Inviting submissions from the Asia Pacific Conference on Ionic Liquids and Green Processes

We invite you to contribute to a web-themed issue on ionic liquid and green processes.

Contributors to the 2nd Asia Pacific Conference on Ionic Liquids and Green Processes (APCIL-2) are invited to submit their work to Green Chemistry and those that are accepted for publication will be collated in a Green Chemistry SCI-indexed web themed issue dedicated to the conference.

We welcome the submission of primary research full papers, communications, critical reviews or perspectives within the scope of the Journal. If you would like to submit a review article based on the work presented at the conference, please do contact us to discuss this further.

The deadline for the submission of articles for the themed issue is 30th of September2010.

All articles will be peer-reviewed and will be published as Advance Articles online as soon as they are ready. All manuscripts will have a conference footnote added upon publication and all accepted papers will be collated as a web-themed issue dedicated to the conference. 

If you have any questions regarding the submission process please contact us:

Manuscripts can be submitted online: .

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Top ten most accessed articles in July

This month sees the following articles in Green Chemistry that are in the top ten most accessed:-

Glycerol as a sustainable solvent for green chemistry 
Yanlong Gu and François Jérôme 
Green Chem., 2010, 12, 1127-1138, DOI: 10.1039/C001628D , Critical Review 

Development of safe and scalable continuous-flow methods for palladium-catalyzed aerobic oxidation reactions 
Xuan Ye, Martin D. Johnson, Tianning Diao, Matthew H. Yates and Shannon S. Stahl 
Green Chem., 2010, 12, 1180-1186, DOI: 10.1039/C0GC00106F , Paper 

Catalytic production of hydrogen from glucose and other carbohydrates under exceptionally mild reaction conditions 
N. Taccardi, D. Assenbaum, M. E. M. Berger, A. Bösmann, F. Enzenberger, R. Wölfel, S. Neuendorf, Volker Goeke, N. Schödel, H. -J. Maass, H. Kistenmacher and P. Wasserscheid 
Green Chem., 2010, 12, 1150-1156, DOI: 10.1039/C002910F , Communication 

A two-step approach for the catalytic conversion of glucose to 2,5-dimethylfuran in ionic liquids 
Mandan Chidambaram and Alexis T. Bell 
Green Chem., 2010, 12, 1253-1262, DOI: 10.1039/C004343E , Paper 

Highly recyclable, imidazolium derived ionic liquids of low antimicrobial and antifungal toxicity: A new strategy for acid catalysis 
Lauren Myles, Rohitkumar Gore, Marcel Špulák, Nicholas Gathergood and Stephen J. Connon 
Green Chem., 2010, 12, 1157-1162, DOI: 10.1039/C003301D , Communication 

Fe3O4 nanoparticles: a robust and magnetically recoverable catalyst for three-component coupling of aldehyde, alkyne and amine 
Tieqiang Zeng, Wen-Wen Chen, Ciprian M. Cirtiu, Audrey Moores, Gonghua Song and Chao-Jun Li 
Green Chem., 2010, 12, 570-573, DOI: 10.1039/B920000B , Communication 

Production of liquid hydrocarbon transportation fuels by oligomerization of biomass-derived C9 alkenes 
David Martin Alonso, Jesse Q. Bond, Juan Carlos Serrano-Ruiz and James A. Dumesic 
Green Chem., 2010, 12, 992-999, DOI: 10.1039/C001899F , Paper 

Technology development for the production of biobased products from biorefinery carbohydrates-the US Department of Energy’s “Top 10” revisited 
Joseph J. Bozell and Gene R. Petersen 
Green Chem., 2010, 12, 539-554, DOI: 10.1039/B922014C , Critical Review 

Green chemistry by nano-catalysis 
Vivek Polshettiwar and Rajender S. Varma 
Green Chem., 2010, 12, 743-754, DOI: 10.1039/B921171C , Tutorial Review 

Direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide on palladium catalyst supported on sulfonic acid-functionalized silica 
Gema Blanco-Brieva, M. Pilar de Frutos Escrig, Jose M. Campos-Martin and Jose L. G. Fierro 
Green Chem., 2010, 12, 1163-1166, DOI: 10.1039/C003700A , Communication 

Why not take a look at the articles today and blog your thoughts and comments below.

Fancy submitting an article to Green Chemistry? Then why not submit to us today or alternatively email us your suggestions.

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Photocatalytic production of hydrogen under visible light

A simple and easy way to make mixed zinc-cadmium sulfide materials that produce hydrogen by splitting water under visible light has been developed by scientists in the US and China. The mixed materials can harvest a wider range of wavelengths than conventional materials, making them more efficient. 

Photocatalytic conversion of sunlight to chemical energy, for example by producing hydrogen is an attractive alternative energy source and a feasible way to tackle the global energy and environmental pollution crises. Conventional photocatalysts, such as TiO2, CdS or ZnS, possess excellent activity and stability but only absorb near-ultraviolet light – which accounts for only 4 per cent of the solar spectrum. Expensive noble metal co-catalysts, such as platinum can be added to increase their absorption range but this increases their cost. 

