Archive for the ‘Themed Collections’ Category

Meet Jennifer Garden: New Principal Investigator

We are delighted to introduce the next contribution to our New Principal Investigators collection.

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Simple divalent metal salts as robust and efficient initiators for the ring-opening polymerisation of rac-lactide

Phoebe A. Lowy and Jennifer A. Garden

Graphical abstract: Simple divalent metal salts as robust and efficient initiators for the ring-opening polymerisation of rac-lactide

Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) is emerging as a leading sustainable polymer due to its bio-derived and biodegradable nature. The demand for PLA based products is rapidly increasing, which has prompted significant advancements into new catalyst design. Many recent developments focus on low-toxicity metals supported by a tailor-made ligand scaffold. In this study, we demonstrate that zinc benzoxide, a simple salt without a supporting ligand, delivers excellent catalytic activity under specific conditions. Notably, this includes industrially relevant conditions, including high monomer loadings, bulk polymerisation conditions, and polymerisation of technical-grade lactide in the presence of air.

Meet the Principal Investigator

Jennifer A. Garden received her MSci (1st Class, Hons, 2010) and her PhD from the University of Strathclyde, the latter under the supervision of Prof. Robert Mulvey. This was followed by 2 years as a postdoctoral researcher in the group of Prof. Charlotte Williams at Imperial College London. In 2016, Jenni moved to the University of Edinburgh as the first recipient of the Christina Miller Fellowship, which was followed by a Ramsay Memorial Fellowship, a L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science UK & Ireland Fellowship and a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship. The work of Jenni and her team has been recognised by several awards including the 2019 Macro Group Young Researcher Medal and the 2021 RSC Sir Edward Frankland Fellowship.


You’ve recently started your own group, what are the big research question/s your group will be focussing on?

My research group focusses on enhancing polymer sustainability, underpinned by new catalyst design. We explore cooperative catalysis, where multiple metals work synergistically to improve catalyst performance. Our work spans from molecular to macromolecular levels, and aims to develop new sustainable materials, understand how catalyst design influences the polymer structure and material properties, and advance recycling processes.

What inspired you to get into science?

I’ve always had a passion for science, and as a child, my best friend and I would play “potions” by mixing various bubble baths, shampoos and toothpaste. Unfortunately, this once included her dad’s expensive aftershave! However, it wasn’t until the second year of my undergraduate degree that I realised I wanted to pursue research. I was fortunate to spend a summer as a Carnegie Scholarship student in the Mulvey group, where I created a molecule that had never been synthesised before. This experience opened my eyes to the creativity and design that are inherent in science, and from that moment, I was hooked! What continues to inspire me are my incredible team, the opportunity to continuously learn more about science, and the knowledge that science can play a crucial role in addressing global challenges and environmental concerns.

What advice would you give to those who are seeking their first group leader position?

My main piece of advice is to find a good mentor. I have been incredibly fortunate to have had fantastic mentorship throughout my career. My mentors have given me with invaluable guidance, support and encouragement. They have continuously pushed me to step out of my comfort zone and to pursue opportunities I might once have thought were beyond my reach. Early in my career, I made a commitment to myself that I wouldn’t talk myself out of applying for new opportunities – and I’ve been amazed by some of the results! I also believe that it’s important to build resilience. During the tough times, I turn to a few iconic poems and speeches that remind me of the importance of character and perseverance. One of the best pieces of advice I’ve been given is to truly celebrate your successes, no matter how big or how small! It can be easy to move on to the next thing, but pausing and taking time to acknowledge achievements, both for yourself and your team, can be both motivational and uplifting.

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Themed collection: Nano and microscale modifications of biomaterials

RSC Advances is delighted to present this themed collection titled ‘Nano and microscale modifications of biomaterials’.

Obtaining a new or improved biomaterial, or a novel fabrication method, is a difficult task. As a rule, such materials must be created and possess specific properties. In general, bulk properties determine some mechanical and some physical properties. However, an interface between a biomaterial and a human environment, bones and tissue depends on biocompatibility, adhesion between an implant and a tissue, surface hardness, Young`s modulus, and most importantly, bioactivity and cytotoxicity. This collection aims to promote research in surface treatment at the nano and micro scale and to become familiar with different methods that lead to amelioration of surface properties followed by more long-term, less invasive, and more friendly implants made of metals and their alloys, ceramics, polymers, or composite materials.

