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Congratulations to our shortlisted candidates for the 2022 Journal of Materials Chemistry Lectureship

The Journal of Materials Chemistry annual lectureship, established in 2010, honours early-career scientists who have made a significant contribution to the field of materials chemistry. This year we were delighted to have awarded Prof. Sahika Inal (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia) the 2022 Lectureship.

We received numerous excellent nominations and wanted to recognise our shortlisted candidates for their contributions to materials chemistry. We have listed the names of the shortlisted candidates below and have put together a collection featuring some of their recent work published in Journal of Materials Chemistry journals.

Please note that we have only included candidates who have consented to recognition of their name in this way.


Prof. Luisa Whittaker-Brooks (University of Utah, USA)

Dr Jessica Wade (Imperial College London, UK)


Shortlisted candidates

Prof. Chibueze Amanchukwu (University of Chicago, USA)

Prof. Federico Bella (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)

Prof. Laure Biniek (Institut Charles Sadron – Strasbourg, France)

Prof. Jakoah Brgoch (University of Houston, USA)

Prof. Federico Calle-Vallejo (Basque Foundation for Science (Ikerbasque) and University of the Basque Country, Spain)

Prof. Maytal Caspary Toroker (Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel)

Prof. Tan Chaoliang (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)

Prof. Raphaële Clément (UC Santa Barbara, USA)

Prof. Cole DeForest (University of Washington, USA)

Prof. Xu Deng (University of Electronic Science and Technology, China)

Dr Ramendra Sundar Dey (Institute of Nano Science and Technology, India)

Dr Emily Draper (University of Glasgow, UK)

Prof. Ludovic Favereau (Institute of Chemical Sciences of Rennes, France)

Prof. Wei Gao (California Institute of Technology, USA)

Prof. Xu Hou (Xiamen University, China)

Prof. Jingwei Hou (School of Chemical Engineering, The University of Queensland, Australia)

Prof. Ashlee Howarth (Concordia University, Canada)

Prof. Shu Hu (Yale University, USA)

Dr Kirsten Marie Jensen (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)

Prof. Thomas Kempa (John Hopkins University, USA)

Prof. Matt Pharr (Texas A&M University, USA)

Dr Loredana Protesescu (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)

Prof. Nuria Tapia Ruiz (University of Lancaster, UK)

Prof. Gyorgy Szekely (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia)

Prof. Robert Weatherup (University of Oxford, UK)

Prof. Zhijie Yang (Shandong University, China)

Prof. Bin-Wei Zhang (Chongqing University, China)

Prof. Shrike Zhang (Harvard Medical School, USA)


Read the collection featuring some of the recent work from some of our shortlisted candidates published in Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B and C

Congratulations to all our shortlisted candidates!

Know anyone deserving of the 2023 Journal of Materials Chemistry Lectureship? Nominations will be open around mid-April so keep an eye out for updates on our Twitter and by signing up to our e-alerts.

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Open call for papers: Themed collection on Nanozymes

Journal of Materials Chemistry B and companion journal Nanoscale are delighted to announce an open call for submissions to a themed collection on ‘Nanozymes’ to be published in Summer 2023.


Guest Edited by:

Professor Shaoqin Liu (Harbin Institute of Technology, China), Professor Vincent Rotello (University of Massachusetts, USA), Professor Asier Unciti-Broceta (University of Edinburgh, UK) and Professor Hui Wei (Nanjing University, China)


Deadline to submit: 1 May 2023


Nanozymes are nanomaterials with enzyme-like characteristics. They have been developed to address the limitations of natural enzymes and conventional artificial enzymes. Along with the significant advances in nanotechnology, biotechnology, catalysis science, and computational design, great progress has been achieved in the field of nanozymes since the discovery of peroxidase-like iron oxide nanozyme in 2007. Nanozymes have been explored for a variety of applications, ranging from biosensing and therapeutics to environmental protection and national security. To our knowledge, more than 400 laboratories from 35 countries are working on nanozymes. Notably, both the publications and citations on nanozymes have been growing rapidly, showing the enormous research interest from the field.

To further advance the field of nanozymes and highlight recent progress, we are delighted to invite you to contribute to this themed collection. We believe such a special collection will not only accelerate the development of the nanozyme field, but also attract more researchers to explore the hidden characteristics of nanomaterials for broad applications.

We welcome submissions from now until the deadline, with articles being published in the next available issue on acceptance and collated into an online collection. This allows greater flexibility for you to publish your research when it is ready, while ensuring your article is published quickly. The collection will be promoted in the second half of 2023 and beyond, ensuring maximum visibility of your article within the materials chemistry community.

Submissions to the collection should fit within the scope of Journal of Materials Chemistry B or Nanoscale. Please see the journal websites for more information about the scope, standards, article types and author guidelines. We would suggest that any manuscript focusing on the materials chemistry and bio-application of the nanozyme material would be better suited to Journal of Materials Chemistry B, whereas work more focused on the nanoscience, properties and insights of nanozymes with application in the biosciences, environmental sciences and beyond would be better suited to Nanoscale.

For this collection, we welcome full Papers and Communications. Review article submissions are by invite-only and as such we generally will not consider review proposals as a result of the open call.

