Announcing three new journals: EES Catalysis, RSC Sustainability and Sustainable Food Technology

Committed to sustainability, created for you.

The Royal Society of Chemistry is committed to supporting the chemical science community in solving global sustainability challenges. As a signatory of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Publishers Compact, we are dedicated to helping achieve the UN’s SDG goals by 2023 as well as helping you and your discoveries make the world a better place. Therefore, as part of our ongoing commitment to addressing global challenges, we are announcing three new Gold Open Access journals, each with a sustainability focus.


EES Catalysis publishes high quality research on energy and environmental catalysis, and delivers the same impact and influence that researchers associate with our Energy & Environmental Science brand. As a multidisciplinary platform, it will cover catalysis across chemistry, materials science, engineering and beyond. Find out more and sign up to e-Alerts here.


RSC Sustainability welcomes research from all subject areas that are dedicated to solving sustainability challenges for a better, greener future. It also complements the Royal Society of Chemistry’s premier sustainability journal, Green Chemistry. Find out more and sign up to e-Alerts here.


Sustainable Food Technology, a companion journal to Food & Function, publishes high quality sustainable research on food engineering and technologies. Key topics include food preservation methods, shelf life and the creation of greener packaging. Find out more and sign up to e-Alerts here.


Dr Emma Wilson, Royal Society of Chemistry Director of Publishing, said: “While the scale and seriousness of these many sustainability challenges is undoubtedly urgent, we know that scientists from around the globe are already working on innovative, ground-breaking solutions, working together and sharing ideas. I’m enthusiastic about our Royal Society of Chemistry journals taking this important step to enable them to further their work.”
Professor Tom Welton, President of the Royal Society of Chemistry, said: “As a global society we are facing urgent and pressing challenges, from rising sea levels to impacts on food production. There is increasing pressure on scarce resources such as the precious elements required for medicine, technology, and sustainable energy, and we’re facing unprecedented levels of pollution in the natural environment and in our air. That’s why I’m proud that the Royal Society of Chemistry is leading the way by expanding their sustainability journals portfolio with these three new journals – providing a home for even more cutting-edge research to help tackle the urgent issues facing us all.”

All three new journals will be Gold Open Access from launch, offering readers no barriers to reading the published work, ensuring research can reach a global readership. Additionally, all article processing charges (APCs) are waived until-2025. All journals will open for submissions in summer 2022.


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EES Catalysis
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RSC Sustainability
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Sustainable Food Technology


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Announcing the RSC Desktop Seminar Lectureship Series

RSC Desktop Seminar Lectureship Series; RSC Desktop Seminar; RSC Lectureship Seminar

The RSC is proud to recognise exceptional scientists through our series of journal lectureships. Typically, our winners are given the opportunity to present their award-winning work at international conferences or meetings, which has not been possible this year due to the disruption to in-person events caused by the global pandemic.

As a result, the RSC is delighted to announce our inaugural free, online-only RSC Desktop Seminar Lectureship Series, featuring virtual talks by our recent journal lectureship winners. Each session will include an introductory talk by a journal board member as well as the lectureship winner.

The RSC Desktop Seminar Lectureship Series is an effort to not only replace in-person research seminars during the current pandemic situation but to also expand access for researchers around the world looking to connect to some of the leading minds in the chemical sciences. The RSC Desktop Seminar Lectureships will take place during a variety of time zones to accommodate our winners from different regions, so we encourage any and all interested to register and attend.

The 2021 RSC Desktop Seminar Lectureship Series has now ended. A full list of the events which were held can be found below – we look forward to meeting you at our future events!


