Harvesting Renewable Energy with Chemistry themed collection now online

We are delighted to announce that the Green Chemistry themed collection on Harvesting Renewable Energy with Chemistry is now online and free to access until the end of July 2017.

Direct, efficient, and selective routes from renewable energies to targeted added-value chemicals are a crucial token of the necessary paradigm shift towards energy systems based on renewable resources. Guest-edited by Walter Leitner, Alessandra Quadrelli and Robert Schlögl, this special issue will highlight innovative concepts and recent developments in academia and industry at the interface between the energy and chemical sector.

Read the full collection online

It includes:

Harvesting renewable energy with chemistry
Walter Leitner, Elsje Alessandra Quadrelli and Robert Schlögl
Green Chem., 2017, 19, 2307-2308. DOI: 10.1039/C7GC90045G

Critical review
Structural models of the biological oxygen-evolving complex: achievements, insights, and challenges for biomimicry
Satadal Paul, Frank Neese and Dimitrios A. Pantazis
Green Chem., 2017, 19, 2309-2325. DOI: 10.1039/C7GC00425G

Critical review
Syngas production from electrochemical reduction of CO2: current status and prospective implementation
Simelys Hernández, M. Amin Farkhondehfal, Francesc Sastre, Michiel Makkee, Guido Saracco and Nunzio Russo
Green Chem., 2017, 19, 2326-2346. DOI: 10.1039/C7GC00398F

Earth-abundant photocatalytic systems for the visible-light-driven reduction of CO2 to CO
Alonso Rosas-Hernández, Christoph Steinlechner, Henrik Junge and Matthias Beller
Green Chem., 2017, 19, 2356-2360. DOI: 10.1039/C6GC03527B

Water splitting using a three-dimensional plasmonic photoanode with titanium dioxide nano-tunnels
Ryohei Takakura, Tomoya Oshikiri, Kosei Ueno, Xu Shi, Toshiaki Kondo, Hideki Masuda and Hiroaki Misawa
Green Chem., 2017, 19, 2398-2405. DOI: 10.1039/C6GC03217F

Continuous niobium phosphate catalysed Skraup reaction for quinoline synthesis from solketal
Jing Jin, Sandro Guidi, Zahra Abada, Zacharias Amara, Maurizio Selva, Michael W. George and Martyn Poliakoff
Green Chem., 2017, 19, 2439-2447. DOI: 10.1039/C6GC03140D

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Green Chemistry 2017 Emerging Investigators themed issue now online!

We are delighted to announce that the inaugural Green Chemistry Emerging Investigators 2017 themed issue is now online and free to access until the end of August 2017.

This issue highlights the excellent research being undertaken by the rising stars of the green chemistry field from across the globe. All contributors were nominated by a member of the Green Chemistry Editorial or Advisory Board as an outstanding researcher in the early stages of their independent career, making a significant contribution to the advancement of green chemistry.

Congratulations to all of those whose work is featured in the collection and we hope you enjoy reading it.

Read the full collection online

It includes:

Green Chemistry Emerging Investigators 2017 themed issue
Green Chem., 2017, 19, 2707-2710. DOI: 10.1039/C7GC90063E

Green chemistry and polymers made from sulphur
Max J. H. Worthington, Renata L. Kucera and Justin M. Chalker
Green Chem., 2017, 19, 2748-2761. DOI: 10.1039/C7GC00014F

Tutorial Review
Metal–organic frameworks meet scalable and sustainable synthesis
Patrick A. Julien, Cristina Mottillo and Tomislav Friščić
Green Chem., 2017, 19, 2729-2747. DOI: 10.1039/C7GC01078H

Phenolic acetals from lignins of varying compositions via iron(III) triflate catalysed depolymerisation
Peter J. Deuss, Christopher S. Lancefield, Anand Narani, Johannes G. de Vries, Nicholas J. Westwood and Katalin Barta
Green Chem., 2017, 19, 2774-2782. DOI: 10.1039/C7GC00195A

Biphasic extraction of mechanocatalytically-depolymerized lignin from water-soluble wood and its catalytic downstream processing
Gaetano Calvaruso, Matthew T. Clough and Roberto Rinaldi
Green Chem., 2017, 19, 2803-2811. DOI: 10.1039/C6GC03191A

Base-catalysed, one-step mechanochemical conversion of chitin and shrimp shells into low molecular weight chitosan
Xi Chen, Huiying Yang, Ziyi Zhong and Ning Yan
Green Chem., 2017, 19, 2783-2792. DOI: 10.1039/C7GC00089H

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Green Chemistry New Zealand 2017

Green Chemistry New Zealand 2017 will take place in Auckland, New Zealand between 8 – 9 December 2017. The event will feature contributions covering different aspects of green and sustainable chemical science and technology.

