Archive for the ‘Conference’ Category

Congratulations to the poster prize winners at SNAIA CRISTMAS 2024

Materials Advances was delighted to sponsor poster prizes at the recent SNAIA CRISTMAS 2024 conference which was held in Paris, France on 10-13 December 2024.

Congratulations to all of our winners!

Natalie Fijol receiving a poster prize Natalia Fijoł (Nobula 3D, Sweden): “Advanced Glass Fabrication and 3D Printing Using CO2-Laser”
Nilesh Gajanan Bajad receiving a poster prize Nilesh Gajanan Bajad (Indian Institute of Technology, India): “Development of Donor-Acceptor Architecture Type Benzothiazole-Based Theranostic”
Sara Stolfi receiving a poster prize Sara Stolfi (Università di Pavia, Italy): “Mechanism of CO Oxidation on High Entropy Spinels”


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Congratulations to Oliver Hagger, poster prize winner at the Materials Chemistry Poster Symposium

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B and C were delighted to sponsor a poster prize at the Materials Chemistry Poster Symposium on the 29th November. Oliver Hagger from University College London won the prize for his poster titled: Rapid single step multi-metal plasma deposition and regeneration of SERS active substrates.




Oliver Hagger is a PhD researcher in the Department of Chemistry at University College London (UCL) in collaboration with the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl). He completed his MChem at the University of Southampton in 2020, which included a secondment at Brown University. His research focuses on utilising atmospheric pressure plasma jets (APPJs) to selectively deposit zero-valent metals on a variety of solid substrates. He has demonstrated the ability to use these metal deposits to analyse atmospheric and liquid-borne analytes through surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). Notably, he has shown how plasma can be employed to selectively ‘clean’ SERS substrates to restore baseline, enabling their reusability and potential for continuous monitoring applications. This innovative work is highlighted in a recent publication in the RSC journal Materials Advances.





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Congratulations to the poster prize winners at RSC-IIT Indore symposium 2023

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B and C, were delighted to sponsor poster prizes at the RSC-IIT Indore symposium 2023 on 19th – 20th January. Our very own Executive Editor, Michaela Mühlberg was in attendance with Renaud Demadrille, and Goutam De, Associate Editors for the Journals of Materials Chemistry.

We’d like to congratulate the poster prize winners:


(left to right): Goutam De, Michaela Muehlberg, Yamini Patel, Renaud Demadrille, Nida Shahid, Rajneesh Misra, Lalita Wagh, Aparna Ganguly, Shaikh M. Mobin.


Ms. Yamini Patel, DAVV University, Indore: Best Poster

Ms. Lalita Wagh, Dept of Chem, IIT Indore: Best Poster

Ms. Nida Shahid, Dept of Chem, IIT Indore: Best Flash Talk


We hope everyone who attended had as great a time as we did and would like to once again congratulate the winners and thank the organisers, Professors Misra and Mobin, for such an interesting symposium.

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Congratulations to the poster prize winners at Next generation materials for solar photovoltaics 2023

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, C and Materials Horizons were delighted to sponsor poster prizes at the Next Generation Materials for Solar Photovoltaics 2023. This meeting covered exciting recent advances in solar photovoltaics with a focus on materials for organic, inorganic and hybrid thin film cells.

We hope all who joined us at The Royal Society of Chemistry’s historic home at Burlington House in the heart of Mayfair, London had a fantastic time and enjoyed it as much as we did.



We’d like to congratulate the winners of the JMC A, C and Materials Horizon poster prizes:

From left to right:

Abigail Collins, University of Cambridge, winner of the Journal of Materials Chemistry C prize

Natalie Flores-Diaz, Newcastle University, winner of the Materials Horizons prize

Richard Pacalaj, Imperial College London, winner of the Journal of Materials Chemistry A prize

We’d also like to thank everyone involved for organising the conference and ensuring it ran smoothly.

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Congratulations to the winner of the Electrochem2022 RSC poster prize!

In September 2022, ElectroChem 22, organised by the Royal Society of Chemistry‘s Electrochemistry and Electroanalytical Sensing Systems interest Groups, and the Society of Chemical Industry‘s Electrochemical Technology group, took place. Journal of Materials Chemistry C and Materials Advances were delighted to sponsor the poster prize.

We would like to congratulate the winner of the poster prize. Check out the award winner below:

The winner, Joanne Searle (pictured right), with Neil Robertson our Journals of Materials Chemistry and Materials Advances Associate Editor.

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2021 Termis-AP Webinar Student Paper Contest

Congratulations to the Journal of Materials Chemistry B winners of the Student Paper Contest at the 2021 Termis-AP. The 2021 TERMIS-AP Webinar Student Paper Contest was held as an on-line international symposium on 18-19 December 2021 in order to promote students for their research activity in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine in Asia and Pacific regions.

