A paper which was originally published in Journal of Materials Chemistry A has been explored in further detail on a scientific web hub. Ales Styskalik one of the co authors of a paper titled: Control of micro/mesoporosity in non-hydrolytic hybrid silicophosphate xerogels has written an article which features an accompanying video to further explain his work. The original article can be read below:
Control of micro/mesoporosity in non-hydrolytic hybrid silicophosphate xerogels
Ales Styskalik, David Skoda, Zdenek Moravec, Michal Babiak, Craig E. Barnes and Jiri Pinkas*
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 7477-7487
DOI: 10.1039/C4TA06823H
Details of the article on the website External Diffusion can be found here along with the video.