Journal of Materials Chemistry issue 48 is now online. The paper featured on the front cover is ‘Synthesis and electrical conductivity of perchlorate-doped TTF–diamide nanofibers with double and triple helix structures’ by Sejung Ahn, Yukyung Kim, Seungjae Beak, Shohei Ishimoto, Hideo Enozawa, Eigo Isomura, Masashi Hasegawa, Masahiko Iyoda and Yungwoo Park from South Korea and Japan.
In this paper the double- and triple-helix nanofibers having tunnelling conduction behaviour are synthesized by splitting the spiral ribbons arising from lamellarly arranged TTF–diamide and intercalated perchlorate ion in the 3:1 ratio.
Interested in knowing more? Read the full article here; free to access until January 10th.