Congratulations to the poster prize winners at the 9th International Gel Symposium 2012!
The four joint winners were Tasuku Nakajima (Hokkaido University), Xiang Li (The University of Tokyo), Eri Kawamura (Tokyo University of Science) and Shinji Sugiura (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) (not pictured). Each winner won a year’s online subscription to either Soft Matter, Journal of Materials Chemistry or Polymer Chemistry. The Biomaterials Science winner won a free copy of ‘Healthy, Wealthy, Sustainable World’ by John Emsley from RSC books.

From left to right: Eri Kawamura, Xiang Li and Tasuku Nakajima.
Tasuku Nakajima (Soft Matter winner)
“A Universal “Molecular Stent” Method to Toughen any Hydrogels Based on Double Network Concept”
Xiang Li (Polymer Chemistry winner)
“Application of Tetra-PEG gel as a high-performance separation medium for biomolecules”
Eri Kawamura (Journal of Materials Chemistry winner)
“Electrophoretic adhesion of stimuli-responsive hydrogels utilizing polyion complex and segmental entanglement of polymers”
Shinji Sugiura (Biomaterials Science winner)
“Cell Micropatterning and Manipulation on Photodegradable Hydrogel Sheet”
The 9th International Gel Symposium was held 9th – 12th October in Tsukuba, Japan.
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