This collection was Guest Edited by Professor Andrzej Zeliński and Professor Beata Majkowska-Marzec (Gdańsk University of Technology, Gdańsk, Poland). They provide an overview of the collection in this accompanying Editorial.

A selection of articles have been highlighted below, and you can view the full collection here.

Self-healing hydrogels for bone defect repair
Weiwei Li, Yanting Wu, Xu Zhang, Tingkui Wu, Kangkang Huang, Beiyu Wang and Jinfeng Liao
RSC Adv., 2023, 13, 16773-16788

Evaluation of adhesion strength, corrosion, and biological properties of the MWCNT/TiO2 coating intended for medical applications
Dorota Rogala-Wielgus, Beata Majkowska-Marzec, Andrzej Zieliński, Katarzyna Roszek and Malwina Liszewska
RSC Adv., 2023, 13, 30108-30117

Demonstration of doxorubicin’s cardiotoxicity and screening using a 3D bioprinted spheroidal droplet-based system
Raven El Khoury, Salma P. Ramirez, Carla D. Loyola and Binata Joddar
RSC Adv., 2023, 13, 8338-8351

View the full collection here

We welcome you to contribute to this collection. Please contact the Editorial Office to highlight your interest in submitting to this collection.


RSC Advances Royal Society of Chemistry

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Open call for papers – Greening the Exposome

RSC Advances is delighted to announce a new themed collection entitled Greening the Exposome: Eco-Friendly Analytical Methods for Monitoring Chemical Exposures.

This collection is Guest Edited by Prof. Attilio Naccarato (University of Calabria, Italy) and Prof. Dr. Milena Horvat (Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia).

We welcome your submission to the series!

The exposome, encompassing all environmental exposures throughout life, plays a crucial role in human health and disease. Monitoring chemical exposures from various sources, including the environment and food, is essential for understanding their impact on health outcomes. However, traditional analytical methods often rely on harsh chemicals, generate hazardous waste, and contribute to environmental burdens.

RSC Advances is pleased to announce a themed collection dedicated to innovative and eco-friendly analytical methods for monitoring chemical exposures within the exposome framework. This special issue aims to showcase recent advancements in sustainable analytical strategies for assessing human exposure to environmental and foodborne contaminants, offering valuable insights that can benefit the fields of epidemiology, clinical chemistry, and environmental medicine.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

1. Advancements in eco-friendly analytical techniques: Innovative analytical methods for exposome analysis designed to minimize environmental impact, including the use of green solvents, sustainable sample preparation techniques, and miniaturized analytical platforms.

2. Microfluidics and Lab-on-a-Chip technologies: Application of Microfluidics and Lab-on-a-Chip technologies for high-throughput analysis of environmental and biological samples to rapidly detect contaminants and biomarkers.

3. High-throughput screening for exposome-wide chemical analysis: Innovative approaches for conducting exposome-wide chemical analysis, including high-throughput screening methods and advanced data processing techniques for mapping exposure profiles and potential health risks.

4. Use of novel sensors: Implementation of biosensors, in-situ sensors, on-site, and personal sensing devices for monitoring exposures.

5. Analytical challenges and solutions: Addressing key analytical challenges with exposome investigations, such as sample complexity, matrix effects, and data integration, with a focus on novel analytical solutions and methodologies.

6. Quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) procedures: Emphasizing the critical role of robust QA/QC procedures to ensure the reliability and validity of exposome data. Topics could include calibration strategies, method validation, proficiency testing, and inter-laboratory comparisons, metrological challenges, and analytical data interpretation in line with the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) data principles.

Authors are encouraged to submit original research articles and reviews that address the theme of greening the exposome through sustainable analytical methods.