All submissions will undergo a rigorous initial Editorial assessment as to suitability for the journal before potential peer review. Please note that peer review and acceptance of your submission will not be guaranteed.

We look forward to receiving your submissions and to featuring your latest nanozymes work in the collection.

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Open call for papers: Themed collection on Microneedles

Journal of Materials Chemistry B is delighted to announce an open call for submissions to a cross-journal themed collection on ‘Microneedles’ with companion journal Biomaterials Science.


Guest edited by Dr Ester Caffarel-Salvador (Scientific Consultant, USA) Professor Ryan Donnelly (Queen’s University Belfast, UK)Professor Harvinder Gill (Texas Tech, USA) and Professor Hyungil Jung (Yonsei University, Korea).


Submissions open until 1 March 2023


Microneedles, since their inception as a unique transdermal drug and vaccine delivery system, have become a noteworthy system used in multiple routes, including gastrointestinal, oral (mouth cavity) and ocular, to name a few. The range of illnesses being targeted by microneedles has also increased significantly and includes infectious diseases, pain, diabetes, and allergies for example. Sensing is another upcoming application of microneedles. Innovation in microneedle fabrication continues to not only push the drug-carrying and delivering capacity of microneedles, but also making mass manufacturing feasible and economical. There is also increased activity in the commercial sector with different companies attempting to bring the first microneedle-based medical device to market.

This cross-journal themed collection on ‘Microneedles’ in Journal of Materials Chemistry B and Biomaterials Science aims to bring together recent advancements in the field of microneedles that readers will find informative and useful. The topics could include microneedle fabrication and development approaches, applications of microneedles that add a new dimension to existing core knowledge in the microneedles field, sensing applications and clinical studies that evaluate efficacy or other aspects of microneedle use in humans.

Submissions to the journal should fit within the scope of Journal of Materials Chemistry B or Biomaterials Science – Please see the journal website for more information on the journal’s scope, standards, article types and author guidelines. We encourage you to submit your work to the journal that you feel best reflects the scope of your work.

The call for papers is open for the following article types:

  • Communications
  • Full papers
  • Reviews
  • Perspectives


If you would like to submit to this themed collection, you can submit your article directly to the online submission platform for Journal of Materials Chemistry B or Biomaterials Science. Please mention that this submission is a contribution to the Microneedles collection in the “Themed issues” section of the submission form and add a “Note to the Editor” that this is from the Open Call. The Editorial Office reserves the right to check suitability of submissions in relation to the scope of both the journal and the collection, and inclusion of accepted articles in the final themed issue is not guaranteed.

Please note that all submissions will be subject to initial assessment by the journal editors and as such we cannot guarantee peer review or final acceptance of your manuscript. If you have any questions about the collection, email us at  We look forward to receiving and featuring your submissions in this exciting collection!

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Open call for submissions: Materials, Physical and Biological Chemistry of Protein Cages

Journal of Materials Chemistry B are delighted to announce an open call for submissions to our themed collection on ‘Materials, Physical and Biological Chemistry of Protein Cages’.


Guest Edited by:

Prof. Jeroen Cornelissen (University of Twente, the Netherlands)

Prof. Feng Li (Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)

Dr Frank Sainsbury (Griffith University, Australia)


Protein cages are highly ordered macromolecules that can be genetically encoded and chemically modified. They are characterized by well-defined structures, controllable self-assembly, capacity for cargo loading, and facile chemical or genetic engineering. Protein cages hold great potential as versatile platforms in diverse fields. Applications include biomedicine and drug delivery; enzymology and biocatalysis; bioinspired materials and templates for inorganic chemistry. These applications are underpinned by fundamental science drawing on the fields of biological chemistry, biophysics, physical chemistry, and computational chemistry.

In this context, it is pertinent to compile this themed collection on the materials, physical and biological chemistry of protein cages. To this end, this themed collection of Journal of Materials Chemistry B aims at providing a platform for recent developments in this rapidly evolving field of protein cages including, de novo design, biophysics of self-assembly, permeability, biocatalytic nanoreactors, artificial organelles, delivery of bioactive molecules, bioimaging and biosensing, multifunctional nanodevices and other applications. We hope that readers find this themed collection informative and that it will act as an up-to-date insight into the fascinating potential of protein cages in chemistry.


Submissions to the journal should fit within the scope of Journal of Materials Chemistry B– Please see the journal website for more information on the journal’s scope, standards, article types and author guidelines.


Submission Deadline: 1 February 2023


We strongly encourage you to submit an original research article. If you are interested in submitting a review-type article, please contact the Editorial Office in the first instance with a proposed title and abstract as initial approval is required before submission to limit the number of review-type articles and avoid potential topic overlap.

All submissions will undergo a rigorous initial Editorial assessment as to suitability for the journal before potential peer review. Please note that peer review and acceptance of your submission will not be guaranteed. All accepted articles will be added to the online web collection as soon as they are published and will be featured in the next available issue of Journal of Materials Chemistry B.

Manuscripts can be submitted here

Please add a “note to the editor” in the submission form when you submit your manuscript to say that this is a submission for the themed collection. The Editorial Office and Guest Editors reserve the right to check suitability of submissions in relation to the scope of the collection and inclusion of accepted articles in the collection is not guaranteed.

