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Open Call: Honorary collection in memory of Professor Dr Helmut Ringsdorf

Honorary collection in memory of Professor Dr Helmut Ringsdorf

Open for Submissions until 20 March 2025

We would like to announce this Open Call for our upcoming Journal of Materials Chemistry B and C honorary collection in memory of Professor Dr Helmut Ringsdorf.

Professor Dr Helmut Ringsdorf (30 July 1929 to 20 March 2023) was a prominent German chemist who died last year on 20 March 2023 at the age of 93. During his entire scientific career, Professor Dr Ringsdorf made significant contributions to the scientific community in the scientific domains of supramolecular chemistry, polymer science, materials science, and biocompatible materials. Professor Dr Helmut Ringsdorf’s contributions have had a lasting impact on both fundamental science and practical applications, making him a highly respected figure in the scientific community. In gratitude for his scientific services, we present this special collection.

Focusing on the same scientific domain of Professor Dr Ringsdorf, this honorary themed collection aims to include the following topics:

  • ​Strategic design and architectures of new supramolecular systems and their applications in electronics, optoelectronics, robotics, electro-optics and thermotropics
  • Design, synthesis and characterization of new symmetric and unsymmetric columnar mesogenic systems
  • Charge transport mechanism in supramolecular systems. This topic will include an advancement in the electric field and temperature dependent charge transport in supramolecular, π-conjugated and polymeric LC systems
  • Design of new liquid crystalline materials and their dielectric, ferroelectric, and semiconducting behaviour
  • Polymer chemistry: Design of new polymeric systems as charge transport materials in solar cells, organic field-effect transistors and light-emitting diodes
  • Liquid crystal polymers (LCPs) and their applications
  • Design and synthesis of new organic charge transport materials
  • Biocompatible materials for biomedical and sensing applications; biodegradable polymers
  • Design of soft matter-based drug delivery systems, macromolecular drugs and polymer-based drug delivery systems

The Guest Editors welcome submissions that are within the scope of Journal of Materials Chemistry B or Journal of Materials Chemistry C and encourages potential contributors to contact the Editorial Office regarding the suitability of manuscripts for the honorary collection.

This collection is guest edited by Dr Dharmendra Pratap Singh (Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale (ULCO), France), Professor Dr Matthias Lehmann (University of Würzburg, Germany), Professor A.S. Achalkumar (IIT Guwahati, India), Professor Sandeep Kumar (Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, India).

For this Open Call, we welcome full Papers and Communications. All submissions will be subject to assessment against the journal’s usual scope and standards criteria and sent for peer review only if appropriate. Accepted articles will be published online as soon as they are ready and added to the web collection.

We sincerely hope that you will be able to contribute your latest research to this themed collection. We look forward to receiving your manuscripts.

Dr Dharmendra Pratap Singh (Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale (ULCO), France)

Dr Dharmendra Pratap Singh is an Associate Professor at the University of the Littoral Opale Coast (Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale (ULCO)), France. He is a member of the Unité de Dynamique et Structure des Matériaux Moléculaires (UDSMM) laboratory and head of the first-year cycle of Industrial Engineering at the Engineering School of the ULCO. Dr. Singh obtained his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Physics, University of Lucknow, India in 2016. His current research activities are focused on the columnar materials, discotics, ferroelectrics, nematics and ferroelectric nematic liquid crystals along with their nano-dimensional counterparts for studying the charge transport mechanisms and their applications in energy, sensing, thermoelectricity, optoelectronics, photovoltaics and organic electronics. He has received the Young Scientist Award by the Indian Science Congress in 2017. He is the recipient of the best research award by the Indian Liquid Crystal Society in 2012 and an early career award at Cambridge University in 2013. He was also awarded by a Best Research award by the Korean Display Society (KIDS) in 2015 and the prestigious Raman-Charpak fellowship between India and France. He has published more than 100 research articles in esteemed journals and 4 book chapters. He is also the principal investigator of many projects such as PHC Star, Procore, Galilée, Alliance and Samuel de Champlain with South Korea, Hong Kong, Italy, the United Kingdom, Poland, Belgium and Canada, respectively. Presently, he is serving as a reviewer for more than 35 reputed journals from RSC, ACS, APS, Wiley, Elsevier, AIP, IOP, Springer, Nature, etc. He is also life-time member of the International Liquid Crystal Society, Indian Liquid Crystal Society, and affiliate member of RSC. He is also serving as “Guest Editor” for the Journal of Molecular Liquids (Elsevier).

