to their final decision. They are active researchers and experts in their respective fields, and therefore have an in-depth understanding of what it takes to get work published.

To gain more insight into the world of peer-review, we have asked our Associate Editors two questions:

  1. What are the most important points for a reviewer to include and discuss to help guide your decision?
  2. When you act as a reviewer, how do you approach this task and what are the initial steps that you take when assessing a manuscript?

Here are what some of our Associate Editors Dr Giacomo Saielli, Professor Shivani Bhardwaj Mishra & Professor Leyong Wang had to say:

Dr Giacomo Saielli, University of Padova, Italy

What are the most important points for a reviewer to include and discuss to help guide your decision?

First, the report should have a short (it can be very short, actually) introduction mentioning the title and/or the subject and/or the first author, just to make sure there is no misunderstanding. This is more to make it clear to the authors, rather than to the editor, that the reviewer really reviewed the right paper.

More substantially: the reviewer should check that their recommendation (Reject, Major Revisions, Minor Revisions, Accept) matches the comments that will be sent to the authors. Based on my experience, it is not rare to have reports asking for very significant changes which amount to re-doing the work from scratch, and then recommend a Major Revision, where a Reject recommendation would have been more appropriate. Or, on the other side, to receive a Reject recommendation while the comments to the authors are mostly concerned with technical details of the experiments or calculations that could be easily discussed with the authors, if we give them a chance to clarify such points.

Another important point is, for positive reports such as Accept or Minor Revisions, to write the reasons why the paper is good. If the work is timely, if it fills a gap in the literature, if the experiments and analysis are solid and the results are interesting, it is a good idea to write down all these points and to support such statements with a detailed answer, rather than simply saying “this is a nice piece of work, I recommend publication”. A good reason for doing this is that more often than not an Editor can end up with two conflicting reports with opposite recommendations and in most cases the negative report is full of details about what is supposedly wrong with the paper. A positive report also full of details about why the paper is good, will help to make a more balanced decision.

Finally, it would be very helpful for the authors if the comments of the reviewer actually suggested ways to improve the paper rather than generic statements like “the Conclusions should be improved”. How can it be improved? What is missing? If the reviewer can give a hint on how to improve that particular section, that would be highly appreciated by the authors.

When you act as a reviewer, how do you approach this task and what are the initial steps that you take when assessing a manuscript?

The most important steps for a reviewer (and therefore for myself when I review a manuscript) have to be taken before the real review begins! It is important to think about two key issues: i) is the paper within my area of expertise? ii) if the answer to the first question is Yes, do I have enough time to finish the report before the deadline? And if one or both answers are No, please just reply that you are not available, possibly suggesting other potential reviewers.

These points might appear not important, but there is nothing more annoying for authors (as we all know being also authors ourselves) than waiting week after week for an answer. This may lead to the author blaming the editor who, in fact, cannot do anything else except invite new reviewers and wait for their reports.

Having said that, when I review a paper I first focus on the Introduction and Conclusions to get an idea of the main results presented by the authors. It also happens that for specialized journals (at variance with RSC Advances which is a general chemistry journal), I try to evaluate whether or not the work fits within the scope of the journal. In a non-negligible number of cases, I had papers with very good results that were somehow not suitable for the journal at hand.

Then, in the second reading I go deeper into the details of the results presented and I try to get an idea of the good points and possible mistakes that should be brought to the attention of the editor and authors.

Professor Shivani Bhardwaj Mishra, University of South Africa, Johannesburg

What are the most important points for a reviewer to include and discuss to help guide your decision?

Reviewers should identify the novelty of the work, how the work provides new knowledge contribution and help the other researchers to refine their efforts for ongoing and future investigations in that area. Reviewers should critically go through the article and assess its importance for accommodating multidisciplinary / interdisciplinary / translational research. Scientific investigations with an apt and thorough rationalization are of prime significance that must be taken care of while reviewing the article.

When you act as a reviewer, how do you approach this task and what are the initial steps that you take when assessing a manuscript?

As a reviewer, I strictly follow the above-mentioned guidelines. Additionally, I look for any similar work that has been already published with more advanced knowledge contribution in the respective research area. Further, I look to see if the manuscript is well presented scientifically and if the study holds a background and hypothesis for the purpose / objective of the study. It is also utmost importance for me that the study aligns its course to the hypothesis as well as rationalise its results with suitable discussion. Any scientific investigation is based on set of studies that should be in order of optimized parameters. These parameters should integrate and self-align with the observations / results obtained and therefore must lead to significant discussion. Priority is to uncover the facts that set an example for the other researchers.