Submission deadline: 31st January 2025

Submit your article to this collection

Both Papers and Review articles will be considered for this themed collection. All submissions will be subject to an initial assessment by Associate Editors and, if suitable for the journal, they will be subject to rigorous peer review to meet the usual high standards of RSC Advances.

RSC Advances’ article processing charge (APC) is among the lowest in chemistry and waivers are also available for authors who meet the eligibility criteria outlined here. We have a number of Read & Publish deals in place with institutions, please see Chronoshub for more information on specific institutions and funders.

If you would like to submit to this themed collection the manuscript should be prepared according to our article guidelines and submitted via our online system any time before the submission deadline of 31 01 2025. During submission, authors will be asked if they are submitting for a themed collection and should include the name of the themed collection. If you would like to submit but require additional time to prepare your article, please do let us know by contacting the journal.

Submit to RSC Advances today! Check out our author guidelines for information on our article types or find out more about the advantages of publishing in a Royal Society of Chemistry journal.

Keep up to date with our latest Popular Advances, Reviews, Collections & more by following us on X. You can also keep informed by signing up to our E-Alerts.

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Open Call for Papers – Advanced Nanomaterials for Optoelectronic and Sensor Applications

RSC Advances is delighted to announce Advanced Nanomaterials for Optoelectronic and Sensor Applications, a new themed collection.

This collection is Guest Edited by Prof. Sotirios Baskoutas (University of Patras), Prof. Sheikh A. Akbar (The Ohio State University), Prof. Ahmad Umar (Najran University), Dr. Priyanka Chaudhary (Ming Chi University of Technology) and Dr. Nazish Parveen (King Faisal University).

In this themed collection, we aim to provide the recent advancements and key developments in nanotechnology, particularly focusing on its application in the realms of optoelectronics and sensor technology.

We aim to provide a comprehensive examination of the latest advancements in the design, synthesis, characterization, and computational analysis of nanostructured materials. These materials hold immense potential for revolutionizing various technological domains and have broad applicability across a wide range of industries.

We invite submissions that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in this field, with particular emphasis on the following topics:

  • Optical gain: Exploring the mechanisms and applications of optical gain in nanostructured materials, with a focus on enhancing light emission and amplification.
  • Energy Transfer: Investigating energy transfer phenomena in nanostructures and their implications for energy harvesting, storage, sensor and conversion technologies.
  • Entanglement: Exploring quantum entanglement phenomena in nanomaterials and their potential applications in quantum information processing and communication.
  • Gas sensors: Development of nanostructured materials for highly sensitive and selective gas sensing applications, with a focus on detecting pollutants, toxins, and hazardous gases.
  • Electrochemical sensors/Optical sensors/Biosensors: Design and fabrication of nanostructured sensors for detecting various analytes, including biomolecules, ions, and chemical species, using electrochemical, optical, and biosensing principles.

We welcome contributions from researchers across the globe. Authors are invited to submit original research articles, reviews, and perspectives that address the aforementioned topics or related areas. Submissions will undergo rigorous peer review to ensure the highest scientific quality and relevance to the themed collection. We look forward to receiving your contributions and fostering a vibrant exchange of ideas within the scientific community.


Submission deadline: 31st December 2024

Submit your article to this collection


Both Papers and Review articles will be considered for this themed collection. All submissions will be subject to an initial assessment by Associate Editors and, if suitable for the journal, they will be subject to rigorous peer review to meet the usual high standards of RSC Advances.

We are proud to be an affordable gold open access journal. Submissions to RSC Advances will be published open access and the appropriate article processing charge (APC) will apply. RSC Advances’ article processing charge (APC) is among the lowest in chemistry and waivers are also available for authors who meet the eligibility criteria outlined here.

If you would like to submit to this themed collection the manuscript should be prepared according to our article guidelines and submitted via our online system any time before the submission deadline of 31 12 2024. During submission, authors will be asked if they are submitting for a themed collection and should include the name of the themed collection. If you would like to submit but require additional time to prepare your article, please do let us know by contacting the journal.

Submit to RSC Advances today! Check out our author guidelines for information on our article types or find out more about the advantages of publishing in a Royal Society of Chemistry journal.