Professor Dr Matthias Lehmann (University of Würzburg, Germany)

Matthias Lehmann is a Professor in Organic Materials – Soft Materials and Liquid Crystals – since 2011 at the University of Würzburg and held before the prestigious Heisenberg fellowship of the German Science Foundation. He studied Chemistry at the University of Mainz, and began his independent career as a Juniorprofessor at the Chemnitz University of Technology after Postdoc positions at the University of Zaragoza and the Free University of Brussels.

His research interest focus on the synthesis, self-assembly and application of complex soft matter with liquid-crystalline properties as new emerging materials. Special emphasis lays in the structural control, which is studied by comprehensive X-ray scattering methods, modelling and simulation.

Professor A.S. Achalkumar (IIT Guwahati, India)

Achalkumar Ammathnadu Sudhakar is working as a full professor at the Department of Chemistry, IIT Guwahati from 2019, where he leads the Soft Matter Research Group. He is also associated with the Centre for Sustainable Polymers at IIT Guwahati. He received his PhD from Centre for Nano and Soft Matter Sciences (CeNS) Bengaluru. He worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Centre for Molecular Nano Sciences, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK (2007 to 2009) and at RIKEN Advanced Science Institute, Wakoshi, Japan (2009 to 2011), before joining IIT Guwahati. He has been the recipient of Indian Liquid Crystal Society Silver Medal 2019, CRS Silver Medal 2023, Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry and Fellow of Indian Chemical Society for his research achievements. His research interests fall in the broad area of liquid crystals, supramolecular chemistry, functional polymers, organogels and self-assembled organic semiconductors. He has published around 100 papers and 3 patents. So far 7 students have obtained PhD under his guidance and He has several invited articles and hot articles to his credit. Apart from the academic work, he has also served as a Dean of Outreach Education Program at IIT Guwahati from 2021-2024. He is serving as an Associate Editor for prestigious journals – Materials Advances and Journal of Materials Chemistry C of Royal Society of Chemistry from 2023. He is the life member of Indian Liquid Crystal Society, Chemical Research Society, Society for Polymer Science in India and an invited member for American Chemical Society.

Professor Sandeep Kumar (Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, India)

Dr Sandeep Kumar is a Professor at the Department of Chemistry, Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India. He obtained his Ph.D. from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi in 1986. He was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel; the Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, USA during 1988-1994. He worked with Professor Ringsdorf at the University of Mainz, Germany during 1994–1995 prior to joining the Centre for Liquid Crystal Research, Bangalore to start a new Chemistry laboratory. In 2002, he moved to the Raman Research Institute, Bangalore from where he superannuated in November 2019 and joined NMIT.

He was a visiting Research Professor at the Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC during 1999-2000, at the National Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan during 2008 and E.T.S. Walton Visiting Professor at the Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland during 2012-2013. He has also visited many other countries like, U.K., France, Switzerland, Japan, China, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Slovenia, Poland, Italy to deliver lectures.

He has published more than 350 research papers in peer reviewed top-rated international journals; 3 Books, 13 book chapters and 10 patents. These papers have received about 12000 citations with h-index of 49 and I-10 Index of 236 (

He was awarded the inaugural LG Philips Display Mid-Career Award by the International Liquid Crystal Society in 2008; Indian Liquid Crystal Society Lifetime achievement award 2020 and Professor Shivaramakrishna Chandrasekhar Lecture Award 2023.