Professor Leyong Wang, Nanjing University, China

What are the most important points for a reviewer to include and discuss to help guide your decision?

A good review is not only to help the editor to reach a decision about whether to publish or not, a good review will also help the authors improve this and future manuscripts.

A reasonable review would be better to start out with a short summary, and then to point out the main strengths of the manuscript as well as its weaknesses with neutral and objective tone. The reviewer’s comments could support well the recommendation for revision or rejection.

In the second part, list any major flaw or concerns, any minor flaw is also important to the editor as well as the authors.

Occasionally, if the reviewer finds or already know of similar publications on the same topic and data elsewhere that the authors overlooked in their own literature search, please also mention this in the comments, which help both of editor’s decision and authors’ revision in future.

When you act as a reviewer, how do you approach this task and what are the initial steps that you take when assessing a manuscript?

Before I accept an invitation to review a manuscript. I judge the research topic based on the title, abstract of manuscript, to determine whether it is within my field of research. I then consider my free time, and whether I am able to meet the expected deadline. After accepting to review a manuscript, I usually approach this task as follow:

  1. Download the manuscript and supporting information and store in my computer.
  2. Read the Title, Graphic Abstract, and Abstract quickly, I use about 5-10 min.
  3. First, read the entire manuscript quickly to have overall impression, which need 20% of reviewing time roughly. Occasionally to make notes as I go. what is the paper about? how is it structured? How about the quality of Schemes and Figures? At this stage, I try to be as open-minded as I can.
  4. Secondly, reading the entire manuscript and also supporting information, I write suggestions and comments, then make a decision on my recommendation. To which roughly 40-50 % of reviewing time is devoted. In this step, I consider whether the article contains a good Introduction and description of the state of the art; whether the authors have considered the full context of the topic of present manuscript. I check the references, are the important papers are cited or not? I also check whether the conclusions are adequately supported by the results in the present manuscript.
  5. Thirdly, after reading the manuscript and supporting information quickly, I check the compliance of the authors to the journal guidelines and usage of specialized jargon terms. This step needs about 10-20% of reviewing time.
  6. Last but not least, I reread and revise my reviewer report to be sure it is balanced and fair before I submit my recommendation. This needs about 10% of reviewing time.


We hope you have found this post useful. Tune in next Wednesday to catch the next instalment of Advancing with Advances: perfecting peer review. Next week, more of our Associate Editors  will provide their insight into reviewer reports.

Don’t miss out on our additional posts on perfecting peer review below:

  • Why should I write a report? Our in-house editors will provide guidance on the importance of peer review, why you may consider being a reviewer for a peer reviewed journal, and how to approach you reviewer report.
  • Expected reports from external reviewers: An introduction by Professor N. Mariano Correa, who will use his experiences to highlight what a reviewer report should cover.
  • Interviews with Associate Editors: Our experienced team of Associate Editors from a broad range of subject areas will provide insights into how they use your reviewer reports, and what aspects they find the most useful in making a decision on a manuscript.
    • Part 4 Featuring Dr Donna Arnold (University of Kent), Professor Brenno Neto (Universidade de Brasilia), Professor Beatriz Jurado Sánchez (University of Alcalá) and Professor Rodrigo Octavio de Souza (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
    • Part 5 – Featuring Dr Giacomo Saielli (University of Padova), Professor Shivani Bhardwaj Mishra (University of South Africa) and Professor Leyong Wang (Nanjing University)
    • Part 6 – Featuring 10 Associate Editors

Check out more publishing tips and tricks from our Advancing with Advances: how to publish and not perish series!

RSC Advances looks forward to advancing the chemical sciences with you.

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Advancing with Advances (series 2): Perfecting Peer Review (part 6)

Interviews with Associate Editors

Our Associate Editors offer some Advice

At RSC Advances we have a team of around sixty-five hard working Associate Editors, who handle your manuscript, from initial assessment to their final decision. They are active researchers and experts in their respective fields, and therefore have an in-depth understanding of what it takes to get work published.

