“In tube” NMR procedure for analysis of Chiral alcohols and amines

An efficient method for the NMR analysis of chiral alcohols and amines has been developed with an improved detection limit. Valentine Ananikov and Nikolay Orlov, Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Russia, prepared samples for analysis directly in the NMR tubes; this has big advantages over existing methods to analyse these compounds. 

NMR analysis of chiral compounds normally involves derivatisation with a suitable chiral agent to allow you to tell apart diastereoisomers in NMR spectra. The major limitation of this has been the fact that the derivatisation has to be done as a seperate reaction. This adds further work-up and purification procedures (generating waste), is time-consuming and means a relatively large sample is required for analysis.

However, Ananikov derivatised samples within the NMR tube, avoiding waste generation and providing samples for analysis in less than 5 min (including preparation time).  All analysis could be performed on a routine NMR instrument, and could give accurate measurements for samples less than 0.01 mg. This underlines the environmentally benign and superior nature of the procedure developed by this group.

To read more, please see:

NMR analysis of chiral alcohols and amines: development of an environmentally benign “in tube” procedure with high efficiency and improved detection limit, Nikolay V. Orlov and Valentine P. Ananikov, Green Chem., 2011, DOI: 10.1039/C1GC15191F

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Green Solvents for Synthesis Conference Report

Conference report by Ewa Gebauer-Henke and Mark Muldoon 

The latest issue of Green Chemistry features papers from the “Green Solvents for Synthesis” conference that was held in October 2010. The bi-annual DECHEMA conference on green solvents has a reputation for attracting world leaders in the field of green chemistry and also for being held in beautiful locations in Germany. In 2008, the meeting was held in Friedrichshafen on Lake Constance, while this recent meeting was in the stunning town of Berchtesgaden in the German Bavarian Alps. 



Common themes throughout the conference were the use of ionic liquids, water, supercritical fluids (CO2 and water), CO2 expanded solvent systems and solvents from renewable sources. The meeting attracted a mix of industrialists, academics and graduate students from across the globe. Addressing the challenges in this area requires an interdisciplinary approach and attendees had a wide range of scientific and engineering backgrounds. The varied nature of the research presented at this meeting is clear from the contributions to this special issue. For those interested, the full conference programme can still be viewed online

One of the things that seemed clear from the discussions and debates among participants was that this field is continuing to mature and strive for higher standards. Many of the discussions related to improving the overall greenness of processes and topics such as “life cycle analysis” and “energy” were often raised. The claim that a solvent is intrinsically green in itself is not something that holds up to scrutiny and therefore researchers are having to demonstrate how solvents can be used to improve a process overall; for example by allowing catalyst separation and recycling or delivering improved reaction rates and product selectivity. 

The first lecture of the conference by Philip Jessop highlighted many of these issues and set the tone for the meeting. He outlined what he felt were the four “grand challenges” in the field of green solvents. Additionally, he had polled some of the leading academic researchers in the field of solvents prior to the conference, asking them what solvents they felt would have the biggest impact in the coming years. He then discussed the interesting results of this survey during his talk. The details of his lecture can be seen in his paper “Searching for green Solvents”. 

Ionic liquids have gathered a great deal of interest in the last decade or so and a number of talks highlighted how these solvents can be used to improve the greenness of a process. For example, Peter Wasserscheid delivered a very well received talk on the topic of ionic liquids in the field of heterogeneous catalysis. He discussed both SILP (“Supported Ionic Liquid Phase”) technology and SCILLs (Solid Catalysts with Ionic Iiquid Layers’).  For a number of years, researchers have been investigating the use of SILPs; which involves utilising a thin ionic liquid layer on a solid support to immobilise homogeneous transition metal catalysts. However, more recently, the SCILL approach has emerged, and this involves coating a “traditional” heterogeneous type catalyst with a layer of ionic liquid. The layer of ionic liquid can result in modification of the properties and performance of the heterogeneous catalyst. Peter’s talk illustrated well how ionic liquids could improve catalyst performance, therefore leading to a greener process.   

