Archive for the ‘Awards’ Category

2019 Journal of Materials Chemistry Lectureship – open for nominations

2019 Journal of Materials Chemistry Lectureship – open for nominations

Established in 2010, this lectureship honours early-career scientists who have made a significant contribution to the field of materials chemistry.

The Lectureship recipient receives £1000 to cover travel and accommodation costs to attend and present at a leading international meeting. The recipient is also invited to contribute an article to one of the Journal of Materials Chemistry journals and to receive a complimentary cover for the issue in which the article appears.

Last year’s winner of the 2018 Journal of Materials Chemistry Lectureship was Professor Shaojun Guo from Peking University, China and he will be giving his lectureship research talk at the RSC’s flagship materials chemistry 14 conference in Birmingham, UK.

To be eligible for the Journal of Materials Chemistry Lectureship, the candidate must:

  • Have completed their PhD.
  • Be actively pursuing an independent research career within materials chemistry.
  • Be at an early stage of their independent career (typically this will be within 10 years of completing their PhD, but appropriate consideration will be given to those who have taken a career break or followed a different study path).
  • Have made significant contributions to the field of materials chemistry.

Self-nomination is permitted, and all new nominations from 2018 will automatically be reconsidered this year.

At the Royal Society of Chemistry we believe we have a responsibility to promote inclusivity and accessibility in order to improve diversity. Where possible, we encourage each nominator to nominate an equal number of men and women.

You are welcome to circulate this information widely and please do ask for nominations from your colleagues and nominate researchers yourself.

To nominate a candidate, email the Journal of Materials Chemistry Editorial Office ( by the 18th of July 2019 with:

  • A brief C.V. of the candidate (no longer than two pages), including the candidate name, year and University of PhD, website link to research profile, current University and job title
  • A letter supporting the nomination (also no longer than two pages)

The Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B & C Editors-in-Chief will select and announce the Lectureship winner, in autumn 2019.

Selection is not based simply on quantitative measures. Consideration is given to all information provided in the letter of recommendation and candidate C.V., including research achievements and originality, contributions to the materials chemistry community, innovation, collaborations and teamwork, and publication history.

Thank you for helping Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B & C and the Royal Society of Chemistry to support early-career researchers. We sincerely look forward to receiving your nominations.

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Congratulations to the poster prize winners at ICEAN 2018

Congratulations to Wangsoo Cha (University of Newcastle, Australia) who won the Journal of Materials Chemistry A poster prize at the 3rd International Conference on Emerging Advanced Nanomaterials – 2018 for the poster titled Sulfur-doped Mesoporous Carbon Nitride as a High Performance Anode Material for Sodium-ion Batteries. The award was presented by Prof. Yamauchi, Journal of Materials Chemistry A Associate Editor.

Congratulations to Huiyan Piao (EHWA Womans University, South Korea) who won the Journal of Materials Chemistry B poster prize at the 3rd International Conference on Emerging Advanced Nanomaterials – 2018 for the poster titled Near-Infrared Responsive Pulsatile Drug Delivery Implant On-Demand. The award was presented by Prof. Raston, Fellow of Australian Academy of Science.

Congratulations to Zhengfen Wan (Griffith University, Australia) who won the Journal of Materials Chemistry C poster prize at the 3rd International Conference on Emerging Advanced Nanomaterials – 2018 for the poster titled Tuning the sub-processes in laser reduction of graphene oxide by adjusting the power and scanning speed of laser. The award was presented by Prof. Jagadish, President of Australian Materials Research Society.

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Congratulations to the poster prize winner at PSCO-18

Congratulations to Da Seul Lee (University of New South Wales, Australia) who won the Journal of Materials Chemistry A poster prize at the 4th International Conference on Perovskite Solar Cells and Optoelectronics.


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Announcing the Journal of Materials Chemistry Lectureship Winner 2018

We are delighted to announce that Professor Shaojun Guo has been selected as the winner of the Journal of Materials Chemistry Lectureship 2018.

Professor Shaojun Guo received his BSc in chemistry from Jilin University (2005), PhD from Chinese Academy of Sciences (2010), worked as a postdoctoral research associate at Brown University (2011-2013) and as a prestigious Oppenheimer Distinguished Fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory (2013-2015). In 2015, he joined the college of engineering, Peking University.