To gain more insight into the world of peer-review, we have asked our Associate Editors two questions:

  1. What are the most important points for a reviewer to include and discuss to help guide your decision?
  2. When you act as a reviewer, how do you approach this task and what are the initial steps that you take when assessing a manuscript?

Here are what some of our Associate Editors had to say:


What are the most important points for a reviewer to include and discuss to help guide your decision?

When an Editor is searching for reviewers, they typically seek individuals who possess greater familiarity with the articles specific topic.

Therefore, a reviewer should:

  • Begin with a short summary: Summarise of the main points developed in the article, and subsequently demonstrate to the Editor how that work fits within the existing literature, highlighting the major contributions made by the research group.
  • Evaluate the potential impact, novelty and significance of the study: Does the study address a specific gap in the field, or build upon previously published manuscripts. This knowledge aids the interpretation and determination of the expected impact of that contribution.
  • Point out the merits and drawbacks of the study.
  • Be constructive, provide feasible suggestions about how to improve the overall quality of a manuscript.
    • Suggest additional experiments that are scientifically relevant for the author to consider
  • Check the data in the article and the supporting information. Does data presented adequately support the conclusions? Is there anything that can be added to the document to validate their findings?
  • Comment upon the any lack of expertise (if any) in any part of the manuscript the reviewer may have.

When making your final recommendation, take care explaining the recommendation. It is important that the reviewer considers the point of view of the authors, and when making your recommendation, convince the authors and editor in a way that you would like to receive as an author. This point is also very important for the decision of the Editor, which has to be motivated upon factual and sound comments.

“It is of great importance to the editors that the reviewers can interpret the data presented by the authors and, whenever possible, offer an alternative perspective to what is being presented, either through direct questions or comments.” – Professor Rodrigo Octavio de Souza


When you act as a reviewer, how do you approach this task and what are the initial steps that you take when assessing a manuscript?

“I read the abstract and conclusion. If needed, I look quickly at specific results (graph, table, etc.) and evaluate novelty, and originality. If needed, I look for other bibliographies to be sure how the work places in the literature. Then, I read the article carefully, taking notes, before writing the report.” – Professor Camilla Abbehausen

“As a reviewer, initially I check the Abstract and conclusion to get the brief idea on important achievements of the paper. Then I try to look for the novelty and impact of the work as compared to existing literature on similar studies. From the introduction and literature survey, I judge whether the claimed contributions are justified.  I check the important results and the presentation skills of the data with in-depth discussion on the mechanisms involved. Whether authors have provided enough discussion on the important results with insights from the supported experimental or theoretical insights are checked to know more about the quality of the work.” – Dr Chandra Sekhar Rout

“Usually I have a first general look at the paper, the title, how it is organized (hence the importance of subtitles structuring the subparts in the R&D), and at the figures and schemes. I then carefully read the abstract, which I expect to match the first impression I’ve just had. I then take a look at the literature with the keywords I’ve identified. Finally, I take a detailed reading of the paper in this order: introduction, results and discussion, experimental methods and supporting information.”

  • Experimental data should be well-presented and clearly explained to the reader.
  • Sometimes over-selling the work leads to a suspicion. There are many fashions in chemical sciences and can be used and even manipulated to over-sell results. This feeling prompts me to check even more closely what could be wrong.”

Dr Fabienne Dumoulin

“When acting as a reviewer, I first read the abstract, then the conclusion, then the last part of the introduction which usually summarizes the global methodology. Then, I go through each of the figures and schemes, keeping in mind the points stated in the aforementioned sections. Doing this, I can link the main features of the article with the major points that the authors have focused on. Also, I can then draw my own conclusions on some points of the research outcomes. Only then, I read the whole article to thoroughly assess it.” – Professor Franck Dumeignil


As a reviewer, consider the following points when assessing and considering a manuscript:

  • Whether the manuscript fall within the scope of the journal, e.g. for RSC Advances, does this work have sufficient chemistry contributions
  • Are the aims, the rationale, and the outcomes of the study clearly stated in the abstract and introduction sections
  • Is the literature search sufficient for the study
  • Is the methodology of the study described in detail to allow for its reproducibility
  • Are the results supported by appropriate statistical analyses
  • Are the figures and/or tables clear and relevant
  • Are the interpretation of results supported by the experimental results
  • Is the discussion section of the study constructed well. Are any strengths, limitations, and future directions recommended and stated by the authors
  • Are the conclusions consistent with the results and discussion? Consider what question is being addressed
  • Identify any misleading or ambiguous information or results that should not be published


That wraps up our series Advancing with Advances: perfecting peer review. We hope that you find these insights useful when considering your next reviewer report!

