Journal of Materials Chemistry C and our sister journal Materials Horizons would like to congratulate poster prize winners: Mykhailo Tymchenko (University of Texas-Austin, USA) for his paper titled: Circuit-Based Magnetless Floquet Topological Insulator and our Materials Horizons prize winner: Vladislav Popov (Belarusian State University, Belarus), for his paper titled: Advanced Effective Medium Approximation For Subwavelength Multilayers To Overcome Maxwell-Garnet Approach Breakdown.
The prizes were awarded at the 10th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics (Metamaterials’2016) which took place in Crete, Greece from the 17th – 22nd September.
The conference was organised by the METAMORPHOSE VI AISBL and hosted by the Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH) and provided a unique topical forum to share the latest results of the metamaterials research in Europe and worldwide.
Further information can be found on the conference website.