New UTube videos

Imaging adherent cell in microfluidic channel hidden by flowing RBCs as occluding objects by holographic method 

Microdevice arrays of high aspect ratio Poly(DiMethylSiloxane) pillars for the investigation of multicellular tumour spheroid mechanical properties 

Event-Triggered Logical Flow Control for Comprehensive Process Integration of Multi-Step Assays on Centrifugal Microfluidic Platforms 

Phaseguide assisted liquid lamination for magnetic particle-based assays 

Preparation of Monodisperse Microbubbles using an Integrated Embedded Capillary T-Junction with Electrohydrodynamic Focusing 

Hydrogel Bioprinted Microchannel Networks for Vascularization of Tissue Engineering Constructs 

A high-efficiency microfluidic device for size-selective trapping and sorting 

In-fiber integrated optofluidic device based on optical fiber with an inner core 

Automated single cell microbioreactor for monitoring intracellular dynamics and cell growth in free solution 

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Free access to HOT articles

These HOT articles were recommended by our referees and are free to access for 4 weeks*

Pneumatic valves in folded 2D and 3D fluidic devices made from plastic films and tapes
Gregory A. Cooksey and Javier Atencia  
Lab Chip, 2014,14, 1665-1668
DOI: 10.1039/C4LC00173G, Technical Innovation

Graphical abstract: Pneumatic valves in folded 2D and 3D fluidic devices made from plastic films and tapes
Reconfigurable microfluidics with integrated aptasensors for monitoring intercellular communication
Timothy Kwa, Qing Zhou, Yandong Gao, Ali Rahimian, Lydia Kwon, Ying Liu and Alexander Revzin  
Lab Chip, 2014,14, 1695-1704
DOI: 10.1039/C4LC00037D, Paper

Graphical abstract: Reconfigurable microfluidics with integrated aptasensors for monitoring intercellular communication
Smartphone technology can be transformative to the deployment of lab-on-chip diagnostics
David Erickson, Dakota O’Dell, Li Jiang, Vlad Oncescu, Abdurrahman Gumus, Seoho Lee, Matthew Mancuso and Saurabh Mehta  
Lab Chip, 2014, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C4LC00142G, Frontier

Graphical abstract: Smartphone technology can be transformative to the deployment of lab-on-chip diagnostics
*Free access to individuals is provided through an RSC Publishing personal account. It’s quick, easy and more importantly – free – to register!

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New UTube videos

The Microfluidic Puzzle: Chip-oriented Rapid Prototyping 
Fluoropolymer surface coatings to control droplets in microfluidic devices 
Integrating microfluidic generation, handling and analysis of biomimetic giant unilamellar vesicles 

Caterpillar Locomotion–inspired Valveless Pneumatic Micropump using Single Teardrop-shaped Elastomeric Membrane 
In-fiber integrated optofluidic device based on optical fiber with an inner core 
Solvent Immersion Imprint Lithography 
Dielectrophoresis-based purification of antibiotic-treated bacterial subpopulations 
Shaken and Stirred: Oscillatory Segmented Flow for Controlled Size-Evolution of Colloidal Nanomaterials 
Particles Optical Trapping and Binding in Optofluidic Stable Fabry–Pérot Resonator with Single-Sided Injection 

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Free access to HOT articles

These HOT articles were recommended by our referees and are free to access for 4 weeks*

Integrated DNA and RNA extraction and purification on an automated microfluidic cassette from bacterial and viral pathogens causing community-acquired lower respiratory tract infections
Liesbet Van Heirstraeten, Peter Spang, Carmen Schwind, Klaus S. Drese, Marion Ritzi-Lehnert, Benjamin Nieto, Marta Camps, Bryan Landgraf, Francesc Guasch, Antoni Homs Corbera, Josep Samitier, Herman Goossens, Surbhi Malhotra-Kumar and Tina Roeser  
Lab Chip, 2014,14, 1519-1526
DOI: 10.1039/C3LC51339D, Paper

Graphical abstract: Integrated DNA and RNA extraction and purification on an automated microfluidic cassette from bacterial and viral pathogens causing community-acquired lower respiratory tract infections

Make it spin: individual trapping of sperm for analysis and recovery using micro-contact printing
J.-P. Frimat, M. Bronkhorst, B. de Wagenaar, J. G. Bomer, F. van der Heijden, A. van den Berg and L. I. Segerink  
Lab Chip, 2014, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C4LC00050A, Paper

