Archive for October, 2018

Paper of the month: Thermoresponsive hybrid double-crosslinked networks using magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles as crossing points

Double-network hydrogels (DN gels) consist of two interpenetrating networks that are bound together by covalent and reversible interactions and can resist high deformation by reorganizing their structure. Magnetic hybrid hydrogels in particular have attracted considerable attention owing to the possibility of triggering the properties of the hydrogels with an external magnetic field. Fontaine, Montembault and co-workers further contributed to this field by developing a novel class of thermoresponsive hybrid double-crosslinked polymer networks materials that can rearrange and rebuild upon triggering a Diels-Alder (DA) reaction. Central to this approach is the use of iron oxide nanoparticles as the nano-crosslinkers and difuran-functionalized poly(ethylene oxide) as the diene partner for the thermoreversible DA reaction. The thermoreversibility of the network was confirmed by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and rheological studies showing a fast gel/liquid state transition upon heating the sample. Importantly, the rheological properties of 3D networks with and without iron oxide nanoparticles were compared. The studies conclude that the presence of iron oxide nanoparticles in the network ensured that a gel-like structure was maintained after the retro DA reaction. These characteristics were attributed to the establishment of a secondary network through covalently integrated iron oxide nanoparticles. The unique combination of the Diels-Alder reaction with iron oxide nanoparticles to generate new reversible reticulated networks can pave the way for further applications mediated by magnetic hyperthermia stimuli.


Tips/comments directly from the authors:

1. The strategy used for the synthesis of difuran-functionalized diphosphonic acid terminated poly(ethylene oxide) by a combination of Kabachnik-Fields reaction and “click” copper-catalyzed 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition is a versatile method and poly(ethylene oxide) backbone can be replaced by a wide range of polymers that may bring new properties.

2. The formation of a 3D network via the Diels-Alder (DA) reaction with a trismaleimide is thermoreversible, with a faster retro-DA (rDA) reaction rate compared to the DA reaction, leading to an easier destruction of the 3D network than its formation.

3. The presence of phosphonic acid groups is needed to allow the crosslinking through interactions with the iron oxide nanoparticles and the formation of the 3D double-crosslinked network.

4. The 3D network is preserved even after the rDA reaction, demonstrating that the iron oxide nanoparticles serve as crossing points through strong bidendate Fe-O-P bonds. Furthermore, a gel-like structure is maintained at least in the limit of the percolation threshold.

5. The viscoelastic properties of the double-crosslinked gels demonstrates that the double-crosslinking leads to stiffer gels.


Read the full article for FREE until 26th November!

Thermoresponsive hybrid double-crosslinked networks using magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles as crossing points, Polym. Chem., 2018, 9, 4642-4650, DOI: 10.1039/C8PY01006D


About the web writer

Dr Athina AnastasakiDr. Athina Anastasaki is a Web Writer for Polymer Chemistry. She is currently a Global Marie Curie Fellow working alongside Professor Craig Hawker at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). In January 2019, she will join the ETH Materials Department as an Assistant Professor to establish her independent group.


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Polymer Chemistry 2019 Lectureship now open for nominations!

Do you know an early-career researcher who deserves recognition for their contribution to the polymer chemistry field?

Now is your chance to put them forward for the accolade they deserve!

Polymer Chemistry is pleased to announce that nominations are now being accepted for its 2019 Lectureship. This annual award was established in 2015 to honour an early-stage career scientist who has made a significant contribution to the polymer chemistry field.

The recipient of the award will be asked to present a lecture at an international meeting in 2019, where they will also be presented with the award. The Polymer Chemistry Editorial Office will provide financial support to the recipient for travel and accommodation costs.

The recipient will also be asked to contribute a lead article to the journal and will have their work showcased free of charge on the front cover of the issue in which their article is published.

