Welcoming Dr Ji-Guang Li as an Associate Editor

We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Ji-Guang Li, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan, as a new Associate Editor working across Journal of Materials Chemistry C and Materials Advance!



Ji-Guang Li is currently a chief researcher at the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) in Japan. He received his Bachelor’s degree in 1992, Master’s degree in 1995 and Ph. D. in materials science in 1998, all from the Northeastern University in China. After conducting research as an STA Fellow at the then National Institute for Research in Inorganic Materials (NIRIM) in Japan during 1999-2001 and as a postdoctoral researcher at NIMS during 2001-2002, he was appointed as a staff scientist at NIMS in 2002. He was a visiting scholar at the Georgia Institute of Technology in USA during 2008-2009.

His research interest lies in the design, controlled fabrication and evaluation of optically functional inorganic materials, particularly luminescent materials and transparent ceramics, for potential application in various relevant fields.


With my enthusiasm and expertise and through team work, I hope to contribute to the quality and reputation of both the Journals” – Dr Ji-Guang Li.


We encourage you to submit your latest work on optically functional inorganic materials, luminescent materials or transparent ceramics to his editorial office for consideration.

Submit your article to Ji-Guang’s Journal of Materials Chemistry C Office today here

Submit your article to Ji-Guang’s Materials Advances Office today here


Below are Dr Li’s most recent Journal of Materials Chemistry C publications for you to read!

Broadband photoluminescence toward the NIR II region and stable green ceramic pigments based on a novel NaBaScSi2O7:xCr silicate phosphor

Xuejiao Wang, Sihan Yang, Feng Jiang, Jiantong Wang, Changshuai Gong and Ji-Guang Li

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2025, Advance Article


Fast and versatile electrodeposition of vertically aligned layered rare-earth hydroxide nanosheets for multicolour luminescence and oil/water separation

Xiaoli Wu, Yongping Guo, Ji-Guang Li and Yuanli Liu

Mater. Chem. C, 2024, 12, 3116-3123


Lattice-site engineering in ZnGa2O4:Cr3+ through Li+ doping for dynamic luminescence and advanced optical anti-counterfeiting

Junqing Xiahou, Qi Zhu, Lin Zhu, Sai Huang, Tao Zhang, Xudong Sun and Ji-Guang Li

Mater. Chem. C, 2022, 10, 7935-7948



Please join us in welcoming Dr Ji-Guang Li to the Journal of Materials Chemistry C and Materials Advances Editorial Boards.

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