Keep up to date with our latest Popular Advances, Reviews, Collections & more by following us on Twitter. You can also keep informed by signing up to our E-Alerts.

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Open Call for Papers – Innovations in Responsive Switchable Magnetic Materials

RSC Advances is delighted to announce innovations in responsive switchable magnetic materials, a new themed collection.

This collection is Guest Edited by Irina Kühne (Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences FZU, Czech Republic), Yann Garcia (Université catholique de Louvain UCLouvain, Belgium), Patrick Rosa (Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry of Bordeaux CNRS, France) and Paulo Nuno Martinho (Universidade de Lisboa Campo Grande, Portugal).

This themed collection in RSC Advances aims to develop our current knowledge of responsive switchable magnetic materials, offering opportunities for the development of technologies.

Spin crossover (SCO) compounds are a unique class of materials characterised by their ability to switch between two spin states, low-spin and high-spin. This switching occurs in response to external stimuli, such as temperature, pressure, magnetic and electric fields, or light. The transition is often accompanied by dramatic changes in the physical properties of the material, making SCO compounds highly desirable for applications in sensors, data storage, and smart materials. The study of SCO materials is at the forefront of materials science, offering opportunities for the development of responsive and adaptive technologies.

Current challenges in the field of SCO materials include achieving precise control over the SCO phenomenon and developing scalable synthetic methods for SCO compounds. Opportunities lie in the integration of SCO materials into nanotechnology and electronics, exploring new stimuli-responsive mechanisms, and using their unique properties for applications in smart devices, data storage, and sensing technologies. Advances in computational studies also offer opportunities to predict and design materials with well-defined properties.

Research topics of interest:
• Synthesis and characterisation of responsive switchable magnetic materials.
• Studies on the mechanisms of responsiveness and switching behaviour at the molecular or material level.
• Development and optimisation of fabrication techniques for scalable production.
• Integration of responsive magnetic materials into devices and systems.
• Theoretical and computational studies to predict and optimise the behaviour of switchable magnetic materials.
• Review articles that summarise recent advances, challenges, and future directions in the field.

We welcome your submission to the series.

Submission deadline: 30th November 2024

Submit your article to this collection

Both Papers and Review articles will be considered for this themed collection. All submissions will be subject to an initial assessment by Associate Editors and, if suitable for the journal, they will be subject to rigorous peer review to meet the usual high standards of RSC Advances.

RSC Advances’ article processing charge (APC) is among the lowest in chemistry and waivers are also available for authors who meet the eligibility criteria outlined here. We have a number of Read & Publish deals in place with institutions, please see Chronoshub for more information on specific institutions and funders.

If you would like to submit to this themed collection the manuscript should be prepared according to our article guidelines and submitted via our online system any time before the submission deadline of 30th November 2024. During submission, authors will be asked if they are submitting for a themed collection and should include the name of the themed collection. If you would like to submit but require additional time to prepare your article, please do let us know by contacting the journal.

Submit to RSC Advances today! Check out our author guidelines for information on our article types or find out more about the advantages of publishing in a Royal Society of Chemistry journal.

Keep up to date with our latest Popular Advances, Reviews, Collections & more by following us on X. You can also keep informed by signing up to our E-Alerts.

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Open Call for Papers – Functional nanoelectronics of low-dimensional nanomaterials

RSC Advances is delighted to announce Functional nanoelectronics of low-dimensional nanomaterials, a new themed collection.

This collection is Guest Edited by Prof. Byungjin Cho (Chungbuk National University), Prof. Yung Joon Jung (Northeastern University), Prof. Bogyu Lim (Chungbuk National University), Prof. Han Seul Kim (Chungbuk National University)

In this themed collection, we aim to provide the recent advancements and key developments in the field of nanoelectronics.

Nanoelectronics holds a pivotal role in revolutionizing various technological challenges, employing the extraordinary electronic properties of nanomaterials, such as quantum confinement effects, high electron mobility, and tunable band structures. In particular, the continuous drive towards miniaturization in electronics has led to the exploration of the nanoscale materials and structures to develop the next-generation electronic devices with enhanced performance, reduced power consumption, and novel capability. In the past few decades, the emergence of diverse low-dimensional nanomaterials (quantum dots, carbon nanotubes, semiconductor nanowires, molecules, graphene, transition metal dichalcogenides, and three-dimensional nanostructures) has contributed to substantial progress in nanoelectronics, resulting in unprecedented functionalities.