Professor Cyrille Boyer

Left to right: Professor Cyrille Boyer with Dr Athina Anastasaki, Professor Emily Pentzer (Polymer Chemistry Associate Editor) and Dr Markus Muellner

Previous winners

2018 – Cyrille Boyer, University of New South Wales, Australia

2017 – Julien Nicolas, Université Paris Sud, France

2016 – Feihe Huang, Zhejiang University, China

2015 – Richard Hoogenboom, Ghent University, Belgium


To be eligible for the lectureship, candidates should meet the following criteria:

  • Be an independent researcher, having completed PhD and postdoctoral studies
  • Be actively pursuing research within the polymer chemistry field, and have made a significant contribution to the field
  • Be at an early stage of their independent career (this should be within 15 years of attaining their doctorate or equivalent degree, but appropriate consideration will be given to those who have taken a career break, for example for childcare leave, or followed an alternative study path)


  • Eligible nominated candidates will be notified of their nomination, and will be asked to provide 3 recent articles that they feel represent their current research.
  • All eligible nominated candidates will be assessed by a shortlisting panel, made up of members of the Polymer Chemistry Advisory Board and a previous lectureship winner.
  • The shortlisting panel will consider the articles provided by the candidates as well as their CVs and letters of nomination.
  • Shortlisted candidates will be further assessed by the Polymer Chemistry Editorial Board, and a winner will be selected based on an anonymous poll.
  • Selection is not based simply on quantitative measures. Consideration will be given to all information provided in the letter of recommendation and candidate CV, including research achievements and originality, contributions to the polymer chemistry community, innovation, collaborations and teamwork, publication history, and engagement with Polymer Chemistry.


  • Nominations must be made via email to, and should include a short CV and a brief letter of nomination
  • Self-nomination is not permitted
  • Nominators do not need to be senior researchers, and we encourage nominations from people at all career levels
  • As part of the Royal Society of Chemistry, we believe we have a responsibility to promote inclusivity and accessibility in order to improve diversity. Where possible, we encourage each nominator to consider nominating candidates of all genders, races, and backgrounds.
  • Candidates outside of the stated eligibility criteria may still be considered
  • Nomination letters should be up to 1 page in length. They should particularly highlight contributions that the nominee has made to the field as an independent researcher, and any career breaks or alternative career paths that should be taken into consideration by the judging panel. Nomination of one candidate by multiple people in the same letter is accepted.


Nominations should be submitted no later than 15th December 2018.


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Paper of the month: A user’s guide to the thiol-thioester exchange in organic media: scope, limitations, and applications in material science

The thiol-thioester exchange is a common reaction in dynamic covalent chemistry. This reaction has been extensively optimized in aqueous media facilitating the widespread use in biochemistry and other bio-related applications. However, the utility of this reaction in material and polymer science is currently underexplored. This is possibly due to the fact that most polymer/material systems require organic media for their respective synthesis. To overcome this barrier and extend the scope and applications of thiol-thioester exchange, Bowman and co-workers explored this dynamic exchange in both small molecule and polymer analogues in a wide range of organic solvents. The effect of the pKa of the thiol and base employed, the electronic character of the thioester, the polarity of the solvent, the effect of the temperature and the nucleophilicity of the catalyst were thoroughly investigated. By judiciously choosing and optimizing all these parameters, the authors were able to tune the thiol-thioester exchange in both small molecules and subsequently network polymers to reduce applied stresses or change shape of the materials following polymerization. All these findings were thoroughly reported and explained by crafting an impressive “user’s guide” that can be useful for a large number of practitioners within the polymer/material community. The authors anticipate that the extremely robust, tuneable and responsive exchange reaction will further enable polymer/material scientists to develop new smart materials and will pave the way for further applications.

thiol-thioester exchange


Tips/comments directly from the authors:  

1. When comparing a panel of various thioesters exchanging with various thiols, the authors have found that thermodynamically the acyl group of a thioester prefers to rest on thiols of the highest pKa and will exchange rapidly to achieve this minima.

2. Base catalysts of a higher pKa form more thiolate and therefore promote the thiol-thioester exchange more rapidly in both small molecule systems and in crosslinked polymers, all things held the same. Base catalysts, if employed in larger concentrations, were, however, found to significantly retard the free radical thiol-ene reaction to produce crosslinked polymers. This can be overcome by optimizing the concentration of radical initiator (-photo, -thermal, or –redox) with respect to base.

3. Nucleophilic catalysts of a higher N-value (see Herbert Mayr’s work for more details on the calculation of this parameter) were found to promote the thiol-thioester exchange more rapidly in both small molecule systems and in crosslinked polymers, all things held the same. Unlike basic catalysts, nucleophilic catalysts did not show similar retardation in the free radical thiol-ene reaction to produce crosslinked polymers.

4. Due to polar intermediates formed during the thiol-thioester exchange reaction, polar solvents/matrices most effectively promote this dynamic exchange, especially with weaker bases.