We look forward to receiving your submissions for this collection!



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Microneedles themed collection: Meet the Guest Editors

Themed Collection: Microneedles

Meet the Guest Editors

Journal of Materials Chemistry B and companion journal Biomaterials Science are pleased to promote their themed collection on ‘Microneedles’.

This cross-journal themed collection on ‘Microneedles’ aims to bring together recent advancements in the field of microneedles that readers will find informative and useful. The collection includes work related to microneedle fabrication and development approaches, applications of microneedles that add a new dimension to existing core knowledge in the microneedles field, sensing applications and clinical studies that evaluate efficacy or other aspects of microneedle use in humans.

Read the collection here

The Guest Editors for this themed collection are: Ester Caffarel-Salvador, Ryan Donnelly, Harvinder Gill and Hyungil Jung


Find out more about the Guest Editors below:


Dr Ester Caffarel-Salvador
Chiesi, USA

‘Microneedles are no longer confined to transdermal drug delivery, they are also being used to deliver drugs to organs such as the eye and the gastrointestinal tract as well as for drug monitoring applications. I am particularly excited to see how microneedles are being employed in novel devices to help overcome the challenges of oral delivery of biologics.’

Dr. Ester Caffarel-Salvador is a multidisciplinary scientist with a background in biotechnology and biochemistry. At MIT, she developed a pill to administer insulin orally, now in clinical trials, which led the MIT Technology Review to recognize her as one of the 35 Innovators Under 35 in 2019.

After taking a mini-MBA at Harvard and working across startups, VCs, consulting, and pharmaceutical companies, Ester is now the Associate Director of Strategic Innovation for Rare Diseases at Chiesi USA. She is also a lecturer at MIT and an advisor to several startups. Ester speaks seven languages and is passionate about advocating on career development for women in science.


 Prof. Ryan Donnelly
Queen’s University Belfast, UK

‘Why microneedles? Microneedles are one of the fastest growing areas of innovation in drug and vaccine delivery today. They offer the possibility of needle-free delivery of currently injectable medicines that could help overcome the COVID-induced backlog in healthcare provision globally. In developing countries needle-free vaccine administration would improve access to safe and effective vaccines for millions of people.’

Professor Ryan Donnelly holds the Chair in Pharmaceutical Technology at Queen’s University Belfast and is Director of QUB’s interdisciplinary research programme Materials & Advanced Technologies for Healthcare (MATCH). His personal research is centred on design and physicochemical characterisation of advanced polymeric drug delivery systems for transdermal and intradermal drug delivery, with a strong emphasis on improving patient outcomes. He is currently developing a range of novel microneedle technologies through independent research, but also in collaboration with several major pharma partners. He has obtained substantial UK Research Council, charity and industrial funding and authored over 600 peer-reviewed publications (H-index = 73), including 6 patent applications, 6 textbooks, 23 book chapters and approximately 300 full papers. He has been an invited speaker at numerous national and international conferences. Professor Donnelly is Europe/Africa Editor of Drug Delivery & Translational Research and the Controlled Release Society’s Communications Chair. He has won the Academy of Pharmaceutical Science’s Innovative Science Award (2020), the Controlled Release Society’s Young Investigator Award (2016), BBSRC Innovator of the Year and the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Pharmaceutical Research Meritorious Manuscript Award (2013 and 2022), the GSK Emerging Scientist Award (2012) and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society’s Science Award (2011).



Prof. Harvinder Gill
Texas Tech University, USA

‘The first microneedle paper was published in 1998. I am thrilled at this opportunity to co-edit a joint themed edition for Journal of Materials Chemistry B and Biomaterials Science to showcase the achievements that have been made in the field over the past nearly 25 years. By pairing these two journals for the themed edition, we have a unique opportunity of highlighting both the materials and manufacturing aspects, and the biological applications aspects of microneedles. I look forward to reading the outstanding work in the field from colleagues around the world.’

Dr. Gill is a Professor of Chemical Engineering at Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, USA. His research interests are in the fields of immunoengineering and micro-nano medicine. He has expertise in delivery systems such as microneedles, pollen grains, polymeric micro-nano particles, and gold nanoparticles. He has a history of innovativeness, and of providing fresh and unique perspectives to research and medical problems. Dr. Gill is working towards the development of a universal influenza vaccine using nanoparticle systems to enhance vaccine efficacy. He is amongst the pioneers of microneedle technology and has produced seminal work in the field. He was also the first to propose use of pollen grains as “Trojan horses” for oral vaccination and has published original and seminal papers in this field, which has attracted other researchers. He is also the pioneer of the use of microneedles for allergen immunotherapy and his lab is currently developing microneedles for the treatment of airway and peanut allergen immunotherapies. This technology is being commercialized through a startup company called Moonlight Therapeutics, which Dr. Gill has co-founded.