Past events:

ChemComm Emerging Investigator LectureshipRSC Desktop Seminar, #RSCLectureship, #RSCDesktopSeminar, Bill Morandi, ChemCOmm Emerging Investigators Lectureship, Douglas Stephan, shuttle catalysis, ETH Zurich, frustrated Lewis pairs, alkali-metal amides, reduction of CO, CO activation

JAAS Emerging Investigator Lectureship

Join us Thursday, 18 February

10:00 – 11:30 am EST | 7:00 – 8:30 am PST | 15:00 – 16:30 GMT

Featuring talks from Editorial Board member Dr Vassilia Zorba and lectureship winner Dr George L. Donati

Analyst Emerging Investigator Lectureship

Join us Tuesday, 23 February

16:00 – 17:30 CST | 17:00 – 18:30 KST | 8:00 – 9:30 GMT

Featuring talks from Associate Editor Professor Jaebum Choo and lectureship winner Dr Yi-Lun Ying

2019 Journal of Materials Chemistry Lectureship

RSC Desktop Seminar, #RSCLectureship, #RSCDesktopSeminar, Qiang Zhang, Journal of Materials Chemistry Lectureship, Kisuk Kang, energy chemistry, Li metal, electrolyte interfaces, battery chemistry, cathode materials, lithium-ion batteries, Tsinghua University, Seoul National University

Join us Thursday, 11 March

9:00 – 10:30 GMT | 17:00 – 18:30 CST | 18:00 – 19:30 KST

Featuring 2019 Journal of Materials Chemistry Lectureship winner Professor Qiang Zhang and Journal of Materials Chemistry A & Materials Advances Associate Editor Professor Kisuk Kang

Natural Product Reports Emerging Investigator Lectureship

RSC Desktop Seminar, #RSCLectureship, #RSCDesktopSeminar, Alison Narayan, University of Michigan, Natural Product Reports Lectureship, Marnix Medema, Wagenigen University, biocatalysis, synthesis, natural product discovery, microbiome ecology

Join us Monday, 15 March

14:00 – 15:30 GMT | 10:00 – 11:30 EDT

Featuring 2020 lectureship winner Professor Alison Narayan and NPR Editorial Board member Professor Marnix Medema

2019 EES Lectureship

RSC Desktop Seminar, #RSCLectureship, #RSCDesktopSeminar, Maria Lukatskaya, ETH Zurich, EES Lectureship, Linda Nazar, University of Waterloo, batteries, electrolytes, materials design, electrochemical energy storage, cathode

Join us Thursday, 18 March

15:00 – 16:30 CET | 10:00 – 11:30 EDT | 14:00 – 15:30 GMT

Featuring talks from EES Editorial Board member Professor Linda Nazar and lectureship winner Dr Maria Lukatskaya

PCCP Emerging Investigator Lectureship

RSC Desktop Seminar, #RSCLectureship, #RSCDesktopSeminarJoin us Tuesday, 23 March

11:00 AM – 12:30 PM CET | 10:00 – 11:30 GMT

Featuring talks from Associate Editor Professor Bo Albinsson and lectureship winner Dr Federico Calle-Vallejo

2020 Journal of Materials Chemistry Lectureship

RSC Desktop Seminar, #RSCLectureship, #RSCDesktopSeminar, Giulia Grancini, Journal of Materials Chemistry Lectureship, Vana Vaynzof, perovskite solar cells, perovskite interface, University of Pavia, Technical University of DresdenJoin us Thursday, 25 March

9:00 – 10:30 EDT | 13:00 – 14:30 GMT | 14:00 – 15:30 CET

Featuring 2020 Journal of Materials Chemistry Lectureship winner Professor Giulia Grancini and Journal of Materials Chemistry C & Materials Advances Associate Editor Professor Yana Vaynzof

Biomaterials Science Lectureship

Join us Tuesday, 30 March

8:00 – 9:30 AM EDT | 12:00 – 13:30 GMT | 20:00 – 21:30 CST

Featuring talks from Editor-in-Chief Professor Jianjun Cheng and lectureship winner Dr Kanyi Pu

2020 EES Lectureship

Join us Wednesday, 31 March

10:00 – 11:30 CDT | 15:00 – 16:30 GMT | 16:00 – 17:30 CET |

9am Central US Time; 3pm UK; 4pm Germany

Featuring talks from EES Editorial Board Chair Professor Joseph Hupp and joint lectureship winner Dr Yana Vaynzof

Polymer Chemistry LectureshipRSC Desktop Seminar, #RSCLectureship, #RSCDesktopSeminar, Rachel O'Reilly, Polymer Chemistry Lectureship, Christopher Barner-Kowollik, polymer nanostructures, University of Birmingham, dynamic materials

