30 September-2 October 2019
5th International Conference on Perovskite Solar Cells and Optoelectronics, PSCO-19 – will be held in Lausanne, Switzerland.
We are pleased to announce that the 5th International Conference on Perovskite Solar Cells and Optoelectronics ( PSCO19 ) will be held in Lausanne, Switzerland, from 30 September to 2 October 2019 (Mon-Wed).
We kindly invite you to register and submit an abstract to present your research.
The programme will include a combination of invited talks, contributing talks and poster presentations in a meeting which will bring a broad spectrum of the community together to discuss and share knowledge on the latest advances in perovskite materials, devices and photophysical and optoelectronic properties and phenomena.
It will host a special session dedicated to speakers working in industry and two sessions will be sponsored by two European Projects on perovskites, Espresso and PerTPV.
Based on the input from previous conferences, we will extend the scientific and social programme over three full days, this will allow us to run two parallel sessions in the afternoons, and have more time for discussion.
Educating young researchers is at the core of our mission, which will be enabled by the opening tutorial lectures, in addition to a whole series of invited talks by world leading scientists in their respective specialities.
Please visit the conference website at www.psco-conference.org for further information.
Henry Snaith, Mohammad Nazeeruddin, Filippo De Angelis, Antonio Abate & Annamaria Petrozza Organisers and Scientific committee of the 5th International Conference on Perovskite Solar Cells and Optoelectronics ( PSCO-2019 )