Archive for the ‘news’ Category

Welcome to our new Associate Editor: P. Sujatha Devi

We are delighted to welcome Dr P. Sujatha Devi to the RSC Advances team!

Dr. P. Sujatha Devi received her Ph.D in Chemistry from the Inorganic and Physical Chemistry department,  Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 1991. Dr. Devi has made outstanding research contributions in frontier and diverse areas of solid state chemistry, spanning from material synthesis, surface functionalization and characterization through to application and device development.  Dr. Devi’s main research contributions are essentially in the synthesis, processing and study of the properties of functional materials, alongside assessment of their structure-property correlations.

Her contributions in processing and characterization of functional nanomaterials for applications ranging from fuel cell, dye sensitized solar cell, chemical and biosensors and drug delivery are noteworthy.

She is currently Chief Scientist and was heading the Chemical Sciences and Technology Division at CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India prior to taking up this position.

She was Editor of the Taylor & Francis Journal Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society from 2015 to 2018. She is also very active in contributing to the enhancement of science in the society through being a member of the Executive Council of the major scientific societies in India, CRSI and MRSI.

P. Sujatha was elected as a Fellow of the RSC in 2017, and was featured in the cross journal themed collection Celebrating Excellence in Research: 100 Women of Chemistry.

Browse a selection of P. Sujatha’s RSC publications: 

Redistribution of native defects and photoconductivity in ZnO under pressure
Partha Pratim Das, Sudeshna Samanta, Lin Wang, Jaeyong Kim, Thomas Vogt, P. Sujatha Devi and Yongjae Lee
RSC Adv., 2019, 9, 4303-4313
DOI: 10.1039/C8RA10219H

Water soluble blue-emitting AuAg alloy nanoparticles and fluorescent solid platforms for removal of dyes from water
Srikrishna Pramanik, Arindam Saha and Parukuttyamma Sujatha Devi
RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 33946-33954
DOI: 10.1039/C4RA14176H

Frequency dependent energy storage and dielectric performance of Ba–Zr Co-doped BiFeO3 loaded PVDF based mechanical energy harvesters: effect of corona poling
Abhishek Sasmal, Shrabanee Sen and P. Sujatha Devi
Soft Matter, 2020, 16, 8492-8505
DOI: 10.1039/D0SM01031F

Role of suppressed oxygen vacancies in the BiFeO3 nanofiller to improve the polar phase and multifunctional performance of poly(vinylidene fluoride)
Abhishek Sasmal, Shrabanee Sen and P. Sujatha Devi
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2019, 21, 5974-5988
DOI: 10.1039/C8CP07281G

Submit your research or reviews to P. Sujatha, she will be delighted to receive them! See our author guidelines for information on our article types or find out more about the advantages of publishing in a Royal Society of Chemistry journal.

Keep up to date with our latest HOT articles, Reviews, Collections & more by following us on Twitter. You can also keep informed by signing up to our E-Alerts.

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Welcome to our new Associate Editor: Xi Chen

We are delighted to welcome Dr Xi Chen to the RSC Advances team!

Xi Chen received her Bachelor (2010) and Master (2012) degrees in Chemistry from Wuhan University in China. She then obtained her Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the National University of Singapore (NUS) under the supervision of Prof. Ning Yan in 2016, where she stayed as a postdoc. She joined the China-UK Low Carbon College at Shanghai Jiao Tong University as Assistant Professor in 2018 and promoted to Associate Professor in 2020. Her research focuses on the chemical transformations of various waste streams including biomass, plastics and CO2 into high-value chemicals, materials and fuels.