Graphical abstract: Make it spin: individual trapping of sperm for analysis and recovery using micro-contact printing

Trapping self-propelled micromotors with microfabricated chevron and heart-shaped chips
Laura Restrepo-Pérez, Lluís Soler, Cynthia S. Martínez-Cisneros, Samuel Sánchez and Oliver G. Schmidt  
Lab Chip, 2014,14, 1515-1518
DOI: 10.1039/C3LC51419F, Communication

Graphical abstract: Trapping self-propelled micromotors with microfabricated chevron and heart-shaped chips

*Free access to individuals is provided through an RSC Publishing personal account. It’s quick, easy and more importantly – free – to register!

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DVD diagnostics

Chemistry World story written by Megan Tyler.

A pregnancy test based on standard DVD technology has the potential to be turned into a diagnostic platform that screens for abnormal pregnancies or even testicular cancer.

The DVD assay design and signal reading principle

We all hate waiting for tests results, especially when it comes to medical tests where the uncertainty of not knowing what’s wrong can be a real worry. As a result, the development of diagnostic tests that can be performed wherever the patient is, whether that is at home, in a doctor’s surgery or in a medical centre in the developing world, obtaining almost instantaneous results is a current hot topic. Over the past few years, a wide range of point-of-care diagnostic platforms have been developed and the field holds tremendous potential, perhaps one day eliminating the need for laboratory-based diagnostic tests altogether.

To read the full article please visit Chemistry World.

DVD technology-based molecular diagnosis platform: quantitative pregnancy test on a disc
Xiaochun Li, Samuel Weng, Bixia Ge, Zhihui Yao and Hua-Zhong Yu  
Lab Chip, 2014, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C3LC51411K, Paper

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Pioneers of Miniaturisation Lecture 2014 – deadline 30th June!

Miniaturisation plays a significant role in our daily lives; devices are becoming smaller and smaller, and this trend is set to continue. Current micro and nanofluidic research encompasses many scientific developments and technologies that will increase our understanding of phenomena at the micro and nano scale and potentially have a huge positive impact on our lives in the future. The use of micro and nano fluidic technologies will impact on a diverse range of industries ranging from their use in motor cars, through health improvement applications and to their use in protecting national and environmental security needs.

At Lab on a Chip, we strongly believe in this technology and have been willing to show the necessary commitment and financial support to back the development of this research community. It is in this vein we present this award to honour and support the up and coming, next generation pioneers in this field of endeavour. So Lab on a Chip will again join forces with Corning Incorporated to award the ninth ‘Pioneers of Miniaturisation’ Lectureship at µTAS, including a certificate of recognition and a prize of $5000. The lectureship will be presented at the µTAS 2014 Conference in San Antonio, Texas.

Who should you nominate?

The award is for early to mid-career scientists (nominees must be no older than 45 by the closing date for nominations).

The award is for extraordinary or outstanding contributions to the understanding or development of miniaturised systems. This will be judged mainly through their top 1-3 papers and/or an invention documented by patents/or a commercial product. Awards and honorary memberships may also be considered. The awardee is required to give a short lecture at the µTAS Conference in the same year.

The 2013 Pioneers of Miniaturisation Lectureship was awarded to Shuichi Takayama, University of Michigan. 

See here for further information, including past winners.

Nominations to Lab on a Chip Executive Editor Harp Minhas by 30th June

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New YouTube Videos

A high-throughput device for size based separation of C. elegans developmental stages 

 Packaging Commercial CMOS Chips for Lab on a Chip Integration 

Microfluidic chip for plasma separation from undiluted human whole blood sample using low voltage contactless dielectrophoresis and capillary force 

Novel side electrode configuration integrated in fused silica microsystems for synchronous optical and electrical spectroscopy 

 Clog-free Cell Filtration Using Resettable Cell Traps 

 High-throughput rare cell separation from blood samples using steric hindrance and inertial microfluidics 

 Acoustic Actuated Fluorescence Activated Sorting of Microparticles 

Photo-thermal Effect for Localized Desorption of Primary Lymphocytes Arrayed on an Antibody/DNA-based Biochip 

 A biocompatible open-surface droplet manipulation platform for detection of multi-nucleotide polymorphism 

 Wettability patterning for high-rate, pumpless fluid transport on open, non-planar, microfluidic platforms 

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Dicty World Race 2014 – which cells will make it to the finish line first?


