Soft Matter Issue 6 out now!

The latest issue of Soft Matter is now online. You can read the full issue here.

The outside front cover features an article on Self-folding of polymer sheets using local light absorption by Ying Liu, Julie K. Boyles, Jan Genzer and Michael D. Dickey.

Issue 6 contains the following Opinion, Highlight and Review articles:

Fancy submitting an article to Soft Matter? Then why not submit to us today!

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Michael J. Solomon accepts the 2011 Soft Matter Lectureship

Michael J. Solomon receives the award from Martien Cohen StuartMichael J. Solomon accepted the 2011 Soft Matter Lectureship at Jülich Soft Matter Days, in Bonn, Germany. The award was presented by Professor Martien Cohen Stuart, Chairman of the Soft Matter Editorial Board.

Michael J. Solomon is Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor.  Solomon’s research addresses questions about the structure and function of soft matter.  His group has developed methods in confocal microscopy to understand how colloids, anisotropic particles and bacteria biofilms assemble into structures such as gels and crystals, and how these structures respond to forces due to shear flow, centrifugation and electric fields.   

The Soft Matter Lectureship an annual award to honour a younger scientist who has made a significant contribution to the soft matter field. 


To keep up-to-date with all the latest research, sign up for the Soft Matter e-Alert or RSS feeds or follow Soft Matter on Twitter or Facebook. 

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Soft Matter Principles of Microfluidics Themed Issue: submission deadline 21th April

Soft Matter is publishing a themed issue during 2012 on the Soft Matter Principles of Microfluidics. Professor Lydéric Bocquet (University of Lyon, France), Professor Todd Squires (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA) and Professor Annie Colin (Rhodia-Bordeaux1-CNRS, Bordeaux, France) will act as the guest editors for this issue. Please contact the editorial office if you’re interested in submitting a paper to this themed issue.

Microfluidics has provided powerful experimental capabilities for the study of soft matter, and enabled experiments in this field that had previously been impossible.  Viewing clean-room microfabrication  facilities as an advanced machine shop — where your device literally emerges from your design — microfluidics enables unprecedented control over experimental conditions, such as flow types and rates in an experiment, the ability to heat and cool rapidly, to watch systems equilibrate or evolve physically or chemically, and to design an experiment to specifically isolate a particular scientific process or question. Furthermore, the small scale of microfluidic experiments enables systematic sweeps of many experimental systems, while consuming very little sample. Benefiting from fast thermal exchanges and a perfect control of residence time, microfluidics has provided new routes to process and tailor soft materials whose fabrication had been out of reach until only recently. Like the cell phone in your pocket, microfluidics has become an essential tool in most soft matter labs. It is therefore a proper time to draw a state-of-the-art picture of the intimate connections which have developed between soft matter and microfluidics: this is the aim of this themed issue Soft Matter: principles of microfluidics. By bringing together contributions from the various domains where ‘microfluidics meet soft matter’, we will obtain an impressionist view of the possibilities offered by microfluidics in soft matter and imagine the new avenues of this rapidly evolving field.

All manuscripts will be handled by the Soft Matter Editorial office and refereed in accordance to the standard procedures of the journal, and in this respect invited articles will be treated in the same way as regular submissions to the journal.

 The deadline for the receipt of manuscripts for this themed issue is: 21th April 2012

Manuscripts can be submitted using the RSC’s on-line submissions service. Please contact to the editorial office if you are interested in contributing to this issue. All contributions should state that the manuscript is submitted for the themed issue on Soft Matter Principles of Microfluidics at submission.

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Announcing the COMPLOIDS Summer School “Physics of Complex Colloids”

COMPLOIDS Summer School “Physics of Complex Colloids”, Varenna, July 3-13 2012

The Marie-Curie Initial Training Network COMPLOIDS (, an academic consortium dedicated to research in colloidal science, is organizing the summer school “Physics of complex colloids”. The aim of the school is to cover the most exciting modern topics in the physics of colloids including colloidal interactions and phase diagrams, hydrodynamics in colloids, simulation techniques, colloidal arrested states of matter, structural investigations of colloids, synthesis, applications, non-equilibrium phenomena, and active Brownian motion. The minicourses discussing each of these topics will be complemented by specialized seminars focused on recent developments. Lecturers and speakers include P. Chaikin, M. Dijkstra, D. Frenkel, M. Fuchs, C. N. Likos, G. Naegele, R. Piazza, W. C. K. Poon, B. Vincent, C. Van den Broeck, E. Trizac, P. Vekilov, A. G. Yodh, and E. Zaccarelli,

 The school will be held at the International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi” in Varenna, Italy, July 3-13 2012. To learn more about the school and to apply, visit or the website of the International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi” ( or contact the organizers (Clemens Bechinger, F. Sciortino, P. Ziherl

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Soft Matter Issue 5 out now!

The latest issue of Soft Matter is now online. You can read the full issue here.