The conference chairman Prof Walter Leitner

The conference chairman Prof Walter Leitner

Continuous flow is often the best way to improve the efficiency of a process and “alternative solvent systems” can enable flow processes to be developed in ways not possible with conventional organic solvents. For example, Pedro Lozano described his group’s work on continuous flow enzymatic synthesis of biodiesel in mono- and multiphase systems using a combination of ionic liquids and supercritical CO2. While Lasse Greiner discussed the application of continuous flow systems for the synthesis of ionic liquids. He stressed how the transition from batch to continuous is only possible, when kinetic and thermodynamic studies have been carried out and showed how inline ATR-IR and calorimetry were powerful tools for such studies.  He demonstrated that the synthesis of ionic liquids can be realized with consistent product specifications; necessary in large scale production. 

The importance of in-situ techniques was also highlighted in Jan-Dierk Grunwald’s talk “Heterogeneous catalysis in dense carbon dioxide: opportunities, limitations and mechanistic understanding”.  He presented work on both catalytic hydrogenations and oxidations in dense and supercritical CO2. As part of these studies, ATR-IR was used to determine phase behaviour and X-ray adsorption spectroscopy to study the catalyst under high pressure reaction conditions. Developing an in-depth understanding of reactions in such solvents is important if they are to be fully exploited in an industrial setting. 

Ultimately, the aim of green chemistry is to have an impact in the real world and there are an increasing number of industrial processes that now utilise “alternative solvent” technologies. Several examples were highlighted during this conference including those that exploited supercritical water. This was particularly nice to see as this is a solvent system that is often labelled as an academic curiosity. More details of industrial scale processes for scH2O are described in the paper by Adschiri and co-workers. 

Solvents play a crucial role to vast number of processes and they are therefore key in developing more sustainable chemical processes. We would highly recommend that researchers interested in the important area of green chemistry attend a future DECHEMA green solvents conference. The next one is scheduled for early October 2012 (and starts just as Oktoberfest in finishing in Munich). As mentioned, these meetings bring together leaders from academia and industry from across a range of disciplines. In fact many of these leading figures not only discuss their research but also entertain the participants! At this past it closed with a traditional Bavarian banquet dinner where some very well known academics entertained the attendees singing that Leitner and Howdle classic “Always Use Green Chemistry Tools”; something, previously highlighted by Kathleen Too in this blog (October 15th entry). 

Ewa Gebauer-Henke
CAT Catalytic Center Postdoctoral Fellow
ITMC, RWTH Aachen University 

Mark Muldoon
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Queen’s University Belfast

Pictures, courtesy of Prof Kenneth Seddon (QUILL, Queen’s University of Belfast)

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Green Chemistry Themed Issue on Green Solvents Marks the International Year of Chemistry

Graphical abstract: The echoes of green chemistryTo mark the International Year of Chemistry in 2011, Green Chemistry has published a themed issue on green solvents for synthesis.  This themed issue is online now and contains articles by world-leading chemists detailing the recent advances and challenges faced in this area. It has been approved as an official IYC Activity.

The issue showcases the innovative research towards the substitution of volatile organic solvents in solution phase synthesis. The series of articles presented in this themed issue are based on the keynote presentations at an international conference organised by Dechema, held in October 2010 in Berchtesgaden, Germany. 

You can read Guest Editor Walter Leitner’s editorial online here and the full issue online here.

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Green Chemistry Board Members are RSC Prize Winners

Poliakoff 120

Professor Martyn Poliakoff

The RSC Prize Winners 2011 have recently been announced and Green Chemistry Board Members Martyn Poliakoff and James Clark have both been honoured.  The RSC Prizes have been designed to be of the broadest relevance to the chemical sciences community as a whole, rewarding those whose careers are defined by exceptional work, excellence and dedication. 

