The Brazilian Humboldt Kolleg 2016 titled “Environments: technoscience and its relation to sustainability, ethics, aesthetics, health and the human future” took place on 3rd-5th November at the Center of Advanced Materials and Energy Research (CPqMAE) in São Carlos, SP, Brazil. The event was also sponsored by Green Chemistry and a number of poster prizes were awarded by a committee coordinated by the Green Chemistry Advisory Board member Professor Vânia Zuin of Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil.
The first prize was awarded to Livia Loiola of the University of Campinas, Brazil for her poster ‘Amphiphilic block copolymers: what are they and what are they worth for?‘. Kassio Zanoni, of São Paulo University, Brazil, received the second prize for his poster ‘Chemical concepts for energy conversion and sustainability ‘, and `Lísias Novo, of São Paulo University, Brazil, was awarded the third prize for his poster ‘Production of nanocellulose through hydrolysis without mineral acids using sub-critical water ‘.
More information about the event can be seen on