Browse a selection of Xi’s RSC publications: 

Conversion of chitin and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine into a N-containing furan derivative in ionic liquids
Xi Chen, Yi Liu, Francesca M. Kerton and Ning Yan
RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 20073-20080
DOI: 10.1039/C5RA00382B

Haber-independent, diversity-oriented synthesis of nitrogen compounds from biorenewable chitin
Thuy Trang Pham, Xi Chen, Tilo Söhnel, Ning Yan and Jonathan Sperry
Green Chem., 2020, 22, 1978-1984
DOI: 10.1039/C5RA00382B

Room temperature, near-quantitative conversion of glucose into formic acid
Can Wang, Xi Chen, Man Qi, Jianeng Wu, Gökalp Gözaydın, Ning Yan, Heng Zhong and Fangming Jin
Green Chem., 2019, 21, 6089-6096
DOI: 10.1039/C9GC02201E

Submit your research or reviews to Xi, she will be delighted to receive them! See our author guidelines for information on our article types or find out more about the advantages of publishing in a Royal Society of Chemistry journal.

Keep up to date with our latest HOT articles, Reviews, Collections & more by following us on Twitter. You can also keep informed by signing up to our E-Alerts.

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Welcome to our new Associate Editor: Lubomír Rulíšek

We are delighted to welcome Dr Lubomír Rulíšek to the RSC Advances team this month!

Lubomir Rulisek RSC Advances Associate Editor RSC

Lubomír Rulíšek is a Senior Research Group Leader at the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague (IOCB). He completed his master’s degrees at the Charles University, Prague and obtained his Ph.D. at IOCB in 2001 (supervised by Dr. Zdeněk Havlas). He was a postdoctoral research fellow at Lund University, Sweden, with Prof. Ulf Ryde who introduced him into theoretical bioinorganic chemistry which has been one of his favorite research themes since then. In addition, the research in the Rulíšek group encompasses various applications of quantum chemistry and quantum and molecular mechanical (QM/MM) modelling: physico-chemical principles of protein structures, protein–ligand interactions, computational electrochemistry, theoretical spectroscopy, organic reactivity, computational homogeneous catalysis, and biomolecular design. He is a true believer in indispensable and integral role of computations in contemporary chemical and biological research.

Rulíšek says, “I am grateful for the opportunity to join RSC Advances as an associate editor and look forward to serve to a large community of chemists and biologists”.

Browse a selection of Lubomír’s RSC publications:

Conformational Energies and Equilibria of Cyclic Dinucleotides In Vacuo and In Solution: Computational Chemistry vs. NMR Experiments
Gutten, O., Jurečka, P., Aliakbar Tehrani, Z., Budešínský, M., Řezáč, J., Rulíšek, L.
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2021, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0CP05993E

Solvatochromic fluorene-linked nucleoside and DNA as color-changing fluorescent probes for sensing interactions
Dmytro Dziuba, Petr Pospíšil, Ján Matyašovský, Jiří Brynda, Dana Nachtigallová, Lubomír Rulíšek, Radek Pohl, Martin Hof and Michal Hocek
Chem. Sci., 2016, 7, 5775-5785
DOI: 10.1039/C6SC02548J

The non-planarity of the benzene molecule in the X-ray structure of the chelated bismuth(iii) heteroboroxine complex is not supported by quantum mechanical calculations
Jindřich Fanfrlík, Robert Sedlak, Adam Pecina, Lubomír Rulíšek, Libor Dostál, Ján Moncóľ, Aleš Růžička and Pavel Hobza
Dalton Trans., 2016, 45, 462-465
DOI: 10.1039/C5DT04381F

How simple is too simple? Computational perspective on importance of second-shell environment for metal-ion selectivity
Ondrej Gutten and Lubomír Rulíšek
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2015, 17, 14393-14404
DOI: 10.1039/C4CP04876H

A new insight into the zinc-dependent DNA-cleavage by the colicin E7 nuclease: a crystallographic and computational study
Anikó Czene, Eszter Tóth, Eszter Németh, Harm Otten, Jens-Christian N. Poulsen, Hans E. M. Christensen, Lubomír Rulíšek, Kyosuke Nagata, Sine Larsen and Béla Gyurcsik
Metallomics, 2014, 6, 2090-2099
DOI: 10.1039/C4MT00195H

Theoretical calculations of physico-chemical and spectroscopic properties of bioinorganic systems: current limits and perspectives
Tibor András Rokob, Martin Srnec and Lubomír Rulíšek
Dalton Trans., 2012, 41, 5754-5768
DOI: 10.1039/C2DT12423H


RSC Advances Royal Society of ChemistrySubmit to RSC Advances today! Check out our author guidelines for information on our article types or find out more about the advantages of publishing in a Royal Society of Chemistry journal.