The Dicty World Race is a cell engineering challenge – competitors must apply their knowledge of chemotaxis to engineer the ultimate chemotaxing cell line. The test is between Dictyostelium, HL60 cells and human neutrophils.

Cells will navigate a complex microfluidic maze to reach a pool of chemoattractant at the finish line. As the race goes on, chemoattractant will diffuse through the microfluidic device, creating a spatial gradient to guide cells along the shortest path.


The date for the 2014 Dicty Race is set for Friday May 16


To show off your molecular skills!

If you need more encouragement to take part, the winning team will win $5,000 and 15 minutes of fame at the Annual Dicty Conference.

More info?

Visit the website for more details:

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New YouTube videos

Gas-liquid-liquid three-phase flow pattern and pressure drop in a microfluidic chip: similarities with gas-liquid/liquid-liquid flows 

Dual-mode hydrodynamic railing and arraying of microparticles for multi-stage signal detection in continuous flow biochemical microprocessors 

Extracellular-controlled Breast Cancer Cell Formation and Growth Using Non-UV Patterned Hydrogels via Optically-induced Electrokinetics 

A Microfluidic Tubing Method and Its Application to Controlled Synthesis of Polymeric Nanoparticles 

Defined topologically-complex protein matrices to manipulate cell shape via three-dimensional fiber-like patterns 

“Particle separation using virtual deterministic lateral displacement

Microfluidic Bead-Based Diodes with Targeted Circular Microchannels for Low Reynolds Number Applications 

In vitro generation of colonic epithelium from primary cells guided by microstructures 

Magnetically Controllable 3D Microtissues based on Magnetic microcryogels 

A droplet-based pH regulator in microfluidics 

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Free access to HOT articles

These HOT articles were recommended by our referees and are free to access for 4 weeks*

Microfluidic fabrication of cell-derived nanovesicles as endogenous RNA carriers
Wonju Jo, Dayeong Jeong, Junho Kim, Siwoo Cho, Su Chul Jang, Chungmin Han, Ji Yoon Kang, Yong Song Gho and Jaesung Park  
Lab Chip, 2014, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C3LC50993A, Paper

Graphical abstract: Microfluidic fabrication of cell-derived nanovesicles as endogenous RNA carriers
A microfluidic photobioreactor array demonstrating high-throughput screening for microalgal oil production
Hyun Soo Kim, Taylor L. Weiss, Hem R. Thapa, Timothy P. Devarenne and Arum Han  
Lab Chip, 2014, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C3LC51396C, Paper

Graphical abstract: A microfluidic photobioreactor array demonstrating high-throughput screening for microalgal oil production
Mail-order microfluidics: evaluation of stereolithography for the production of microfluidic devices
Anthony K. Au, Wonjae Lee and Albert Folch  
Lab Chip, 2014, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C3LC51360B, Paper

Graphical abstract: Mail-order microfluidics: evaluation of stereolithography for the production of microfluidic devices
Recent advancements in optofluidics-based single-cell analysis: optical on-chip cellular manipulation, treatment, and property detection
Nien-Tsu Huang, Hua-li Zhang, Meng-Ting Chung, Jung Hwan Seo and Katsuo Kurabayashi  
Lab Chip, 2014, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C3LC51211H, Critical Review

Graphical abstract: Recent advancements in optofluidics-based single-cell analysis: optical on-chip cellular manipulation, treatment, and property detection
Electrokinetically driven reversible banding of colloidal particles near the wall
Necmettin Cevheri and Minami Yoda  
Lab Chip, 2014, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C3LC51341F, Communication

Graphical abstract: Electrokinetically driven reversible banding of colloidal particles near the wall
Micro-patterning of mammalian cells on suspended MEMS resonant sensors for long-term growth measurements
Elise A. Corbin, Brian R. Dorvel, Larry J. Millet, William P. King and Rashid Bashir  
Lab Chip, 2014, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C3LC51217G, Technical Innovation

Graphical abstract: Micro-patterning of mammalian cells on suspended MEMS resonant sensors for long-term growth measurements
*Free access to individuals is provided through an RSC Publishing personal account. It’s quick, easy and more importantly – free – to register!

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