Professor Sandeep Kumar has made outstanding contributions in the field of Liquid Crystals with the highest number of publications on Discotic Liquid Crystals in the world. He is in the world’s top 2% scientists list, published by the Stanford-Elsevier, 2021, 2022, 2023. ScholarGPS has placed him at the 29th position in the Top 0.05% list of all scholars worldwide in liquid crystal field.

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Congratulations to the poster prize winners at the Cambridge Bioelectronics Symposium

Congratulations to the poster prize winners at the Cambridge Bioelectronics Symposium held on 1-3 July 2024 in Cambridge, UK. Ahmed Omara won the Journal of Materials Chemistry B award, while Joseph Asfouri won the Journal of Materials Chemistry C award.

Ahmed Omara, Leibniz Institute for Polymer Research Dresden

Presentation of poster prize certificate to Ahmed Omara

Poster title: Hydrogel-Functionalized Microelectrode Arrays (MEAs) for Multimodal Cell Stimulation

Biography: Ahmed Omara, originally from Egypt, holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering with a double concentration in material science and mechatronics, and a minor in economics from the American University in Cairo, graduating in 2015. He pursued an Erasmus Mundus master’s program in nanoscience and nanotechnology, spending the first year in Belgium and the second in Barcelona, Spain. Specializing in nanomaterials, he discovered a passion for biomaterials, hydrogels, tissue engineering, and electronics.

After his masters Ahmed returned to Egypt in 2021 where he worked as a lead scientist to create biodegradable plastics from natural sources at Sadko group of companies. Currently, he is pursuing a PhD at the Leibniz Institute for Polymer Research in Dresden, Germany, focusing on fabricating bioelectronic devices and functionalizing them with hydrogel for multimodal cell simulation at a single-cell resolution level.


Joseph Asfouri, University of Cambridge

Poster prize certificate presented to Joseph AsfouriPoster title: Towards a 3D, Flexible, Biohybrid Device for Cell Replacement Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease

Biography: Joseph is a master’s student in George Malliaras’ lab at the University of Cambridge. During his undergraduate years at Rice University, he studied electrical engineering and neuroscience while conducting research on magnetogenetic neural stimulation at Rice, deep brain stimulation for depression at Baylor College of Medicine, and brain-computer interfaces for motor prostheses at the University of Washington. At Cambridge, he designed a novel bioelectronic implant to enhance stem cell therapy for Parkinson’s disease. Along with his passion for neural engineering, his interests include science policy and commercialization to translate neurotechnology safely and efficiently from the lab to the clinic. This fall, Joseph will return to the US to start his PhD in the UC Berkeley-UCSF Joint Bioengineering Program.


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Congratulations to the Prize Winners at ESEMA

Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Materials Advances and Materials Horizons were proud to support the ESEMA (Emerging Solar Energy Materials & Applications) workshop on the Island of Porquerolles, Hyères, France from 27th to 31st May 2024.

Yana Vaynzof (Associate Editor of the Journal of Materials Chemistry C & Materials Advances), Francesca Brunetti (Associate Editor of Sustainable Energy and Fuels), Nicolas Leclerc (University of Strasbourg) took part in the panel to evaluate the student presentations and select the two winners of the prizes.

The criteria were: quality of research and novelty, quality of slides and presentation, and quality of answers to questions from the audience.

Congratulations to the winners!


PhD student at University Grenoble Alpes, CEA Grenoble who won the Materials Horizons Prize

“Development of a novel push-pull organic dye for hydrogen production in dye-sensitized photoelectrochemical cells”



PhD student at Institut Matériaux Microélectronique Nanosciences de Provence, Aix-Marseille Université, Univ. de Toulon, who won the Journal of Materials Chemistry C Prize

“Fabrication of intrinsically stretchable organic solar cells using a polymer acceptor”

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Meet the Guest Editors – Themed collection on Advanced Functional Inorganic Materials for Information Technology and Applications

We are pleased to announce this open call for papers for our upcoming themed collection on Advanced Functional Inorganic Materials for Information Technology and Applications to be published in Journal of Materials Chemistry C and Materials Advances.