Don’t miss out on our additional posts on perfecting peer review below:

  • Why should I write a report? Our in-house editors will provide guidance on the importance of peer review, why you may consider being a reviewer for a peer reviewed journal, and how to approach you reviewer report.
  • Expected reports from external reviewers: An introduction by Professor N. Mariano Correa, who will use his experiences to highlight what a reviewer report should cover.
  • Interviews with Associate Editors: Our experienced team of Associate Editors from a broad range of subject areas will provide insights into how they use your reviewer reports, and what aspects they find the most useful in making a decision on a manuscript.
    • Part 4 Featuring Dr Donna Arnold (University of Kent), Professor Brenno Neto (Universidade de Brasilia), Professor Beatriz Jurado Sánchez (University of Alcalá) and Professor Rodrigo Octavio de Souza (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
    • Part 5 – Featuring Dr Giacomo Saielli (University of Padova), Professor Shivani Bhardwaj Mishra (University of South Africa) and Professor Leyong Wang (Nanjing University)
    • Part 6 – Featuring 10 Associate Editors

You are welcome to send in any questions you have about peer review or publishing with RSC Advances to or post them on X @RSCAdvances #AdvancingWithAdvances.

Check out more publishing tips and tricks from our Advancing with Advances: how to publish and not perish series!

RSC Advances looks forward to advancing the chemical sciences with you.

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Themed Collection – Advances in Sustainable Hydrogen Energy

RSC Advances is delighted to present a themed collection on Advances in Sustainable Hydrogen Energy!

This themed collection has been motivated by the new wave of research on the design, analysis, and assessment of future hydrogen energy systems. Thermodynamic, technoeconomic and environmental analyses are central to such efforts to complement elements of socioeconomics and policy making. The purpose of this collection is to bring together the latest research findings of the international, multidisciplinary community of hydrogen energy on the system-level analyses of hydrogen technologies.

This collection is Guest Edited by Nader Karimi (Queen Mary University of London, UK), Manosh C. Paul (University of Glasgow, UK), Mohammad Hossein Doranehgard (University of Alberta, Canada), Larry K. B. Li (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong), and Freshteh Sotoudeh (Houston University, USA).

A selection of articles have been highlighted below, and you can view the full collection here.

Microwave-enhanced hydrogen production: a review
Jun Zhao, Duanda Wang, Lei Zhang, Minyi He, Wangjing Ma and Sui Zhao
RSC Adv., 2023,13, 15261-15273

Effects of throat sizing and gasification agents in a biomass downdraft gasifier: towards CO2-free syngas production
Ahmed M. Salem and Manosh C. Paul
RSC Adv., 2023,13, 10221-10238

H2-rich syngas production from gasification involving kinetic modeling: RSM-utility optimization and techno-economic analysis
Ajay Sharma and Ratnadeep Nath
RSC Adv., 2023,13, 10308-10321

View the full collection here

We welcome you to contribute to this collection. Please contact the Editorial Office to highlight your interest in submitting to this collection.


RSC Advances Royal Society of Chemistry

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March 2024 RSC Advances Review Articles

Welcome to March’s Review round up!

Every month we update our 2024 Reviews in RSC Advances collection to showcase all of the review articles published in RSC Advances in 2024. Don’t forget to come back next month to check out our latest reviews.

We hope you enjoy reading and as always, all of our articles are open access so you can easily share your favourites online and with your colleagues.

Explore the full collection!


Browse a selection of our March reviews below:

Yolk–shell smart polymer microgels and their hybrids: fundamentals and applications
Iqra Sajid, Ahmad Hassan, Robina Begum, Shuiqin Zhou, Ahmad Irfan, Aijaz Rasool Chaudhry and Zahoor H. Farooqi
RSC Adv., 2024, 14, 8409-8433

Greening up organic reactions with caffeine: applications, recent developments, and future directions
Ankita Chaudhary, Divya Mathur, Ritu Gaba, Raaina Pasricha and Khyati Sharma
RSC Adv., 2024, 14, 8932-8962

