Introducing our new Green Chemistry Editorial Board member: Jean-Paul Lange

We are delighted to announce that Jean-Paul Lange (University of Twente and Shell Projects & Technology, The Netherlands) has been appointed as new Editorial Board Member in Green Chemistry.

Jean-Paul is the senior Principal Science Expert at Shell Projects & Technology in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, where he has been exploring novel catalytic processes for producing fuels and chemicals from natural gas and oil and, for more than twenty years also from biomass and plastic wastes. His research embraces heterogeneous catalysis, chemical engineering, conceptual process design, manufacturing economics and technology strategy. Jean-Paul is also a Professor in Chemical Biorefining at the University of Twente, the Netherlands, where he is investigating thermo-chemical and -catalytic routes to convert biomass to fuels and chemicals and to recycle plastic wastes. Before joining Shell, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the Lehigh University in Bethlehem (Pennsylvania, USA), got his PhD at the Fritz-Haber Institute (Max Planck Society) in Berlin (Germany) and graduated from the University of Namur (Belgium). He has co-authored more than 120 patent series, 80 scientific publications, and 10 book chapters and is co-editor of one scientific book. He also contributes to public science through various advisory boards in the Netherlands, Europe for the CEFIC and the European Commission.

Green Chemistry is sterile if not applied. It prefers simplicity over sophistication, resilience over sensitivity”. – Jean-Paul Lange

Please join us in welcoming Jean-Paul!

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