This collection is guest edited by Dr Xuebin Wang (Nanjing University), Dr Haibo Zeng (Nanjing University of Science and Technology) and Dr Zhiguo Xia (South China University of Technology). For further information about the guest editors, please read below. For further information about the themed collection, please see this blog post.

Dr Xuebin Wang (Nanjing University)

Xuebin Wang received BS and MS degrees from Nanjing University and PhD degree from Waseda University. He worked as junior researcher, postdoc researcher, and independent researcher at International Center for Young Scientists (ICYS), World Premier International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (WPI-MANA), National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) in 2010–2016. He has been a full professor in Nanjing University since 2016. Wang’s group has been pursuing the designed syntheses, novel properties, and practical applications of porous 2D materials, and he recently focuses on the growth of 3D-designed graphene and boron nitride for applications to electrolysis, thermocatalysis, supercapacitors, batteries, polymeric composites, and so forth.

Dr Haibo Zeng (Nanjing University of Science and Technology)

Haibo Zeng received his Ph.D. degree from the Institute of Solid State Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2006. He later worked with Prof. Claus Klingshirn in 2007 at the University of Karlsruhe, Germany. In 2008, he joined Prof. Yoshio Bando’s group at the National Institute for Materials Science, Japan. Since 2013, he has been working as a distinguished professor and Director of the Institute of Optoelectronics and Nanomaterials in Nanjing University of Science and Technology. His research interests are focused on the exploratory design of semiconducting nanocrystals and 2D crystals, with an emphasis on optoelectronics applications.

Dr Zhiguo Xia (South China University of Technology)

Zhiguo Xia is a professor at the State Key Laboratory of Luminescent Materials and Devices, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China. He obtained his PhD degree (Chemistry) in 2008 from Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. His current research interests focus on the inorganic luminescence materials, including the rare earth doped phosphors and the luminescent metal halides, and mainly developed their structural design, synthesis and discovery and structure-property correlation investigations. Dr. Zhiguo Xia has published over 200 peer reviewed publications (h-index of 87), and 5 book chapters. He is an associated editor of “Journal of Materials Chemistry C from 2022”.

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Open call for papers – Advanced Functional Inorganic Materials for Information Technology and Applications

We are pleased to announce this open call for papers for our upcoming themed collection on Advanced Functional Inorganic Materials for Information Technology and Applications to be published in Journal of Materials Chemistry C and Materials Advances.

This collection is guest edited by Dr Xuebin Wang (Nanjing University), Dr Haibo Zeng (Nanjing University of Science and Technology) and Dr Zhiguo Xia (South China University of Technology).

Submissions to the journal should should fit within the scope of Journal of Materials Chemistry C or Materials Advances. Please see the journal websites for more information on the journals’ scopes, standards, article types and author guidelines.

For this open call, we welcome full Papers and Communications.

Open for Submissions until 30 June 2024

If you would like to contribute to this themed collection, please submit your article directly through the Journal of Materials Chemistry C or Materials Advances online submission page. Please mention that your submission is a contribution to the Advanced Functional Inorganic Materials for Information Technology and Applications collection in the “Themed issues” section of the submission form and add a “Note to the Editor” that this is from the Open Call. Please do not mention the themed collection in your cover letter.

All submissions will be subject to assessment against the journal’s usual scope and standards criteria and sent for peer review only if appropriate. Accepted articles will be published online as soon as they are ready and added to the web collection.

We sincerely hope that you will be able to contribute your latest research to this themed collection. We look forward to receiving your manuscripts.

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Rare Earth Materials – Meet the Guest Editors

We are pleased to announce this open call for papers for our upcoming themed collection on Rare Earth Materials to be published in Journal of Materials Chemistry C. For more details about the themed collection, including how to submit, please visit this blog post.

