Introducing our new Green Chemistry Editorial Board member: Jing He

We are delighted to announce that Jing He has been appointed as a new Editorial Board Member in Green Chemistry.

Jing He is a Professor at the College of Chemistry at the Beijing University of Chemical Technology. She has been engaged in heterogeneous catalysis and catalytic engineering with a view for the catalytic valorisation of biomass, confined catalysis for asymmetric synthesis, and photo-assisted catalysis for CO2 and/or CH4 conversion. She holds a prestigious position as one of the four Vice-Chairs of the Green Chemistry Committee of the Chinese Chemical Society.

Green Chemistry is more than a discipline – it is a responsibility. “Green Chemistry” is more than a sharing channel – it is the goal. For a brighter tomorrow, let’s redefine the role of chemistry in a sustainable world.” – Jing He

Please join us in welcoming Jing He

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