Join us Tuesday, 20 April

20:30 – 22:00 PM AEDT | 10:30 – 12:00 GMT

Featuring talks from Editor-in-Chief Professor Christopher Barner-Kowollik and lectureship winner Professor Rachel O’Reilly

ChemSocRev Pioneering Investigator Lectureship

RSC Desktop Seminar Lectureship with ChemSocRev

Join us Wednesday, 21 April

2:00 PM – 3:30 PM CDT | 12:00 – 1:30 PM PDT | 19:00 – 20:30 GMT

Featuring talks from ChemSocRev Advisory Board member Professor Shirley Meng and lectureship winner Dr Jun Lu

2020 EES Lectureship

RSC Desktop Seminar Lectureship with EES

Join us Tuesday, 27 April

6:00 – 7:30 PM KST | 9:00 – 10:30 GMT

Featuring talks from EES Advisory Board member Professor Kyung Byung Yoon and joint lectureship winner Dr Wooyul Kim

Soft Matter Lectureship

RSC Desktop Seminar Lectureship with Soft Matter

Join us Thursday, 29 April

09:00 – 10:30 EST | 14:00 – 15:30 BST

Featuring talks from Soft Matter Editor-in-Chief Professor Darrin Pochan and lectureship winner Dr Valeria Garbin

Lab on a Chip Pioneers of Miniaturization Lectureship

RSC Desktop Seminar Lectureship with Lab on a Chip

Join us Thursday, 13 May

12:00 – 13:30 PST | 20:00 – 21:30 BST

Featuring talks from former Lab on a Chip Editor-in-Chief Professor Abe Lee and lectureship winner Dr Wilbur A. Lam

Find out more about the RSC’s recent prizes and awards, journal lectureships, and upcoming events.

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Open Chemical Science: Online Events

CICAG is organising a series of online webinars and workshops with the theme “Open Chemical Science”. These events will examine the opportunities, benefits, risks and likely future developments associated with open chemistry.


Globally significant progress has been made towards open sharing of information. This drive to share data, software and publications is enabling the development of a more inclusive society. However, the myriad of solutions, repositories and information sources is at the same time complicating the landscape. Many questions are still under discussion, for example:

  • What are the benefits and opportunities of open chemistry?
  • How will the open research environment evolve?
  • What are the implications for users of open repositories?
  • What sources can be trusted?
  • How will information be managed and retrieved?
  • Will open research lead to competitive disadvantage?


The themed two-hour webinars scheduled throughout the week of 9-13 November are as follows:


To register, from each of the above pages click on the BOOK NOW button:

Please contact Gillian Bell,, with enquiries.

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Announcing the poster prize winners of the Tri-Institutional Chemical Biology Symposium

The Royal Society of Chemistry is delighted to announce the TPCB graduate student poster prize winners from the Tri-Institutional Chemical Biology Symposium, held earlier this month.

RSC Chemical Biology prizes were awarded to first place prize-winner, Adi Berman, from The Rockefeller University, and second place prize-winner, Hatice Didar Ciftci, from Weill Cornell Medicine.

Chemical Science and Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry prizes were presented to joint third place prize-winners Chen Chen, of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, and Ilana Kotliar, of The Rockefeller University respectively.

Our congratulations go with the winners, and our thanks to all who took part.

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Revealing our new journal Environmental Science: Atmospheres

Linking fundamental and applied atmospheric science

Connecting communities and inspiring new ideas

We are excited to announce our new open access journal, Environmental Science: Atmospheres, a cross-disciplinary journal spanning the entirety of Earth’s atmosphere. Using our fresh, transparent approach, we will help to open up boundaries, inspire innovation and forge collaborations between communities working on outdoor and indoor environment science.

“Different communities use different languages, even within science and engineering; physicists use a different language than chemists who use a different language than meteorologists.

We are creating a forum to share the newest developments and advances in our understanding of the atmosphere with an audience including environmental engineers, chemists, physicists, and policy makers.

We are providing a space where we can talk together and open collaborations between our communities.”

Editorial Board Chair Neil Donahue, Carnegie Mellon University
(researcher and leader in atmospheric chemistry)

Sign up to receive news and issue alerts.


