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Christopher Bettinger wins the 2016 Journal of Materials Chemistry Lectureship

We are delighted to announce that Professor Christopher Bettinger has been selected as the seventh winner of the Journal of Materials Chemistry Lectureship in recognition of the important contributions he has made to the materials chemistry field.

Professor Bettinger is aiming to present the lectureship at the 2017 Spring MRS in Phoenix Arizona, April 2017, during Symposium SM1 – Bioelectronics – Materials, Processes and Applications where he is both the meeting chair and an invited speaker.

Professor Bettinger received a S.B. in Chemical Engineering, a M.Eng. in Biomedical Engineering, and a Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering as a Charles Stark Draper Fellow, all from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  He completed his post-doctoral fellowship at Stanford University in the Department of Chemical Engineering as an NIH Ruth Kirschstein Fellow.

Christopher Bettinger is currently an Associate Professor at Carnegie Mellon University in the Departments of Materials Science and Engineering and Biomedical Engineering. He directs the laboratory for Biomaterials-based Microsystems and Electronics at CMU, which is broadly interested in the design of novel materials and interfaces that integrate medical devices with the human body.

Recent efforts focus on flexible electronics for neural interfaces edible electronics for ingestible diagnostics and therapeutics. Christopher is also the Co-Founder and CTO of Ancure, an early stage medical device company.

Christopher has also recently Guest Edited a joint themed issue between Journal of Materials Chemistry B and C on Organic Bioelectronics and contributed to the Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2016 Emerging Investigators themed issue.

In vitro electrochemical characterization of polydopamine melanin as a tissue stimulating electrode material
Ik Soo Kwon, Young Jo Kim, Luke Klosterman, Mats Forssell, Gary K. Fedder and Christopher J. Bettinger
J. Mater. Chem. B, 2016, 4, 3031-3036

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TERMIS-AP poster prize winners

Congratulations to all the winners who were awarded poster prizes at the 2016 Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society- Asia Pacific Meeting (TERMIS-AP) which took place in Taiwan from the 3rd – 6th September this year. The prize winners are listed below:

Materials Horizons poster prize winners: Mr. Wei-Hong Jian, Mr. Mathieu Danoy and Dr. Aurelien Forget.

Journal of Materials Chemistry B winners: Mr. Sheng-Jen Cheng, Ms. Menglu Li and Dr. Hong-Jian Wei.

Biomaterials Science winners: Mr. Kiefer Thouin, Mr. Jin Woo Lee and Ms. Vivian Halim.

The main theme of the meeting is “Personalized Medicine through Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine” consisting of various sub-themes including basic & translational researches and clinical trials of biomaterials, nanotechnology, stem cells, cell therapy, tissue engineering and advanced therapy medicinal products to provide a comprehensive coverage of diverse topics on current regenerative medicine.

Further information can be found on the website.

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Journal of Materials Chemistry Lectureship

The Journal of Materials Chemistry 2015 Lectureship was held on September 3rd, 2016 at the 2016 Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society – Asia Pacific Meeting (TERMIS-AP 2016) in Tamsui, Taiwan.

Professor Chengtie Wu from the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, was the recipient of the award and gave the lectureship on 3D-printing of complex-structured bioscaffolds for bone therapy and regeneration. Journal of Materials Chemistry B Associate Editor, Professor Guoping Chen , presented the award to Professor Chengtie Wu at the award ceremony. More than 800 participants from 33 countries attended TERMIS-AP 2016.

Chengtie Wu

From left to right: Professor Guoping Chen (Associate Editor, JMC B) with 2015 JMC Lectureship winner: Professor Chengtie Wu

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Li-Zhu Wu: JMC A’s newest Associate Editor

Journal of Materials Chemistry A would like to give a warm welcome to our newest Associate Editor, Li-Zhu Wu who joined us last month. Li-Zhu is currently based at the Technical Insitute of Physics and Chemistry in China. She received her Ph.D. from the Institute of Photographic Chemistry, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, under the supervision of Professor Chen-Ho Tung in 1995. From 1995−1998, she worked at the Institute of Photographic Chemistry as an associate professor. After a postdoctoral stay (1997−1998) at the University of Hong Kong working with Professor Chi-Ming Che, she returned to the Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, as a full professor.

Her research interests focus on photochemical conversion, including artificial photosynthesis, visible light catalysis for organic transformation, photoinduced electron transfer, energy transfer and chemical reactions in supramolecular systems. She has published more than 240 peer-reviewed articles, 2 books and 10 book chapters and holds 50 patents. She has been invited to give numerous lectures at international conferences, piquing interest worldwide.

Further information about Liz-Zhu can be found on her institution webpage.

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Annual Meeting on Photochemistry 2016

Ryo Nishimura (Ryukoku University) was the Journal of Materials Chemistry A poster prize winner at the Annual Meeting on Photochemistry 2016 which took place on the 6th – 8th September in Tokyo, Japan. Ryo was awarded for his poster titled: Photoinduced biomimetic diarylethene microcrystalline surface, mimicking the surface structures of the termite wing.

The meeting was organised by the Japanese Photochemistry Association. Further information about the meeting can be found on the webpage.

