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Call for papers: Themed collection on Materials Informatics

Guest Editors: Chris Pickard (University of Cambridge, UK), Jörg Behler (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany), and Krishna Rajan (University at Buffalo, USA)

In this themed collection, we invite contributions in materials informatics. Manuscripts are encouraged in topics ranging from novel computational and experimental methods to state-of-the-art applications.

The discipline of Materials Informatics has emerged from a fusion of increasing availability of materials data, high throughput experimental and computational methods, first principles and other advanced materials models, and machine learning. It has been fuelled by the dramatic growth in available computational power, and its ubiquity.

If you are interested in contributing to this collection please get in touch with the Editorial Office by email.

Please add a “note to the editor” in the submission form when you submit your manuscript to say that this is a submission for the themed collection. The Editorial Office and Guest Editors reserve the right to check suitability of submissions in relation to the scope of the collection and inclusion of accepted articles in the collection is not guaranteed. All manuscripts will be subject to the journal’s usual peer review process. Accepted manuscripts will be added to the online collection as soon as they are online, and they will be published in a regular issue of Materials Advances.

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Call for papers: Themed collection on Biomass Materials

Guest Editors: Meisha Shofner (Georgia Institute of Technology) and Andy Tennyson (Clemson University)

In this themed collection, we will collect primary research and review articles from across the area of biomass materials. Manuscripts are encouraged from a broad range of topics related to biomass materials including synthesis/processing, biological-synthetic interfaces, characterization, properties, degradation and end-of-life, lifecycle/economic analysis, and application studies.

Biomass was used by humans to formulate some of the earliest polymers, and contemporary environmental concerns have served as the impetus for the researchers and industry to return to biomass as precursors for engineered materials. Biomass materials are now poised to re-emerge as materials of construction across a range of applications that currently employ synthetic plastics and materials. In adapting biological compounds and materials for use in synthetic systems, the desired biological compound or material of interest is almost always found in extremely complex mixtures of structurally- and functionally-diverse molecules and macromolecules which are impossible to separate. Furthermore, completely removing all water from many biological compounds and materials causes them to lose the desired structure, property, or function of interest. To address these challenges and facilitate this shift in materials usage, interdisciplinary research spanning fundamental understanding of synthesis and properties to translational studies for targeted applications is needed.

If you are interested in contributing to this collection please get in touch with the Editorial Office by email.

Please add a “note to the editor” in the submission form when you submit your manuscript to say that this is a submission for the themed collection. The Editorial Office and Guest Editors reserve the right to check suitability of submissions in relation to the scope of the collection and inclusion of accepted articles in the collection is not guaranteed. All manuscripts will be subject to the journal’s usual peer review process. Accepted manuscripts will be added to the online collection as soon as they are online, and they will be published in a regular issue of Materials Advances.

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Themed collection: Chiral Nanomaterials

We invite you to read a new themed collection in Materials Advances on chiral nanomaterials.

We are pleased to inform you that this new themed issue has now been published online.

Read the collection

Guest Edited by Nicholas A. Kotov (University of Michigan, USA), Luis M. Liz-Marzán (CIC biomaGUNE, Spain), and Qiangbin Wang (SINANO, China).

Chiral nanostructures is one of the most rapidly developing research fields encompassing chemistry, physics, and biology. The rise to academic prominence of chiral nanostructures was fuelled by their giant optical activity and the fundamental structural parallels between biotic and abiotic structures with mirror asymmetry. This themed collection provides a snapshot of concepts being developed by a diverse spectrum of scientists around the world working in chiral nanostructures from metals, semiconductors and ceramics. Many fundamental discoveries in this area are expected that are likely to encompass multiscale chirality transfer, chiral surfaces, biological signalling, and circularly polarized emitters. Technological applications being pursued along the way of fundamental studies include biosensing, healthcare, chiral photonics, and sustainable catalysis.

Articles in the collection are published in Materials Advances and they are all freely accessible with open access. A small selection of articles from the collection are provided below.


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New collection: Advances in Energy Materials

We are delighted to share with you a new collection of articles highlighting some of the most popular recent articles published in Materials Advances on energy materials. Containing both reviews and original research, the collection includes work on batteries, device fabrication, supercapacitors, and more.

