Congratulations to all the poster prize winners at the 26th IUPAC International Symposium on Photochemistry which took place in Osaka, Japan from the 3rd – 8th April 2016. The symposium was well attended with more than 600 worldwide delegates attending. Journal of Materials Chemistry A and Journal of Materials Chemistry C were two of the RSC journals providing awards for the best Young Researcher Oral Presentation, Student Oral Presentation and Student Poster.
The scientific program for the conference set out to cover all of the major disciplines of contemporary photochemistry-related science including physics, biology, medicine, materials science, engineering, and technology. A range of scientific events composed by plenary lectures, invited talks, oral presentations, and poster sessions. One of the main aims was to generate new research ideas, by providing a unique opportunity for scientific interaction and exchange of ideas among participants.
The conference chairperson Professor Tetsuro Majima was on hand to present the prizes to the winners pictured below. Further information can be found on the website along with a full list of all the winners.
![Professor Tetsuro Majima with the poster prize winners](
Professor Tetsuro Majima with the poster prize winners