This collection is guest edited by:

Professor Ashlee Howarth (Concordia University, Canada)

Ashlee J. Howarth is an Associate Professor and Concordia University Research Chair at Concordia University in Montréal. She was born and raised in London, Ontario. She obtained her undergraduate degree from the University of Western Ontario in 2009, and then went on to do her PhD in inorganic materials chemistry at the University of British Columbia under the supervision of Michael O. Wolf. Before joining the faculty at Concordia, she completed an NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship at Northwestern University with Joseph T. Hupp and Omar K. Farha. At Concordia, the Howarth group is focused on the design and synthesis of rare-earth cluster-based metal–organic frameworks targeting applications in pollution remediation, catalysis, drug delivery, X-ray detection, and chemical sensing.

Professor Takao Mori (National Institute for Materials Science, Japan)

Takao Mori received his PhD in 1996 at Univ. Tokyo, Dept. Physics. He is a Field Director at the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) in Japan. Professor of the Univ. Tsukuba Graduate School and elected Board Member of the International Thermoelectric Society (ITS) and ITS President from July 2023. Mori is a Senior Editor of Materials Today Physics, an Editorial or Advisory Board Member of Journal of Solid State Chemistry, Advances in Applied Ceramics, Device, Journal of Materiomics, Joule. His current research interests include development of thermoelectric materials and enhancement principles, magnetism, synthesis and properties of borides, inorganic materials. He has published over 350 papers, 25 book chapters, and 35 patents.

Professor Zhiguo Xia (South China University of Technology, China)

Zhiguo Xia is a professor at the State Key Laboratory of Luminescent Materials and Devices, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China. He obtained his PhD degree (Chemistry) in 2008 from Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. His current research interests focus on the inorganic luminescence materials, including the rare earth doped phosphors and the luminescent metal halides, and mainly developed their structural design, synthesis and discovery and structure-property correlation investigations. Dr. Zhiguo Xia has published over 200 peer reviewed publications (h-index of 87), and 5 book chapters. He is an associated editor of “Journal of Materials Chemistry C from 2022”.


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Open call for papers – Rare Earth Materials

Open call for papers – Rare Earth Materials

Submit your work by 6 September 2024

We are pleased to announce this open call for papers for our upcoming themed collection on Rare Earth Materials to be published in Journal of Materials Chemistry C.

This collection is guest edited by Professor Ashlee Howarth (Concordia University, Canada), Professor Takao Mori (National Institute for Materials Science, Japan), Professor Zhiguo Xia (South China University of Technology, China).

Submissions to the journal should contain chemistry in a materials context and should fit within the scope of Journal of Materials Chemistry C. Please see the journal’s website for more information on the journal’s scope, standards, article types and author guidelines. Please see this blog post for further information about the guest editors.

For this open call, we welcome full Papers and Communications.

Open for Submissions until 6th September 2024

If you would like to contribute to this themed collection, please submit your article directly through the Journal of Materials Chemistry C submission service. Please mention that your submission is a contribution to the Rare Earth Materials collection in the “Themed issues” section of the submission form and add a “Note to the Editor” that this is from the Open Call. Please do not mention the themed collection in your cover letter.

All submissions will be subject to assessment against the journal’s usual scope and standards criteria and sent for peer review only if appropriate. Accepted articles will be published online as soon as they are ready and added to the web collection.

We sincerely hope that you will be able to contribute your latest research to this themed collection. We look forward to receiving your manuscripts.


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Welcome to Journal of Materials Chemistry A Scientific Editor Xiaowei Zhan

Interview with Professor Xiaowei Zhan (Peking University, China)

Scientific Editor, Journal of Materials Chemistry A

What aspect of your research are you most excited about at the moment?

A: My group focuses on organic photovoltaics (OPV). The active layer in OPV device consists of electron donor and electron acceptor. Although fullerenes were prevailing acceptor materials in OPV from 1995 to 2015, I doubted if this choice was correct considering their fatal flaws such as weak visible light absorption. In 2006 my group started the non-fullerene OPV research. In 2015 we invented the milestone molecule ITIC and pioneered the concept of fused ring electron acceptor (FREA). Now around 350 research groups from >20 countries have utilized the FREA to fabricate OPV devices with the champion efficiency of >20%. The FREA has subverted previously predominant fullerenes, and is inaugurating a new era of the OPV field.