5. Due to the low energetic barrier for the thiol-thioester exchange reaction, temperature does not have a great affect on the outcome of the exchange, however, it does improve the kinetics.

6. If the readers have any unanswered questions regarding this reaction, schemes for placing it into a polymer matrix, or other general queries, please direct them to and we’ll get to the bottom of it.


Read the full article for FREE until 30th October


A user’s guide to the thiol-thioester exchange in organic media: scope, limitations, and applications in material science, Polym. Chem., 2018, 9, 4523-4534, DOI: 10.1039/C8PY01031E


About the web writer

AthinaDr. Athina Anastasaki is a Web Writer for Polymer Chemistry. She is currently a Global Marie Curie Fellow working alongside Professor Craig Hawker at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). In January 2019, she will join the ETH Materials Department as an Assistant Professor to establish her independent group.

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Welcome to our new Associate Editors

Filip graduatProfoessor Filip Du Prezed from his postgraduate studies in macromolecular chemistry from Ghent (Belgium) and Lehigh (USA) University in 1996, after which he carried out postdoctoral research at the University of Montpellier and at Ghent University (UGent). In 1999, he ultimately became research leader of the Polymer Chemistry Research group (PCR) within the Centre of Macromolecular Chemistry (CMaC) at Ghent University, where he now leads a research group of 25 researchers and the UGent valorization consortium Chemtech as full professor.

Filip’s current research focuses on the development of new polymer structures, the exploration of powerful polymer functionalization methods and the design of polymer materials for high-value applications. His team uses a highly interdisciplinary approach to develop in some cases industrially applicable polymer materials. The main research themes of his research are on 1) polymer functionalization to absolute control, 2) dynamic and self-healing polymeric materials such as vitrimers and 3) increasing the functionality of renewable polymers.

Read some of his recent Polymer Chemistry articles below!

Polycycloacetals via polytransacetalization of diglycerol bisacetonide
Andrea Hufendiek,  Sophie Lingier,  Pieter Espeel,  Stefaan De Wildeman  and  Filip E. Du Prez
Polym. Chem., 2018, Advance Article

ADMET and TAD chemistry: a sustainable alliance
L. Vlaminck,  K. De Bruycker,  O. Türünç  and  F. E. Du Prez 
Polym. Chem., 2016, 7, 5655-5663

Polydimethylsiloxane quenchable vitrimers

Polym. Chem., 2017, 8, 6590-6593


Professor Holger Frey

Holger Frey is a chaired Professor at the Institute of Organic Chemistry, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and the author of 350 peer-reviewed original publications and reviews in different areas of current Polymer Science. He has been an Editorial Board member for Polymer Chemistry since June 2017 and has now moved role to become an Associate Editor.

His scope of interests is broad and comprises ionic polymerization techniques in general, hyperbranched materials (polyethers, polyesters, polycarbonates), silicon-based polymers, multifunctional poly(ethylene glycol)s, block copolymers and polymer nanostructures for drug transport. The current research interest of his group is centered on new functional polymers prepared via oxyanionic ring-opening polymerization, new approaches utilizing CO2 as a monomer, and non-conventional approaches in carbanionic polymer synthesis to generate gradient and multiblock structures, for instance as dispersants or for thermoplastic elastomers.

 Read some of his recent articles below!

“Clickable PEG” via anionic copolymerization of ethylene oxide and glycidyl propargyl ether
Jana Herzberger,  Daniel Leibig,  Jens Langhanki,  Christian Moers,  Till Opatz  and  Holger Frey
Polym. Chem., 2017, 8, 1882-1887

Tunable dynamic hydrophobic attachment of guest molecules in amphiphilic core–shell polymers
Jörg Reichenwallner,  Anja Thomas,  Lutz Nuhn,  Tobias Johann,  Annette Meister,  Holger Frey  and  Dariush Hinderberger
Polym. Chem., 2016, 7, 5783-5798

Water-soluble and redox-responsive hyperbranched polyether copolymers based on ferrocenyl glycidyl ether
Arda Alkan,  Rebecca Klein,  Sergii I. Shylin,  Ulrike Kemmer-Jonas,  Holger Frey  and  Frederik R. Wurm
Polym. Chem., 2015, 6, 7112-7118


As Polymer Chemistry Associate Editors, Filip and Holger will be handling submissions to the journal. Why not submit your next paper to their Editorial Office?



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