For this themed collection, we encourage contributions from the academia/industrial researchers focusing on the areas such as nanomaterial synthesis, device fabrication, characterization, and simulation. More specifically, prospective research topics encompass, but are not limited to:

  • Approaches to synthesizing low-dimensional nanomaterials for nanoelectronic applications.
  • Investigation of novel or enhanced electronic functionalities enabled by low-dimensional nanomaterials.
  • In-depth analysis techniques for fundamental properties of low-dimensional nanomaterials.
  • Development of novel device structures and fabrication methods for integrating low-dimensional nanomaterials into electronic devices.
  • Utilization of computational methods such as simulation, data-driven analysis, and machine learning for the design and optimization of nanomaterials and electronic devices.
  • Exploration of diverse electronic applications such as computation, memory storage, communication, sensing, display, quantum computing, energy production/storage, and medical diagnostics.

We welcome your submission to the series.


Submission deadline: 8 December 2024

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Both Papers and Review articles will be considered for this themed collection. All submissions will be subject to an initial assessment by Associate Editors and, if suitable for the journal, they will be subject to rigorous peer review to meet the usual high standards of RSC Advances.

RSC Advances’ article processing charge (APC) is among the lowest in chemistry and waivers are also available for authors who meet the eligibility criteria outlined here. We have a number of Read & Publish deals in place with institutions, please see Chronoshub for more information on specific institutions and funders.

If you would like to submit to this themed collection the manuscript should be prepared according to our article guidelines and submitted via our online system any time before the submission deadline of 8th December 2024. During submission, authors will be asked if they are submitting for a themed collection and should include the name of the themed collection. If you would like to submit but require additional time to prepare your article, please do let us know by contacting the journal.

Submit to RSC Advances today! Check out our author guidelines for information on our article types or find out more about the advantages of publishing in a Royal Society of Chemistry journal.

Keep up to date with our latest Popular Advances, Reviews, Collections & more by following us on X. You can also keep informed by signing up to our E-Alerts.

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Themed Collection – Advances in Sustainable Hydrogen Energy

RSC Advances is delighted to present a themed collection on Advances in Sustainable Hydrogen Energy!

This themed collection has been motivated by the new wave of research on the design, analysis, and assessment of future hydrogen energy systems. Thermodynamic, technoeconomic and environmental analyses are central to such efforts to complement elements of socioeconomics and policy making. The purpose of this collection is to bring together the latest research findings of the international, multidisciplinary community of hydrogen energy on the system-level analyses of hydrogen technologies.

This collection is Guest Edited by Nader Karimi (Queen Mary University of London, UK), Manosh C. Paul (University of Glasgow, UK), Mohammad Hossein Doranehgard (University of Alberta, Canada), Larry K. B. Li (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong), and Freshteh Sotoudeh (Houston University, USA).

A selection of articles have been highlighted below, and you can view the full collection here.

Microwave-enhanced hydrogen production: a review
Jun Zhao, Duanda Wang, Lei Zhang, Minyi He, Wangjing Ma and Sui Zhao
RSC Adv., 2023,13, 15261-15273

Effects of throat sizing and gasification agents in a biomass downdraft gasifier: towards CO2-free syngas production
Ahmed M. Salem and Manosh C. Paul
RSC Adv., 2023,13, 10221-10238

H2-rich syngas production from gasification involving kinetic modeling: RSM-utility optimization and techno-economic analysis
Ajay Sharma and Ratnadeep Nath
RSC Adv., 2023,13, 10308-10321

View the full collection here

We welcome you to contribute to this collection. Please contact the Editorial Office to highlight your interest in submitting to this collection.


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Submit to RSC Advances today! Check out our author guidelines for information on our article types or find out more about the advantages of publishing in a Royal Society of Chemistry journal.