Now, Mietek Jaroniec from Kent State university, Ohio, and Jiaguo Yu from Wuhan University of Technology, have made mixed zinc-cadmium sulfide complexes doped with cadmium sulfide quantum dots (CdS QDs) that show high photocatalytic activity under visible light, without the need for noble metal additives. 

Zinc-cadmium sulfide complexes doped with cadmium sulfide quantum dots

CdS quantum dots increase the absorption range of the photocatalyst

‘The high H2-production activity of the CdS quantum dot-sensitised material under visible light can be attributed to the facilitated electron transfer from CdS QDs,’ says Jaroniec. The team made the mixed solid solution using a simple hydrothermal method to combine ZnS nanoparticles and Cd(NO3)2 salt. Followed by the thermodynamically favourable replacement of Zn2+ ions by Cd2+ ions using cation exchange. 

Quantitative analysis shows that the photocatalytic H2-production of the new material is more than 50 times greater than CdS on its own, as well as being significantly better than platinum-doped ZnS under UV and visible light. 

Max Lu, an expert in clean energy and environmental technologies at the University of Queensland, Australia, says, ‘the results are quite exciting, and the CdS quantum dots are shown to be powerful in facilitating photocatalytic water splitting even without the use of Pt. If the stability is proven to be good, this system should offer opportunity to substantially lift the rate of hydrogen production under visible light irradiation.’ Next, the team plan to find other quantum dot-based materials, which could be used to enhance hydrogen generation. 

Jennifer Newton

You can read the full article online:

Preparation and enhanced visible-light photocatalytic H2-production activity of CdS quantum dots-sensitized Zn1-xCdxS solid solution
Jiaguo Yu, Jun Zhang and Mietek Jaroniec, Green Chem., 2010

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Highest Impact Factor for Green Chemistry – 5.84

Newly released 2009 ISI citation data shows the impact factor for Green Chemistry hits a record high of 5.84,
representing a 28.5% growth over the 2008 figure.

Professor Martyn Poliakoff, Chair of the Editorial Board, commented

“I am delighted by the success of our Journal and the impact factor reflects on the high quality science of all our contributors and the overall impact of Green Chemistry“. 

This impressive trend underlines the continuing success of Green Chemistry, now in its 12th year
of publishing. This news reinforces Green Chemistry‘s  position as the leading journal for publishing
cutting-edge research of the highest quality in the field of green and sustainable technologies.

I would like to thank all our authors, referees, readers and Editors for their continued support of Green Chemistry.


(Sarah Ruthven, Editor, Green Chemistry)

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Wood mimics packaging polymer

A biorenewable polymer could replace synthetic plastic used in water bottles, claim US scientists. 

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is the third most common synthetic polymer behind polyethylene and polypropylene, with over 50 million metric tonnes of PET produced each year. Its unique thermal and physical properties make it ideal for use in industry, food packaging and soft drinks bottles. However, growing environmental concerns are causing a drive for more eco-friendly polymeric materials derived from biorenewable feedstocks to replace these petroleum-based plastics, but their properties have proved hard to mimic. 

PET is made up of alternating units of the fossil fuel feedstocks terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol, and it is this aromatic-aliphatic structure that is the key to its thermal stability. Now Stephen Miller at the University of Florida Gainesville in the US and colleagues have used lignin – one of the most abundant naturally occurring organic polymers – to produce a polymer that possesses alternating aromatic and aliphatic segments. Thus it not only bears a structural resemblance to PET but, importantly, it also has very similar thermal properties. 

Wooden bottle

Poly(dihydroferulic acid could be used as a replacement for PET bottles

Miller and co-workers combined acetic anhydride with vanillin – a by-product in the manufacture of paper from lignin – to form the monomer acetyldihydroferulic acid. Polymerisation of this monomer forms poly(dihydroferulic acid), PHFA, which mimics the structure and thermal properties of PET. Miller explains that ‘not only is the polymer designed to have a sustainable ‘green birth’, it is designed to have a ‘green death’ as it degrades into molecular units that resemble the building blocks of lignin itself.’ 

Geoffrey Coates, an expert on the design, synthesis and application of polymers, at Cornell University in Ithaca, US, comments ‘unlike some biorenewable polyesters that have poor thermal properties that limit their applications, this work focuses on materials that are comparable to PET. If other chemical and mechanical properties are suitable, and the economics of production are favourable, these polymers could have a promising future.’ 

In future, Miller’s team plan to investigate the long-term degradation characteristics of PHFA as well as performing scale-up fabrication studies to compare the biorenewable polymer with PET in different forms, such as a cup, plate or water bottle. 

Mary Badcock 

See full paper published in Green Chemistry

Biorenewable polyethylene terephthalate mimics derived from lignin and acetic acid
Laurent Mialon, Alexander G. Pemba and Stephen A. Miller, Green Chem., 2010, advanced article.

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