Ian Chin

The Univ. Western Australia


Chen Qin

Chinese Academy of Sciences

Kang-Gon Lee

Korea University

Junghyeon Ko

Seoul National University

Huajian Chen

University of Tsukuba

Ming Wang

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Tony Huynh

Monash University

Jasmine Pye

University of Technology Sydney

Jiaxin Guo

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Yi Sun Choi

Yonsei University

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5th International Conference on Perovskite Solar Cells and Optoelectronics, PSCO-19

5th International Conference on Perovskite Solar Cells and Optoelectronics banner

30 September-2 October 2019

5th International Conference on Perovskite Solar Cells and Optoelectronics, PSCO-19 – will be held in Lausanne, Switzerland.

We are pleased to announce that the 5th International Conference on Perovskite Solar Cells and Optoelectronics ( PSCO19 ) will be held in Lausanne, Switzerland, from 30 September to 2 October 2019 (Mon-Wed).

We kindly invite you to register and submit an abstract to present your research.

The programme will include a combination of invited talks, contributing talks and poster presentations in a meeting which will bring a broad spectrum of the community together to discuss and share knowledge on the latest advances in perovskite materials, devices and photophysical and optoelectronic properties and phenomena.

It will host a special session dedicated to speakers working in industry and two sessions will be sponsored by two European Projects on perovskites, Espresso and PerTPV.

Based on the input from previous conferences, we will extend the scientific and social programme over three full days, this will allow us to run two parallel sessions in the afternoons, and have more time for discussion.

Educating young researchers is at the core of our mission, which will be enabled by the opening tutorial lectures, in addition to a whole series of invited talks by world leading scientists in their respective specialities.

Please visit the conference website at for further information.

Henry Snaith, Mohammad Nazeeruddin, Filippo De Angelis, Antonio Abate & Annamaria Petrozza Organisers and Scientific committee of the 5th International Conference on Perovskite Solar Cells and Optoelectronics ( PSCO-2019 )

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Centre for Plastic Electronics Annual Symposium 2019

The Centre for Plastic Electronics is hosting its prestigious annual symposium on 10 and 11 June 2019. It will take place at Imperial College London and has already attracted several high-profile speakers to discuss their latest advances in the science and technology of organic conducting materials and of organic/flexible electronics and photonics. The program includes a day of short talks and poster presentations by students and early career scientists giving them a platform to highlight their recent work.

More information and details of how to register is available on our website: Abstracts submissions for poster presentations are open until the 31 May.

We are also delighted to host Prof Erwin Reisner of the University of Cambridge who will be giving his RSC Corday-Morgan Prize talk for his work on the development of solar-driven catalysis with molecularly engineered semiconductors and semi-artificial photosynthesis.

The symposium will cover all areas related to organic/plastic electronics and photonics, including chemistry, physics, materials science and device engineering. Confirmed speakers include:

  • Christine Luscombe, University of Washington
  • Andy Cooper, University of Liverpool
  • Iain McCulloch, KAUST and Imperial College London
  • Erwin Reisner, University of Cambridge
  • Kwanghee Lee, GIST, South Korea
  • Henry Yan, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  • Ji-Seon Kim, Imperial College London
  • Artem Bakulin, Imperial College London
  • Maria Ibáñez, Institute of Science and Technology, Austria
  • Rachel Evans, University of Cambridge
  • Oliver Dumele, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
  • Hyejeong Seong, Imperial College London
  • Rowena Brugge, Imperial College London
  • Ludmilla Steier, Imperial College London
  • Jess Wade, Imperial College London
  • Alex Clark, Imperial College London

With more speakers being confirmed in the coming weeks, this will be an event not to miss!

If you cannot attend the Symposium next month, you can follow the hashtag #CPESymp19 on Twitter.

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Congratulations to the oral prize winner at the 9th International Nanomedicine Conference

Congratulations to Mr Raoul Walther (Aarhus University, Denmark) who won the Journal of Materials Chemistry B poster prize at the 9th International Nanomedicine Conference for his presentation on Investigation of Non-covalent Albumin-ligand Interactions as a Tool to Improve Pharmacokinetics in Drug Delivery.



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Congratulations to poster prize winners at ICCC-2018

Congratulations to Mr Philipp Lang, Ms Lingjun Kong and Mr Naoki Ogiwara, winners of the Journal of Materials Chemistry A poster prizes at ICCC-2018-S3: Coordination Chemistry for Energy and Environment. ICCC-2018, the 43rd International Conference on Coordination Chemistry, was held in Sendai, Japan from the 30th of July to 4th of August 2018. Awards were presented by Journal of Materials Chemistry A Advisory Board member Professor Jing Li.



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