Read the collection here

Below is a snapshot of some of the papers in the collection. We hope you enjoy reading these gold open access articles.


Direct ink writing of energy materials, Tagliaferri, A. Panagiotopoulos and C. Mattevi, Mater. Adv., 2021, 2, 540-563 DOI: 10.1039/D0MA00753F


Realizing poly(ethylene oxide) as a polymer for solid electrolytes in high voltage lithium batteries via simple modification of the cell setup, Lukas Stolz, Gerrit Homann, Martin Winter and Johannes Kasnatscheew, Mater. Adv., 2021, 2, 3251-3256 DOI: 10.1039/D1MA00009H


Influence of La3+ induced defects on MnO2–carbon nanotube hybrid electrodes for supercapacitors, Nilanjan Chakrabarty, Monalisa Char, Satheesh Krishnamurthy and Amit K. Chakraborty, Mater. Adv., 2021, 2, 366-375 DOI: 10.1039/D0MA00696C


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Congratulations to prize winners from NGSE 2017

We are delighted to congratulate the poster prize winners from 4th International Congress on Next Generation Solar Energy, which took place 4 – 7 December 2017 in Cali, Columbia.


The meeting was a great success and discussed recent developments in advanced photovoltaics including special sessions on perovskites, organics and hybrids. The applied aspects of photovoltaics and renewable energies were specifically addressed by an industry day, and the direct social impact of using solar cells in order to enhance the life of Wayúu community in Guajira Colombia was discussed.



Congratulations to…

  • Juan David Villada, Universidad del Valle (Colombia)


  • Juanita Hidalgo, Universidad de los Andes (Colombia)


  • Juana Marlene Pinanjota, Escuela Politécnica Nacional (Ecuador)




Poster prizes were sponsored by Materials Horizons, Journal of Materials Chemistry A and Journal of Materials Chemistry C. All posters were judged by Professor Nazario Martin (Editor-in-Chief  JMC A), Professor Wolfgang Tress (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), and Dr Juan Pablo Correa (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) before being awarded by Dr Walter Torres (Universidad del Valle).

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Congratulations to our Highly Cited materials chemistry community!

We are delighted to have many world-leading materials science researchers in our community, helping to guide Journal of Materials Chemistry A-C as high impact journals publishing properties and synthesis of exciting new materials.

Many have been recognized in Clarivate Analytics’ recently published 2017 Highly Cited Researchers list!

Congratulations from the Journal of Materials Chemistry team to…

…Editorial Board members

  • Journal of Materials Chemistry A
  • Journal of Materials Chemistry B
    • Xiaogang Qu, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
  • Journal of Materials Chemistry C

…and Advisory Board members

  • Journal of Materials Chemistry A
    • Xinliang Feng, Dresden University of Technology, Germany
    • Jiaxing Huang, Northwestern University, USA
    • Linda Nazar, University of Waterloo, Canada
  • Journal of Materials Chemistry B
    • Chunhai Fan, Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
    • Luis Liz-Marzán, CIC biomaGUNE, Spain
  • Journal of Materials Chemistry C
    • Manish Chhowalla, Rutgers – The State University of New Jersey, USA
    • Mercouri Kanatzidis, Northwestern University, USA
    • Junji Kido, Yamagata University, Japan
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4th International Conference on Organic Electronics – 2018

Journal of Materials Chemistry C is pleased to be sponsoring the 14th International Conference on Organic Electronics – 2018 (ICOE-2018) to be held on June 18 – 22, 2018 in Bordeaux, France.

ICOE is an annual serie of conferences dedicated to the state-of-the-art research in organic electronics. The ICOE-2018, co-organized by Professor Natalie Stingelin, Associate Editor of Journal of Materials Chemistry C, will bring together the most excellent researchers from academy as well as industry to discuss fundamental aspects of organic semiconductors, demonstrate their vision of the road-map of organic electronics and to exchange ideas on future materials, technologies, and applications.

Important dates

  • 2017, November 1st – Abstract submission start
  • 2018, January 15th – Abstracts submission deadline
  • 2018, March 1st – Early bird registration deadline
  • 2018, June 1st – Standard registration deadline

Visit the conference homepage for more information.

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