Professor Martyn Poliakoff from Nottingham University is Chair of the Green Chemistry Editorial Board.  He was recently nominated to be the next Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society. Professor Poliakoff has been awarded the Nyholm Prize for Education which is for outstanding accomplishment in education relating to the chemical sciences.  He was chosen due to his enthusiastic leadership in taking chemistry to the widest possible audience, using not only traditional channels but also the power of YouTube.

Professor James Clark

Professor James Clark

Professor James Clark was the founding Editor of Green Chemistry and is still involved with the journal on our Advisory Board.  He has been awarded the Environment Prize which is for outstanding contributions to the chemical sciences in the area of environment, sustainability and energy (sponsored by Proctor & Gamble).  Professor Clark was chosen for his fundamental and applied research contributions to the areas of green chemistry, clean technology and sustainability and for educational, publishing and public awareness contributions in the green chemistry area.

We would like to congratulate Professor Poliakoff and Professor Clark.

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POM-based ionic hybrids for efficient heterogeneous epoxidation

A polyoxometalate (POM)-ionic liquid hybrid has been shown to be an efficient hereogeneous catalyst for the epoxidation of alkenes with hydrogen peroxide.

Scientists from China led by Jun Wang from Nanjing University of Technology, synthesied a hybrid material by anion-exchanging a amino-functionalised ionic liquid cation with Keggin POM-anions.  These hybrid nanospheres were then applied to the epoxidation of alkenes with hydrogen peroxide.  Previous methods using POM catalysts in this reaction have often suffered from slow reaction rates, complex catalyst preparation and leaching of the active species into solution. 

 However, the POM-based ionic hybrid reported by Wang and co-workers, as well as being simple to produce, is an efficient heterogeneous catalyst exhibiting high conversion and selectivity.  In addition it can by recycled several times (after simple filtration) without any observable loss in conversion or selectivity.  Wang hopes that this new strategy may be extended to more versatile POM-based ionic hybrid catalysts for hydrogen peroxide, heterogeneous-based reactions.

To find out more, please see the full article, free until June 30th:

Polyoxometalate-based amino-functionalized ionic solid catalysts lead to highly efficient heterogeneous epoxidation of alkenes with H2O2, Yan Leng, Jun Wang, Dunru Zhu, Mingjue Zhang, Pingping Zhao, Zhouyang Long and Jun Huang, Green Chem., 2011, DOI: 10.1039/C1GC15302A

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Bimetallic catalyst for hydrocarbon fuels, and styrene oxidation by hydrogen peroxide in ionic liquids

Production of liquid hydrocarbon fuels by catalytic conversion of biomass-derived levulinic acid. Dumesic and co-workers report the use of a highly active bimetallic catalyst  for the conversion of levuilinic acid to γ-valerolactone (GVL).  The RuRe/C catalyst used in this work is significantly more active that the traditional Ru/C, and shows stable activity and stereoselectivity in the presence of sulfuric acid.  A model techno-economical analysis has shown that this new calaytic process can be integrated with the catalyic conversion of GVL to butene, followed by alkene oligomerization, and could provide a cost effective route for converting biomass into liquid hydrocarbon fuels.  (Green Chem., 2011, DOI:10.1039/c1gc15047b)

Styrene oxidation by hydrogen peroxide in ionic liquids: the role of the solvent on the competition between two Pd-catalyzed processes, oxidation and dimerization. In this work, Chiappe and her team investigated the role of solvent in the Wacker oxidation of styrene, in ionic liquids (ILs).  They found that the nature of the IL has a strong influence on the outcome of the reaction.  In the hydrophillic ILs, a homogeneous solution is formed and gives the expected product with high selectivity, and only a small amount of by-products. However, in hydrophobic ILs, the aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide is immiscible and so forms a biphasic system.  In this case side reactions occur, and the palladium catalyst is reduced from Pd(II) to Pd(0) and reoxidation back to Pd(II) is disfavoured. (Green Chem., 2011, DOI:10.1039/c0gc00945h)