What do you find most challenging about your research?

A: Since efficiencies over 20% have been achieved for FREA-based OPV devices, the next challenge should be how to advance the field from lab to fab. Based on the unique features of OPV such as light weight, flexibility and semi-transparency, integration of OPV into special scenarios can make a breakthrough in commercialization of OPV. Through concerted efforts, practical application of OPV can be expected in near future.

What does it mean to you to have been appointed as Scientific Editor for Journal of Materials Chemistry A?

A: It is my great honor and pleasure to serve the materials chemistry community in the field of renewable energy especially organic photovoltaics.

How do you feel about Journal of Materials Chemistry A as a place to publish research?

A: Journal of Materials Chemistry A is well recognized as one of renowned journals in chemistry and materials science, especially as one of the most important journals in the field of organic photovoltaics. I have co-authored 36 papers in this journal.

What is one piece of career-related advice or wisdom that you would like to share with early career scientists?

A: I think important personalities for scientific research include curiosity, creativity, uniqueness, devotion and persistence.

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Open Call to Submit: Bioelectronics themed collection

Open call for papers – Bioelectronics

Journal of Materials Chemistry B and Journal of Materials Chemistry C

Guest Editors:

Dr Eleonora Macchia (University of Bari, Italy)

Dr. Eleonora Macchia (female) is tenure track Assistant Professor at Department of Pharmacy at University of Bari and Head of Research at Åbo Akademi University. She is ERC Starting Grant 2021 grantee, being PI of the project NoOne (GA number 101040383). She has been Senior Researcher, as PI of the project ProSiT, funded by Academy of Finland Research Council (GA#332106). Since March 2019, she has been project researcher at Åbo Akademi University, in the framework of the H2020 project SiMBiT (GA#824946). Previously, she has been Postdoc at University of Bari. She received her PhD in Chemical Sciences summa cum laude in 2018 from the University of Bari and her Master’s degree in Physics 110/110 cum laude in 2014 from the same institution. She was awarded with 8 scientific awards and she was selected as Top 10 candidate of the XVII Edition of the award “L’Oréal Italia Per le Donne e la Scienza”. At the age of 32, she has already published 54 publications in major international journals since 2013, with a total of 1,097 citations, yielding an h-index of 19. She is co-inventor of two patents. She is also strongly committed to the role of model for younger women scientists.

Professor Hong Liu (Southeast University, China)

Hong Liu received his B.S. and M.S. from Nanjing University with Dr. Huangxian Ju, and he received his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin in the USA with Dr. Richard M. Crooks. In 2013, he joined Southeast University, and is now a professor and the deputy dean of the School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering. His research interests include bioelectronic materials and devices for diagnostics and treatments.

Professor George Malliaras (University of Cambridge, UK)

George Malliaras is the Prince Philip Professor of Technology at the University of Cambridge. He leads the Bioelectronics Laboratory, an interdisciplinary group of scientists, engineers and clinicians who translate advances in electronics to better tools for healthcare. George received a BS from the Aristotle University, Greece, a PhD from the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, and did a postdoc at the IBM Almaden Research Center, USA. Before joining Cambridge, he was a faculty member at Cornell University in the USA, where he also served as the Director of the Cornell NanoScale Facility, and at the School of Mines of St. Etienne in France. His research has been recognized with awards from the European Academy of Sciences (Blaise Pascal Medal), the Materials Research Society (Mid-Career Researcher Award), the New York Academy of Sciences (Blavatnik Award for Young Scientists), the US National Science Foundation (Faculty Early Career Development Award), and DuPont (Young Professor Award). He was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Linköping (Sweden), elected Fellow of the Materials Research Society, and is a member of the Academia Europaea and of the European Academy of Sciences.