Dr. Gill completed his Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering with honors and a gold medal from Panjab University, India (1994). After graduation, he worked in the petroleum industry for seven years. Subsequently he obtained his doctoral degree in Bioengineering from Georgia Institute of Technology (2007). Dr. Gill received his postdoctoral training in the field of influenza vaccines at Emory University (2009). Dr. Gill has received numerous awards and honors, including the prestigious NIH Director’s New Innovator Award (DP2 award) and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Young Faculty Award for his pollen research, Chancellor’s Council Distinguished Research Award, Barney E. Rushing, Jr. Faculty Distinguished Research Award STEM, Ed and Linda Whitaker Faculty Fellow Award, and Whitacre Engineering Research Award. For his accomplishments and contributions to Biomedical Engineering, he was awarded the Whitacre Endowed Professorship in Science and Engineering at Texas Tech.


Prof. Hyungil Jung
Yonsei University, Korea

‘Microneedles are truly an exciting platform for next generation drug delivery’

Hyungil Jung is a Professor in the Department of Biotechnology at Yonsei University, where he is also the Chair of the Bio & Living Engineering Major in Global Leaders College, as well as Director of the Institute of Bio-Medical Health Care Convergence and the Department Head of Integrative Biotechnology & Translational Medicine. He is also the founder and CSO of JUVIC Inc., a company developing microneedle-based products. He received his B.S. and M.S. from Yonsei University in 1993 and 1995, and his Ph.D. from Cornell University in 2002. He worked at Caltech as a Postdoctoral scholar from 2002 through 2004 and then joined Yonsei University at 2004. His main interests lie in commercialization of microneedles and overcoming the pressing challenges in microneedle development for commercialization. During his spare time, his hobby is indulging in board games, his favorite being Baduk, a widely popular traditional board game in Korea.



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Congratulations to the winners of the Society for Biomaterials Three Minute Thesis Award

In April 2022, the Society for Biomaterials held their annual meeting in Baltimore, USA. Journal of Materials Chemistry B and Materials Advances sponsored this event along with companion journal Biomaterials Science.

We would like to congratulate the winners of the SFB Three Minute Thesis Award. Check out the award winners and learn about their research in our interviews below.


Kevin Grassie: 1st Prize

My PhD research is focused on a new approach for bone regenerative engineering that combines stem cell therapy and low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) stimulation to enhance the repair of complex bone defects.  LIPUS serves as a non-invasive mechanical stimulus to deliver additional forces that may trigger more robust bone formation.  My work thus far aims to 1) develop a computational tool for quantifying 3D externally-applied forces on cells, and 2) use this tool to estimate the LIPUS-derived 3D acoustic radiation forces that hydrogel-encapsulated experience under different ultrasound and gel conditions. By uncovering how ultrasound influences cell behavior, we hope to develop and optimize new strategies that combine cell therapy and finely-tuned mechanical stimuli to improve bone regeneration.

1.  What inspired you to go into your area of specific research?
I have always been passionate about science and surrounded by critical-thinkers;my parents and other family members have studied and/or worked in technological or scientific industries.  I was taught at a young age to be curious about the world around us. Throughout high-school and during my undergraduate education at the University of Connecticut (UConn), I became eager to study a scientific field which sits at the intersection of my favorite disciplines: physics, mathematics, engineering, biology, and medicine. At the same time, my life-long athletic outlets in martial arts and acrobatic movements enhanced my curiosity in biomechanics and, through two injuries requiring surgery, gave me first-hand experience with clinical challenges in musculoskeletal health. Finally, in my undergraduate years at UConn, I took a tissue engineering class taught by Dr. Yusuf Khan (now my PhD advisor) that perfectly mixed all of my academic interests. These experiences all inspired me to pursue research in bone tissue/regenerative engineering, allowing me to integrate concepts from nearly every corner of science to find solutions to real-world, clinically-relevant problems.

2. What is one of the most rewarding things about your area of research?
One of the most rewarding aspects of my area of research is the collaborative and multidisciplinary nature of the work. I am very fortunate to be part of the Connecticut Convergence Institute for Translation in Regenerative Engineering at UConn Health, which offers a diverse group of faculty and students with wide-ranging expertise and technical skills.  The days are never dull and there is always a lot to learn, which is exciting to me.

3. What are your next steps for your research/career?
In my research, the next steps are to dig deeper into the mechanotransduction events and osteogenic responses in hydrogel-encapsulated cells exposed to different types of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound stimulation. As for my career after my PhD, I am still undecided but considering the many possibilities that await. My several years as a tutor for college mathematics and physics have given me a strong desire to teach in some capacity, regardless of my career path. However, my primary goal is to stay connected to cutting-edge biomedical research, whether that be through academia, industry-based research-and-development, or government agencies/institutes such as NASA. 


Gabriel Rodriguez- Rivera: 2nd Prize

My thesis is focused on developing an injectable hydrogel to terminate lethal arrhythmias in the ventricles without the pain induced by high-energy defibrillation shocks. Our initial work demonstrated that the proposed hydrogel electrode is conductive, hydrolytically stable, and compatible with the body, allowing us to reach areas of the heart that would not be reachable using commercial pacing leads.

1. What inspired you to go into your area of specific research?
Curiosity, possibilities, and opportunities. I worked in a biopharmaceutical company in Puerto Rico for seven years in the technology transfer of new products. Working at the interphase of development and commercialization sparked my interest in creating products that could impact the patient’s quality of life and using my tools as a chemical engineer to design and improve new biomaterials.