Poster prize winner

From Left: Prof. Hiroshi Miyasaka (Osaka Univ): President of The Japanese Photochemistry Association, Hiromitsu Urakami, JMC A prize winner: Ryo Nishimura and Prof. Kazuhito Hashimoto (NIMS) committee chair

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Poster prize winners at Metamaterials’2016

Journal of Materials Chemistry C and our sister journal Materials Horizons would like to congratulate poster prize winners: Mykhailo Tymchenko (University of Texas-Austin, USA) for his paper titled: Circuit-Based Magnetless Floquet Topological Insulator and our Materials Horizons prize winner: Vladislav Popov (Belarusian State University, Belarus), for his paper titled: Advanced Effective Medium Approximation For Subwavelength Multilayers To Overcome Maxwell-Garnet Approach Breakdown.

The prizes were awarded at the 10th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics (Metamaterials’2016) which took place in Crete, Greece from the 17th – 22nd September.

The conference was organised by the METAMORPHOSE VI AISBL and hosted by the Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH) and provided a unique topical forum to share the latest results of the metamaterials research in Europe and worldwide.

Further information can be found on the conference website.

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ELECMOL16 poster prize winners

Name Affiliation Poster title
Makoto Yamamoto Meiji University, Japan Analysis of Single-Molecular Charging Effect in Molecular-Floating-Gate Single-Electron Transistor
Yu-Pu Lin CEA-Saclay, France Hardware Neuromorphic Learning System Built with Organic Memristive synapses
Ryoma Hayakawa National Institute for Materials Science, Japan Large Magnetoresistance in Single Oligo(p-phenylene ethynylene)-Based Radical Molecule Junctions
Daniel Buelz Technische Universitat Chemnitz, Germany Photoelectrical Characterization of Lateral Four-Terminal Organic Devices
Margot Jacquet Departement de chimie moléculaire (DCM), France Efficient visible-light-activated molecular switch with metal to ligand charge transfer excitation
Kiran Vankayala Weizmann Institute of Science, USA Spin Specific Electron Conduction through Chiral Molecules – Manifestation of the Chiral Induced Spin Selectivity Effect
Sander Blok Leiden University, The Netherlands Enhancing the on-off ratio of molecular switches using cotunneling in nanoparticle networks
Ainhoa Atxabal CIC NANOGUNE, Spain Energy level alignment at spin-coated polymer/metal interfaces

Congratulations to the above Journal of Materials Chemistry B & C poster prize winners who were awarded for their posters at the 8th International Conference on Molecular Electronics which took place last month from the 22nd – 26th August in Paris, France.

The conference was an up-to-date scientific exchange on recent advances in the field of molecular electronics, gathering researchers from all over the world around top-level plenary and keynote speakers. It was also an opportunity for the development of national and international collaborations between academic and private partners at the highest level.

Poster prize winners at ELECMOL16

Further information can be found on the website.

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Presentation & Poster Prize Winners at 28th Annual Meeting on Photochemistry of Coordination Compounds

Journal of Materials Chemistry A congratulates the prize winners at the 28th Annual Meeting on Photochemistry of Coordination Compounds which was organised by the Photofunctional Complexes Research Association Japan. The event took place from the 8th – 10th August and is the second year in a row that JMC A has supported the event.

Best JMC A presentation prize was awarded to Dr. Takumi Kinoshita (The University of Tokyo) for his entry titled: Development of Wideband Photosensitization employing Spin-inversion Transition of Ru(II) complexes and best poster prize was awarded to Mr. Satoshi Sugimoto (University of Toyama) for his entry titled: Synthesis of mixed-ligand luminescent silver(I) coordination polymers [Ag2I2(PPh3)2(L)x(L′)1-x] and surface modification of luminescent crystals of [Ag2I2(PPh3)2(L)] (L, L′: 4,4′-bipyridine, 4,4′-bipiperidine).

From Left: Professor Noriaki Ikeda (Kyoto Institute of Technology), Dr. Takumi Kinoshita, Prof. Kiyoshi Tsuge (University of Toyama) and Mr. Satoshi Sugimoto

Further information about the meeting can be found here.

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POLYMAT SPOTLIGHT poster prize winners

Journal of Materials Chemistry A congratulates the following poster prize winners:  Miguel Martín-Arroyo, Ines García-Benito and Andreas Kreuzer who were awarded their certificates at the Polymat Spotlight which took place in San Sebastian (Spain) from the 21 – 24th June this year.

The objective of the conference was to increase visibility of emerging and technologically-relevant macromolecular materials. Plenary lecture speakers included Materials Horizons Editorial board member Markus Antonietti and Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B & C Editor-in-Chief Nazario Martín.

Further information about the conference can be found on the website.

(From left to right) JMC A poster prize winners: Miguel Martín-Arroyo, Ines García-Benito and Andreas Kreuzer

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Top 10 Reviewers for Journal of Materials Chemistry

In celebration of Peer Review Week with the theme of Recognition for Review – we would like to highlight the top 10 reviewers for Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B and C in 2016, as selected by the editor for their significant contribution to the journals.


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