Green Chemistry 25th anniversary celebration symposium: Biorefinery for a low-carbon society

On April 21,2024 the Green Chemistry 25th anniversary celebration symposium: Biorefinery for a low-carbon society, co-sponsored by the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, was held at the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics. This conference was held on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Green Chemistry. It aimed to discuss the latest progress in converting biomass into renewable energy, chemicals and materials, and to contribute to the construction of a low-carbon society.

The opening ceremony was hosted by Prof. Tao Zhang (Director of the State Key Laboratory of Catalysis Fundamentals of the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics and Green Chemistry’s Editorial Board Member), Prof.  Zhongmin Liu (Director of the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics), and Dr Guanqun Song (Regional Publisher at the Royal Society of Chemistry). Dr. Michael Rowan (Green Chemistry’s Executive Editor) also extended his welcoming to this event via video, and thanked the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics for its support and contribution to this symposium. After the opening ceremony, Prof. Tao Zhang awarded the Green Chemistry Excellence certificate to the speakers.

This symposium focused on the field of biorefinery and invited more than 50 experts in related fields to participate. A total of 19 talks and 1 free discussion were held. The talks covered key topics in the conversion of biomass into renewable energy, chemicals and materials, exploring the application and innovation of chemical catalysis, biocatalysis and other emerging strategies in biorefineries. Each talk demonstrated the in-depth thinking and innovative results of the researchers, highlighted the active exploration and efforts of the speakers in promoting green chemistry and sustainable development, and also attracted active questions from the participating experts. The event provided a platform for communication and cooperation, promoting in-depth dialogue and scientific discussion between the attendees.

This seminar marks a milestone celebrating Green Chemistry’s 25th Anniversary. It not only explored the latest progress in converting biomass into renewable energy, chemicals and materials, but also deepened its understanding of its mission to build a low-carbon society.

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