Inspired by a YouTube video, scientists in the US have confirmed that a simple bounce test can be used as a technique to indicate charge in a battery.
Alkaline AA batteries are one of the most common battery types and there are a range of approaches to assess the charge in these batteries, often entailing electronic indicators. Now, a team led by Daniel Steingart of Princeton University have correlated the coefficient of restitution (COR), a measure of bounce, with batteries at various charges and determined their charge to a similar degree of accuracy as in situ energy-dispersive x-ray diffraction (EDXRD).
Interested? Read the full story at Chemistry World.

A simple bounce test provides a considerable amount of information on the structure of a battery's anode
The original article can be read below:
The relationship between coefficient of restitution and state of charge of zinc alkaline primary LR6 batteries
Shoham Bhadra, Benjamin J. Hertzberg, Andrew G. Hsieh, Mark Croft, Joshua W. Gallaway, Barry J. Van Tassell, Mylad Chamoun, Can Erdonmez, Zhong Zhong, Tal Sholklapper and Daniel A. Steingart
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C5TA01576F