Soft Matter Issue 1 2011 – Out now!

Soft Matter 2011, issue 1, outside front coverThe paper featured on the front cover is “A functionally graded shape memory polymer” by Patrick Mather (Syracuse University, USA) and co-workers. Their paper (also reported in Highlights in Chemical Technology and selected as a Hot Article) describes the preparation and characterization of the first shape memory polymer with a graded range of transition temperatures. 

Soft Matter 2011, Issue 1 Inside Front CoverThe inside front cover features “Driving bioenergetic processes with electrodes” which reports the work of a team led by Lars Jeuken (University of Leeds, UK). This paper, also selected as a Hot Article, reports on surface-applied electrochemical potentials that are used to drive the formation of a proton gradient in adsorbed lipid vesicles.

In total the issue has a mammoth 7 Hot Articles. Here’s the full list. Click on the titles to read them.

You can read the whole issue here.

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