Archive for the ‘Themed Collections’ Category

Have you read the joint Journal of Materials Chemistry and Soft Matter themed issue on tissue engineering?

JMC Issue 40 front coverJournal of Materials Chemistry issue 40 was part of a themed issue on tissue engineering.  This themed issue, published simultaneously with one in Soft Matter on the same topic, showcases some of the recent advances in the area of biomaterials engineering for tissue fabrication and regenerative medicine. Guest editors Molly M. Stevens and Ali Khademhosseini introduce the issue in their editorial which can be read here.

The paper featured on the outside front cover is ‘Mussel-inspired functionalization of carbon nanotubes for hydroxyapatite mineralization’ by Chan Beum Park and colleagues from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in Daejon, Korea.

JMC issue 40 inside coverThe inside front cover features  ‘Unique electrochemically synthesized polypyrrole:poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) blends for biomedical applications’  by Leandro Forciniti, Christine E. Schmidt and colleagues at the The University of Texas at Austin, USA.

The papers published in Soft Matter (Issue 20, 2010) as part of the joint themed issue are available here.

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Themed Issue on Mechanoresponsive Materials: Call for Papers

Submit your best work to this high profile themed issue with Guest Editor Christoph Weder.

Journal of Materials Chemistry is delighted to announce a high-profile themed issue on Mechanoresponsive Materials to be published in 2011. The guest editor of the issue will be Professor Christoph Weder (Adolphe Merkle Institute, University of Fribourg, Switzerland). The key aim is to highlight the most important areas and directions in this field within a high quality and high impact issue.

The deadline for the receipt of manuscripts for this themed issue is: 30th October 2010.

Submissions, either communications or full papers, should be high-quality manuscripts of original, unpublished research, containing important new insight. All submissions will be subject to rigorous peer review to meet the usual high standards of Journal of Materials Chemistry.

Manuscripts can be submitted using our online submission service. Please indicate on your submission letter that your manuscript is submitted in response to the call for papers for the Mechanoresponsive Materials themed issue.

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