Archive for the ‘Green Chemistry 25th Anniversary Collection’ Category

Green Chemistry 25th Anniversary Collection: A comparative study of palladium-gold and palladium-tin catalysts in the direct synthesis of H2O2

Over the past 25 years, Green Chemistry has provided a unique forum for the publication of innovative research on the development of alternative sustainable technologies, efficient utilisation of resources and the concomitant minimisation of waste. We are delighted to bring together a very special issue containing articles by members of the green chemistry community as well as past and present Green Chemistry Board members, to mark and celebrate our first 25 years.

Among the contributions to this themed collection is a Paper on the promotive effect of Au and Sn incorporation into supported Pd nanoparticles for the direct synthesis of H2O2 from molecular H2 and O2  (DOI: 10.1039/D3GC03706A).

The direct synthesis of H2O2 from the elements represents an atom-efficient alternative to the current indirect industrial process, allowing for localised production of a major commodity chemical used in sectors as varied as chemical synthesis, bleaching and disinfection. However, despite over 100 years of research, few examples of highly selective catalysts (i.e. those that do not degrade H2O2 to H2O), exist. Catalysts based on PdAu and PdSn active sites are an exception to this generality and this work compares and contrasts the efficacy of these two systems towards H2O2 production and demonstrates the excellent performance metrics which can be offered by these two distinct classes of materials.

Read our interview with Dr Richard J. Lewis, one of the authors, here.

How would you set this article in a wider context?

AuPd catalysts have been well studied in recent decades for a range of chemical transformations, including H2O2 synthesis. However, the replacement of Au with Sn, and the resulting improvement in catalytic efficiency that results, is a relatively new discovery, with earlier works in this area focussed on (i) the use of complex catalyst synthesis protocols to form Sn overlayers that encapsulate highly active yet unselective Pd species or (ii) the study of idealised, model PdSn catalysts in order to gain a fundamental understanding of the structure-reactivity relationships that exist in such systems.

Importantly the materials studied within this work are produced via a readily scalable synthesis protocol and compete with state-of-the-art materials reported within the academic literature, including those previously reported by our laboratory. Crucially they can achieve the high selectivity necessary for the direct route to H2O2 synthesis to compete with the current industrial approach to production.

What is the motivation behind this work?

Despite calls for uniformity in testing regimes, it is typical for stark differences in catalyst evaluation protocols and reaction conditions to exist between research groups. This is somewhat understandable given that researchers wish to evaluate catalytic performance under conditions idealised for their particular system, as well as allowing  for benchmarking against earlier works from their own laboratory. However, this often leads to confusion as to the current state-of-the-art, with comparison of catalysts, especially those from different laboratories, under standardised conditions rarely performed. In this work, we set out to address this concern, comparing and contrasting the performance of a series of catalysts based on the well-established AuPd formulation, against the emerging class materials centred around PdSn.

What aspects of this work are you most excited about at the moment and what do you find most challenging about it?

The performance of our 0.25%Pd–2.25%Sn/TiO2 catalyst is particularly exciting, offering near-total selectivity towards H2O2 and product yields superior to the optimised AuPd formulation. Indeed, the performance of this catalyst can be considered among the state-of-the-art.  The mechanism by which this improved reactivity is achieved is also intriguing, with the addition of high quantities of Sn promoting Pd dispersion and the formation of highly active and selective, single atoms of Pd surrounded by Sn/SnOx domains, rather than through the formation of PdSn alloys as may have been expected based on earlier works.

What is the next step? What work is planned?

While these systems are highly promising it is important to note that they represent only the first generation of materials developed in this project. As such our focus has now shifted towards the redesign and further optimisation of these catalyst formulations to ensure the key performance metrics (high reactivity and near-total selectivity towards H2O2) are maintained over industrially relevant lifetimes. We are also actively pursuing the translation of these research-grade catalysts into technical-grade materials to allow for further evaluation under realistic operating conditions, as well as use in alternative chemical transformations centred around the utilisation of in-situ synthesised H2O2.  We are also seeking a greater understanding of the dynamic nature of these systems during catalysis, through the use of operando and in-situ characterisation techniques. This is particularly exciting and allows us the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues from fields adjacent to catalysis, including spectroscopists and microscopists.

Please describe your journey to becoming part of the Green Chemistry community

Engineering a more sustainable world aligns perfectly with the aims of the Green Chemistry and Catalysis communities, as such it is easy to consider the members of these two fields as part of the same family, rather than belonging to two distinct communities whose goals are sometimes shared.  Therefore there has not been a journey towards a Green Chemistry community, rather there is a shared journey with friends and colleagues of one community.

Why did you choose to publish in Green Chemistry?

Green Chemistry is, without doubt, one of the flagship journals in the field of sustainability, built on the foundations laid out by Paul Anastas and Nicolas Eghbali and nurtured by past and present members of the journal Editorial Board. One of the major themes of  Green Chemistry is to find solutions to many of the grand challenges facing the chemical industries through the design, synthesis and evaluation of novel materials and alternative processes. We consider that our manuscript aligned very well with these ambitions and given the broad readership of the journal, we could think of no better home than Green Chemistry.