Illuminate your research – publish with us

We are inviting contributions from fields spanning the entirety of Earth’s atmosphere, including atmosphere–biosphere, atmosphere–ocean, and atmosphere–surface interactions as well as indoor air and human health effects research.

Join us as one of the authors included in our first ever issue in early 2021. Submit an article now.


Gold open access from issue 1

Environmental Science: Atmospheres will be gold open access from launch, offering authors a trusted, reliable option for publishing their work open access. As a gold open access journal, there are no barriers to accessing content and your research article will reach a global readership.

The journal also offers Transparent Peer Review, where authors have the option to publish reviewers’ comments, the editor’s decision letter, and authors’ response alongside the article.

We are waiving all article processing charges until mid-2023 so your work will receive maximum visibility at no cost to you.


We hope to see your name among our first submissions.

Keep up with all things #ESAtmos – follow us on Twitter: @EnvSciRSC

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Tri-Institutional Chemical Biology Symposium

The Royal Society of Chemistry is proud to be sponsoring the 16th Annual Tri-Institutional Chemical Biology Symposium, which will take place virtually on the 1st of September, 2020, 09:00-18:30 EDT.

This event showcases research at the forefront of chemical biology, and is sponsored and organized by the Tri-Institutional PhD Program in Chemical Biology (TPCB), a joint graduate program of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, The Rockefeller University, and Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City.

Register for this free event here by the 28th of August 2020

Undergraduate students interested in chemical biology are especially encouraged to attend.

Poster submissions are welcomed from all attendees, including early college high school students, undergraduates, postbaccalaureate students, research assistants and technicians, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, research staff, and faculty. Posters will be presented live by video in parallel meeting rooms, and judged by TPCB faculty members and keynote speakers for a selection of poster awards sponsored by TPCB and their promotional partners, including RSC Chemical Biology, Chemical Science and Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry.

For more information, please visit the Tri-Institutional Chemical Biology Symposium event page.

TPCB has been strongly committed to diversity and inclusion since its inception. It welcomes scientists from underrepresented minority groups and disadvantaged backgrounds, and those with disabilities.  It does not tolerate racism, discrimination, or harassment of any kind. All attendees are expected to maintain the highest standards of professional conduct throughout the symposium.


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RSC Chemical Biology hosts new RSC Desktop Seminar Series

COVID-19 has rendered in-person events to be suspended or cancelled disrupting connections around the globe. The impact of these cancellations on the sharing of information and ideas, especially in the research landscape, has been dramatic.

In an effort to help researchers to stay connected to advances in chemical research and share support, RSC Chemical Biology is proud to announce the launch of the RSC’s first online-only seminar series.

Introducing RSC Desktop Seminars!

The RSC Desktop Seminar Series is an effort to not only replace in-person research seminars during the current pandemic situation but to also expand access for researchers around the world looking to connect to some of the leading minds in the chemical sciences.

Each seminar is 1 hour and 15 minutes long, and will feature two Small Group Informal Sessions, which will offer researchers in attendance a direct line to the speaker to ask questions and build a network with other like-minded individuals.

We’re very excited to announce that our first Desktop Seminar event will take place at 12:00 EST (17:00 BST) on 21 May 2020, and will feature RSC Chemical Biology Editorial Board Member Dr. Jennifer Heemstra!


Jen Heemstra is an associate professor of chemistry at Emory University, where her group utilizes the molecular recognition and assembly properties of biomolecules to address challenges in medicine and environmental science.

I’m thrilled to be able to share the research accomplishments of my group members as the inaugural Desktop Seminar speaker” says Jen. “While our current global crisis has taken away many of the scientific interactions that we prize, the Desktop Seminar format offers a creative platform for forging new relationships with scientists who we might not otherwise have had the opportunity to meet.”


Her talk “Interrogating Enzymatic Reactions using Nucleic Acid Molecular Recognition and Assembly” is sure to be incredibly popular, so we encourage anyone interested in attending to register today!

While these initial RSC Desktop Seminars are taking place in the Eastern US time zone working hours, we encourage any and all interested to register and attend!