What is one of the most rewarding things about your area of research?
Being able to design a biomaterial that could eventually save and improve lives. Also, just seeing how we can use materials to induce a response in our bodies is incredible. Additionally, interacting with other scientists and clinicians with different areas of expertise helped me learn and grow.

What are your next steps for your research/career?
I am excited to continue understanding the fundamental properties of biomaterials for cardiovascular applications as a postdoc in Jason Burdick’s lab at the University of Colorado – Boulder.


Sarah Jones: 3rd Prize

I presented on my thesis project focused on developing a wrap to optimize the healing environment in large bone defects to reduce the risk of amputation or severe disability and improve patient outcomes. For wrap fabrication, I am co-electrospinning a durable synthetic polymer loaded with antibiotics along with extracellular matrix containing growth factors into a fibrous wrap. The wrap will be placed around a cement bone spacer used in a two-stage procedure to guide the membrane formation that is responsible for enveloping a bone graft and guiding bone formation. The synthetic fibers will improve barrier performance, preventing graft resorption, and will support sustained local antibiotic release to eradicate infection. Secondly, the matrix fibers will provide angiogenic and immunomodulatory cues to improve the membrane’s regenerative potential. Together this wrap aims to improve bone healing and overall quality of life for survivors of traumatic injury.

What inspired you to go into your area of specific research?
I have always been interested in pursuing a career to improve human health, specifically by developing new techniques or products. However, my interest in biomedical engineering started quite broad. I initially imagined working on prosthetics or robotic surgical systems. However, once attending classes at Texas A&M University, I became increasingly interested in biomaterials and their ability interact with the human body. I joined the Grunlan Research Group and really discovered and developed a passion for materials-guided tissue regeneration. This is the idea that the chemistry/structure of an implanted material can guide tissue regeneration and healing without exogenous biologics. This field spoke to me as a way to sustainably and reliably enhance human health. This passion led me to the Cosgriff-Hernandez Lab at The University of Texas at Austin, focusing on polymeric materials for tissue engineering, to pursue my PhD in biomedical engineering. I hope to continue to develop and refine my passion for biomaterials throughout my education and career.

What is one of the most rewarding things about your area of research?
I believe the wide application of my research area is extremely rewarding. We spend so much time developing this wrap for a specific procedure for traumatic bone injuries. However, the things we learn from this process can be applied to almost any area of the body. Discovering structure property relationships and cell material interactions can contribute to the overall body of knowledge in biomedical engineering. For example, nutrient supply and blood flow is a common hurdle faced in all areas of tissue engineering, and my project has the potential to reveal a new technique to improve vascularization in new tissue.

What are your next steps for your research/career?
After completing my doctorate, I plan to continue in the field of biomaterials for tissue engineering. I hope to join the medical device industry as a research engineer and continually work to design and develop new products to aid in tissue regeneration.


Please join us in congratulating all the winners of the SFB Three Minute Thesis Award!

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Congratulations to the winners of the Society for Biomaterials Postdoctoral Research Award

In April 2022, the Society for Biomaterials held their annual meeting in Baltimore, USA. Journal of Materials Chemistry B and Materials Advances sponsored this event along with companion journal Biomaterials Science.

We would like to congratulate the winners of the SFB Postdoctoral Research Award. Check out the award winners and learn about their research in our interview below.


Mykel Green: 1st Prize

The success of stem cell regenerative therapies has been crippled by low cell survival, poor retention in the target tissue, uncontrolled differentiation, and induction of host immune response. My work seeks to develop a PEG-based hydrogel carrier to address these concerns and improve engraftment efficiency by protecting the fragile blood-producing stem cells during direct delivery into the bone marrow and increasing cell retention through controlled cell release. Successful completion of this work and its subsequent studies will lead to an improved understanding of the pathophysiology of SCD and the development of my hydrogel system as a tool to target other bone marrow transplantation-reliant curative therapies.

1. What inspired you to go into your area of specific research?
While studying biology at Morehouse College, I fell in love with sickle cell disease. It’s a simple mutation, but the consequences are physiologically disastrous. Blood is nearly ubiquitous; therefore, all biomedical researchers can study it, but it is significantly under-resourced and under-studied relative to other conditions. I want to correct this injustice for patients with sickle cell and other health disparities.

2. What is one of the most rewarding things about your area of research?
I love creating polymers! Something about synthesis excites me, especially trying to develop a new protocol. It is akin to cooking from scratch; you always take great pride in the final product (except when results are unfavorable).

3. What are your next steps for your research/career?
In the immediate future, I hope to create a definitive body of research supporting my hydrogel carrier as a functional bone marrow transplantation modality in a non-diseased animal model. Eventually, I will begin testing in a sickle cell model and tailor the hydrogel to address its many challenges. I expect these studies to be a significant part of my early-stage investigator work, among many other related projects.


Teresa Rapp: 2nd Prize

Ruthenium Crosslinkers for Hydrogel Formation with Applications in Tissue Culture and Cell Delivery
My work focuses on the development of new molecular crosslinkers that respond to unique external stimuli, specifically light. This work discussed the synthesis and application of two new ruthenium-based hydrogel crosslinkers that can selectively respond to red (617 nm) and green (530 nm) light. Used in conjunction with an ortho-nitrobenzyl-based hydrogel crosslinker, I created a hydrogel system that softens in response to three unique, visible light inputs. I showed these hydrogels are cytocompatible, orthogonal, and can be used to study cellular fate in 3D.