Read these articles for free until 24th June

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Top ten most accessed articles in April

This month sees the following articles in Green Chemistry that are in the top ten most accessed:-

Expanding GSK’s solvent selection guide – embedding sustainability into solvent selection starting at medicinal chemistry 
Richard K. Henderson, Concepción Jiménez-González, David J. C. Constable, Sarah R. Alston, Graham G. A. Inglis, Gail Fisher, James Sherwood, Steve P. Binks and Alan D. Curzons 
Green Chem., 2011, 13, 854-862 DOI: 10.1039/C0GC00918K, Paper 

5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) as a building block platform: Biological properties, synthesis and synthetic applications 
Andreia A. Rosatella, Svilen P. Simeonov, Raquel F. M. Frade and Carlos A. M. Afonso 
Green Chem., 2011, 13, 754-793 DOI: 10.1039/C0GC00401D, Critical Review 

Greener solvents for ruthenium and palladium-catalysed aromatic C-H bond functionalisation 
Cedric Fischmeister and Henri Doucet 
Green Chem., 2011, 13, 741-753 DOI: 10.1039/C0GC00885K  

Searching for green solvents
Philip G. Jessop 
Green Chem., 2011, Advance Article DOI: 10.1039/C0GC00797H, Perspective 

Algae as a source of renewable chemicals: opportunities and challenges 
Patrick M. Foley, Evan S. Beach and Julie B. Zimmerman 
Green Chem., 2011, Advance Article DOI: 10.1039/C1GC00015B  

A critical assessment of the greenness and energy efficiency of microwave-assisted organic synthesis 
Jonathan D. Moseley and C. Oliver Kappe 
Green Chem., 2011, 13, 794-806 DOI: 10.1039/C0GC00823K, Perspective 

One-pot preparation of magnetic N-heterocyclic carbene-functionalized silica nanoparticles for the Suzuki-Miyaura coupling of aryl chlorides: improved activity and facile catalyst recovery 
Hengquan Yang, Yunwei Wang, Yong Qin, Yanzhu Chong, Qiaozhen Yang, Guang Li, Li Zhang and Wei Li 
Green Chem., 2011, 13, 1352-1361 DOI: 10.1039/C0GC00955E  

The 13 Principles of Green Chemistry and Engineering for a Greener Africa 
Nigist Asfaw, Yonas Chebude, Andinet Ejigu, Bitu B. Hurisso, Peter Licence, Richard L. Smith, Samantha L. Y. Tang and Martyn Poliakoff 
Green Chem., 2011, 13, 1059-1060 DOI: 10.1039/C0GC00936A  

Viable methodologies for the synthesis of high-quality nanostructures 
Jonathan M. Patete, Xiaohui Peng, Christopher Koenigsmann, Yan Xu, Barbara Karn and Stanislaus S. Wong 
Green Chem., 2011, 13, 482-519 DOI: 10.1039/C0GC00516A, Critical Review 

Production of liquid hydrocarbon fuels by catalytic conversion of biomass-derived levulinic acid 
Drew J. Braden, Carlos A. Henao, Jacob Heltzel, Christos C. Maravelias and James A. Dumesic 
Green Chem., 2011, Advance Article DOI: 10.1039/C1GC15047B  

Why not take a look at the articles today and blog your thoughts and comments below.

Fancy submitting an article to Green Chemistry? Then why not submit to us today or alternatively email us your suggestions.

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15th Annual Green Chemistry Conference

Have you registered for the 15th Annual Green Chemistry Conference?   With over 600 attendees expected, this premier Conference showcases innovations in all aspects of sustainable chemistry.  From June 21-23, mingle with US government representatives, Business executives, R&D managers, marketing and communication experts, sustainability thought leaders, chemical engineers, chemists, international & local students.  Attend numerous breakout sessions, networking events while exploring Washington D.C in the summer.