Professor Guo has received many awards including Clarivate Analytics World Highly Cited Researchers (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017), Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Elsevier Chinese Most Cited Researchers, International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE)-Elsevier Prize for Applied Electrochemistry, Young Analyst Prize of China and Young Scientist Prize for China Electrochemical Society, etc.

Professor Guo has published more than 100 papers in Top Journals with over 24000 citations (H-index: 81). His current research interests focus on materials chemistry for catalysis, battery and sensor applications.

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Congratulations to the oral prize winner at the 9th International Nanomedicine Conference

Congratulations to Mr Raoul Walther (Aarhus University, Denmark) who won the Journal of Materials Chemistry B poster prize at the 9th International Nanomedicine Conference for his presentation on Investigation of Non-covalent Albumin-ligand Interactions as a Tool to Improve Pharmacokinetics in Drug Delivery.



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Congratulations to poster prize winners at ICCC-2018

Congratulations to Mr Philipp Lang, Ms Lingjun Kong and Mr Naoki Ogiwara, winners of the Journal of Materials Chemistry A poster prizes at ICCC-2018-S3: Coordination Chemistry for Energy and Environment. ICCC-2018, the 43rd International Conference on Coordination Chemistry, was held in Sendai, Japan from the 30th of July to 4th of August 2018. Awards were presented by Journal of Materials Chemistry A Advisory Board member Professor Jing Li.



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Congratulations to prize winner from ACIN 2018

Congratulations to Dr Carlos J Bueno-Alejo (Universidad de ZaragozaSpain) who won the Journal of Materials Chemistry B poster prize at ACIN 2018, the Fourth International Conference on Advanced Complex Inorganic Nanomaterials. Dr Bueno-Alejo was awarded the poster prize for his contribution on the in situ deposition of plasmonic gold nanoparticles for photocalytic applications.

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Journal of Materials Chemistry Lectureship Winner 2017

We are delighted to announce that Dr Serena Corr has been selected as the eighth winner of the Journal of Materials Chemistry Lectureship.

Dr Corr is hoping to present the lectureship at the 2018 Spring MRS in Phoenix Arizona, April 2018, during Symposium EN14 – Materials Science and Device Engineering for Safe and Long-Life Electrochemical Energy Storage where she is an invited speaker.

Dr Corr received her BA and P.h.D in Chemistry from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, where she held a Teaching Fellowship for 4 years. After a bursary award to attend the ICMR-ICYS Nanomaterials School (NIMS, Japan), she moved to UC Santa Barbara to carry out her postdoctoral work with Professor Ram Seshadri.

Serena is currently a Reader in Physical Chemistry at the University of Glasgow, and has held visiting professorships at UC Santa Barbara and Otago University. Her group’s current research on the design, synthesis and characterisation of functional nanomaterials for applications in energy and the environment is especially motivated to understand the intimate structure-property interplay, a cornerstone in the rational design of materials.

In addition to regularly making invited, keynote and plenary contributions at international conferences, Dr Corr is committed to the promotion of chemistry at all education levels. She is an active member of the School’s Chemistry Outreach Group in the UK, delivering lectures and demonstrations to schools, teachers and the public. She has also taken an leading role in outreach programmes such as Salter’s Science Festival, the BA Festival of Science, and the Royal Dublin Society Science Live event.

Dr Corr is an Associate Editor on Nanoscale, and is on the Editorial Board for Nanoscale Horizons.

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Congratulations to the poster prize winners at MC13

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Congratulations to the winners of the Journal of Materials Chemistry B poster prize at the 13th International Conference on Materials Chemistry (MC13). The poster prize was awarded to Rosie Jarrald, Scott Bird, Joanna Galloway, Andrea Rawlings, Graham Leggett and Sarah Staniland from the University of Sheffield, UK for their poster titled: “Production of magnetic nanoparticle arrays on surfaces from solution using top-down patterning and bottom-up biotemplating for future nanodevices”.

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Poster prize winners at the Applications of Photoactive Coordination Compounds conference

Poster prize winners

Winners of the RSC poster prizes at APCC 2017

Many congratulations to Luke Hedley and Diego Rota Martir for winning the Journal of Materials Chemistry C poster prizes and to Georgina Shillito and Isaac Etchells for winning the Dalton Transactions poster prizes at the Applications of Photoactive Coordination Compounds conference.


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