Green Chemistry and Sustainable Energy & Fuels will be contributing prizes for the winning poster presentation abstracts. Green Chemistry Chair Philip Jessop will also be attending the event as a keynote speaker.

Early registration for the event closes on 1 August 2017. Full registration closes on 1 November 2017.

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Green Chemistry’s Impact Factor increases to 9.125

Green Chemistry is delighted to announce its Impact Factor has increased to 9.125*.

Green Chemistry continues to lead the field as the home of cutting-edge science for the development of alternative sustainable technologies and number 1 journal in the ‘Green & Sustainable Science & Technology’ category of the Journal Citation Reports.

The broad scope and interdisciplinary nature of the research published in the journal, coupled with rigorous peer review and rapid times to publication of 49 days** from receipt to acceptance, ensures your work will quickly attract the attention it deserves.

We would like to thank all our authors, readers, reviewers and Editorial & Advisory Board members for making Green Chemistry a unique forum for research that enables a greener sustainable future

Find the all the RSC’s journals newly published 2016 Impact Factors* here.

*The Impact Factor provides an indication of the average number of citations per paper. Produced annually, Impact Factors are calculated by dividing the number of citations in a year, by the number of citeable articles published in the preceding two years. Data based on 2016 Journal Citation Reports® (Thomson Reuters).

**2016 average

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Poster Prizes at the 5th Iberoamerican Meeting on Ionic Liquids (IMIL 2017)

The 5th Iberoamerican Meeting on Ionic Liquids took place on 5th-7th April at the Mendes Plaza Hotel in Santos, SP, Brazil. The event was sponsored by Green Chemistry and two poster prizes were awarded by a committee coordinated by the Green Chemistry Advisory Board Member Dr Robin D. Rogers of McGill University, Canada.
The first prize was awarded to Rafał Kukawka of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland for his poster ‘New Approach to Hydrosilylation Reaction in Ionic Liquids as Solvent in Microreactor System’.

Dr Robin Rogers with Rafał Kukawka (left)

The second prize was awarded to Guilherme J. Maximo of the University of Campinas, Brazil, for his poster ‘Biobased Ionic Liquid Crystal Mixtures: Tuning Physical Properties’.

Dr Robin Rogers with Guilherme Maximo (centre) and Ariel Hijo (left)

Congratulations to both winners!

For more information about IMIL 2017, please visit: fcfar.unesp.br/eventos/imil2017

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21st Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference

Conference: 21st Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference
13 – 15 June 2017, Reston Virginia, USA

The overarching theme of the 21st Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference in 2017 will be “Making Our Way to a Sustainable Tomorrow.”

The conference invites scientists and leaders from all sectors to come together to address critical topics such as the design of sustainable chemicals, flexible chemical manufacturing, more efficient processes, green chemistry curricula, circular economy considerations, sustainable materials, academic-industry collaborations, chemicals policy and more. Browse all topics in the programme.

The conference is now open for registration.





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New Green Chemistry Associate Editor: Alessandra Quadrelli

We are delighted to welcome Dr Elsje Alessandra Quadrelli as our newest Green Chemistry Associate Editor.

Alessandra Quadrelli, CNRS and ESCPE Lyon, France

ORCiD http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8606-1183

Alessandra is the CNRS director of research in the “Surface organometallic chemistry” team of the C2P2 laboratory in Lyon (France). Her research in the C2P2 unit, under triple tutelage CNRS CPE and Université de Lyon 1, focuses on gaining molecular understanding of the interaction between organometallic precursors and solid surfaces, such as silica and more recently, metal organic frameworks and 2D supports, in route to heterogeneous catalysts and functional materials. As chairwoman of the Sustainability Chair of Chemical, Physics and Electronic Engineering School CPE Lyon, she teaches graduate and undergraduate courses an organizes the biyearly international conference “CO2 Forum” on large scale carbon dioxide utilisations”.

As a Green Chemistry Associate Editor, Alessandra will provide her expertise in particular in the fields of:

  • Surface organometallic chemistry
  • Supported catalysis
  • Inorganic oxides
  • MOFs
  • Small molecule activation

Submit your best green chemistry work in these areas to Alessandra now.

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13th International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries

The 13th edition of the International Conference on Renewable Resources & Biorefineries will take place in Wroclaw, Poland from Wednesday 7th June until Friday 9th June, 2017. Based on the previous RRB conferences, this conference is expected to welcome about 400 international participants from over 30 countries.

Delegates from university, industry, governmental and non-governmental organizations and venture capital providers will present their views on industrial biotechnology, sustainable (green) chemistry and agricultural policy related to the use of renewable raw materials for non-food applications and energy supply. The conference further aims to provide an overview of the scientific, technical, economic, environmental and social issues of renewable resources and biorefineries in order to give an impetus to the biobased economy and to present new developments in this area. 