Keep up to date with our latest Popular Advances, Reviews, Collections & more by following us on X. You can also keep informed by signing up to our E-Alerts.

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Open Call for Papers: Advanced materials for thermoelectric systems

RSC Advances (Royal Society of Chemistry) is delighted to announce a new themed collection on Advanced materials for thermoelectric systems.

This collection is Guest Edited by Dr. Maiyong Zhu (Jiangsu University, China), Prof. JungHo Kim (University of Wollongong, Australia) & Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Ali (King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia)

This special collection aims to showcase the latest advancements in the field of thermoelectric systems and their diverse applications in various domains.

Besides developing more green energy technologies, improving the current energy efficiency is also urgent for realizing double carbon goals (carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals). Thermoelectric materials have gathered huge interest for their ability to harvest and convert the waste heat into useful electrical energy. They are expected to play a significant role in self-power wearable electronics depending on the temperature gradient between human body and the environment. Furthermore, thanks to their high cooling power density and the potential to be miniaturized and incorporated into chips, thermoelectric systems provide a compact all-solid-state solution for thermal management of advanced microelectronic/optoelectronic devices. In addition, thermoelectric systems may offer more opportunities to utilize renewable clean energies since there are abundant heat source around us, such as solar, geothermal, microwave irradiation, and so on. The past decades gave witness to the substantial achievement of thermoelectric research in view of innovative concepts, strategies to improve thermoelectric performance of conventional thermoelectric materials, and advanced materials systems.

Notably, although substantial progress has been made in the area of thermoelectric systems, there are still numerous challenges. For example, the low efficiency and high cost of current thermoelectric materials restricted the wide and practical application of thermoelectric. Interdisciplinary efforts are required for solving these issues and exploring high performance thermoelectric. Both engineering the existing thermoelectric materials need knowledge and techniques from different fields such as heat transfer, microelectronics, solid state physics, synthetic chemistry and nano science. In addition, it is also necessary to further develop the surrounding technologies, and there are practical requirements which need to be taken into account in depth. Specially, some in-situ techniques are need to reveal the beyond scientific principles.

Considering above context, it is meaningful for this themed collection of advance materials for thermoelectric systems to highlight recent key progress in studies related to thermoelectric systems, covering design, enhancement, and application of all thermoelectric systems. Both original research and review articles are welcome in this themed collection.

Areas of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Synthesis and characterization of novel thermoelectric materials
  • Strategies to improve performance of traditional thermoelectric materials
  • Thermoelectric systems for recovery industry waste heat
  • Thermoelectric generators
  • Thermoelectric cooling devices
  • Electrolytes for thermoelectrical cells
  • Thermal charging cells
  • Thermal self-power devices


We welcome your submission to the collection! Both papers and review articles will be considered for this themed collection. To be suitable for consideration, RSC Advances submissions should provide insight that advances the chemistry field.

The deadline for manuscript submission is 31st October 2024. 

All manuscripts will be subject to the journal’s usual peer review process. Accepted manuscripts will be published in a regular issue of the journal as soon as possible and then added to the themed collection on the journal webpage.

RSC Advances’ article processing charge (APC) is among the lowest in chemistry and waivers are also available for authors who meet the eligibility criteria outlined here. We have a number of Read & Publish deals in place with institutions, please see Chronoshub for more information on specific institutions and funders.

If you would like to submit to this themed collection the manuscript should be prepared according to our article guidelines and submitted via our online system any time before the submission deadline. During submission, authors will be asked if they are submitting for a themed collection and should include the name of the themed collection. If you would like to submit but require additional time to prepare your article, please do let us know by contacting the journal.

Submit to RSC Advances today! Check out our author guidelines for information on our article types or find out more about the advantages of publishing in a Royal Society of Chemistry journal.

Keep up to date with our latest Popular Advances, Reviews, Collections & more by following us on X. You can also keep informed by signing up to our E-Alerts.

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Themed collection: New Insights into Biomolecular Systems from Large-Scale Simulations

RSC Advances is delighted to present this themed collection titled ‘New Insights into Biomolecular Systems from Large-Scale Simulations’.