1. What inspired you to go into your area of specific research?
A chemist by training, I was first inspired by the incredible potential to create new functional biomaterials by innovation in the chemistry space. This field has allowed me to pursue both my interest in basic science as I discover new molecules, and demonstrate their real world feasibility in a product that could transform the work of so many research groups across the world. I hope to continue to work at the forefront of biomaterial development throughout my academic career.

2. What is one of the most rewarding things about your area of research?
The depth of knowledge I get to pursue as I work in this area. I love my work in synthetic chemistry and materials development, and this area provides many opportunities for me to collaborate with bioengineers, biologists, clinicians, and many others; opportunities that allow me to learn about a vast range of natural sciences.

3. What are your next steps for your research/career?
I will be entering the tenure track faculty job market this year, looking to start my own research lab to explore the potential of these new photochemistries in the next generation of biomaterials.


Kimberly Nellenbach: 3rd Prize

I presented research focused on our lab’s novel hemostatic materials. We’ve developed Platelet-like Particles or PLPs that are capable of mimicking the ability of native platelets to form a platelet plug and stem bleeding during traumatic injury. My recent efforts have been focused on analyzing the in vivo safety and efficacy of these PLPs. In my research, it was determined that at an optimized dose, PLPs are able to significantly reduce blood loss across multiple models of traumatic injury without any deleterious off-target thrombotic effects.

1. What inspired you to go into your area of specific research?
Tissue engineering has been a long interest of mine because of family and friends who experienced tissue and organ damage due to injuries or chronic inflammatory illnesses.  I wanted to play an integral role in helping restore, maintain, or improve this damage.  I narrowed my focus of research on wound healing/hemostatic materials when I became part of the Advanced Wound Healing Lab at NCSU and wanted to contribute to moving this research forward.

2. What is one of the most rewarding things about your area of research?
One of the most rewarding aspects of developing hemostatic materials is that our lab is working towards filling a critical need, especially given the current nationwide blood shortage. 

3. What are your next steps for your research/career?
The next steps in my research career are to continue to explore ways to enhance wound healing and treat bleeding by investigating the efficacy of our lab’s platelet-like technology in different models of coagulopathies and impaired wound healing


We would also like to congratulate the following finalists for the SFB Postdoctoral Research Award:

Jason Guo

Ana Mora Boza

Jingjing Gao


Please join us in congratulating all the winners and the finalists of the SFB Postdoctoral Research Award 2022!



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Open call to submit your plastics research to these cross-journal themed collections on ‘Polymer Upcycling’ and ‘Plastic Conversion’

The Royal Society of Chemistry has announced an open call to submit your plastics research to our themed collections on ‘Polymer Upcycling’ and ‘Plastic Conversion’

The Royal Society of Chemistry is committed to sustainable plastics research and has published a policy statement regarding plastic waste. With increasing impact of plastic waste on the environment, it is necessary to research ways in which we can have a sustainable future for plastics.

Plastics research is interdisciplinary and involves a wide range of chemical scientists. As such, we invite you to contribute to our cross-journal themed collections by submitting your work to Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B, C, Polymer Chemistry or Catalysis Science & Technology.


Polymer Upcycling

Joint themed collection between Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B and C



In 2015 alone, the global waste generated by plastic packaging applications was 82.7 metric tons (Mt). Currently, waste management practices for the end-of-life plastics exploit landfilling, industrial energy recovery from municipal solid waste incineration, pyrolysis and recycling. Due to the ubiquity and necessity of plastics in our daily life, the elimination or reduction of plastics is not foreseeable in the near future and fundamentally new science is needed to describe and understand the polymers, interfaces, decomposition and upcycling of plastics. This Themed Collection aims to explore the latest developments in materials characterization, polymer design and synthesis, physical chemistry and molecular understanding of plastic decomposition and transformation that contribute to a broad knowledge base for upcycling waste plastics.

Submissions should fit within the scope of  Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Journal of Materials Chemistry B or Journal of Materials Chemistry C. We welcome high quality studies across all fields of materials chemistry in the form of full Papers, Communications and Review-type articles (Reviews, Highlights or Perspectives) and we invite authors to select the journal that best suits their submission.


For more information, visit our open calls page


Guest Edited by:

Blair Brettmann (Georgia Institute of Technology), Marco Fraga (Instituto Nacional De Technologia Brasil), Monika Gosecka (Polish Academy of Sciences) and Natalie Stingelin (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Submit your work to Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Journal of Materials Chemistry B or Journal of Materials Chemistry C now!