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Welcome to our new Associate Editor: Ruchi Gupta

We are delighted to welcome Dr Ruchi Gupta to the RSC Advances team this month!

Ruchi Gupta

Ruchi Gupta is currently a Senior Lecturer and Birmingham Fellow in Healthcare Technologies at University of Birmingham. She completed her undergraduate and master’s degrees at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and McMaster University, Canada respectively. She obtained her PhD from University of Manchester where she stayed as a postdoctoral research fellow and then as a RAEng Enterprise Fellow. She was a Lecturer in Analytical Chemistry at University of Hull between 2014 and 2016. The research in the Gupta group is focused on designing optical sensors that are internally referenced with integrated sample preparation to address the challenges associated with measurement of molecules of interest in real samples, which are complex mixtures, and uncontrolled environmental conditions.

Ruchi says, “I am excited to join RSC Advances as an associate editor and looking forward to contribute to the journal from the analytical science perspective”.


Browse a selection of Ruchi recent RSC publications:

A feasibility study of a leaky waveguide aptasensor for thrombin
Nasser A. Alamrani, Gillian M. Greenway, Nicole Pamme, Nicholas J. Goddard and Ruchi Gupta
Analyst, 2019, 144, 6048-6054
DOI: 10.1039/C9AN01421G, Paper

Broadband absorption spectroscopy for rapid pH measurement in small volumes using an integrated porous waveguide
Ruchi Gupta and Nick J. Goddard
Analyst, 2017, 142, 169-176
DOI: 10.1039/C6AN01896C, Paper

A polymeric waveguide resonant mirror (RM) device for detection in microfluidic flow cells
Ruchi Gupta and Nick J. Goddard
Analyst, 2013, 138, 3209-3215
DOI: 10.1039/C3AN00263B, Paper


RSC Advances Royal Society of Chemistry

Submit your research or reviews to Ruchi now, she will be delighted to receive them! See our author guidelines for information on our article types or find out more about the advantages of publishing in a Royal Society of Chemistry journal.

Keep up to date with our latest HOT articles, Reviews, Collections & more by following us on Twitter. You can also keep informed by signing up to our E-Alerts.

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Welcome to our new Associate Editors: Ekin Atilla-Gokcumen & Qin Wang

We are delighted to welcome Professor G. Ekin Atilla-Gokcumen and Dr Qin Wang to the RSC Advances team this month!

Dr G. Ekin Atilla-Gokcumen, University at Buffalo, RSC Advances


Ekin Atilla-Gokcumen received her Ph.D. in Chemistry working under the supervision of Eric Meggers from the University of Pennsylvania. Her dissertation work focused on the design, synthesis and biological activity of Ru-based organometallic protein kinase inhibitors. She then joined Riki Eggert’s lab at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute for her post-doctoral studies where she took an interest in lipids. She started her independent career at University at Buffalo, Department of Chemistry in 2013.

The Atilla laboratory uses chemical biology, mass spectrometry and molecular and cellular biology approaches to elucidate novel roles of lipids during different cellular fates.

Ekin looks forward to her role as an associate editor, saying “I am excited to join the editorial team in RSC Advances and help promote cutting edge, innovative and impactful research”.




Qin Wang, RSC Advances Associate Editor, Royal Society of Chemistry


Qin Wang is an Associate Professor in the Department of Nutrition and Food Science at the University of Maryland, College Park. She got her Ph.D. in Food Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2004.