The conference will provide a forum for leading political, corporate, academic and financial people to discuss recent developments and set up collaborations.

The three day international conference will consist of plenary lectures, oral presentations, poster sessions and an exhibition.

The conference program will cover the following topics:
  • Bioactive compounds from biomass
  • Biobased materials
  • Biomass fractionation
  • Biocatalysis for bioresource transformation
  • Bioenergy
  • Bioproducts from woody biomass
  • Biorefineries
  • Biosurfactants
  • Chemical platform molecules
  • Downstream processing
  • Metabolic engineering of fermentation processes
  • Micro and macro algae technology
  • Plant cell wall modification
  • Pretreatment and transformation of lignocellulosics
  • Sustainability
  • Thermochemical transformations of biomass
  • Valorization of biomass waste streams
Green Chemistry will be awarding three poster prizes for the conference for the very best poster work in these fields.
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Continuous processing and flow chemistry in the pharmaceutical industry themed issue now online

We are pleased to announce the Green Chemistry themed issue on Continuous processing and flow chemistry in the pharmaceutical industry is now online.

Guest-edited by Stefan Koenig (Genentech, a member if the Roche Group) and Helen Sneddon (GlaxoSmithKline and Green Chemistry Editorial Board), this themed issue aims to showcase recent advances in the field of continuous processing and flow chemistry technology in drug discovery and development.

It includes:

Recent advances in flow chemistry in the pharmaceutical industry
Stefan G. Koenig and Helen F. Sneddon
Green Chem., 2017, 19, 1418-1419. DOI: 10.1039/ C7GC9017A

The scale-up of continuous biphasic liquid/liquid reactions under super-heating conditions: methodology and reactor design
Francesca Mandrelli, Alessia Buco, Lorenzo Piccioni, Florian Renner, Bertrand Guelat, Benjamin Martin, Berthold Schenkel and Francesco Venturoni
Green Chem., 2017, 19, 1425-1430. DOI: 10.1039/C6GC02840C

Development of a concise, scalable synthesis of a CCR1 antagonist utilizing a continuous flow Curtius rearrangement
Maurice A. Marsini, Frederic G. Buono, Jon C. Lorenz, Bing-Shiou Yang, Jonathan T. Reeves, Kanwar Sidhu, Max Sarvestani, Zhulin Tan, Yongda Zhang, Ning Li, Heewon Lee, Jason Brazzillo, Laurence J. Nummy, J. C. Chung, Irungu K. Luvaga, Bikshandarkoil A. Narayanan, Xudong Wei, Jinhua J. Song, Frank Roschangar, Nathan K. Yee and Chris H. Senanayake
Green Chem., 2017, 19, 1454-1461. DOI: 10.1039/C6GC03123D

A laboratory-scale annular continuous flow reactor for UV photochemistry using excimer lamps for discrete wavelength excitation and its use in a wavelength study of a photodecarboxlyative cyclisation
Erica N. DeLaney, Darren S. Lee, Luke D. Elliott, Jing Jin, Kevin I. Booker-Milburn, Martyn Poliakoff and Michael W. George
Green Chem., 2017, 19, 1431-1438. DOI: 10.1039/C6GC02888H

Read the full collection online now.

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Poster Prizes at the 3rd International Green Catalysis Symposium 2017

From left to right: P. Dixneuf, C. Vis, R. Gonzales-Fernandez, L. Oro

The “3rd International Green Catalysis Symposium 2017” took place on 23rd-24th March at the University of Rennes. Green Chemistry and Catalysis Science & Technology sponsored poster prizes; Green Chemistry Advisory Board member and chairman of the symposium Professor Pierre Dixneuf (Rennes, France) and Professor Luis Oro (Zaragona, Spain) awarded the Green Chemistry prizes and the Catalysis Science & Technology prizes were presented by Christian Bruneau (Rennes, France).

The Green Chemistry prizes were awarded to Rebeca Gonzales-Fernandez (University of Oviedo, Spain) for her poster entitled “Ruthenium-catalyzed hydration/transfer hydrogenation of beta-ketonitriles: easy access to beta-hydroxyamides” and Carolien Vis (University of Utrecht, The Netherlands for her poster, “Tandem catalytic biomass conversion in Pickering emulsions”.

From left to right: G. Schieweck, C. Bruneau, A. Bruneau-Voisine, C. Darcel

The Catalysis Science & Technology prizes were awarded to Benjamin G. Schieweck (RWTH Aachen University), for his poster entitled “Highly active nickel catalyst for the hydrogenation of carbon dioxide to formate” and Antoine Bruneau-Voisine (University of Rennes), for his work on “Uses of well-defined manganese catalysts in homogeneous hydrogenation and methylation”.


More information about the event can be seen on https://igcs2017.sciencesconf.org/

Group photo with the four awardees and Professors

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