Plastic Conversion

Joint themed collection between Polymer Chemistry and Catalysis Science & Technology





Catalysts have been the main driver for the design of ever new polymers with highly diverse and specialized properties. In this themed issue, we aim to highlight research that makes use of catalysis to optimize the reverse. How can we get the most value out of plastic waste? In this quest, we especially welcome manuscripts that address the challenges unique to plastics. These include but are not limited to additive impurities; mixed polymer streams; how to contact the very viscous, high molecular weight polymer with the (micro-)porous catalyst or a cleavage agent and more broadly catalytic conversion of sustainable polymeric materials for a circular plastic economy. Unconventional approaches via photo-, electro- or mechano-catalytic approaches and combinations thereof are also very welcome. We highly encourage to place the work in the context of performance metrics of green chemistry.

Submissions should fit the scope of either Polymer Chemistry or Catalysis Science & Technology. We would suggest that articles focused on synthetic and polymer chemistry aspects would be best suited to Polymer Chemistry, whereas articles focused on catalytic and/or related methodological advances would be appropriate for Catalysis Science & Technology. The collaborative joint special issue recognizes that management of plastic wastes relies on research conducted at the intersection of polymer chemistry and catalysis. You may submit to whichever journal you feel is most relevant to your current research. Please note that your article may be offered a transfer to the alternate journal if deemed more appropriate by the handling editor.


For more information, visit our open calls page


Guest Edited by:

Professor Ina Vollmer (Utrecht University, Netherlands), Professor George Huber (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), Professor Haritz Sardon (POLYMAT, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain) and Professor Zhibo Li (Qingdao University of Science and Technology, China)

Submit your work to Polymer Chemistry or Catalysis Science & Technology now!


If you would like to contribute to either of these themed collections, you can submit your article directly through the journal’s online submission service. Please add a “note to the editor” in the submission form when uploading your files to say that this is a contribution to the respective themed collection. The Editorial Office reserves the right to check suitability of submissions in relation to the scope of the collection, and inclusion of accepted articles in the final themed collection is not guaranteed.

If you would like more information about the ‘Polymer Upcycling’ themed collection, please email For more information about the ‘Plastic Conversion’ themed collection, please email

We look forward to receiving your submissions and showcasing this important research in our collections.

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Journal of Materials Chemistry C and Materials Advances welcome Professor Erin Ratcliff to our Editorial Boards

Journal of Materials Chemistry C and Materials Advances are delighted to welcome Professor Erin Ratcliff from the University of Arizona, USA to the Editorial Boards as a new Associate Editor.


Prof. Erin Ratcliff in an Associate Professor of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at the University of Arizona, with courtesy appointments in Materials Science and Engineering and Chemistry and Biochemistry. She also holds a joint appointment at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. At the University of Arizona, Prof. Ratcliff is the Director of the Laboratory for Interface Science of Printable Electronic Materials and co-Director of the Institute for Energy Solutions.  She received a PhD in Physical Chemistry at Iowa State University in 2007, where she established her love of electrochemical methods and interface science. Her research focuses on mechanisms of electron transfer and transport across interfaces, including semiconductor/electrolyte interfaces and durability of printable electronic materials, including organic semiconductors and metal halide perovskites.


‘I have been reading and publishing in Journal of Materials Chemistry since 2009 and have been involved with JMCC as an advisory board member. I’m very excited to be joining the team with an Associate Editorial role and I look forward to getting to know everyone!’


Check out some of Erin’s recent publications in Royal Society of Chemistry journals:

Ion diffusion coefficients in poly(3-alkylthiophenes) for energy conversion and biosensing: role of side-chain length and microstructure
Jonathan K. Harrisa and  Erin L. Ratcliff
J. Mater. Chem. C, 2020, 8, 13319-13327, DOI: 10.1039/D0TC03690K


Rationalizing energy level alignment by characterizing Lewis acid/base and ionic interactions at printable semiconductor/ionic liquid interfaces
Linze Du Hill, Michel De Keersmaecker, Adam E. Colbert, Joshua W. Hill, Diogenes Placencia, Janice E. Boercker, Neal R. Armstrong and Erin L. Ratcliff
Mater. Horiz., 2022, 9, 471-481, DOI: 10.1039/D1MH01306H


Stability of push–pull small molecule donors for organic photovoltaics: spectroscopic degradation of acceptor endcaps on benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b′]dithiophene cores
Kristen E. Watts, Trung Nguyen, Bertrand J. Tremolet de Villers, Bharati Neelamraju, Michael A. Anderson, Wade A. Braunecker, Andrew J. Ferguson, Ross E. Larsen, Bryon W. Larson, Zbyslaw R. Owczarczyk, Jason R. Pfeilsticker, Jeanne E. Pemberton and  Erin L. Ratcliff
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2019, 7, 19984-19995, DOI: 10.1039/C9TA06310B


Join us in welcoming Erin to our Editorial Boards!


Submit your best work to Erin Ratcliff and our team of Associate Editors on Journal of Materials Chemistry C and Materials Advances now! Check out our author guidelines for information on our article types or find out more about the advantages of publishing in a Royal Society of Chemistry journal.

Keep up to date with our latest articles, reviews, collections & more by following us on Twitter, Facebook or by signing up to our E-Alerts.


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Journal of Materials Chemistry B and Materials Advances welcome Professor Yoshiko Miura to the Editorial Boards

Journal of Materials Chemistry B and Materials Advances are delighted to welcome Professor Yoshiko Miura from Kyushu University in Japan to the Editorial Boards as a new Associate Editor.