Dr. Wang’s laboratory uses food chemistry, food biophysics, material science and nanotechnology approaches to investigate structure-function relationships of food proteins and polysaccharides with the ultimate goal of improving food safety and quality. Different nanostructures, including nanoparticles, nanoemulsions, nanolaminates, etc. have been produced in her lab with applications in nutraceutical encapsulation and target delivery, antimicrobial packaging materials, food pathogen detection, and edible coating.

Dr. Wang has published more than 100 peer-reviewed journal papers, 7 book chapters and has co-edited a book entitled: Nanotechnology Research Methods for Foods and Bioproducts.

Qin is very excited to join the RSC Advances team, saying “I am looking forward to using my expertise to bring up high-quality research in food science to this journal.”


Browse a selection of work published by Ekin and Qin:

Regulation of lipids is central to replicative senescence
Darleny Y. Lizardo, Yen-Lung Lin, Omer Gokcumen and G. Ekin Atilla-Gokcumen
Mol. BioSyst., 2017, 13, 498-509
DOI: 10.1039/C6MB00842A, Paper

Beta-lactoglobulin-based encapsulating systems as emerging bioavailability enhancers for nutraceuticals: a review
Zi Teng, Ruoyang Xua and Qin Wang
RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 35138-35154
DOI: 10.1039/C5RA01814E, Review Article

Mass spectrometry-based metabolomics to assess uptake of silver nanoparticles by Arabidopsis thaliana
Nita G. Chavez Soria, Angelina Montes, Mary A. Bisson, G. Ekin Atilla-Gokcumen and Diana S. Aga
Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2017, 4, 1944-1953
DOI: 10.1039/C7EN00555E, Paper

Electrodeposition of a weak polyelectrolyte hydrogel: remarkable effects of salt on kinetics, structure and properties
Yi Liu, Boce Zhang, Kelsey M. Gray, Yi Cheng, Eunkyoung Kim, Gary W. Rubloff, William E. Bentley, Qin Wang and Gregory F. Payne
Soft Matter, 2013, 9, 2703-2710
DOI: 10.1039/C3SM27581G, Paper

RSC Advances Royal Society of Chemistry

Submit your research or reviews to Ekin & Qin now, they will be delighted to receive them! See our author guidelines for information on our article types or find out more about the advantages of publishing in a Royal Society of Chemistry journal.

Keep up to date with our latest HOT articles, Reviews, Collections & more by following us on Twitter. You can also keep informed by signing up to our E-Alerts.

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Welcome to our new Editorial Board member: Norio Shibata

We are delighted to welcome Professor Norio Shibata as our newest Editorial Board member!Professor Norio Shibata, Royal Society of Chemistry RSC Advances Editorial Board

Norio Shibata has been a Professor at the Nagoya Institute of Technology since 2008. He received a Ph.D. (1993) in pharmaceutical sciences from Osaka University under the direction of Professor Yasuyuki Kita. He worked at Dyson Perrins Laboratory (Professor Sir Jack. E. Baldwin), Oxford University (JSPS fellow, 1994−1996), Sagami Chemical Research Institute (Dr. Shiro Terashima, 1996), after which he was a lecturer at Toyama Medical & Pharmaceutical University (1997−2003), and an associate professor at the Nagoya Institute of Technology (2003−2008). He also acted as a visiting professor at the University of Rouen (2008, 2012) and Zhejiang Normal University (2017−), an academic visitor at the University of Oxford (2017, 2018) and University of Valencia (2017, 2019), a senior technical consultant at the National Engineering Technology Center of Fluoro Materials, Juhua Group Corporation (2017−).

He has received the ‘RSC Fluorine Prize’ (2005, UK), ‘The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan Award for Divisional Scientific Promotions’ (2010, Japan), ‘Prizes for Science and Technology, The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’ (2014, Japan), ‘CSJ Award for Creative Work in Chemical Society of Japan’ (2015, Japan), ‘Chinese Chemical Society, W.-Y. Huang Fluorine Prize’ (2015, China), ‘ACS Award for Creative Work in Fluorine Chemistry’ (2019, US) and ‘The 18th Green and Sustainable Chemistry Awards by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’ (2019, Japan). His research interests are synthetic and medicinal fluorine chemistry.