The outside front cover features an article on Temperature dependent stiffness and visco-elastic behaviour of lipid coated microbubbles using atomic force microscopy by Colin A. Grant, Jonathan E. McKendry and Stephen D. Evans.

Issue 5 contains the following Highlight and Review articles:

Fancy submitting an article to Soft Matter? Then why not submit to us today!

To keep up-to-date with all the latest research, sign up for the Soft Matter e-Alert or RSS feeds or follow Soft Matter on Twitter or Facebook.

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Soft Matter Issue 4 out now!

Soft Matter Issue 4 OFC 2012

The latest issue of Soft Matter is now online. You can read the full issue here.

The outside front cover features an article on Counterion-induced formation of regular actin bundle networks  by Florian Huber, Dan Strehle and Josef Käs.

Issue 4 contains the following Emerging Area, Review and and Tutorial Review articles:

Fancy submitting an article to Soft Matter? Then why not submit to us today!

To keep up-to-date with all the latest research, sign up for the Soft Matter e-Alert or RSS feeds or follow Soft Matter on Twitter or Facebook.

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Video Interview: Jan Vermant talks to Soft Matter

Jan Vermant talks to Russell Johnson about his research on the rheology of complex fluids, and what he thinks are the hot topics in soft matter research.

 Jan Vermant talks to Soft Matter

Watch the video interview on YouTube here:


Interested to know more? You can read more about Jan Vermant’s research here:


To keep up-to-date with all the latest research, sign up for the Soft Matter e-Alert or RSS feeds or follow Soft Matter on Twitter or Facebook.

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Boulder Summer School: Polymers in Soft and Biological Matter, July 9 – August 3, 2012

Founded by physical chemists like Flory and brought into the mainstream of theoretical physics by visionaries like de Gennes, over the last eighty years polymer physics has grown into a mature, rich, and exciting discipline. Now expanded to include also colloids, liquid crystals, interfaces, etc, polymer and soft matter physics span fundamental statistical mechanics and field theory, most advanced materials, as well as technological and biological frontiers. Nevertheless, a comprehensive exposition to fundamental concepts of polymer and soft matter science is still largely missing, neglected in most physics departments, ignored by many workers in biological realm, and underappreciated even by chemical engineers. The goal of this year’s Boulder summer school is to fill this gap and provide the physics community with a relatively comprehensive course in the fundamentals of polymer and soft matter physics with emphasis on their biological applications.

Scientific Coordinators
Alexander Grosberg, New York University
Michael Rubinstein, University of North Carolina
Eugenia Kumacheva, University of Toronto
Leo Radzihovsky, University of Colorado

Expected lecturers and seminar speakers
Paul Chaikin (New York),  Noel Clark (Boulder),  Alexei Finkelstein (Moscow),  Daan Frenkel (Cambridge),  Alexander Grosberg (New York),  Jean-Francois Joanny (Institute Curie),  Kurt Kremer (Mainz),  Eugenia Kumacheva (Toronto),  Frederick MacKintosh (Amsterdam),  Tom McLeish (Durham),  Philip Pincus (Santa Barbara),  David Pine (New York),  Michael Rubinstein (Chapel Hill),  Samuel Safran (Weizmann Institute),  David Weitz (Harvard),  Ekaterina Zhulina (Pittsburgh)

For further information please email: or visit the Boulder summer school website.

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Soft Matter Poster prize winners at 12th Australia-Japan Colloid and Interface Science Symposium

Congratulations to Hiro Takahashi (Tokyo University of Science) for winning a Soft Matter poster prize at 12th Australia-Japan Colloid and Interface Science Symposium. The title of Takahashi’s winning poster was: ‘Electrochemical Control of Spontaneous Vesicle Formation in Aqueous Solutions of Single tailed Ferrocenyl Surfactant’.

Two runners up prizes were awarded to Masafumi Nakaya (Tohoku University) for “Randon Dope of transition Metal Ion into CdS nanoparticles in Zincblende Phase and their Magnetic Properties” and Shinya Nakano (Tohoku University) for “Synchrotron X-ray Diffiaction Study of Liquid Crystal Nano-Films Confined between Mica Surfaces

To keep up-to-date with all the latest research, sign up for the Soft Matter e-Alert or RSS feeds or follow Soft Matter on Twitter or Facebook.

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Soft Matter Issue 3 out now!

The latest issue of Soft Matter is now online. You can read the full issue here.

The outside front cover features an article on Buckling of multicomponent elastic shells with line tension by Rastko Sknepnek, Graziano Vernizzi and Monica Olvera de la Cruz.

Issue 3 contains the following Review articles:

Fancy submitting an article to Soft Matter? Then why not submit to us today!

To keep up-to-date with all the latest research, sign up for the Soft Matter e-Alert or RSS feeds or follow Soft Matter on Twitter or Facebook.

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