Design and application of metal organic frameworks for heavy metals adsorption in water: a review
S. Essalmi, S. Lotfi, A. BaQais, M. Saadi, M. Arab and H. Ait Ahsaine
RSC Adv., 2024, 14, 9365-9390

Developments in conducting polymer-, metal oxide-, and carbon nanotube-based composite electrode materials for supercapacitors: a review
Aarti Tundwal, Harish Kumar, Bibin J. Binoj, Rahul Sharma, Gaman Kumar, Rajni Kumari, Ankit Dhayal, Abhiruchi Yadav, Devender Singh and Parvin Kumar
RSC Adv., 2024, 14, 9406-9439

Recent advances in the fluorimetric and colorimetric detection of cobalt ions
Muhammad Shahbaz, Birra Dar, Shahzad Sharif, Muhammad Aqib Khurshid, Sajjad Hussain, Bilal Riaz, Maryam Musaffa, Hania Khalid, Ayoub Rashid Ch and Abia Mahboob
RSC Adv., 2024, 14, 9819-9847


Submit to RSC Advances today! Check out our author guidelines for information on our article types or find out more about the advantages of publishing in a Royal Society of Chemistry journal.

Keep up to date with our latest Popular Advances, Reviews, Collections & more by following us on Twitter. You can also keep informed by signing up to our E-Alerts.

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Brenno Neto at Organic Synthesis Workshop, Brazil

RSC Advances Associate Editor Brenno Neto recently attended the 7th Organic Synthesis Workshop of the North, Northeast and Midwest, which took place at the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil.


The aim of the congress was to foster exchanges between Organic Synthesis researchers from these Regions. The Workshop program included lectures and oral presentations of student work, reflecting the results of research groups.


Brenno Neto presented his latest research results and took the opportunity to also talk about RSC Advances and how it supports the global chemistry community.


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Open Call for Papers: Advanced materials for thermoelectric systems

RSC Advances (Royal Society of Chemistry) is delighted to announce a new themed collection on Advanced materials for thermoelectric systems.

This collection is Guest Edited by Dr. Maiyong Zhu (Jiangsu University, China), Prof. JungHo Kim (University of Wollongong, Australia) & Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Ali (King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia)

This special collection aims to showcase the latest advancements in the field of thermoelectric systems and their diverse applications in various domains.

Besides developing more green energy technologies, improving the current energy efficiency is also urgent for realizing double carbon goals (carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals). Thermoelectric materials have gathered huge interest for their ability to harvest and convert the waste heat into useful electrical energy. They are expected to play a significant role in self-power wearable electronics depending on the temperature gradient between human body and the environment. Furthermore, thanks to their high cooling power density and the potential to be miniaturized and incorporated into chips, thermoelectric systems provide a compact all-solid-state solution for thermal management of advanced microelectronic/optoelectronic devices. In addition, thermoelectric systems may offer more opportunities to utilize renewable clean energies since there are abundant heat source around us, such as solar, geothermal, microwave irradiation, and so on. The past decades gave witness to the substantial achievement of thermoelectric research in view of innovative concepts, strategies to improve thermoelectric performance of conventional thermoelectric materials, and advanced materials systems.

Notably, although substantial progress has been made in the area of thermoelectric systems, there are still numerous challenges. For example, the low efficiency and high cost of current thermoelectric materials restricted the wide and practical application of thermoelectric. Interdisciplinary efforts are required for solving these issues and exploring high performance thermoelectric. Both engineering the existing thermoelectric materials need knowledge and techniques from different fields such as heat transfer, microelectronics, solid state physics, synthetic chemistry and nano science. In addition, it is also necessary to further develop the surrounding technologies, and there are practical requirements which need to be taken into account in depth. Specially, some in-situ techniques are need to reveal the beyond scientific principles.

Considering above context, it is meaningful for this themed collection of advance materials for thermoelectric systems to highlight recent key progress in studies related to thermoelectric systems, covering design, enhancement, and application of all thermoelectric systems. Both original research and review articles are welcome in this themed collection.

Areas of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Synthesis and characterization of novel thermoelectric materials
  • Strategies to improve performance of traditional thermoelectric materials
  • Thermoelectric systems for recovery industry waste heat
  • Thermoelectric generators
  • Thermoelectric cooling devices
  • Electrolytes for thermoelectrical cells
  • Thermal charging cells
  • Thermal self-power devices


We welcome your submission to the collection! Both papers and review articles will be considered for this themed collection. To be suitable for consideration, RSC Advances submissions should provide insight that advances the chemistry field.