Browse a selection of work published by Norio:

Synthesis of fluorinated donepezil by palladium-catalyzed decarboxylative allylation of α-fluoro-β-keto ester with tri-substituted heterocyclic alkene and the self-disproportionation of its enantiomers
Mayaka Maeno, Hiroya Kondo, Etsuko Tokunaga and Norio Shibata
RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 85058-8506
DOI: 10.1039/C6RA21253K, Communication

Flow trifluoromethylation of carbonyl compounds by Ruppert–Prakash reagent and its application for pharmaceuticals, efavirenz and HSD-016
Satoshi Okusu, Kazuki Hirano, Yoshimasa Yasuda, Etsuko Tokunaga and Norio Shibata
RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 82716-82720
DOI: 10.1039/C6RA19790F, Communication

Synthesis of aryl and heteroaryl tetrafluoro-λ6-sulfanyl chlorides from diaryl disulfides using trichloroisocyanuric acid and potassium fluoride
Ibrayim Saidalimu, Yumeng Liang, Kiyoteru Niina, Kazuhiro Tanagawa, Norimichi Saito and Norio Shibata
Org. Chem. Front., 2019, 6, 1157-1161
DOI: 10.1039/C9QO00191C, Research Article

An eccentric rod-like linear connection of two heterocycles: synthesis of pyridine trans-tetrafluoro-λ6-sulfanyl triazoles
Prajwalita Das, Kiyoteru Niina, Tomoya Hiromura, Etsuko Tokunaga, Norimichi Saito and Norio Shibata
Chem. Sci., 2018, 9, 4931-4936
DOI: 10.1039/C8SC01216D, Edge Article

Submit to RSC Advances today! Check out our author guidelines for information on our article types or find out more about the advantages of publishing in a Royal Society of Chemistry journal.

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Welcome to our new Editorial Board Member: Qingdong Zheng

We are pleased to introduce Professor Qingdong Zheng as our latest Editorial Board member!

Professor Qingdong Zheng, RSC Advances Editorial Board MemberQingdong Zheng is a Professor of State Key Laboratory of Structural Chemistry in the Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). He obtained his B.S. (1998), and M.S. (2001) degrees from East China University of Science and Technology, and his Ph.D. degree from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 2005. After carrying out his postdoctoral research at Johns Hopkins University, he joined CAS and took his current position in 2010.

Selected honors and awards include the “100 Talents Programme” of CAS in 2010, and distinguished Young Scholars of National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) in 2013. His main interests lie in optoelectronic materials and the related energy, photonic, and electronic devices, especially conjugated small-molecule or polymeric materials for applications such as solar cells, photodetectors, field-effect transistors, light-emitting diodes, and sensors. He has published over 100 papers in peer-reviewed journals and has previously worked with RSC Advances as an Associate Editor.

Browse a selection of work published by Qingdong:


Indenothiophene-based asymmetric small molecules for organic solar cells
Qi Shang, Meng Wang, Jiajun Weib and Qingdong Zheng
RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 18144-18150
DOI: 10.1039/C7RA01902E, Paper

Solution-processed MoSx thin-films as hole-transport layers for efficient polymer solar cells
Jiajun Wei, Zhigang Yin, Shan-Ci Chen, Dongdong Cai and Qingdong Zheng
RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 39137-39143
DOI: 10.1039/C6RA01204C, Paper

Ladder-type dithienocyclopentadibenzothiophene-cored wide-bandgap polymers for efficient non-fullerene solar cells with large open-circuit voltages
Qisheng Tu, Changquan Tang and Qingdong Zheng
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2019, 7, 3307-3316
DOI: 10.1039/C8TA11404H, Paper

Enhancing the performance of photomultiplication-type organic photodetectors using solution-processed ZnO as an interfacial layer
Jianbin Wang and Qingdong Zheng
J. Mater. Chem. C, 2019, 7, 1544-1550
DOI: 10.1039/C8TC04962A, Paper

Submit to RSC Advances today! Check out our author guidelines for information on our article types or find out more about the advantages of publishing in a Royal Society of Chemistry journal.