What do you think the Green Chemistry journal has done well in the past 25 years, and what do you think are the main challenges our community will face in the next 25 years?

For the past 25 years, Green Chemistry has been at the forefront of advances in sustainability and environmental protection, continually promoting the development of new technologies that improve efficiency and minimise the impact of the chemical sector, both to humans and the wider ecosystem. A major challenge facing the chemical sector has and will continue to be the transition towards manufacturing processes that better utilise raw materials and minimise the production of waste by-products. This challenge will only grow with the transition toward alternative, non-fossil-derived feedstocks supplied from a wide variety of sources.  The drive towards Net Zero poses both challenges and opportunities for the field, with the emergence of new feedstocks including sequestered CO2, NH3,  biomass and carbon-free H2 requiring the development of new processes and modifications to existing technology. The associated shift towards electrification will also result in changes in supply/demand dynamics of critical elements that will undoubtedly result in increased utilisation of many earth-abundant metals (e.g. for use in energy storage), while the shift away from fossil fuel-based transit will have unpredictable effects on the supply of many of the precious metals that are utilised in petroleum refining and automotive exhaust treatment and have been the backbone of the chemical synthesis sector.

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Green Chemistry 25th Anniversary Collection: The need for hotspot-driven research

Over the past 25 years, Green Chemistry has provided a unique forum for the publication of innovative research on the development of alternative sustainable technologies, efficient utilisation of resources and the concomitant minimisation of waste. We are delighted to bring together as very special issue containing articles by members of the green chemistry community as well as past and present Green Chemistry Board members, to mark and celebrate our first 25 years.

Among the contributions to this themed collection is a perspective article on the need for hotspot-driven research (DOI: 10.1039/D3GC03601D) co-authored by Philip Jessop (Green Chemistry’s former Chair) and Alex R. MacDonald. The authors define a hotspot as a chemical, process step, or life stage that causes more harm than the others (whether considering global warming, ecotoxicity, or resource consumption). For example, during the life cycle of beer, more global warming is caused by the manufacturing of the glass bottle than the agriculture, beer production, transport, and waste management steps combined.  Thus, making the bottle is the global warming hotspot.

In this perspective the authors explain the need for greater utilization of life cycle assessments (LCA) of existing processes to identify the hotspots and for that identification to be the driver for the selection of new research projects and directions.

Greening a step in a process, without checking whether it is a hotspot, may still lead to environmental harm reduction but the benefit of green chemistry research will be greater if we direct our efforts towards hotspots”.

However, the most challenging aspect of this strategy for green chemistry is identifying the most harmful step in a process, the hotspot. LCA is the best way to identify the hotspot, but few chemists are trained to do LCA and it’s far from trivial to learn. The most exciting aspect is the growing availability of LCA data. As LCA studies become more common, it will become easier for green chemists to identify hotspots and choose to fix them. Hotspot-driven research will maximize the environmental benefit of green chemistry research

Read our interview with Philip Jessop Below.

Could you briefly explain the focus of your article to the non-specialist?

Green chemistry researchers want to use their time and skills to make products greener, but don’t have the time to solve everything. Researchers must therefore focus their work on the most harmful parts of a process or product. That means researchers must first identify which parts are the most harmful before deciding what to work on.

How would you set this article in a wider context?

Everybody wants to have greener products. Society expects scientists and engineers to improve the way products are made in order to reduce environmental harm. However, research itself takes time and money, and contributes to harm. Therefore, researchers must be careful to choose projects that have the maximum likely benefit.



What is the motivation behind this work?

Frustration. The effort being put into green chemistry by the global research community is wonderful to see, but a lot of research, including some of my own, has been aimed at solving very minor problems. For example, if the manufacture of a product takes 12 steps from mining to retail, and 99% of the environmental harm comes from step #4, then any effort to make step #6 greener is unlikely to lead to environmental benefit. Just as bad is any attempt to make a step greener without checking to see if it’s the most harmful step.

What is the next step? What work is planned? 

The idea of hotspot-directed research will, at least at my university and hopefully at others, become part of green chemistry education. Also, I’m writing a book to help the public understand how they, as consumers, can choose the greenest options in their shopping and how they can identify the hotspots in their own lifestyles.

Please describe your journey to becoming part of the Green Chemistry community 

I’ve been publishing green chemistry research since 1994 but my first paper published in the journal Green Chemistry was in 2003. That was the first of 40. I joined the editorial board in 2014 and chaired the editorial board 2017-2022.

Why did you choose to publish in Green Chemistry?

Even today, with the millions of competing journals, Green Chemistry is the flagship journal for the field. When I have a paper that I believe would be valuable for the green chemistry community, this journal is my first choice of venue to reach that audience.

What do you think the Green Chemistry journal has done well in the past 25 years, and what do you think are the main challenges our community will face in the next 25 years? 