Visit the conference website, www.gcande.org, for updated conference information and to:  

Posted on behalf of Shefali Algoo, ACS Green Chemistry Institute.

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Using sunlight to drive electrochemical oxidations

Cheap and readily available photovoltaic cells have been used to conduct electrochemical oxidation reactions by Kevin D Moeller and co-workers from the Washington University in St Louis.

Connecting the dots: using sunlight to drive electrochemical oxidations

Connecting the dots

Oxidation reactions are among the most powerful tools available to synthetic chemists because they increase the level of functionality in a molecule.  This study demonstrates that the energy efficiency of sunlight-driven reactions can be combined with the versatility of electrochemistry to create new, sustainable methods for conducting oxidation reactions.

Interested in knowing more?  Read the full article here.

Connecting the dots: using sunlight to drive electrochemical oxidations
Laura A. Anderson, Alison Redden and Kevin D. Moeller
Green Chem., 2011, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C1GC15207F

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Green Chemistry Editorial Board Chair Martyn Poliakoff nominated as Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society

Martyn Poliakoff CBE FRS

Martyn Poliakoff CBE FRS

Professor Martyn Poliakoff CBE has been nominated as the next Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society. Professor Poliakoff is the Chair of the Green Chemistry Editorial Board.

Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society is one of its most prestigious positions and the holder is responsible for building relationships around the world, particularly with other scientific academies, and ensuring that British Science and the Royal Society is recognised and promoted internationally. The post dates back to 1723 – predating the post of Foreign Secretary in the UK government by sixty years.

The appointment will not be official until the 7th of July when a ballot will be held and Fellows of the Royal Society asked to indicate their support, however, in keeping with tradition Professor Poliakoff is the only nominee.

As well as his duties for Green Chemistry, Professor Poliakoff is Research Professor of Chemistry at the University of Nottingham and one of the developers and regular presenters of the YouTube channel The Periodic Table of Videos where you can view a video in which Professor Poliakoff explains more about this appointment.  You can also read a recent interview with Professor Poliakoff on the Green Chemistry blog.

Professor Poliakoff’s current research interests involve chemical applications of supercritical fluids, with particular emphasis on green chemistry, and a selection of his most recent Green Chemistry articles have been made free until the 7th of July when his post will be made official.

The 13 Principles of Green Chemistry and Engineering for a Greener Africa
Nigist Asfaw, Yonas Chebude, Andinet Ejigu, Bitu B. Hurisso, Peter Licence, Richard L. Smith, Samantha L. Y. Tang and Martyn Poliakoff
Green Chem., 2011, 13, 1059-1060, DOI: 10.1039/C0GC00936A, Editorial

Continuous heterogeneous catalytic oxidation of primary and secondary alcohols in scCO2
Adrian O. Chapman, Geoffrey R. Akien, Nicholas J. Arrowsmith, Peter Licence and Martyn Poliakoff
Green Chem., 2010, 12, 310-315, DOI: 10.1039/B913434D, Paper

Solubilisation of α-chymotrypsin by hydrophobic ion pairing in fluorous systems and supercritical carbon dioxide and demonstration of efficient enzyme recycling
Karima Benaissi, Martyn Poliakoff and Neil R. Thomas
Green Chem., 2010, 12, 54-59, DOI: 10.1039/B904761A, Paper

Strategies for cleaner oxidations using photochemically generated singlet oxygen in supercritical carbon dioxide
Xue Han, Richard A. Bourne, Martyn Poliakoff and Michael W. George
Green Chem., 2009, 11, 1787-1792, DOI: 10.1039/B914074C, Paper

A critical look at reactions in class I and II gas-expanded liquids using CO2 and other gases
Geoffrey R. Akien and Martyn Poliakoff
Green Chem., 2009, 11, 1083-1100, DOI: 10.1039/B904097H, Critical Review

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