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RSC Advances’ latest Impact Factor: 3.049

RSC Advances new Impact Factor Royal Society fo Chemistry

RSC Advances is very pleased to announce that our latest Impact Factor has increased to 3.049*, demonstrating our continuting commitment to quality and increased visibility of published work following its transition to gold open access.

As the largest gold open access journal dedicated to the chemical sciences, RSC Advances is here for everyone who wants to publish quality chemistry research and share it with the world.

We are here for everyone who needs access to work in every area of the chemical sciences and related disciplines. And as part of the Royal Society of Chemistry, we are at the heart of open, international research dissemination for the chemistry community.

Great science matters. We make sure the world knows it.

RSC Advances in numbers:

A 5-year impact factor above 3
Submissions from 90+countries in 2018
An average of 30 days from submission to first decision
An acceptance rate of 44%
Associate editors in 30+ countries
10,000+ articles free to access and growing


We would like to thank all our authors, readers, reviewers along with our Editorial and Advisory Board members for their continued support.

Find all of the RSC’s newly published 2018 Impact Factors* here.

*The Impact Factor provides an indication of the average number of citations per paper. Produced annually, Impact Factors are calculated by dividing the number of citations in a year, by the number of citeable articles published in the preceding two years. Data based on Journal Citation Reports (Web of Science Group, 2019).

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Welcome to our new Associate Editors: Angela Meireles & Amanda Garner

A warm welcome to both Professor M. Angela. A. Meireles and Professor Amanda L. Garner who start as Associate Editors for RSC Advances in June!

Angela Meireles. RSC Advances Associate Editor RSCEmployed for close to 34 years at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in São Paulo, Brazil, Professor Meireles completed her PhD in Chemical Engineering at Iowa State University. Starting as an Assistant Professor in the School of Food Engineering in 1983, she has since become a Professor and has supervised 50 PhD dissertations, 30 MSc theses and approximately 72 undergraduate research projects. She has also coordinated scientific exchange projects between UNICAMP and European universities in France, Germany, Holland, and Spain. Angela has served as a Head of Department, as Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies of Food Engineering and as Associated Director at the Chemical, Biological, and Agricultural Pluridisciplinary Research Center.

Professor Meireles’ expertise helped her serve as the coordinator of Food Science for the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) between 2014 and 2018. She is a partner and innovative director of Bioativos Naturais, Ltd. and a current invited Professor at the School of Food Engineering at the University of Campinas.

Angela is excited to join the RSC Advances team, saying “I am truly grateful to belong to the Editorial team of this prestigious Open Access Journal: this is the future of scientific publications.”


Browse a selection of work published by Angela:

Sub-2 μm fully porous and partially porous (core–shell) stationary phases for reversed phase liquid chromatography
Endler M. Borges, Mauricio A. Rostagno and M. Angela A. Meireles
RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 22875-22887
DOI: 10.1039/ C3RA45418E, Review Article

Fast analysis of phenolic terpenes by high-performance liquid chromatography using a fused-core column
Giovani L. Zabot, Moyses N. Moraes, Maurício A. Rostagno and M. Angela A. Meireles
Anal. Methods, 2014, 6, 7457-7468
DOI: 10.1039/ C4AY01124D, Paper

Fast analysis of β-ecdysone in Brazilian ginseng (Pfaffia glomerata) extracts by high-performance liquid chromatography using a fused-core column
Mauricio A. Rostagno, Isabel C. N. Debien, Renata Vardanega, Gislaine C. Nogueira, Gerardo F. Barbero and M. Angela A. Meireles
Anal. Methods, 2014, 6, 2452-2459
DOI: 10.1039/ C3AY42276C, Paper


Amanda L Garner. RSC Advances Associate Editor RSCAmanda Garner received her Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Pittsburgh working under the supervision of Prof. Kazunori Koide and completed NIH-funded postdoctoral studies in the laboratory of Prof. Kim Janda at The Scripps Research Institute. She began her independent career in 2013 in the Department of Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Michigan.
Her laboratory uses chemical biology, medicinal chemistry and molecular and cellular biology approaches to investigate the high-risk/high-reward areas of targeting microRNAs, RNA-protein and protein-protein interactions for probe and drug discovery.