The field of green chemistry is growing up, but during its childhood it was constantly changing. The journal has changed as well in order to best serve the community’s changing needs. At the beginning, discussion was needed so that the community could come together, and the journal delivered that. As the field matured, informal discussion was dropped in favour of refereed perspectives papers. In the past few years, the emphasis has shifted again, to favouring, and in fact requiring, papers with better discussion of the environmental advantages and disadvantages of new chemistries. In the future, the journal will have to continue to change with the times because of new trends that are shaping the field and therefore shaping how research is done and reported. New trends include computer-aided design, AI, LCA use at all stages of research, social LCA, and hotspot-driven research.

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Featuring our paper: “The sustainability impact of Nobel Prize Chemistry: life cycle assessment of C–C cross-coupling reactions”

Published in Issue 25 and highlighted by Prof. Javier Pérez-Ramírez (Editorial Board Chair) and Dr. Michael Rowan (Executive Editor) for inclusion in our 25th Anniversary Collection, “The sustainability impact of Nobel Prize Chemistry: life cycle assessment of C–C cross-coupling reactionspaper is already receiving a great deal of attention in the community (DOI: 10.1039/D3GC01896B).

The paper presents a comprehensive study based on life cycle assessment (LCA) to evaluate the environmental profiles of carbon-carbon cross-coupling reaction (CCR) in terms of the materials involved and their energy consumption.

Cross-coupling reaction protocols are among the most important reactions for the synthesis of building blocks, and their great significance led to them being awarded the Nobel Prize in 2010. The objectives and value of this study were to evaluate the intrinsic potential of CCR protocols through LCA-based environmental assessment and to demonstrate that creation of large initial innovation likely multiplies to massive literature impact in the years after. The motivation behind this work was to help future innovations to be even more powerful with the authors hoping that this study will contribute to the improvement and optimization of future CCR research.

Read our interview with the corresponding authors below.

Could you briefly explain the focus of your article?

Life cycle assessment was conducted for the Nobel Prize of Chemistry 2010, inventing the C-C cross coupling, which was seminal for modern synthesis of innovative chemicals and pharmaceuticals. It was aimed to assess the original strategy only, and not how it was improved in the almost four decades after, separating idea and translation of idea.

How would you set this article in a wider context?

Sustainability is typically measured when innovations turn into applications, meaning one decade or more later. This also mean that the industrial translation of the innovation is assessed, rather than the innovation itself. We have developed an intrinsic sustainability assessment of the innovation itself, exemplified at the paramount Nobel Prize innovations.

Can you express your view on the importance of metrics and analysis (techno, economic, ecological, etc) to the chemistry community?

While metrical analysis can judge on the sustainability achievement of a chemical innovation after its demonstration, we see the true value in the assessment shaping a chemical idea during its nascence and guiding it in its early moments.

What aspects of this work are you most excited about at the moment and what do you find most challenging about it?

Knowing that Nobel Prize innovations have highest esteem and demand for ultimate seriousness in discussion, we are excited to arguably have made an informative and balanced assessment. Challenging was to separate intrinsic and extrinsic effects, seeing that we need to neglect the chemical yield for the first, while this is crucial value for any chemical synthesis and its metrics.

What is the next step? What work is planned?

We like to make a follow-up paper with more generalised methodology, meaning tailored metrics for intrinsic value of innovations; published in Green Chemistry journal. In addition we will aim to assess precise challenging real world molecules that have been prepared using this idea.

Why did you choose to publish in Green Chemistry?

It is a top-tier, highly respected journal in Chemistry, open for cross-discipline, blue sky research, and has transparent, professional journal management.

Meet the corresponding authors.  

Prof. Volker Hessel studied chemistry at Mainz University. In 1994, he went to the Institut für Mikrotechnik Mainz GmbH. In 2002, he was appointed as vice director of R&D at IMM and became director of R&D in 2007 and in 2005, he started working at the Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands. He has been working at the University of Adelaide, Australia, as deputy dean (research) at the ECMS faculty and professor in pharmaceutical engineering since 2018, and as a part-time professor University of Warwick/UK since 2019.

Volker received the AIChE Excellence in Process Development Research Award, IUPAC ThalesNano Prize in Flow Chemistry. He is program lead in the ARC Centre of Excellence Plants for Space (P4S), and is Research Director of the Andy Thomas Centre for Space Resources. He received several EU’s research excellence grants (ERC Advanced/Proof of Concept/Synergy, FET OPEN). He was authority in a 35-teamed Parliament Enquete Commission “Future Chemical Industry”.

Prof. Luigi Vaccaro is a Full Professor at the University of Perugia where he is leading the Green S.O.C. group, He is Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) and he is currently appointed as Associate Editor of the RSC Advances and of Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry. His recognitions comprise the Europa Medal from the Society of Chemical Industry – London (2001), the ADP Award from Merck’s Chemistry Council for “Creative work in organic chemistry” (2006 and 2007), the G. Ciamician Medal of the Società Chimica Italiana (2007), the Lady Davis (2018) Visiting Professorship, the Pino Medal from the Organic and Industrial Divisions of the Italian Chemical Society. His research is aimed at developing different aspects of chemistry to define sustainable and optimized chemical processes. Luigi has published over 260 scientific contributions with an H-index of 58, and about 9000 citations.

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