Yoshiko Miura is currently a Professor in Chemical Engineering and Polymer Chemistry at Kyushu University, Japan. She studied polymer chemistry and biopolymer chemistry at Kyoto University under the supervision of Prof. Yukio Imanishi and Prof. Shiro Kobayashi, and received her PhD in 2000.  From 2000 to 2001, she spent her postdoctoral period at the University of Pennsylvania in Professor Virgil Percec’s group.  In 2001, she then returned to Japan and was appointed as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biotechnology at Nagoya University. Then in 2005, she was appointed as an Associate Professor at the School of Materials Science in the Japan Advanced Institute of Technology.  From 2010 to the present, she is a Professor at Kyushu University. Her current research interests include the development of bio-based polymers of glycopolymers, biofunctional nanogels, porous polymers, and biomimetic materials.


Check out some of Yoshiko Miura’s recent publications in RSC journals:


A QCM study of strong carbohydrate–carbohydrate interactions of glycopolymers carrying mannosides on substrates
Takahiro Oh, Takeshi Uemura, Masanori Nagao, Yu Hoshino and Yoshiko Miura
J. Mater. Chem. B, 2022, 10, 2597-2601, DOI: 10.1039/D1TB02344F

Controlled polymerization for the development of bioconjugate polymers and materials
Yoshiko Miura
J. Mater. Chem. B, 2020, 8, 2010-2019, DOI: 10.1039/C9TB02418B

Controlling the block sequence of multi-block oligomer ligands for neutralization of a target peptide
Hinata Takimoto, Sho Katakami, Yoshiko Miura and Yu Hoshino
Mater. Adv., 2020, 1, 604-608, DOI: 10.1039/D0MA00149J

Screening of a glycopolymer library for GM1 mimetics synthesized by the “carbohydrate module method”
Masanori Nagao,  Takeshi Uemura, Tasuku Horiuchi, Yu Hoshino and Yoshiko Miura
Chem. Commun., 2021, 57, 10871-10874, DOI: 10.1039/D1CC04394C


Read our interview below to find out more about Yoshiko:


1. What attracted you to pursue a career in materials science and how did you get to where you are now?

I chose a career in materials chemistry because of using chemistry to contribute to industry, human resource development, and biotechnology. Since polymer chemistry was my original major, I built my career by conducting functional materials research that incorporated cutting-edge polymer chemistry. I belonged not only to the Department of Chemistry but also to Biotechnology, Materials Science, and Chemical Engineering to learn not only the peripheral materials chemistry but also the peripheral research areas, which helped me in my career development.


2. Why did you choose to specialize in your specific research field?

 I specialized in polymeric materials because of the many contributions that can be made by materials chemistry, especially polymer functional materials. In particular, I am interested in glycopolymers because they make use of natural substances. Glycopolymers are attractive to me because they are a fusion of synthetic chemistry, polymer chemistry, and biotechnology, and are interesting materials.


3. What excites you most about your area of research and what has been the most exciting moment of your career so far?

 It is very exciting to see advances in materials chemistry as new research methods are invented that one might not have thought of. Also, in my own research, it is very exciting to see a molecule that I have designed function as it should.


4. What has been the most challenging moment of your career so far?

 After I became independent as a PI shortly, I could not get scientific research grants, which made it difficult for my own research to survive.


5. What is your favourite reaction or material, and why?

 That is RAFT living radical polymerization. It is a relatively easy chemical reaction to achieve, and at the same time, the reaction is highly versatile.


 6. Why do you feel that researchers should choose to publish their work in Journal of Materials Chemistry B and Materials Advances?

The two journals, Journal of Materials Chemistry B and Materials Advances, have a wide range of expertise editors in materials chemistry, which ensures that the journals are properly reviewed. The journals are properly managed, and their impact factors are stable.


7. What attracted you to join the Editorial Boards of Journal of Materials Chemistry B and Materials Advances?

 These two journals are among the top journals in materials chemistry and are journals to which I make my own submissions. It is an honour and at the same time a very rewarding job to be able to personally contribute to the management of a journal that is at the center of materials chemistry, with a focus on bio-applications.


 8. The JMC and Materials Advances teams are delighted to welcome you to the Editorial Board. What are you most looking forward to when acting as Associate Editor for the journals?

 As Associate Editor, I am most looking forward to learning about the latest developments in materials chemistry and to working on activities that will enhance the importance of materials chemistry.


9. Why should young people study chemistry or related subjects?

 Chemistry and materials are involved in environmental issues, health care, and all matters. By studying chemistry, students can develop the ability to understand and solve the various problems of today’s world based on chemistry.


10. What impact do you feel that your area of research can make over the next 10 years?

 Many biofunctional materials have been published and some research is superior to the current technologies. Practical application of some excellent studies will contribute to the development of basic science and medicine as a result of biotechnology.


Submit your best work to Yoshiko and our team of Associate Editors on Journal of Materials Chemistry B and Materials Advances now! Check out our author guidelines for information on our article types or find out more about the advantages of publishing in a Royal Society of Chemistry journal.

Keep up to date with our latest articles, reviews, collections & more by following us on Twitter, Facebook or by signing up to our E-Alerts.

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