Professor Anna-Maria Pappa (Khalifa University of Science and Technology, UAE)

Anna-Maria Pappa is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Khalifa University and a visiting scholar at Cambridge University. Prior to this, she was the Oppenheimer Research fellow at Cambridge University and the Maundslay-Butler Fellow at Pembroke College. She received her PhD in Bioelectronics in 2017 from Ecole des Mines de St Etienne. Anna-Maria is currently leading the lab for biosensors and biosystems on chip (LAB-BBC) focusing on developing cutting edge technologies for next generation miniaturized sensors with applications in healthcare and environmental science. Anna-Maria has received multiple awards for her research including the L’Oreal-UNESCO Women in Science award, being listed in the Innovators under 35 MIT technology review and several awards in the area of entrepreneurship and innovation.


Bioelectronics, as the name suggests, is a research area on the interface between biology and electronics. It is an interdisciplinary field that combines not only biology and electronics but also many disciplines such as chemistry, physics, materials, and information technology. The aims of bioelectronic research are usually twofold: firstly, studying the electronic processes of biological systems, including the electronic characteristics of biological molecules, information storage and transmission in biological systems, and thus developing new information technologies based on the principles of the biological systems; The second is to apply the theories and technologies of electronic information science to solve biological problems, including the acquisition and analysis of biological information, as well as the regulation of various biological processes. The fundamental mechanism underlying all kinds of bioelectronic processes, including transduction of signal and/or energy, relies on the interfacial properties of materials. The themed collection on bioelectronics across Journal of Materials Chemistry B and Journal of Materials Chemistry C is devoted to the cutting-edge research with a focus on bioelectronic materials.

Submit now!

Extended Submissions deadline to 31 July 2024

Submissions should contain chemistry in the context of a material and should fit within the scope of Journal of Materials Chemistry B or Journal of Materials Chemistry C. Please see the journal’s page for more information on the journal’s scope, standards, article types and author guidelines.

This call for papers is open for the following primary article types:

  • Communications
  • Full papers

If you would like to contribute to this themed collection, you can submit your article directly to the online submission system for Journal of Materials Chemistry B or Journal of Materials Chemistry C.

Please mention that this submission is a contribution to the “Bioelectronics” themed collection in the “Themed issues” section of the submission form and add a “Note to the Editor” that this is from the Open Call.


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Open Call for Submissions: Molecular Photoswitches for Energy storage

Molecular Photoswitches for Energy storage

Open for submissions until 13 December 2024

We are delighted to announce an Open Call for Submissions to a themed collection on Molecular Photoswitches for Energy storage to be published in Journal of Materials Chemistry A and Journal of Materials Chemistry C.

Guest Editors:

Prof. Rachel Evans (University of Cambridge)

Prof. Grace Han (Brandeis University)

Prof. Tao Li (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

Prof. Dr. Hermann A. Wegner (Justus-Liebig Universität)


The necessity to harvest and store energy is one of the greatest challenges of today. The sun represents in this respect the ultimate energy source on earth. The utilization of light as energy input is therefore highly desirable. Molecular photoswitches do exactly that, as they can be switched between two states. Such processes have great potential in energy storage. This special issue celebrates results in all areas covering molecular photoswitches in the broadest sense for energy storage:

Appropriate topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Design, synthesis and characterization of photoswitches
  • Application of photoswitches for energy storage, such as molecular solar thermal energy storage systems
  • Incorporation of photoswitches in devices for energy storage
  • Investigation of diverse triggering methods for energy release (e.g., (electro)catalysis)
  • Phase transitions and latent heat storage-release induced by the photoswitching processes
  • Theoretical screening of photoswitch candidates for improved energy storage

Deadline extended until 13 December 2024

Submissions to the journal should contain chemistry in the context of a material and should fit within the scope of Journal of Materials Chemistry C or Journal of Materials Chemistry A. Please see the journal’s page for more information on the journal’s scope, standards, article types and author guidelines.

This call for papers is open for the following article types:

  • Communications
  • Full papers

If you would like to contribute to this themed collection, you can submit your article directly to the online submission system for Journal of Materials Chemistry C or Journal of Materials Chemistry A. Please mention that this submission is a contribution to the Molecular Photoswitches for Energy storage in the “Themed issues” section of the submission form and add a “Note to the Editor” that this is from the Open Call.

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