The deadline for manuscript submission is 31st October 2024. 

All manuscripts will be subject to the journal’s usual peer review process. Accepted manuscripts will be published in a regular issue of the journal as soon as possible and then added to the themed collection on the journal webpage.

RSC Advances’ article processing charge (APC) is among the lowest in chemistry and waivers are also available for authors who meet the eligibility criteria outlined here. We have a number of Read & Publish deals in place with institutions, please see Chronoshub for more information on specific institutions and funders.

If you would like to submit to this themed collection the manuscript should be prepared according to our article guidelines and submitted via our online system any time before the submission deadline. During submission, authors will be asked if they are submitting for a themed collection and should include the name of the themed collection. If you would like to submit but require additional time to prepare your article, please do let us know by contacting the journal.

Submit to RSC Advances today! Check out our author guidelines for information on our article types or find out more about the advantages of publishing in a Royal Society of Chemistry journal.

Keep up to date with our latest Popular Advances, Reviews, Collections & more by following us on X. You can also keep informed by signing up to our E-Alerts.

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February 2024 RSC Advances Review Articles

Welcome to February’s Review round up!

Every month we update our 2024 Reviews in RSC Advances collection to showcase all of the review articles published in RSC Advances in 2024. Don’t forget to come back next month to check out our latest reviews.

We hope you enjoy reading and as always, all of our articles are open access so you can easily share your favourites online and with your colleagues.

Explore the full collection!


Browse a selection of our February reviews below:

All-inorganic lead halide perovskites for photocatalysis: a review
Yajie Huang, Jiaxing Yu, Zhiyuan Wu, Borui Li and Ming Li
RSC Adv., 2024, 14, 4946-4965

Recent advances in microwave-assisted multicomponent synthesis of spiro heterocycles
Ramin Javahershenas, Ata Makarem and Karel D. Klika
RSC Adv., 2024, 14, 5547-5565

Challenges and progress in oxygen evolution reaction catalyst development for seawater electrolysis for hydrogen production
Jack Corbin, Mikey Jones, Cheng Lyu, Adeline Loh, Zhenyu Zhang, Yanqui Zhu and Xiaohong Li
RSC Adv., 2024, 14, 6416-6442

Hydrogen production, storage, and transportation: recent advances
M. M. Rampai, C. B. Mtshali, N. S. Seroka and L. Khotseng
RSC Adv., 2024, 14, 6699-6718

Current status of research on composite bipolar plates for proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs): nanofillers and structure optimization
Li Wenkai, Xie Zhiyong and Zeng Haodong
RSC Adv., 2024, 14, 7172-7194


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Keep up to date with our latest Popular Advances, Reviews, Collections & more by following us on Twitter. You can also keep informed by signing up to our E-Alerts.

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February 2024 Popular Advances Articles

Welcome to February’s Popular Advances article round up!

Every month we update our 2024 RSC Advances Popular Advances Article Collection to showcase all of the articles selected by our reviewers and handling editors as Popular Advances in 2024. Don’t forget to come back next month to check out our latest Popular articles.

We hope you enjoy reading and as always, all of our articles are open access so you can easily share your favourites online and with your colleagues.

Explore the full collection!


Browse a selection of our February Popular Advances articles below:

Experimental study of the effects of a magnetic field/magnetic field-ferromagnetic nanocomposite pour point depressant on wax deposition
Chuanshuo Wang, Yang Liu, Shanwei Hu, Xiaofang Lv, Biao Zhao, Qianli Ma and Shidong Zhou
RSC Adv., 2024, 14, 6234-6245

Stereochemical insights into β-amino-N-acylhydrazones and their impact on DPP-4 inhibition
Eduardo Reina, Lucas Silva Franco, Teiliane Rodrigues Carneiro, Eliezer J. Barreiro and Lidia Moreira Lima
RSC Adv., 2024, 14, 6617-6626



Submit to RSC Advances today! Check out our author guidelines for information on our article types or find out more about the advantages of publishing in a Royal Society of Chemistry journal.

Keep up to date with our latest Popular Advances, Reviews, Collections & more by following us on Twitter. You can also keep informed by signing up to our E-Alerts.

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