The latest issue of Journal of Materials Chemistry is now online. You can read the full issue here:
The outside front cover features an article on Synergism of interparticle electrostatic repulsion modulation and heat-induced fusion: a generalized one-step approach to porous network-like noble metals and their alloy nanostructures by Jianhua Cui, Hua Zhang, Yifu Yu, Yang Liu, Yiling Tian and Bin Zhang.
Size-controlled preparation of magnetic iron oxide nanocrystals within hyperbranched polymers and their magnetofection in vitro is the article highlighted on the inside front cover by Yunfeng Shi, Jimin Du, Linzhu Zhou, Xintao Li, Yahui Zhou, Lingling Li, Xiuxiu Zang, Xiaoyin Zhang, Fuchao Pan, Huanhuan Zhang, Zongyao Wang and Xinyuan Zhu.
Issue 2 contains the following Application and Feature articles:
- Co-based anode materials for alkaline rechargeable Ni/Co batteries: a review
- Photoalignment of liquid crystals: basics and current trends
- Photoactivated nanomaterials for biomedical release applications
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