Register here now


Other RSC Desktop Seminars in this Series include:

28 May 2020 12:00 PM EST / 17:00 BST
“Platforms for the generation and high-throughput screening of cyclic peptide libraries”
Dr. Ali Tavassoli – Professor of Chemical Biology, University of Southampton, Editorial Board member, RSC Chemical Biology

4 June 2020 12:00 EST / 17:00 BST
“Understanding and Re-engineering the Programming of Iterative Highly Reducing Polyketide Synthases”
Prof. Dr. Russell Cox – Leibniz Universität Hannover; Editor in Chief, RSC Advances; Advisory Board member, RSC Chemical Biology

11 June 2020 12:00 EST / 17:00 BST
“The power of chemoselectivity: Functional protein-conjugates for extra- and intracellular targeting”

Prof. Dr. Christian Hackenberger – Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Leibniz-Institut für Molekulare Pharmakologie; Associate Editor, Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry; Advisory Board member, RSC Chemical Biology



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RSC Chemical Biology: first issue out now

Explore the newest RSC gold open access journal for breakthrough findings in chemical biology

Issue 1 is online and ready to read

We’re pleased to be able to share with you the first full issue of RSC Chemical Biology, our new, gold open access journal showcasing agenda-setting research of interest to the broad chemical biology community. Read issue 1 now

It includes:

Introduction to RSC Chemical Biology
Hiroaki Suga, Kathryn L. Gempf and Anna Rulka
RSC Chem. Biol., 2020, 1, 6-7. DOI: 10.1039/D0CB90001J

Dynamic visualization of type II peptidyl carrier protein recognition in pyoluteorin biosynthesis
Joshua C. Corpuz, Larissa M. Podust, Tony D. Davis, Matt J. Jaremko and Michael D. Burkart
RSC Chem. Biol., 2020, 1, 8-12. DOI: 10.1039/C9CB00015A

A mechanism-inspired UDP-N-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylase inhibitor
Olawale G. Raimi, Ramon Hurtado-Guerrero, Vladimir Borodkin, Andrew Ferenbach, Michael D. Urbaniak, Michael A. J. Ferguson and Daan M. F. van Aalten
RSC Chem. Biol., 2020, 1, 13-25. DOI: 10.1039/C9CB00017H

Macrocyclic peptides that inhibit Wnt signalling via interaction with Wnt3a
Manuel E. Otero-Ramirez, Kyoko Matoba, Emiko Mihara, Toby Passioura, Junichi Takagi and Hiroaki Suga
RSC Chem. Biol., 2020, 1, 26-34. DOI: 10.1039/D0CB00016G


RSC Chemical Biology offers authors a trusted, reliable option for publishing their work open access.

As the first Royal Society of Chemistry journal to offer transparent peer review, authors also have the option to publish reviewers’ comments, the editor’s decision letter, and authors’ response alongside the article. It’s part of our commitment to make research and decision-making more open, robust and accessible.


Supporting an open future for vital research

All papers published in the journal will always be free to access. We are waiving article processing charges for the first two years, so until mid-2022 the journal will be completely free to publish in for authors, as well as free to read.


We hope you enjoy reading the exciting research in our first issue!
Keep up with all things chembio: sign up for alerts or follow us on Twitter @rsc_chembio

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Celebrating our Outstanding Reviewers

We want to make sure that our journals deliver rigorous and fair peer review and we wouldn’t be able to achieve that commitment without the amazing contribution of our reviewers.

In 2019, nearly 50,000 individual reviewers provided a review for one or more of our journals. Every one of them is contributing to the efforts of our community to advance excellence in the chemical sciences. Our community is truly a global one, with reviewers coming from over 100 different countries.

We want to celebrate some of the individuals who’ve made significant contributions to our journals by reviewing for us over the last 12 months, by publishing a list of Outstanding Reviewers for each of our journals. The lists will be published on each journal blog and each journal will publish a special Editorial. Each Outstanding Reviewer will also receive a certificate to give recognition for their significant contribution. Please check the list as below to find the outstanding reviewer of each journal.

While it’s not possible to list everyone, we would like to say a big thank you to all of the reviewers that have supported our journals. We would also like to thank all our journal Editorial and Advisory Boards and the chemical community for their continued support as authors, reviewers and readers.