This themed collection in RSC Advances highlights recent applications of computer simulations to understand the structural and functional dynamics of biomolecular systems, with the goal to extract insights from large datasets and permit direct comparisons to experimental data. An emphasis is placed on the application of large-scale models to address unexplored areas in protein folding, intrinsically disordered proteins, protein aggregation, nucleic acid structure and function, membrane proteins, signaling molecules crossing membranes, and ligand interactions, among other topics.

This collection was Guest Edited by RSC Advances Editorial Board member Professor Stacey Wetmore (University of Lethbridge, Canada), RSC Advances Associate Editor Professor Megan O’Mara (Australian National University) and Dr Sarah Rauscher (University of Toronto). They provide an overview of the collection in this accompanying Editorial.

A selection of articles have been highlighted below, and you can view the full collection here.

Partial peptide dissociation and binding groove plasticity in two major histocompatibility complex class I alleles – differences between alleles versus force field and sampling effects
Sebastian Wingbermühle and Lars V. Schäfer
RSC Adv., 2022, 12, 29908-29914

Polar/apolar interfaces modulate the conformational behavior of cyclic peptides with impact on their passive membrane permeability
Stephanie M. Linker, Christian Schellhaas, Benjamin Ries, Hans-Jörg Roth, Marianne Fouché, Stephane Rodde and Sereina Riniker
RSC Adv., 2022, 12, 5782-5796

How a single mutation alters the protein structure: a simulation investigation on protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP2
Yingnan Hou, Xiaoli Lu, Ziyao Xu, Jiarun Qu and Jing Huang
RSC Adv., 2023, 13, 4263-4274

Simulation of defects, flexibility and rupture in biopolymer networks
Matthew H. J. Bailey and Mark Wilson
RSC Adv., 2022, 12, 2171-2180

View the full collection here

We welcome you to contribute to this collection. Please contact the Editorial Office to highlight your interest in submitting to this collection.


RSC Advances Royal Society of Chemistry

Submit to RSC Advances today! Check out our author guidelines for information on our article types or find out more about the advantages of publishing in a Royal Society of Chemistry journal.

Keep up to date with our latest Popular Advances, Reviews, Collections & more by following us on X. You can also keep informed by signing up to our E-Alerts.

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RSC Fellows collection: contributions from RSC Advances

Welcome to the RSC Fellows collection!

As part of the RSC Fellows collection, a growing collection highlights the scientific accomplishments of RSC Fellows and features cutting-edge developments and future prospects across our journals portfolio, we want to highlight contributions published by authors in RSC Advances!

We hope you enjoy reading and as always, all of our articles are open access so you can easily share your favourites online and with your colleagues.

Explore the full collection!


Boric acid catalysed hydrolysis of peroxyacids
Michael E. Deary
RSC Adv., 2023, 13, 11826-11837

Carbon dots using a household cleaning liquid as a dopant for iron detection in hydroponic systems
Robert G. Hjort, Cícero C. Pola, Lisseth Casso-Hartmann, Diana C. Vanegas, Eric McLamore and Carmen L. Gomes
RSC Adv., 2023, 13, 17244-17252

Type-II ternary Bi2WO6/rGO/SnFe2O4 heterojunction nanocomposites and their photocatalytic efficiency towards 4-nitrophenol reduction
Vani Narayanan and Badal Kumar Mandal
RSC Adv., 2023, 13, 22616-22629

Journey of micronanoplastics with blood components
Durgalakshmi Rajendran and Natarajan Chandrasekaran
RSC Adv., 2023, 13, 31435-31459

Crafting mono- and novel bis-methylated pyrroloquinoxaline derivatives from a shared precursor and its application in the total synthesis of marinoquinoline A
Margarita Damai, Norman Guzzardi, Viliyana Lewis, Zenobia X. Rao, Daniel Sykes and Bhaven Patel
RSC Adv., 2023, 13, 29561-29567



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Keep up to date with our latest Popular Advances, Reviews, Collections & more by following us on Twitter. You can also keep informed by signing up to our E-Alerts.

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