Amanda looks forward to her new role, saying “I am excited for the opportunity to help RSC Advances in promoting the high-quality and impactful chemical research being performed within the global community.”






Browse a selection of work published by Amanda:

cat-ELCCA: catalyzing drug discovery through click chemistry
Amanda L. Garner
Chem. Commun., 2018, 54, 6531-6539
DOI: 10.1039/C8CC02332H, Feature Article

A click chemistry-based microRNA maturation assay optimized for high-throughput screening
Daniel A. Lorenz and Amanda L. Garner
Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 8267-8270
DOI: 10.1039/C6CC02894B, Communication

Antagonism of a zinc metalloprotease using a unique metal-chelating scaffold: tropolones as inhibitors of P. aeruginosa elastase
Jessica L. Fullagar, Amanda L. Garner, Anjali K. Struss, Joshua A. Day, David P. Martin, Jing Yu, Xiaoqing Cai, Kim D. Janda and Seth M. Cohen
Chem. Commun., 2013, 49, 3197-3199
DOI: 10.1039/C3CC41191E, Communication

Submit your research or reviews to Angela & Amanda now, they will be delighted to receive them!

See our author guidelines for information on our article types or find out more about the advantages of publishing in a Royal Society of Chemistry journal.

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ENQA meeting sets record for attendance

The 19th National Meeting of Analytical Chemistry (ENQA) was held from September 16th – 19th in Caldas Novas/GO together with the 7th Ibero-American Congress of Analytical Chemistry (CIAQA). The event received 1218 registrations from 25 Brazilian states and the Federal District with 1112 works presented in poster form.

The event was attended by speakers and participants from different countries such as Argentina, Portugal, Canada and the United States and had three thematic sessions. One of was titled  a “Meet the Editor Session” and was sponsored by the Royal Society of Chemistry. This had the participation of the following editors: Dr. Carlos D. Garcia (associate editor, RSC Advances), Dr. Susan M. Lunte (former editor in chief, Analytical Methods) and Dr. Jailson Bittencourt de Andrade (associate editor, Analytical Methods). The present public had the opportunity to discuss general and ethical aspects about “What to publish”, “Where to publish” and “How to publish with quality”.

The following were awarded for their work:

RSC Advances Award

Title: Amperometric detection of citrus tristeza virus using a disposable microfluidic device
Winner: Tayane A. Freitas (Federal University of São Carlos
Full list of authors: Tayane A. Freitas, Camila A. Proença, Thaísa A. Baldo, Elsa M. Materón, Ademar Wong, Rodrigo F. Magnani and Ronaldo C. Faria

Analyst/Analytical Methods Award

Title: Analytical method for the determination and chemical analysis of selenium speciation in milk and infant formula: analysis by isotope dilution and hyphenated techniques
Winner: Bernardo F. Braz (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
Full list of authors: Bernardo F. Braz, Vânia O. Trinta, Hélio F. da Rocha, Patrícia de C. Padilha, Cláudia Saunders Maria L. Fernández-Sánchez, Alfredo Sanz-Medel and Ricardo E. Santelli

There were also four symposiums were held at the event, covering “Innovation and Entrepreneurship”, “Passive Sampling in Environmental Chemistry”, “Advances in Spectrometric Analysis” and “Recent Advances in Analytical Instrumentation” and “Development of Chemical Sensors”. All the symposiums had the participation of renowned researchers in the area and had crowded rooms. The Symposium “Advances in Spectrometric Analysis” was dedicated to the memory of Professor Bernhard Welz.

Further information about the meeting can be found on the ENQA webpage.

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