Congratulations to all the Outstanding Reviewers in 2019!

If you would like to become a reviewer for any of our journals, just contact the journal by email with details of your research interests and an up-to-date CV or résumé. You can find more details in our author and reviewer resource centre.


Analytical Methods 

Biomaterials Science

Catalysis Science & Technology 

Chemical Communications 

Chemical Science 

Chemical Society Reviews 


Dalton Transactions 

Energy & Environmental Science 

Environmental Science: Nano 

Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 

Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 

Food & Function 

Green Chemistry 

Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers 


Journal of Materials Chemistry A 

Journal of Materials Chemistry B 

Journal of Materials Chemistry C 

Lab on a Chip 

Materials Chemistry Frontiers 

Materials Horizons 


Molecular Systems Design & Engineering 

New Journal of Chemistry 


Nanoscale Advances 

Nanoscale Horizons 

Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 

Organic Chemistry Frontiers 

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) 

Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences 

Polymer Chemistry 

RSC Advances 

Reaction Chemistry & Engineering 

Soft Matter 

Sustainable Energy & Fuels 

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2020 #RSCPoster Twitter Conference Wrap-up and Winners

The #RSCPoster Twitter Conference is an online event held entirely over Twitter to bring members of the scientific research community together to share their research, network and engage in scientific debate.

Taking place for 24 hours starting at 12:00 UTC, 3 March, the 2020 edition of #RSCPoster was incredible.

In it’s sixth year, #RSCPoster showcased fantastic posters from all corners of the globe, stimulating thousands of tweets of discussion across our chemical community. The event boasted a full compliment of subject categories spanning the chemical sciences and related fields, supported by 38 passionate Subject Chairs and 24 dedicated General Committee members based across the globe (find out who they were in this blog post).


Reaching throughout the twitter chemical sciences community and beyond, #RSCPoster 2020 involved:

  • 24 hours and 12 subject categories
  • 795 registered poster presenters from 59 countries
  • over 4700 conference attendees 
  • over 9900 tweets 
  • over 32.1 million potential impressions 


Highlights from #RSCPoster 2020:

4 March 2020

The 2020 edition of #RSCPoster, the virtual chemistry poster competition, came to an end today at midday UK time, after 24 straight hours of tweeting. If you missed it don’t worry, as we’ve pulled out some of the best bits for you.

Click here to see more!


2020 #RSCPoster Winners:

Find out who they are: CLICK HERE

Congratulations to the prize winners, thank you to our subject chairs for selecting this year’s winners from an incredible number of fantastic posters, thank you to our sponsors for supporting the prizes and finally congratulations and thank you to everyone who contributed, tweeted and participated in 2020 #RSCPoster.

  • 1st Place prize = £120
  • 2nd Place prize = £60
  • #RSCEdu prizes = £120
  • Audience participation prize = personalised #RSCPoster cartoon mug
Audience participation prize (#RSCPoster that receives the most retweets)


Announcing the 2021 #RSCPoster Twitter Conference:

Save the date – the 2021 #RSCPoster Twitter Conference will be held on 2 March 2021 beginning 12:00 UTC for 24h. More information to be announced soon!


Links, News, Media and Previous #RSCPoster Events:

2020 #RSCPoster:
RSC News winners announcement: here
RSC News Event highlights: here
2020 Registration Event page: here
RSC News Article – one month to go: here
2020 Blog homepage: here

2019 #RSCPoster:
Winners and summary announcement: here
2019 homepage: here
RSC News Event highlights: here
RSC News winners announcement: here
Chemistry World Story: here

2018 #RSCPoster: 
Winners and summary announcement: here
2018 homepage: here

2017 #RSCPoster:
Winners and summary announcement: here
2017 homepage: here

Or search Twitter via the #RSCPoster here 


With thanks to our 2020 Sponsors:

Lead Sponsor:


Royal Society of Chemistry Sponsors:




Kathryn Gempf Catherine Hodges Ed Randviir Tim Noël Athina Anastasaki
 @KGempf______  @HodgesCat____  @EdwardRandviir  @NoelGroupTUE  @AthinaAnastasa1

Email us:


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