Open Call for Papers – Functional nanoelectronics of low-dimensional nanomaterials

RSC Advances is delighted to announce Functional nanoelectronics of low-dimensional nanomaterials, a new themed collection.

This collection is Guest Edited by Prof. Byungjin Cho (Chungbuk National University), Prof. Yung Joon Jung (Northeastern University), Prof. Bogyu Lim (Chungbuk National University), Prof. Han Seul Kim (Chungbuk National University)

In this themed collection, we aim to provide the recent advancements and key developments in the field of nanoelectronics.

Nanoelectronics holds a pivotal role in revolutionizing various technological challenges, employing the extraordinary electronic properties of nanomaterials, such as quantum confinement effects, high electron mobility, and tunable band structures. In particular, the continuous drive towards miniaturization in electronics has led to the exploration of the nanoscale materials and structures to develop the next-generation electronic devices with enhanced performance, reduced power consumption, and novel capability. In the past few decades, the emergence of diverse low-dimensional nanomaterials (quantum dots, carbon nanotubes, semiconductor nanowires, molecules, graphene, transition metal dichalcogenides, and three-dimensional nanostructures) has contributed to substantial progress in nanoelectronics, resulting in unprecedented functionalities.

For this themed collection, we encourage contributions from the academia/industrial researchers focusing on the areas such as nanomaterial synthesis, device fabrication, characterization, and simulation. More specifically, prospective research topics encompass, but are not limited to:

  • Approaches to synthesizing low-dimensional nanomaterials for nanoelectronic applications.
  • Investigation of novel or enhanced electronic functionalities enabled by low-dimensional nanomaterials.
  • In-depth analysis techniques for fundamental properties of low-dimensional nanomaterials.
  • Development of novel device structures and fabrication methods for integrating low-dimensional nanomaterials into electronic devices.
  • Utilization of computational methods such as simulation, data-driven analysis, and machine learning for the design and optimization of nanomaterials and electronic devices.
  • Exploration of diverse electronic applications such as computation, memory storage, communication, sensing, display, quantum computing, energy production/storage, and medical diagnostics.

We welcome your submission to the series.


Submission deadline: 8 December 2024

Submit your article to this collection


Both Papers and Review articles will be considered for this themed collection. All submissions will be subject to an initial assessment by Associate Editors and, if suitable for the journal, they will be subject to rigorous peer review to meet the usual high standards of RSC Advances.

RSC Advances’ article processing charge (APC) is among the lowest in chemistry and waivers are also available for authors who meet the eligibility criteria outlined here. We have a number of Read & Publish deals in place with institutions, please see Chronoshub for more information on specific institutions and funders.

If you would like to submit to this themed collection the manuscript should be prepared according to our article guidelines and submitted via our online system any time before the submission deadline of 8th December 2024. During submission, authors will be asked if they are submitting for a themed collection and should include the name of the themed collection. If you would like to submit but require additional time to prepare your article, please do let us know by contacting the journal.

Submit to RSC Advances today! Check out our author guidelines for information on our article types or find out more about the advantages of publishing in a Royal Society of Chemistry journal.

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